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<br /> _ -.. --� - "- - -'--- - ._..<.__�...`t-- '- ._t�:ft'ti,:'� .
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<br /> � ��` .�e�s�y no fanger ye requizod,�-the aption of.lrender:i�mnrtgage�x onverage(in die amoant aad-for"t�e periud -
<br /> .�i� ��)pmvided by ui 1D5�appt!oY;ed:dys•IxOder agaiu 6ecvn�eS 8V81'labte aa�IS Obt�in0�.Boao�a sbalt pa�r-
<br /> � th�gteriti�roquu'ed ta m�iatain mortS�ge insur�'�iu�eat.ar to provide a loss rese�ve.�mtii tbG���S�
<br /> ..—{�,.,wt �aocont�aa Bnth�y_�����"a°Boitav�rer and I.eader or a�pptic�6le hw. _ _ _-
<br /> _ _ � __ _ ..�--
<br /> _ ''rr$
<br /> ... ----»-- - ---- ,
<br /> . !:2as�eBoe.Leoder or its aga�c may
<br /> Bonawa notiae at the tu�e of ut,Qiwr ta an�on spe�ifqing�rasee�able cause for the iaspection. . . . • .. - --_
<br /> — - - - Ia:.Cdqdpllnat�t+Ttia:pt+nceeds af.any awan!or�laim for dam�ges.dirat or canSequeatial..in ooano�tia�:with aa�'
<br /> ��p�,�,�rt�ntg.of,anp.�put of tbe Proper►y.or for convey�ce in lieu of oarWemnatioa.are he�y�$ned ar�:
<br /> � slnlli�fa.•jNtidiici�I.ender. ; _ • -
<br /> Iq,tita:ev�at of a tolat tai�ing M'tbe Prope�ty.the pruaed.�.Shalf 6t applied to the cttms searod by this Sceutit�1t�e�+
<br /> ` whethes�ar•not then due.with any ezces5 ptid ta Barmwer..Lr.Ytie event of�partia!taicing of tbe,Fruperty itt whide'tse fair
<br /> msuiut value of tAe Ptopeity immediatety before the taking is oqua!to'or greatet than tha amount of the�tms s��by this
<br /> - Socuiity t�ut�immodiatdy 6efon the rolcing.unless Borrower�nd l�ender otherwise agra in writin�,the'sums sowr�ed bg
<br /> - this Sec�aity Inshvmrnt shail 6e crdQCad hy the amount of the procceds muttiplfed by the following•fr�ction: !a)•Ihe_tohl
<br /> attnuntof the sum�ticcured inun�di�tely btfure the taking.dividod by.!b1 the fair mulcet v�Cue af the Pnoperty itnmedistdy _
<br /> -` before the taking. Any Isalance st�lT bc p�id to Barmwe�. tn the event of a panial t�tcing�i tht Pcoperty in whid�the fair
<br />';.
<br />`�- m�lcet�atuc aithe ikopeny immod'u+cely hefare tbe taking�s tess ihan thc amnunt of the sums socured imh�ediately before the
<br />� talcing. untess Bormwe�and Lcnder aherwisc agree in wri[ing or untess�licabk law ahcnvix pmvides.the procoods shall
<br />- be apptiod w thE sams secucod by this Securit�e instrument wBether ar nnt the sums are then due.
<br /> < . . 1f�he Property is ab��doned by Borrowcr.ar ii.after natice by l.eider to Borrower that the condcmnor affers w m�ke�n
<br /> awa�d or sdtte a ctaim far damages. BorroweE fails to respand to l.c�ier within 30 days aRcr the date tfie notice is givea.
<br />- tendCr u autha�iud tu cul�ect end apply 1he prooeeds.at its option.either to restoratio�or rcpair of the Propeity ar to the sw»s
<br />_ secured by this Securiry Instcument.wJtetiKr or not tfren due.
<br /> , pnless Lender and Hormwer athervvise�g�e in writing. anY appGcat'son of p��ceeds to principat st�atl not eztend or
<br /> ',. postpooe the due date of ti�e monthiY paYments refurect to in paragtaphs 1 and 2 ar change the amount of such payments. --
<br /> �' ll.Borrowec Nat Rda�d;Fo�By IRnde�'NM A Ws�[ver.Extension of the time for payment or modificapon __
<br /> of amurtization of the sums secured by this Seeuriry lnsttument granted by L.ender to any successor in inten�st of Bonower shall ����
<br /> not operate w retease the tiabitity of the origit�af Barrower or Borrower's successors in inierest.I.etjder sha11�oe be requued�Q � �.�-..�,�._
<br /> � ment or othecwise modi amortization �'s��-
<br /> coRUnet�ce pracxdings against any successor in inte�est or refuse w eatend time for pay, fY
<br /> : �=�,� of the sums secttred by ihis Security [�ttumeat by rea5an of any demand made by the original Borrower ur Batrower's .;,�.�;���
<br /> .�,;;.�-.-
<br /> ��.�.. suc«�rs in interes�Any for6earance by[.ender in exercising any right ar remedy shall not�e a waiver of or gceclude the ,��,�:-:.:��
<br /> . .excc`ei'se of a�ry right or remody. ;•�'y-,�`;--
<br /> ,�.
<br />� }+•� � ' �' :�;2. Suocessors aad�igns Bound;.idM and Several UabUitY, Co�siSnecs•The covenanGS ancl agreements of this ���;;�`
<br /> :"� �,:: �K
<br /> , - �y Instrument shall bind and benrfit the succ�sors and assigns of i.ender and Bonower. subject to the provisions of �rr',
<br /> ,,:, -.
<br /> - �ph 17. Barrower's covenanGs and agrcernents sha1L�ee joint and seve�al. Any Borrower wha co-signs this Securiry �°�` ;,�._.
<br /> - y��.:F .
<br /> ;� . Inssrar�xnt but does not execute the Note:(a)is co-signing t�as Security Instrument onLy to mangage.grant and�nveY �ha� �;,- �. .. .
<br /> , ...,•.._
<br /> , y.:.+y'.• _,.;:?v's�: • Borrower's interest in the Property u n der t he terms o f t his S e c u r i t y ins tru m e n t; (b)i s n o t p e r s a n a p y o b l i g a t e d t o p a y t h e s u t t�s •.� _':� "
<br /> . a;"'1 ,�:_-.- . � �ured by this Security Instrumenr.and(c)agrees that l.ender and any oth�Barrower c�ay agree to extend.modify,for6ear ar •` ' ` :.:
<br /> .�:; .Tk:.. ,.
<br />.. . -Y.�,��...',;,-�:�, . malce any accommodatians witb re�ard to the temu of this Secc�ciiy lnstrumem or tb�t�:e without that Borrower s consent. �-�.
<br /> •' ;��`;:,�� , 13,Wan Charges.If the loan secured by this Sccurity Tnstrument is subject tm a[aa which sets maximum loan charges, ;. ',.•`° , ::�:r�
<br /> ,. i�':'�.x:.�':�.�. ana tl�at law is finally interpreted sa that the interest or ot9�::lc�an charges collected ar w 6e collected in connecti€+n with the :�'��_•'
<br /> �'�'�,�.r�}.��. toan exceed the pertnittecllimiu.then: (a)any sucb toan charge shall be reduced by the amount necessary to reduee the charge ____
<br /> .v _u••;''.'_"--�• • tothe permitted limit;arxi(b)any sums already collected From Bc�rrower which exceeded permitted 1'smits will be refunded to , , :WN
<br /> `� Bosrower. Ixnder may choose to make this refund by reducing the principal owed ander the Note or by making a direct _ ., '_�---
<br /> :-���.•; r�:,,.=.
<br /> . - �'`t'������;�`;;; payrnent to Borrower. lf a refund reduees principal. th� reductian will be treatecf as a partial prepayment aithout any ; . �° rs-,:..,�
<br /> '' �.. ,_,.:.;.,s<•.,,:.. _ _�±.�__,_,
<br /> . ��.�':'��,:�;'�����; pre�ayment charge under the Nate. • , ., • "_`,_
<br /> . i.i..tY..}T::l���,.:'�..i� � i�='��LUY�r.r:
<br /> �;��:;.::Y�-.�,;;;�,•.. S Y 8 �Y S � �������
<br /> r,� , 14.Natices.Any notice to Borrower provlded for in this Security Instrument�hall be iven b detiverin it.ar mailin _�^
<br /> � �'� it by first class mait unless applicable law requires use of another methcxi. The notice shall be directed to the Property Address . ;Y...K��
<br /> '`:'�s;�'�r�:
<br /> .� �� � , F=• • or any other addnws Borrawer designates by naticc ta Lender. Any notice te�l.ender shall be given bY lirst clas.s mail ta ` :,�`��
<br /> f°�};,� ; ' Ler►der's address stated herein or any othcr address Leader designates by naticc to Borrower. Any notice provided for in thls ;,_ �;,;�,;��' �� Y
<br /> " -��j- ,` '� Stcurity lnstrumcnt ShaU be deemed to have been givcn to Bormwcr or l.cndcr when iven as rovided in this aragra h. �°--°--
<br /> . ��,:,.;,
<br /> � P P P :. ti:��;:
<br />' � -+���- ����` , . 15.Goveming 1.Aw; Severabllity. 'ffnis Scc.�rin Tnstrument rhall he gnvcmed by federal law and the law of the :"'�,�-:
<br /> ��'_�-�i :�=,A���'::� urisdictian in which the Pru rt i5 tocated. 7r•=�F eF'ent that any pr��visiim or clause ai this Security Instrument or the Note . . .
<br />. . ::,..,.. �. . . , J Pe Y , . . .
<br /> � :r' conflicts with applicable law,such ranflict shalF not affect c�ther pravi�ions oP thia Sccurity Instrument ot the NotC which can_6e
<br /> � , given effect withaut the canflicting provisian.To this en�cfie pravisi�ms ut this Security Instrumens aad ehe:�r�te are declared .
<br /> ; . : � , _�� , to be severable.
<br /> .;,,' `_; ;..�,;:;;. , 16.Borrowee'9 Copy.Bnrruwer shafl be givcn orm a�nfi�miai cupy��f th.:N�tc and oF this Security ln�irument.
<br /> - .� ,' .� •� Form 3028 9190 ' ;
<br /> . • I v�yoaois � , � ,
<br /> , I {. '� '
<br /> . • . � j
<br /> � ' ' i ._. _ . . . .
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