-s��`cs �` _ �R�r}' - - --- '-- _ -_ �_ -
<br /> - -- -- ': .`�`_ _ :_ . . ' _ 4'..:_ _'
<br /> _. .c �(it:� � . 4 _ � . �_,..._ _ _ - _ - . ..
<br /> �t�<- .i •"�� . . . _.- ' . ., • _
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<br /> , ,eoa�ee�da�a od�a aici�vf+r�Sr P����m'•or fa convey�ore i�►IKU of candaanatian.us he�ebY�ss�8�� ,
<br /> a�11A+c�id K1 L�e�da• 4 w : �t�e.sxac'e��h-�t►lat�ptitd to the�utns secuted by thts 5eiuriry
<br /> __ . —...r. _,- �€a�..ss_.tsa��!��-- _
<br /> N�tun�et�t�w�et�oc na d�i&�e.with my accss�t�a�d ta Barower. t ovent a a par�iaTi�-a�"��T::� . —
<br /> : : v►fiich tht f�ir m�rket valuc of die PtoprrtY imme�dititety before thc taking;is rqu�t ta or gratcr th�n the�nwunt of the sums -
<br /> ��by����ty��eet imm�ediatcly befonr 1.hG�aking,unlcss B�xr+fwer and Lcndc�taherN'isc agrec in wating.
<br /> thc�wn.�secu�ed by Ihis Secu�ity Imlrument Fhaf!be r�educed by the amoum of the pco�ceds multiptied hy tite fallowiag
<br /> ���-��!����ounc of the a�umss secu�ed immCdiatoty bafaie thc t�icing.divided b�i61 tlic fair marlc�t v�tue a[tise
<br /> ptoQeriY immedi�tely bcforc ihe taicing. My baliu�e�ti b�psW to Botrower. in tiie evertt o€a patlial.tskiag af tAe
<br /> ' ptqpeBY�n which tht hir rt�ket vdue of/he PropertY immedi�te(y beforc tAe t�lcing is kss tnan the anw�tt of the sums
<br /> secu�ed�mrtKdiate(y befa+e tiie t�ing.unless Bcmuwer And L�r atl�ecwisc�gree in wTiting or unles�applicabk�aw .
<br /> q��p�v�,;des.ttrc proceeds shaii be�pplied to the sums�ecured by this 5ecuricy(nswment whether or not the sums are
<br /> • tLen due. ` •
<br /> .U t6e Pm�Qaty is a6eodoned by Barower,oc if.aftet tatrce by t.ende�to So�soKer th�the condemnor offe�s to matce
<br /> aa awud ar settk a claim for d�+ges.Barower fw7s to respa�d to Ltnder within 30 days after tix date the notice is given. .
<br /> Len�er is audwtized ta col ard apQty the Peaceeds.at tts optwn.either to testoration a t�pair of the Ptvputy ar ta the
<br /> sinns secu�od bY t6is Secunt�y�InsmmKnt.whetl�er ar not then due.
<br /> t)nless Isnder and Barower aheiwise agrce in writing.any application of p�oceeds to principal shall not eatend or
<br /> postpoue fh�due due of the it�onthlY PzY�ts referred ta in psuaSrrphs!and 2 brci�ange the�rtwune of such payments:
<br /> _ �L �orrower Nat Itekssed: Fw6earance B}� l.erAes' Not s WatYe� Extension of the time fos payment ar
<br /> mod�.i��.ti�n of an�tization of the sums securcd by this Securiry Instrument gr.�nted by Lender to any soccessar in imercst
<br /> of Ba��scr sha11 not opetate i°rele�t�liabiliry of the origitmt BaROwer or Bortower's succassots in intecest.Let�der
<br /> s�U`a�e.l5e:iequittd to commtnca pcocadings against any successor in intece.st or refuse ta extend time for payment or
<br /> , �,{�y�of the sums sectm�d by th�s Security Tnsuument by reason of any detnand made by ihe originai
<br /> i,ender in eae�ising any right oc remedy s6a11 not he a
<br /> Bono�:F�Bamv�ru�s sucsesJors in interes� My fo�bearance tsy ..
<br /> waiv�t�r procfide the cxe�is'e of any right or remody. �rnvenanu and ageeme�ts of this
<br /> 12.'S'nooes�ors aad Assi�s Ba�d:Jdnt snd Secernl l.i�►Miity,Ct�-s�ners. —
<br /> -:-_ Security Instnunent si�all bind and benefit the succes.ca�s and�ssigns of Ler�der and BoROwer,subjeet io the peuvis�ons of , _ _
<br />;;;';; paragaph 17. Borrowet's covenants and agreements shall be joint stnd sCVeral.Any Bortower who co-signs this Security � ��
<br /> ` Instrument but does not execate the Note: (a)is co-signing this 5ecurity Insttument only to mortgage.grant and convey that !��M
<br /> Bamnwer�interest in the Property under the tertns of thi�Security Instsume�n: (b)�5 nat persanally obl�gated to pay ti�e sums , ��.�..:
<br /> - sec�ned by this Security Insm►ment;and(c)agrees that i.ender and any ather Boaowcr may agree to extend.madify,for6ean �_J,
<br /> , or make any ac�commadations with regard to the tertns ot ihis Security Instniment or the Note wilhout that Borrowec's � _
<br /> consent. " �'.'�`�
<br /> �� ��C��S, tf the�oan secured hy this Securiry insaumcnt is subject to a law which set$msucimutii la�n ! _
<br /> �harges�and that taw is ftnally interpreted so tbat the interest or other laan charges collected or to be wtiec��d in camection _
<br /> ` with the loan exceed the permitted limi�s.then: (a)any such loan charge shall be reduced by[he amount nev�ssary tn ieduce ' , , ----
<br /> the charge to the permitted limi�and(b)any sums already coitected from Borrawer which eaceeded permitce8l'mnts�ii�be ' _—_-
<br /> � cefunded to Barrower. Lendee may choose to make this refimd 8y red uci�g the principal owed under the Note or by�Itar,?,a _ _
<br /> • d'mect payment to Borrower. lf a refund reduces principal.�he redac�iun will be treaced ac a panial prepayment wi _t�a�1y �:i`;.;^
<br /> prepaymem charge under the Note. �"-�-
<br /> l4. NMkes. Any notice to Borrower provided for in this Security Instrument shall be given by delivering it or by : �.._
<br /> mailinffi it by first class mail unless applica6le law requires u5e of another methad.The notice shall be directed to the Progeny '.,,,�,:
<br /> � Address or any other addresc Borrawer de�ignates by noticc to[.ender. Any notice to i.ender shall be given by first class :�_,,t'�,.
<br /> e: ,
<br /> " " maii to I.ender's Address stated herein or any other address L.ender designates by notice to Borrower. Aay noticc provided for � .
<br /> . in this Security in�trument shall be deemed to havc been gicen to Borrower ar l.cnder when�iven us provlded i�th'ss _.;u_�
<br /> ' P�S�Ph• ' �
<br /> I5. Goveming tGaw;Severabjiity. T6is 5ecurity lnstnsmem shali be govemed by fedeml ta�v�nd thc luw of the ' �
<br /> t jurisdiction in which the Piroperty�s loca�ed• in the event that w-e�t provis�o ec clause af this Security lns's�ument or the Nate . _
<br /> ¢��;with applicabte law,sucE�van�lict shail not affect arlier-pravisions af thi�Security Ia�strument or�,�e Note w[t�can
<br /> be�+�effeet without the coat�;�i��ptovisian. To this ers�tfie provision�,of this Se�u:�zy�Instniment su►d tFte:�ac.�are ,
<br /> declared to be sevcrnble. . ' . . ....
<br /> 16. Borrower's Copy. Bomau'er�teaiE be��ven ane conformed capy�i thc Nate an�a�fthis SecureEy Instrument.
<br />`:�_:z � 17. 7�angk�of the Properts o�'a Beme��al Interest io Borrower. lf all or nny part oi'the i'ropeny ar any interest in
<br /> it is sold or tranwfeaed(or if A ben.:�ieiat ie�c�:est in Borrawer iv ti<�id ar transfcrred and.Borcower.is nat a natural per5on)
<br /> ' without Lenderw prior writtcn roc��n�.�de€,maY•a�i����P�ian,reyuire immediste pay►rm�nt in full of all sums securcd by -
<br />- this Se�urity insm�ment. Howerer.Ehis aption slwll nat be exercised hy i.endcr if excrci�e is prohihitcd by federal law as of
<br />- � the dare of this Security lmtrumcnt. '
<br />" � If Lender.exeresew this aption.Lender�6�:Ct give Burcower nn[ice of accrl��r+tian. The noNce sh�'.1 provide a periad of
<br /> " �#' not tes9 shan 30 da�s from Ihe date the noticc i5�clivered or maited wiihin�vhich He�rrnwer must�ray att��ms secureJ hy this ,i
<br /> ' , Secus:�y Instrumertt. lf Borrower fails[o pay these+ums prior tn the cxpiration uf Ihis period. l.c+:�er may invoke�ny
<br /> remedies pertnitted by this Sec�aricy lnstrument without further notire c�r demand on Hurrawer. �
<br />_ :t 18, $unower s itight to Reinstate. If Bonowcr meets rertaim m�diiiun�. Hc�rtowcr shall have the righc oT f��ve , ,_. •
<br /> �� enfareement oi this Security Jmvument dl+eontinued at:+ny lime prior to the earlier ul: lal S days Ior tiuch u�her period ac
<br /> . ,_, /; ;,.
<br /> - ' Singlc Famity..kannk NaeJFredEk 11ac t�\IipitSll�tiTRl;11F:r'f--UnlfirrmCo�cnar..� 9,9� ipu4r 4 n/b�agc•�i i, ; .
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