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<br /> � petiods t�t I.aider�.�1La insmaoce cinier p�ovi�n8 the iestuance sha116e cM�sen by Borrower�ubjax tb l�ender''s ,
<br /> appn►val wUich si�ll nat be waeisanabiy withheld. .ff Bormwet faits ta maintain coveragc descdl�ed�bovc.L,mder msy,a�,
<br /> ,
<br /> . �
<br /> ' ' oov ta i.ender�s rigfits in the Pr�op�ity uraccoedance w P�E�
<br /> _ _ _.—. Le�rrfe�_c�ouao.o6taui �ax�_�t_,�___---.-...,_.�,_,._..._.........,...F.;...�.� m���..y i.. � -__ ` — --
<br /> --
<br /> - �� � �.,�.-�.�.-�.o=p�. � ---- -_ -
<br /> � . shalt Mr+�idc�to�SOtd the pol'xi�c�oclrene�wals. [f Lender Rqains,Bo�oK�er siu�ll pmmPttY B►ve to LendeR atl receipts . .
<br /> .o�p�id premiums a�Knewal notices. in the eveat of loss.Bwmwer sh�lI�givE PromP�noare ta thc i�ss�utsu�ce Farrag aad
<br /> ` 't�endet. Le�er may tn�ke pmof af lass if not m�P�PUY by.Bonawet. � . �
<br /> ` Unkss Lender and Bamwer.:otherwise�in wtiting.msurmice proceeds shall be apislied to n�tor�daa or Rp�ir�f
<br /> .. ��P�Y�•if the rCsu�rniwn or tepair is aano�nicatty ftasibie�td l.er�dec's secusity i�aoE lessened. l�Ihe
<br /> - �tor�tion or rtpir is not ecano�nicaUy fea�ibk rx{.ender's•security would be tessene�.thr in�usuue pmcfeds�U be
<br /> nppfk�to the sums securod by tl�is 5ecuri,ty drlstn�mrnt.wtktl�ec or nat ttron duc.with any cnress paid to Bortowor. 1�
<br /> Borrowa aQandons the P�+nperty.or das na an5wer within 30 6�ys a notice fran Lender th�t the ucsurance eslnier 6�s
<br /> Lcnder may uu the' s to reptir or mstae
<br /> oifece�to senfe a claim,then'Lmder maq cottect the in.wraitce protxeds. �d- �,rhen
<br /> the Property a to pay sums securcd by this Security In�ttume��whether,or not then due. Thc 3tWag genotl will begin
<br /> . the notice is givea. - • .
<br /> � Unkss l.endec and Bortower uth��wise y8��'�'�tin&ar°y applicasion of pmceeds to principal shall not extend,a�r
<br /> postpone the due date of the manthly payr�xnts refected to in pacagraplts i and 2 a change the amaunt di the payments..If
<br /> � under patagrapb 21 the Property is acquired by Lettder.Bortowers oght to any ituurar�ce policies an�procaeds iesultu�g
<br /> frprt dotnsge to the Propcitg prior to the acquisition shalt p�ss w Lender to the exteM of tl�e sums secured by ihis Sacurity
<br /> Insttument imrncdiatdY Prior to the acq�usitioo. ga.ra�'s l.o�n Apjilication;
<br /> �. OO�YpfYC'� YI���s M�OIlfIS�LY Al1A PRO[lCt1011 OE IIIC PfO�lT��;
<br /> --� � I.esse6old.�. Baesnwer shall occupy,establish.and use the Propercy as Borr4wer's pnnc�pal residence witbin sixty days after
<br /> the eaecutian of this Se�mry InstrartKnt and strail cantinue[o occuPY��'oP�rtY�Barower:s principal reside�ue far at
<br /> — Ieaxt oae year aftec tlx date of oocupancy.,unless i.ender ott�wise agrees in writing. which coasern s6a11 nat be _
<br /> = utueasanablY witl�heid.or tu�less extrnaating cu�urt�anoe.s e�tisE wt�ich�ar+e beyond Borimwet's cantmL Borrawrec shall�t . --
<br /> -- destroy.damage.oe impair the Fi+nperty.allow the Pcap4i�Y to detericxate.or eommit waste on the Propercy- Bois+nwer shall
<br /> be in default if any farfeita�e actian or procadin�v�ther civil or crimu�al,is be8un that in I.ender's good faith judgment
<br /> - could result in forfeitme of the Propercy or othe�wise�taterialty impair the tien c�eated by this SecuritS' Insoument ar _--
<br /> + Lender's se�urity intet�est. Borrower may cure such a defa�i[t and reinstate,as pmvidod in p�raSraPh�8•by causing the action =�-----
<br /> . � orpsaeeedin=to be dismissed witlt st�uling tl�at.ia l.ender's good fa►th detem�ination.pceclades fo�'eiture of the Hotcower's �'
<br /> inrerest in the Property or other materea! impaim�ent of the tien created by this Secunty lnstrument or Lender's seCUrity �:-��
<br /> � ._s intemst Barrower shall also be in default if �orroaer, during t6e toan application process. gave materialty fatse or �.::-��
<br /> ��`� finxcurate iafom�ation or statemenGs to Lender(or failed w provide Lender with any m�terial informarion)in cocu�eccian with ��-'�'�`��=
<br /> ': �` the loan evidenced by the Note, including.but not'limeted to, nepresentations concemin$ Borrower's accapancy of the ��,�:,
<br /> �' QroQerty as a principal residence. If this Security Instniment is on a leasehotd.Borrower shal!comply with alt the provisions �,�=�;�.
<br /> .%' of tbe�ease, [f Borrower acquires fee dtle to 9Tie Property.the teasehold and the fee title shall not��unless i.ender agrecs �____
<br /> -� . •.to the merger in writing. , . --- _
<br /> � �, protection of Lender's Rights in the Property. (f Borrower faiL+ to perfom� the c'ovenants aad agreements ��
<br /> � �a�tained in thi�q Securityi ic�uument,or there is a tegal proceeding that may sigmficandy uffect 1.ender's�i,.,ghts in ihe �,�;.:�- _
<br /> , - „ �p�ny(such as a procee�i�in bankruptcy.probat.,for candemtration or farfeiture ar ta enforce laws or re�a?a:ions),there .,=�T�;-_
<br /> .` "I.ender may do and pay for wfiatevet is nccessary to protect the vatue of the Property and Lcnder's•rights in the Propetty. ;-At;;•i_
<br /> � Lender's•xtions may include paying any sums secumd by a lien which hac priarity over this Security In�trument,appearing -.: c.=__
<br />. in court.paying rcasona6te attomeys'fees and entering on the Property to make mpairs. Alihough Lender may take action ,•i • _ . _�
<br /> , � ..£ � e:,.�der this parasraph'7.Lerder dces not have ta do so. • f; •. - .,-___
<br /> ' Any amounts disburse�by Lender under this paiapraph 7 shaQ become additional debt of Borrower xrc«:rt'd Iiy this
<br /> ±�. ` Suurity Iastrumenl. Untess Sarcower und Lender a�ree to uther terms of payment.these amaunts shall bear i�w�:e�from the •,,,:;: :.,. ._==^
<br />, ;�� date of disbur:sement at the Note rate and shall be payable.with i�►teresl.upan notice from Lender to Barrou�reyuesting _
<br /> , . }�,�- payment.
<br /> � :t- S. Mort�oge Insurstnc� if Leqder recJuired mortgage insurance as a conditivn ot makis.��tr laan s�:used by t6is : _
<br /> " Seeurity Instrumen�.Aorrowcr shall pay the premiumt rec{uired to maintuin�he mortg:�ge insurance in effecs. :tf;for any ,,; . _
<br /> �'""'� � :�san. the martgage in�c�fance cover.�ge reyuired by i.ender lap�ey ��r eeases t�be in effec�. Borrower ��`.�pay the ; -
<br /> � ' « r*-� premiums tequircd to obtain coverage subctantially equivalent tv the mungagc insu�ancc previouyly in effec�k at a cast #�•� _. --
<br />_ �:'�, �., substantial�y equivalentto the c:ost to Barro�ver af the mortgage in�urance previously in effect.fmm an altemate mongage .,;;.,;
<br /> �`/";, ' �' insuter appraved by Lender. If�ubstantially equivateAt mo�gage inyurance covrra�r is not availuble.Bartower shAll pay to <<t-.�_`
<br /> --,� �.ender each manth a sum equal ta oac-lwelf�h e►f th�yc:trly mortgagc insurance premium being paiJ by Harrawer when tho .-_:�
<br />- . iasurance caverage t�p.red ar ceased to be in cffert. L.cndcr will accept,uye and rctain thnc�paymem�a�a toss reserve in lieu , , :_
<br /> � , + `of mong:+ge insurAace. l.osti rescrve paymentti may na tangcr he rcquired, at ihe aptian of Lender.if mortgag�insurance '°•;_�� .
<br />� • . coverage(ia the amaunt and far thc period that l.cndcr reqaires)providcd by an intiurer��pprnvcd hy Lcndcr��::n hecomes _
<br /> � . available and i+nMaincd.Rnrrower shalE pay the ptemium.rcquircd tn maintam nunlgage intiurance in eifec�.or to provide a , -
<br /> • • loss reservc.uniil tha requiremcnt fur mostg�e in�urnnce cnds in accord:�ncc with any w�iltcn agrccmcnt between Borrowcr , •
<br /> • =r- :�nd Lendcr or s+pplicablc law. ' ,•
<br /> R:.-�.,. •! �
<br /> .{ .:.,.? � 4. lnspectiun. Lendcr nr itr ugent may make at�a�on�Mc entric�upun:md in,pccti�m,uf the Propetty. l.cnder sh711 •
<br /> .'* - "�r*�, '.. give Borrawcr noticc.�11hc�imc nP ar prior u�an intip�xtion��x:cifying marnnablc cau,c 1'or thc in+pccti�m. �. .
<br /> '' ����� y " � 10 Condemnation. 'I'he prneeed�of:my awarc�ur ctaim far damage�,dircct or con�cyucnti�l.in c�mnecttnn with nny , -
<br /> � •
<br /> �: '`�'. . :
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