... _ _ _ • "L__ _ - . . .
<br /> ' ' i..�.' < " . � _ _—_—'�_.�__��-.—__ . � - _ -'
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<br /> i . � ` � . � • , . ' b in d�ic coecwwd in�is ;�
<br /> � ` : s 1a�r msy pieci�jr tor reie�)befa�e ak d tAe�topertY P� nY P�� ,
<br /> p� �r d�s Sec+rity ta�wneni-
<br /> �' ��ot @) ar�judaaest entoncia4 � ied�drc�if na acodaatias h�d �
<br /> I �� _�A�Yrs.L�lea atl s�af�a vY1�iC11 ihen�rOYid bt drC Ylldt►ddt SetueitY
<br /> -- { ,: o0�llffild:lb)CIRlf 1Y$ - — ------------. _ ncunrd in enfixeinQ 1hi�SeCU�itY_..y__ ' - _
<br /> I ��t,Iqcludio�F h�R not 1iml�ed w.nea�xvbk_M�Ys'[as:and td)trkrs su�ch�tion�s Lender miy teasot�[Y-
<br /> }, tequire to�►sane UW die lien oi tAis Seoluity Insocunie.nt.l.CiMAerb.ri�hts in�C PropmY�d�rnraw�er's oblig�tic�n to Qay!be
<br /> sq� secw+ed �y this 5awitY In�um�u slpdt coutlrwe �aich�nfe� UP� ��ststetneM by Ba�o�rer. this SecuritY
<br /> i � , ��the obli�ses�ued he�e�r sh�ll remain tWly et[cctive as ii no acccler+tioa i�d accuind: Noweveti this
<br /> i - - � - .s�ht lnteioata�e�6�1!mt�ppty in thr c�e ofaccetetatioe wider P�taB�'apR 19. .- -
<br /> 1!. 5iie�f NM�t-'Ywe oE iw�Seevtoer.,'ibe NoOe�x a p�tiai intaes�t in tlte Nae(togetl�er vrith this§ecurity .
<br /> Ln�menl)nny�bt sold aee a more times x�r�l►out ptiar twtice w Bartavrec A s�le tnay r�esult i�a change in the eotiry
<br /> (loawn as tht"Lorn Se�vicer')that colkcts monthlY WYm�nts due wrder the Note�od this Sa�mty Tn�wment. 'fi�e atw
<br /> pa►y ho one or ma�e ch�tEa of du La�rt Servicer un�el�eed to e s�k ot the Nae. U the�e is a ch�nge of the Loan Seevicer.
<br /> Hor:o�rer rvill bt aivea�+ritit»notice of the ci�r�e in ucatd�ice Mritb paragsph 14 u�e aad applicabie Iaw. 'Ih notice ,
<br /> wiU st�e e6e n�ae and addness of the aew l..oan Servi�r rd thc address to wbicb payments sfia+W 6c mad�t.The notice w�1
<br /> stw ca�aia any dlkr infamition�ecNiced bY�PP�icabk 1aw.
<br /> 21� Haar�s Sri�ta�a� SamwR sh�ll nat cause a pertrut the pneseace.use.�sposal•StaaSe.or iek�se of any
<br /> Iiazardous.Subsw�ces on or in ttK P�apertY•- Narower sh�il rat do,ms albw a�yan�elss w do.anythie8�ffectin8 the
<br /> p�opett�►Wt is7n vioGrdan af any Envaaunattal Law. 'llie poeceding two s+entences shall nat apply to the p�sa�ce.noimsi
<br /> staage on the PlnperEy of sm�ll qtwuitjes o[HazaRbug Substmces that are grnetally recogniud to ba appropr�
<br /> ' � residential uses and to maintenance of the Ptupercy
<br /> Bo�mwer slWl PmmPUY 8n+e Lender wriacn notice ot any investigatiaa.claim.denund.lawsuit or other action by any .
<br /> gavdemeetal ar re�ul�tay agmcY a P��P�Y invofving ihe P�perty�nd aay H�zacd�us Substance ur Envimameatal
<br /> - Law of which BaROwa has actual Icnowkdge. If Bamwer leams.or is notified by any 8overaaia�fal a regulatory
<br /> aWhaciry.thu aay nmwai a aher re�oo of any Haracd�us Substance affacting the Ptaperty is t�ssuY,Barrov�er
<br /> �P°'�PUY take all nocessuY�emeiial actions in xcardanoe with Fmi[ontneata4 Law.
<br /> As ased in this p�ntgnph Z0,"Haz,urlous Substaaces"u�e tliose subsroncos defuxd�s toxic or I�aTardous substances�ec
<br /> - = Env�ronmmtal Law and the following substarrces: Sasoline.kerosene,ather flammabie or toxic pea�leum produets. ui
<br /> : pesticides and he[bicides,volatile solvents.materiats containing asbestos or fartnatdehyd�and tadioactive matenals. As
<br /> :l; ' used in this pa�Agrapb?11."Favitanmental L.aw"�an.s federal laws and laws of the jutisdiccion whore the Ptoperty is tocated -
<br /> :, � that nlate to 6ealth.safety�sr environmentnl protection. . . .
<br /> NON,UNIFORM COVENANTS. Som�wer and Lender further covenant and agree as follows:
<br />:�;� � . ?�.:;A�ooeksatba;Remediea. I.e�der�Q�ive eotioe to Borrarrer pcioe to acoekrAtlae tdlow�iag Borro�va's �
<br /> breac�,+o�say wvens�t or aareemeat in this Security lastrument lbut not prior to acceleratlos under pu�nPb� `
<br /> � a�kss spplieabk law provWes Whee�rise). The aotive shall spccify: (a)the tkfault;(b}the action reqoiced to cure the
<br /> _ —' • .- defa�lt;(c)s dat��ol k�than 30 dsi�s froa�ttie date the aolice ia Sir�to Borro�rer,by vrMki t1�e.�It mmt be
<br /> _- i cared:asd(d)tWit isi�ure to care the defa�lt aa or before t6e date apecjfied in the notice my res�t�ai�iYk�t�of :
<br /> � � the spa�s secored by Mis Sec�rity lastroment Aad sate ot the Properly. Tde eotice shall furtier�i Eorrawer of --
<br /> .-�� } tre rI�►t to��Shte sRer accekration wid tl�e rlght to briag s rnurt sictioe to�aserl t6e�oa�ds def�Wt a' .
<br /> �. . --
<br /> ; �ny ot6er ietense of Borrower to accekrstion and sak. It tLe default is not cared oa 4r�+eter�ti�e date spec�ed b �; ;—
<br /> . t1�e�iotioq l,endes at its option mAy require immediate paymeat io faU ot all sums secuse�d��1`iis S�rihi I�strum�at .__
<br /> i wit6aut turther demand and awY iurolce the power ot sak and any ot6er remedies permitted bY aPP�����
<br /> u
<br /> ' 1.enQer slwll be rntitkd to eolkct all espenses incarred in pursuln8 the remedies providcd in this�ara�aPb 21, �•,:_
<br /> ;r;��� iecludioa,6at eat limited ta reasonable Attorneys'tees and costs ottitk evidenca �iF�__
<br /> It rie po�ver of sale is iovoked.Trastee shall record a notice of default in eacb county in whicb uny part of t6e 3rf°.
<br />° ; , praperty is located�uud slwll mail copies o�such noNce in the nwnner prescribed 6y applicable law to Borrower and� •�;,;__'
<br /> ..�f:r, the dher persons prescri6td by applicabfe law Atter the time reqaired by applkable law.Trustee slwU give pabiic .--_—
<br /> � notiee ot ssk to tLe persons aad in the mannec prescri6ed by apPlkabte lavr 7Yuste�withaut demadd oe BaraMer, ��-:
<br />: ,;� .� : a�11 sN{tbe praperty at puWic auctlon to/he hig6est bidder at the time�nd ytace and under the ter�desig�wted in � ,�,��
<br />.;��,�:.r� �ti. ' the aotia ot sak ie one oe mo�e parcels and in aey order 7Yustee determines. 7�rustce�aay PostPone sak of All or any '_
<br /> �•�'t'�� ;��' pascel�the Property by pu6lic announcement at the time and plxe of any previousiy s¢�eduied sAte- Lender or its
<br />..,:�;,;...,;, , .
<br />';:;;'��'�'� `..'"_ desip�+et�a9VarchasethePropertyatanysale. ..
<br /> ' 'r C�n receip�ot payment of the price bid,7lrustce sha(1 deliver to the purchasec Tvnstce's deed conveying ffire
<br /> I > propettf The recitals in the 7irustee's deed shaU be prima tack evldence of the trutb otthe statements made thereis. '
<br /> �-:�
<br /> . 7Yn�t�e 96a11 s�pply the pracadg ot ihe sate ia tde idl�wing order: 1�)ta alt casis aqd expensea of exercising the power �:�,
<br /> . _
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