- �c:'.�:- " .� �::_ ' . " -. . -- .i' -,;' .;�"-
<br /> - � ' `•.,['_t � _ - _. - __ - _ _ : _ .tra�s-<=--_-
<br /> � .�—�.-� .. _" , .- ��'-_.• . .�.-. _ " ' . _ - _ -T_. .—_
<br /> `.�,_ _ "�'1 ' k- �..__...�. - , � -. . -
<br /> F �
<br /> _ • , • � i jt�-. .___ _ . . .. . . , -� . .'f . . ' . .
<br /> ..,. Lt.�..�c�`cz �] `- .-- �e- -� - ---.. . . , � , _ � • .-- ' ' b., -. ,. . . . - QS a,� /0���7� . - .��.
<br /> 7� t .
<br /> _ _ . . . �.-. . . .. .- . . . .. _ . _ . .. ..
<br /> t ' ' 'j�'�'p�qti['H aii,tLe i�o��5 aOw ar�f etxte�OII the p[O�peny.�1d all�.�
<br /> j - '�nd fe:tuees now cr h�tieE�Pm of tbe p�apaty. AU replaoemaus mf addma�s shall also 6e cweMf Ey this Soctirity -
<br /> �..-�. _ `_ —r�_,wll.nE�e.So�egniog is referted w m this Secunty insbvmwt as 1he`PbQerty-"
<br /> - _. ----------_ '_'_. —.
<br /> � -- . ca►ve�6di�"b��-�`�--_ —_._F _
<br /> �BORROWQt WVENAN��U�at Bo�ower u ta y se� --�ta�ece—�TiY ---�-�Y
<br /> �nt eoareY�F�'�I�Y?����is a�ocan►bered.eaapt for�of txocd. Ea�ower wariaots aad� .
<br /> � w�l defmd gmaylly tbt utle to th�Fivptrty agaiest atl claitas and de�aads.sabjut to�ny encum6r�ces aY rocad. .
<br /> � _ TEIIS SHCtJRIPY INSIRUMENT combi�es �mifarm ca�en�nts for aat�a� use and nat-anifam cAven�ts witA
<br /> [ �ni�ed va�ia6oas by jwrisdictiaa to mnseitute a uaiform sec�usty irts�ms�coveang rea!qoptitl+- '
<br /> t iJMPORIH COV1�L�iAN7'S Bormweraad Leoder coventnt and ag�e as folIows: -
<br /> �-�, -l�yt�t d pri�tipd a�d tNe�P+''�Wy�a�i l.sie Ci�r�es. Boirowet sball prompttY t►�Y wiKn due the
<br /> � �Cipcip�l of�lnd interest ao the debt evidenced bY the Note aM anY P'�WY�and tate chuges,due under the Note. .
<br /> 4 2.- i�lYi��'ti�ses s�i LwrweG Subject to�ppticabk tsw or w s wntten wtiver by lxnder.Ba�cawa shaU paY ta
<br /> . ����y�Y p�y��a�e�e wxier the t�tpte.until d�e Note is p�id in fuli.a xuh�f"F�n�s)for:�(�2 y��Y
<br /> �taxes aid auess�emts wh�eh msy anau�priority over this Securi�y instrument as a lien on the PmpertY:{b}yearl�ta.c�l�W
<br /> p�ym�[s or�round raus an.tht Pmperty it�nY: (ct Y�Y ��°� P�P�Y insuru�cc ptemiums; (d) Y�Y ��
<br /> : insut�ca pcemiums. �f Any: (e)Year1Y �SaBt insurance prcmiums.;if au►Y.and:lf? �►y sums ptyabk by Ba�ower to
<br /> _ ' • Lentkr,in accardance with the provisians of pua�raph A.in tiaa of the payment of mortgage inwr�nce pem�ums. The�e
<br /> ' i�,�q�kd"g,scmw Items" Lmder may.�t wty timc,colkct nrd hofd Punds in�n amount not to exceed the muimum
<br /> � • arnount a tcinder far a feder�lly reuted mo�tgAge toan may�quitie fa B�ower's esceow xcaunt under ihe feder�l Rqt
<br /> -= Fst�te SetikmenE Procedutes Act oL 1974 as amenckd fran time tu time:12 i1.S.C.�Z601 rt sey.l"��A")•nnkss anather
<br /> - law that applies to the Funds sets a ksser amoun� If so.LeMer may.at any dme.coltect�nd hotd Fiuids in a�amount rai eo
<br /> - , � exceed the ksser amaw�i. I.eqd�r maY cstima�e ihe amount of Funds dne an the basis of currcnt data and teuw�ablc
<br /> _� � estimates af expenditwes of funue Escmw Items or otherwise in x�du�ce with applicabk law.
<br /> - y 1Le Fui�ds sh�il be 1�eld in m institutian whose depostts�te insacrd by a federal agene.y.inctrumaitality,nr�Y
<br /> - (iacludinE l.ender.if L�ender is sucti an inuitution)or in any Federal Hame Loan Bank. l.ender shalt apply tbe Funds to P�Y
<br /> � the Fscrow Iteais. Latdet may rat charSe Horrower fix tald'mg and applying tht t�u�ds.annwlly analyzing the escrow —
<br /> i aceoun�a verifying the Escrow items.unless Lender pays Bonower interest on the Funds and applicabte law peimits — —
<br /> 1 i.ender to mahe snch a chuge. However.l.ender may require Boirower to pay a one-time charge for an itidepandeot t+eal - .
<br /> � - �e ta�c npo�png secvioe usod by Lender in conoectiou witb this toan.wiless applicabte law pruvides otherwise. Unless an• �_
<br /> . . � agrament is made or applicable law requires interest to be paid l.ender sfiall aot be required to pay Bomowet any interest or -- �-
<br /> eamings on ti�e F�nd.s. Borrower aad l.ender may agree in writing,however,that interest ahall be paid on the Funds. Lender �_�-
<br /> �'s � shatl give co Bonower.widw�c cba�ge.an annuat accaunting of the Funds,show;ng credits and debirs to the Funds and che :�-��
<br />: .,�;_. purpose far which each debit to the Funds was made. The Funds are p2edged as additio�l security for all sums secured by �=�_—
<br />:-:�.�;,. this Sec��uso�utnent ��':-=�:
<br />:�:_f°js. if'ttra�,�ds hetd iry Lender esseed the amounts permitted to be held by applicable law, Lender shall account to
<br />�`�'�•`� Bomuwerfor the excess Funds in accordance with the requiremenu of applica6k law. If the amount af the FLnds Netd by
<br /> I.ender at any t�e is not su�cient to pay tt�e F.scrow Items when due.Lender may so notify Borrower in writing.and,in .. __�_
<br /> such case Bamower s�all pay to I.eader the amount necessary to maice up�deficiency. Borcawer shatl make up the W�—
<br /> deficienc}�in no more than tweive monthly payments.at Lender�s sole discreuc�i- �T.
<br /> r shal
<br /> 1 m d refund w Borrawes any ��;��__
<br /> . Securi lnstrument,Lea�de PI'� P Y __
<br /> r b ihis
<br /> s ed -
<br /> secu
<br /> II af aIl sum t7'
<br /> , � PaY��»� Y 's ion or ��:..
<br /> �' ` Funds held by Lender. If,under paragraph 21.l.ender shall acquire or sell ttie Praperty,L,ender.prior ta tfie acqu�it �,?.:
<br /> sale of the Property.qfiail apply any Funds held by l.ender at the time of aoqaisition or sate as a crcdit againct the sums , �T.-;-_
<br /> . ,. �•,, � secured by this Security Tnstrument. �y-����'��.' .,
<br /> .,, ��. :�� 3. Application d Psayments. Unless applicablc law provldes othen,vise.alt payments recei�•e�4�y I.ender under � :.,F 3. �.,. -
<br /> . ,� , paragraphs 1 and Z shall be applied:fiest.to any prepayment charges due under�e Note;second to am�*s payable under �;
<br /> ;', ; paragra,pb Z;third.ta interest due;foueh,to princlpal due:and last,to any tat�charges due under the Note. � ,� �`�
<br /> 4, C�arges;Lieas. Borrow4r shatl pay all taxes,assess7nents. ctjas�es.fines and impositions attributabte a�s3�: . ;
<br />::;,:'.•::"•�:. - • gropercy which maq attain priority over this Security lastntment,and leaseno3d payments or ground rents.if any. Bar��as ,.;.:•-, . -`
<br /> `� � I shall these obl"a �..�ions in the manner provided in parugraph 2,or if not�aict in that manner.Borroa¢r siwall pay thern on� - r•� ' •'_� ;•
<br /> a j*:-�� : � PaY g" ,
<br /> '� time dirretly to the person owed payment. Bartower shall prompUy fumish[v!Lender al l notices of amous�t.�to be paid und��r •. •
<br /> • �r�; th,s If Bosrawer makes these payments directl .Borrower shail pcamptly fumish to l.ender receipu evide�ei�fi
<br /> •�� :. P��Ph• y � .
<br /> •r the payments. .
<br /> ; Boaower shaII promptly discharge any lien which ha.w priority over this Security Instrument untess Horrower:(a}agrees -,.
<br /> � in writing ta the payzsient af the obligation secured by the Ilen m a manncr acce�tab�e to l.cader.lb)contesss in goad faith the �.,. ��.
<br /> � tien by,or defends against enforcement of�he lie�:nn.legat praceedings w�ii�in the Leader's apinion oper��to prcvent the _
<br />;,;�.• .,�<< , �enfarcement af t3�e 1ien;or(c)secures from the hatder of the Uen an ageea�.znt satisfactory ta Lender su'bcs:�inuting the lien �
<br /> ',�;�.'�.;' � to ttris Security tnstrumen� if Lcnder detetmines that any pan af the Ys�a�ercy is subject to a lien which may attain priority
<br /> �,:,;�; over�is Securiry Instrumcn�Lender may give Bonowcr a notice identi£y7n�the lien. �orrawcr shall satisfy the lien or take .
<br /> , . �L ,� , ��• ' one or mare of tt�e actiony set forlh abovc within lU dayg of the giving af�tice. , _
<br /> S. Ha�'d ar PropeetY lnsurance. Harrowcr shall kcep the im�nrati'�ments now existing m hereafter crected on the
<br /> '•°��'4'�.� prpperty insuted against loss by tire.hazards included within lhe tenn"exaended coveragc"und any other hazards,including
<br /> , ,�_ .,, .
<br /> 1•'} , �-qr;::L;;� . floads or ttooding,for whtch l..ender requires insurnncc. Thi�: insutanre shall bc ma�ntained in the amounts and far thc
<br /> . �
<br /> r.'• � Form 3628 9/90 lDaRe:nf ApuRt.+► '
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