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<br /> o5adam�don ac adrcr t�ieE of any part oithr Pt�operty.ar for canveganoc in lie�of cobda�untioo.ai�e hec�by assigeM u�d �
<br /> �ba116e p�d w l�der. ` . ,
<br /> _ �..__�_�_in a�e e.re�ef�car�l r�IcinA of the Ptaoettv.tlie_ r�oceeds_shall be�pplied to the sum.�securcd �tfiis Security---
<br /> _ - Iasutmax,�or aot ,. any eaa�s o wer. a, o — _ _--
<br /> .wttiich tht[air.market vatue of the Ptoperry immedi�kly betae the takin�i.9 equat ta w grcatcr ti�t tiie s�mmaunt af.ti�e sums
<br /> secuKd fiy thes Sccurity insnurnent immediace�y 6efo�e the taking.unkss Ilormwcr and I.endei dherwisr�g�c i�writirrg. .
<br /> ' thc aums secuced by tf�i�5ecurity iasuument sh�lt bc rcducec!6y the amount of�he proaeds�nuttiplicd by du foltowing ,
<br /> . fi�actian: (a)t6e tat�l_amount of the sums savred immediately 6efa�c thc t�l�ii�g.dividai 6Y(6>the fair muket vatue of the '
<br /> � P�operty inuned`iately l�efore the t�iciag. Any balance st�ati be paid to Sortower. in the tvent of a partial taking of ii�e '
<br /> . . P�operty in vvhkh the fair mar#et vatue.of the Ptvpeity immedi�cety hefote�he ta�ing is less than the amount af the sums
<br /> ' sx�ued immed'u�tely befa�the taking.nnkss Borrowes and Lender athenvise agcec in ariting or unless applicabk faw. �.
<br /> � othetwise provides,thc proceods shall be applied to the swns secured�sy this Securiry tnstrument whetf�er or rwt the sams are
<br /> then due. -
<br /> If tTie Arnperty is ab�odocxd by Borrower.a i�after m[icc by Lender to Boaower that the condemnar offers to make ' .
<br /> on award a seaia a claim for dainages.Barower fails to�to Lender within 30 d'ays after the date the notice is given.
<br /> Lendcr is authoriud ta coilat and appfy the proceeds,at its optian.either to restoratiort or sepair of the Pmperty or to the
<br /> sumc secut�ed by this 5avriry Insnumcnt,whether or noe ifien dae.
<br /> Unkss,Lender.and Bocrower aheiwise agne in writing.�ny applicatioa of proceeds ta prinr+pal shall not exte�or
<br /> postpwe tLe dut du�of tlx month{y paymenu c�fe�te�to in paragraphs i a�2 or change th�a�nount of such payments.
<br /> � ll. Borro�er i�1ot Relezsed; Forbesmce By I.eedee Not a Wairu. Eaunsion'of th� wne for paymein or
<br /> � modifuation of amortization of the sums secured by this Security lnstrumenf granted by Lcnder to any successor in intere�t
<br /> _ of Bomnwer shall nat operdte to ielease d�e Gab�ity of thc orignal Hoirower or Ban�wers successo�s in inte�rst.Lender
<br /> std�aot tio rtquirad W canmenoq,Proceedings agaiact any succcs.cor in interest or refuse to eatend time for payatieat or .
<br /> _ athawise modify.amorEi�ation of the sums secuced by this Socurity Instrumeat by mason of any demand made by the origmat
<br /> Bonuweir a Borso"wer's successors in intecssr. Any forbearance by Lender in eaercismg any right or�nedy shait na be a
<br /> waiver of a pieclude tlx exencise of any rigtea os cea�edy. `
<br /> � " 12 Suc�+s�es and A.ssiEas Boued:.��aad Several Ua6Uity:Co�aers. The fovenants an�agceemenu uf this.
<br /> - � Sectrcity Itutrument�'6all bind and benefit die su;:cessors and assigns of Lender and Bo�rower.subjecE t�the pravisions of
<br /> - ' para�aph 17_ Boirower's coveaants and agre�ienu shall be joint and several.Any 8aaower wfio co-signs this Security --_
<br /> - -T tn.sa�ve.�►t buidoes aot exCcute We Nate: (a)•is co-signing this Security Instrument onty m iunrtgagc.Srant aad convey that a"-,-°===---
<br /> - Sanna�r's interest an the Property under t��enns of this Security Instrumen� (b)is not q�anally obligated to pay the sums �`"
<br />��` { secun•.d by this Seauity tnsnument;at�id 4�3 agr�s that Lender and any other Bolrowe�cm�9t agree to exEend.modify,forbear ��:�-
<br /> $.._..�.,z�,_N
<br /> : . - or m�Tce any �oinmodatio�s'a�ith re�ard ia th°:temis of ihis Securiry Ins�umeat.ar:tUe Note�i�yr thai Borrower's p����
<br /> x f�N1S�It.� � •;: . ' . .. .. .' ' �'�.:_,'==--�::=�..
<br /> . . I� �,osn(.�aTges. If s3��,iban secured 6y this Security Instrumeaf is sv6ject to.a Taw a3uch sets m3ximum toan �`-_�;-
<br /> charges,and that taw is finaT{}inYerpreted so that the ineerest or othot loan charges eoUe.ted 0r ta be cullected in connection " — _
<br />- with the toan eaceed the pecaiitted limiu.t6en: ta)any such loan charge shall be reduced'ey the amoiint aeeessary to reduce — --
<br /> ' the charge to the pemtiaed limi�and(b)any sums atceady collected from Bolsower which exceedec�peraniaed limits wiA be ---
<br /> ._ . rcfunded to Bomawer. l.ender may chaose ta make this refund by reducing�he principal owed under ttre Note ar by making a —'°�'
<br /> dircct payment to Borrower. lf u refund reduces principal,the reduction will be treated a5 a panial prepayment without any ��`
<br /> , priepayment chargo nnder the Note. ' �:�:�:�-
<br /> !4. Notices. Any natice to Barrower rovided for in this Securi lnsirument shall be rven b deliverin it or b ' �'"`'•
<br /> ^Ffi,=�..
<br /> P �Y g y g y i'�:.":
<br /> '., mailin g it b y first ctass mail unless n p pticable law requireti u.+e af another met6ad.The natice shall be directed to the Property t'.�,�..�;L'��'
<br /> . .� . Addres.4 or any other address Borrower designates by notice to Lender. Any nodce ta Lender shall be given by first class _:�;�Rt��
<br /> � mail to Lender:s address stated herein or any othcr address Lender designatcs by notice to Borrower. Any noticc provided for ' • .
<br /> in this Security tacwment shall be deemed to havc bcea given to Borrawer ar Lende�when givert�s provided in this .�.=4��-,%,"
<br /> _ ParaBraPh• ,►�.__��._
<br />.T ' ....Y.^'•�.�i^-y''.:_
<br /> '15. Governing I.Aw; Severabllity. Thic Security lnstrument �hall be govemed by federal law and thc law af the ---°��'
<br /> jurisdicEion in whicb the Property is lacated. In the event that any provision or ctanse oP this Security Instrument or thc Note - -''-'�
<br /> .��' . conflic�v with appllcable law.such conflict shall nat aifect other provisions of chis Securit�r lnswment ar ehe Note which can �''�'`�:
<br /> . • '� be given effect without thc canflicting provisian. Ta thiti ertd the pravisions af this Security Instrument and Ehe Note are " . �
<br /> declared to be seve►abie. '..�:Yr
<br /> , �.�,� 16. Borrawer's Copy. Borrower sha11 be given ane confarmed ropy of the Note and of this 5ecuriry tnsuument. -'_',=
<br /> 17. Transfer of the Property o�a Beneticlal lnterest in Borrowtr. If ail or any part of thc Properry or any interest in � �;���"`
<br /> ;;;;*��:
<br /> �`.: it is sold or transferred(or if a benefrcial interest in 8orrowcr ic sold ar transfetred and Barrawer is not a natural person) � �-°-,�_
<br /> _ without Lender's prior written con.sent.Ltnder may.at itg aptian.rcquire immediate payment in full af aIE sums secured by •���-
<br /> ' ihis Security IostrumenG However,thiti a tian�hail not be ezercitied b l.endcr iP exercise iv mbibit:d 6 federal law ac af "'�'�`�"+-=��
<br />,=• ; P Y P Y .,;,wa;;.
<br /> the date of this Security Instrument. . � ��:?;•;;;;�;��: :
<br /> lf Lender e�ercises this aption.Lendcr shall givc Borrower nadcc of acccicration. 'Fhc noticc sh�1l prrn•ide a period af . '`�•r•i�:��'
<br /> _ - �T not Iess than 30 days from the date the notice i�delivered or maited within which Borcower mu�l pay aH s�srr�s�ecuced by this
<br /> Security instrument. If Borrawer failc ta pay these tiums prior to the cxpiration of thi�pericxi.4ender may invake any
<br /> . � �- remedies permittc:d by this Security Instrument w ithout further notice or derr�and on Borrower. , '
<br /> �' - _ 18. Borrawer's Right to[ieinst�te. It Borrower mcets certain cand'etions, Horrawer rhall have the right to have •�
<br /> enforcement of this Security lnstrument diticon�inucd�t any timc prior to thc rarlier c�f: (a�S days E�r r:uch other period as
<br /> ' 5inglcFamily--�amt3e!Nae�'FreddkMacUti1F1)RNI�STRl1if.�T-•[+nifa�nCucrr.�r.:� 9l90 Ipn.z�4�jbpa¢es� '�=�:'.
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