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<br /> pee�tlrt i�der requ�e+. '11ie i�[aooa c�ria providi,a j.tht�rn.'C stiaU ba ctiasat 6y Banowtr subject w L�a'�;
<br /> apprav�!�rluc�►�It noe be m�a�m�Wy w_il�id: If Ba�raver fals toa�iawin cova�e 4escri6ed sbpve.l�ender may.at ,
<br /> — � — —_--s.ww�craa,�wwiaw • '��--+���3ttt��[4�Jn �- �tsY�'�ki+�-�?�1Z. �_,._e.____�_ ---
<br /> 1 ` . Jw 11�IRafCC�1C�CS�tCf1EWi�S 5�11�1�C�L'CC�i�C t0�,Ql�Gi Alld S��IOC�UQG s ST�Odf[d IROlt$�$C C��tLS0. � .
<br /> si�tl i�tve We tisht w hoid the poticies aod renewats. f L'ender�equiies•Bor�owu shali PQ�P�Y 8�ve to t�ndes all receipts, ,
<br /> • � ` df prid premiums aed mwwd notices: Ia 1he eveat af bss,Barawer shall 8+�P�P�notia co the insuisnce curier and. .
<br /> Laxk■r1_�!x�.e�ad�e�c mJ.��y m�ipce�prao,.f,�of�lo`sYs i-f,,tat rtwde pcompdY�}Bamwec •,���,��f }�g� .
<br /> __. ..r-.- . �. .U�YGai LLii7Gf�OfAfv�cs 11���.��1IE���!�S�anr�C!f�MEERC yli�s�.���n$���a�+�—r� . _
<br /> r.,�'__..
<br /> tbe�,pwp'e�ty;damyed,if the restoruia�a:ep�ir is economically feuibk aid Y.eader*s security is no�k�se� If @re ` .
<br /> � �att a rep�ir�s nat ecanomicalty_feasi'ble a i�ender�s socurity wa�id 6e k.s�ened.tNe insurance provads sha116t
<br /> appiied w tLe swns su�by tEus Securiry tnstc�ment,wlxther ar nat t6ea daa.with wy excas paid to Bomnwer. If
<br /> Bamwa abwndons th Pmpe�ty.or does not answer wrthin 30 d�ys a riotice fmm l.ender d�at the insuram;e rarrier has
<br /> ' otTa+od w senla a ciaim.tben t�e�er may colket the u�smaace p�ocads- Lender may ase the prooeods to npair or iesW�rt
<br /> t6e prnperty arwpay wms secu�e�by this Security iusnument.w1ult�er or not tArn due. The 3aday penod w�116egia wheo .
<br /> ' , the notice is 8►ven. -
<br /> Unkss l.eetla aad Ho�ower ather�visc agnx in writing,anY aPP����f Pr�s tO P+����n°t extend a ,
<br /> postpone the due dtte of tbe moat6lY FsYments tiefemd to in puagraphs 1�d 2 or d�ange the amount of t6c paymeats. If •
<br /> m�der g�ragr�plt 2i the Pt+opetty is scquued by Lender.Borrower�rig6a to an}iasuraoce policies and pnoceeds resWting
<br /> frnm.d�mage ta the Propescy Prior w the acquisition sh�ll pass ta I,ender to dx eac�nt af the sams secured 6g.dus SeewieY
<br /> , Insuwae��eIp prios to the xquisipon. . . . _ .
<br /> f. Oo�p�y�h�ervauoiM Mai�ta�nce sa! PrMectioe of tbe Ptoperty: Barrv�er's l.wn Appliatia�;
<br /> i.eareiolds.B�sowsr shall oecoPY.estabtisis,and use the Prape�ty a4 Borrower�s priacipal iesidenoe within sixtjt days after
<br /> the executiart of this 5e�it��Insonvnent and shaU can6mx to oeeupy the Pmptrty a4 Barowa's pdncipat itsideaoe far�t. .
<br /> � lpst ooe ya�-after �hc:cta�e of oaa�ncY•,unlsss I.ender otberwise �ees' m writing, which canse�t sball�it i�c " -
<br /> . 'umeasonsbly wit5beld;ar a�ess ta�18 cuieumstances exist which ar�e 6eyund RormwePs control. Bocm�vcT sf�nor..
<br /> , d�+ny,dam�e urimp�t�tl�ptopeity,a�low the PropeRy to detetior�te,or commit waste on the Ptoperty+. �iower sUatl
<br /> be in def�tt�any forfeFume aMion or psocooding,Avhecitier civil or caminal.is begun tt�at in Les�lec's goo��*ludSme�t
<br /> - couW resuit�ir fafcita�of the•Prnpertp os otherwise matstially impair tbe liea crcated by tbis Secuntg I:�suliment or .
<br /> - Lender's suurity intensz..Borrower may cure such a default and reinstate,as provided in paragraph 18.by causi�.g the actio� _
<br /> or proca�Ting to be�smissed wiBi a m1ing that,im Lender�good faith detrnnmation,pnxludes fat'eiture of t6e Bamwet�s —
<br /> - inteiest in the pcoperty or other mat�eerial impaiiment of the lien created by this Secuti'ty Instrument or Lender's security =
<br /> da
<br /> - inunst Bomower shap also 6e in default if Borrower,during tF�e tnaa application process,gave materially false or _
<br />- - inaccmate infomiation or statements to l.ender(or failed to provide Lender with any material i�om�anon)in cauiaqan witb _-
<br /> the loao eviderieed by ti�e Note, including. but nat limited.to, npaesentations concemiag Borrower's occupancy of the
<br />-' �` p�vpeny as a prim,�ipal�dence. If this Savrity Insrnm�ent is on a teasehold.Borrower shall comply with alt tite provisions • � _--.
<br /> ��::k of the lease. If Borrov�er acqaires fce title ro the P�nperty.the leasehold and the fee atle shall not meage un�ss Lender aS�as
<br /> to the merger in wciting. , '
<br />- - 7 protsctbn a[�eedtr's giahts in Ihe Propeety. If Borrawer fails to perform the ca��►ts and a�ts
<br /> . containeA irt this 3ecurity Insuumenb or therc is a legal proceeding that may significantty affect Leatkr�rights in the
<br />- ° prupetty(sach as a proceeding in bankruptcy.probate.for condemoation or forfeiture or to enforoe laws or regulations),tlten =_
<br /> - ' Lender may do and pay for whatever is necessary co protect the vatue of the Property and Lenders rights ia the ProportY. `r
<br /> 1.ender�s actions may include paying any sums secured by a lien which h�s priority over this Securiry Instmmen�appeating �k;
<br />� in c o u n.p a y i n g rc a s o n a b l e a tt o m e y s'f e e s a n d e n t e ri n g o n t h e 1'r o p e rt y t o m a k e r e p a i r s•A l t h a u g h L e n d e r m a y take action �--.
<br /> ' � ; under this paragraph 7.Leader dces nat have to do so.
<br /> Any ama�rnts disbursed by Lender under this paragaph 7 shall become additional debt of Borrower secured by this
<br /> _.�' Suurity insttument. 1Jnless Barrower and Lender agrce to other terms of paymen�these amounts shall bear interest from the :.
<br /> datc os disbursement at t3-�e Note rate and shall be payable,with interesi.upon tiiodce from L.ettder to Borrower reyuesting ���:
<br />- paymen� .
<br /> �` 8. MortgMe Insurance. if Lender required mortgage insurance as a condi�on of making the loan secund by this
<br />�::+- '�, Security Lnswment, 8attower shall pay the premiums required to maintuin tfie rnongage insurance in effec� if.for any
<br />;:�'?��.�, r�eason,tbte at�itg�e insurance coverage reqmred 6y l,ender lapses or ceases to be in effec4 Horrower shaU pay the �
<br />;.'�' •�!�' . premiums r�irec�to o5tain caverage substanpalIv equivalent ro the mortgage insurance previausly in effect, at a cost
<br /> .. ,f,
<br /> ,.;• �.,,, su6stantiaSly equiva�ent w the•cost to Barrower of Uhe rnortgage insurance prev�ously in effect.from an altemate mortgage
<br /> �� insurcr approved by Leisder. If'substanually equiva:rnt mongage insurance coverage is not available.Borrawer shal!pay to
<br />- . Lender each nionth a sum equal to one-IR�elfth af the ycarly morcga�e insurance premium being paid by Bacrower when the -
<br /> '�;;. • insurance coverage Sapsed or ceased to(x in effect. Lender will acce�s.use and reuda these paymen�g as a loss reserve in lieu :`
<br /> r. ., ' ,�
<br /> .. of martgage insvrnnce. l.oss ceserve paymentc may no longer bc rc.;u�re3.at the option of(.ender,if mortgage insucanee
<br /> coverage(in the arnaunt and for the penod that Lender requires)provi�e4t isy an x^surer upproved by Ixnder again becames
<br /> available and is obtained.Borrower shail pay thc premiums required to mairnaui c»m'taage insurance�n effeot,or to provide a •
<br /> � �i` � loss reserve,until the r u9rement for mort � e insurance ends in accordance wi:a aay wri�ten agreemertt,betareen Borrower ���
<br /> eq s s i��r;:
<br /> Y and Lencter or applicable law. ,
<br /> ' 9 �nspecNon. Lender or its agent may makc reationablc entdes upon and inspections af the Property. Lender shal[ f�
<br /> ' . give Barrrnver notice At the time of or arior ta an inspection xpecifying re�asonable cause for the inspectian. �. �
<br /> • l 10 Ga�demnatbn. The proceedv aP any award or cluim fnr dumages.direct or conseyuential.in connection with any
<br /> {:
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