�_ ,.f�:�'�r._<. ' _ '. . . . . - "_
<br /> :,. ::-> .. :,j .. � . - - -
<br /> �
<br /> -.4,' . -�[' � _-_-___....__�.__._....v�..��__,-- -_ _
<br /> _:4". .� (.�,.i' . '� � ` - . . , ' ,
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<br /> s _ - � f • . �a7�':"`
<br /> .. ..�` ''_ .__,- _ _ .L. ' . `� . � . ( . . . , �����'�. . .� ` ...
<br /> � '����Y�Y-T ���0(Cl�GC�.fk�y�����lik��ll�i`
<br /> _ � ,�'���0[(b�!'�[�►1������y�' ��06l.CCIIdIt10RS�l'L'1�1ft BOf�OWlf: (/) , ` -
<br /> _--- �1�.lOdli''�fW14.WTt�C1t..1�1lA.�` �1C�YC Wid![�f$Q�t�T1{1fi1t11100t�fld�IC�101G�!�IW� � ,
<br /> -.._ _ _ _--•°----
<br /> -- CIrCi�II�I _ _
<br /> inmmmmt.ineludi�,but aot limite�_to.�aoaa6k a�omeys�Ceex�nd(d)Wces such actian as[,ender msy ceasa�ubly - =-
<br /> . ieq�iae ta�ssiu�thwt the liea.vf dils�eru�itY Instr�miait.Lendeoh ri�inU �insn�ea�ent by Barnow�s����Y .
<br /> sums secu�od bY t6ig SecriiitY Tmtruanrnt af�if ca�ntieue �ncl�d. Pon
<br /> ��aod lhe oMi�ati�s secared hetebY ah�11 tan#in fully effettivr u if no sccekration had occuued. However.this
<br /> ri�t in iei�le sf�U aa�ppiy a►t6a case of scckle�a6aa rmder p�a�i1 - - - -
<br /> 19. Sde ef 1�iNe;Crs�e at tw�Servi�xr..'tLe Nato or a p�rdal inten�st ie the Note(to8ether with this Securiry ..,
<br /> -- . Lm�rwnpN)m�Y be soW aie ot moco times wid�out ptio�notioe to Boctowec A sak mty tesuh ia a cluage ia.tbe entiry
<br /> (kanwn ss thc"Lom Sarriod')tlat colkcts a�o�nb1Y P�Y�s dne uader the Nate aM this Savr�tY Insuume°� THe�also
<br /> ' '' .may bc aoe or nw�e cd�a�pes ot'8�e I.o�rt Se�►iar�mret�tM w a s9ie of the NatG If tMe is a ct�nge of tlx Loan Setvicer.
<br /> .. Hamwer w�t be given wriqea 6oucx d d�e chs�age in acco�d�r�ce with par.�graph 24 abavc and applicabk law. 11x�tive
<br /> �-wilt atiie d�e twne md�ddass of tbe new Lo�ut Servicer and the addcess to wi�icA payments sttoulA be made 71�e notice w�l-
<br /> siso conl�io aay oUkr infarmation mqair�bd bY�pliabk taw. . �
<br /> . 2R Has�rdws S�ees. Bamwer sbaU not cAUSe or petmit the p�esence.t�se,disPosal•stora8e.or release of at►y
<br /> ii�irndoos°$ubst�oces oa a�in die YmpartY. Borrower sh�ll nac do.nor allow anya�c e1�e a�do��ng affec6a�g the
<br /> F![�xctg thu is itt viotaaan of�ry Fnv�aual�aw.'77te pceoeding two s�nteaces shall.aata}�p� P'�
<br /> af tt�cdo�Su[�nces d�E ace Sene�aUY iea?Lcruz�t°bc aPPmpriate ta nn�aal=
<br /> - - -stosagc an tt�Ptaperty of srnali qu�ties • . .
<br /> residetuial uses a�d to mamtea�nce of ti�e Pn�pe�tY.
<br /> - 8amwer st�ail�omptiy Eive F.e�d�er writren notice of aay invatigation,claim,demaaa,tawsuit ur ather actiort by any.
<br /> :: 8�`��nB�Y�S�g'?�'���If So� T,�c����Sa6stance or�vu�ntat
<br /> . �,avfi;;qE'a��ucf�Balrn�et hu �ccr�;�owkdSe. we�:. or�s by a�Y g�� �1��
<br /> � ,.,�¢;�;;;r�ptg�,�or aher��'�an of aay Haxacdoi�;°S�SStance at�a�ting t6��ty ia neces.Sacy,Bacc¢4��z_ ' .. , ,,:,
<br /> �3� ytakea['&�ssuy m �a€'n.vimnmauall-aw. ; . , �- �, •
<br /> , � .
<br /> , dq•�sea ia t�is:� xa7a�snnsr�nc� es���abt3aea as tnicic qr haz�df��A��_
<br /> � . •��a v i r a�l�2 t'`:-a�3� foll o v«r�:�ubstances: gasoline,��ec atFier ff�nable ar qasi�p�trol�n�'+�.��
<br /> ' pespc�es�3 i�ci.9es volau'Ie��.'��sts,m�teriats contain�.:;:�5 e stos or f+m a n a l d e h y d�;�n i 3 r a d}"o a c c i v�;��- �s
<br /> .,;` usRt?��s��O,"EnviRv�i Lav�i'meaus federaC�.`�:�nd laws of tt�e juris¢i.�vutiena the��,,�s��
<br /> that'r�+:�t��ea5''.��-`�i.Y ar en�it�cs��tal pro[ectian. . � . ,• ��:.:;:;��• . ;,,.;,,;::,!�,.• .�• �
<br /> - - ..;; L�OI1E.�1�'L�C2�1�1E mDYENA:►�S5'Bomuwer�'LLenctetr t�t..rt�coveaaccC EC�agee as fet�oas: . . , ,,: �
<br /> �Y: �„�:'l.ender-s6ai[give natic���rr,q�'�!a'to accete�tia��`41(��;$�►rrn�er's
<br /> ' Draeb ot�ny wveniint or sg�e�t ia t6is Secvritq In�;#��ro��or tp anoe�'atiori�fifi�.�i7
<br /> , , , qnkssapplica6felawpravtdesoti�erw[se). Tdenotic�sb�tts�ea�s�``f�l;c��l'autt:{b�tLeactioareqiliredta�ttfei�
<br /> default,(c)p dat�not ie�t6�a 30 dxys from the date tic r±a�ie.ss�ta Borrower.by whicb the defaalt mist it .
<br /> cured;aad(d)tlal tailure to cu�e the defaalt on or be[ore ti�e d'ate�d�ed in tlre natice may ersuk ia�o�
<br /> tiie sams secarM by this SecaritY instrumeot aad snk ot the Propertic 'fhe notice shall furtber intorm Borrower ot
<br />-- , tlie ri�t to�state alrer Aoceleralloe and the rlght to bring a court action to assert the nomexisience M A defautt or �
<br /> , aey ot6er de{p�se ot Borrower to Accekration Aad sate. If the dds►uIt is nM curM on or before t6e dste specified b = _
<br /> `''` ` t6e notke,I,�nder at its optioe may reqnire immedinte pnyment in full otall sun�secured 6p thts SecuritY Inttrumrnt �___
<br /> ��. wtthout furtlier demand a�d ms+y invoke the power ot'sak and any other remodies permitted by applka6k law �.��__
<br /> Lender shall be entitkd to colkcl s�ll expenses iacarred in pursuing the remedi� provided in thls para�apb 2l, ���=
<br /> � ���_
<br /> ' , includia;.6ut nd limited M,reasonabk attarneys'tees anA cost.4�title evldenc� :._,;,�¢
<br /> �-, If tUe power�sale i�invoked.7�u�tee shatl record a�otice ot default 1n each cwnty in w6ich any{wrt of the ��•y
<br />� propeety is located and shsll mai!capies ot such nMice in the manner prescribed by applicabk taw to Bonawer�nd to ��,;,�:,
<br /> :;�•,,-;�
<br /> � �-: the other persons prescri6ed by appNcable faw Afte�the time requieM by applkabk law.7Yustee sha0 give puMk ._ _�;-
<br /> nMice ol sak tv the ptrsons and in the manner prescri6ed b a plicabk(aw 7lrastee.wtthout demand on Borrower. `"""°
<br /> Y P -',';�.:,':
<br /> shatl sell lhe Praperty at publk auctbn to the highest 6lAder at the dme and place anA under the te�ms destEnated in _�_,.
<br /> the nMia ot snte in one or more parcels�nd in any order 71ru�tee determines. 7lrustee m�y postpone wfe of all or Any '�::;;f,=,_
<br /> � parcel of t6e Property by publk pnnouncement at the time and place of any previously rchedukd sak Lender or its --
<br /> designee may purchase the Property at any sak. ,
<br /> � �. Upon rece ipt o t paymen t o f t he pr i ce 6 i d,'1'r u s t e e s h a U d e l i v e�t o t h e p u r c A a ser Trustee's deed conve yin g the
<br /> Property. 7'he recitals in the 7lrustee'A dced shaU be prima tacieevidence ot the trutb otlhe statements made therein. ,
<br /> ' 7lrustee shalt apply the proceecls o�the sate in ihe tollowtng order: (a)to alt casts and eapenses v�exercising the power .
<br />_-, ��� , , " -
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