-r.- �� _ _ �.. . ... -- -� � � � -� -. _
<br /> _ vo� `k�� — ` -''.. - _.—' — —
<br /> _ -� '. - .- --- �.�z-.._- _- _ — . .. _. —.- --- — - ----
<br /> �_ , . � _ —ut'",�' . < = _.--. . - _ � . - ._.. . .�_..
<br /> —_^" � •°� �a � ` - . — � . _ � , . . � ` . c
<br /> :�� --� :- - = �- � . . � � � - - � ..-. : : - ._ .-- � � �, . .- 9�--`�'��.3� . c_-
<br /> . ''t�OGE1'E�R vvr�'x�it tbe i�cvvem�ts now or 6ereattec aecroa an the proQecty.�,a a11 eaumeats�`�.
<br /> : .aed fixas�es now 6c haceafkr a put of�he p�opercayc. All npt*ac�e}�nn�encs and addiriaas shalt also be rnveced 6y tl�is Security
<br /> .-_ __ _ - .- . � ' l Ltl t�iiL�Yt �����-�IS�i�3!L�!S�!r�•R���~_____ ."_ ___ __ _ ."—.-_
<br /> • � BORRO�VFR DOVENANTS t�at Sorc+nwtF is law�a}�y seised oE t1x cstate 6ereby oonveyed ac�d 6as the tight to grant :.
<br /> � = and comey tAe Prope�aad ti�at�Se Ptope�ty is vaencumbeted,ex�ept for encutnM�es o€mord. Sonuwr,r wartaats and-
<br /> arill defead groently the title m tht Ytupetty ag�inst all ci�ims aud demands.sublect to any easumb�sccs of record.
<br /> � 9'HIS SECiJ[tITY INSTRUIV�N'i' oo�mbii�es unifqrm wve[iaats fa natiasal use and non-uaiform cavenanu witb
<br /> timitod vuiat�ais bj►jwisdcctiou to coa�tim�be a amform seat�iry instnuriesicover�g nea!�rope�ty.; . . • —
<br /> UNtFORM C[1V�NNAN'i'S. Botrower and i.eader cova�ant acd agrce as follows: wben.due the �
<br /> 1. 1'�yme�t dPrircipal a�d Ieterest:PrepYmat a�Late Ckar6e� Hormwer st�all pmmptlY i�Y . -
<br /> principal of and iatecest on the debt eviden�by the Note and anS►prepaYment aad late chazges due under the Note.
<br /> = Z, FL�ds tot'li�u,y a�+d J�e.Subject m applirabte law ar to a written waiver by l.tnder,Bormwa shall pay to
<br /> - - . , lt.nder on tUe day monthlY PaYm�ue due�nder 1he Note.ont�the.Nde is pud in full,a sum(°F�nds'�far. 18ea choW .
<br />- tues and assessmenu which rnay suain priority over this Securicy Insuumeat as a liea an ihe F�opercy;(b)Y�Y .
<br />- - paymeM.s or gcnund na►ts on tbe Ptapeity. if any;(r)XeartY h�d ar P�P�Y �Premiums; (�YearlY fl�1 •
<br /> insuc�ce premiam��f any; (e)Ye�ulY matgage insuiance Prem�um.s,�f a�t},aad(fl snY sums payable by Bairower to
<br />_"�._ - I.e�der.in accord�moe with the provisiars of paragraph 8.in lieu of the payment of mortgage insaraace Pcem�ums. Tfxse
<br />,���": � items arc calkd"Escmw 1te�ns" La�der may.at a�ry time,coitect and hold Fuuds in.an amoant aot ca exceed the maximum
<br />'r'.' . _ amd�t a lender fcrr a fedasily relatod moctgage loan may nequire for Hoavwer's escraar account under the federal Real
<br /> . , E�e S'estlement p�ocedmes Act of 1974 as amended fmm time to time,l2 LTS C.§�Z601 et seq,("RESPA'�,unless another
<br /> -•'�� '�taiv��E applies to the Funds sets a(ess�r amoun� If so�Lender may.at any tnne,�Iloct aa�f hatd Funds in an amounf not to
<br /><-f� .;�:�;..:...exuedd the lesser�oant L�t may est�atc the amount of Funds�ae aa�the bas9s of cument data and[easonabie
<br />_'� - : : es�ratee�af eapenaimces of fat�ce Fsccaw toeuns ar qt5erwise�in accadatice ar�fi�apptica6ie taw. ' '
<br /> . . :,�fe�unds shail be beld in�i insiitusian v�3mse depasits an insureA by a federal a�eacS.�entalery.or entity -.--
<br />-`_� , (inct�Ci.isg I.ender,if Lender is s�aa insuwuon�a in any€edetal Home Laan Bank i;endes sfialE apply tt�e Fmid.ti to pay - —
<br /> the E�..�iow Items. Leuder may�ot charge Bom�wer for hofding and a�pplp'mg the"F�mcLs.armuaity aaalYz�nB tde escmw . � "y,
<br /> �'- accouqt, or verifyutg tBe Escrow items. unless L.ender pays Borrower intenest un the F�iuids and'ayp�tcable Iaw p�mnits � _
<br /> • :y-.: Lender to malce sacd►a charge. However.l.ender mag�requiie Barrower to pay a one-time charge f�an�ndependent real �-�•�_-_
<br /> - .. - eatn�tsx.ceporti�se�vice used by Lender in connectian with this loan.untess applicable law pcov�de[�erwise. Qnless an . , . ; -�T =
<br /> ea a
<br /> r 'y; _' agreement is made or appflcable law requires interest to be paid Lender shalt not be requireA to pay��=_+awer any inter�st or ;� „F--
<br /> eamings on t h e f�m d s.:H o r n o w e r a n d L e n d e r m a y a g�e e i n w r i t i n g,h o w e v e r.t h a t i n t e r e s i s h a U be paid a?the Funds. Lender '��
<br /> ��.� o 0
<br /> . �•-��::� , r j �`" shall give to Botrower,without charge.an annuaf accounti�g of the Tvnds.showing cmdiu and debits�fa the Funds ahd the' . '.:�_<<t.�'���;�:
<br /> �� �� �^ � purpose for which each debit to the Funds was made. Tha Funds are ptedged as addi[ional security fcst'all sums secured by � ?�;.�,�;�,
<br /> � � this5ecurirylnsv�ent • � ; . •�Y y'��'`'`,
<br /> " '� -�'- ' �.�,'�:.:'�:�,..::.�.�
<br /> � If the Fu�sds-�IA 6y I.ender eaceed the.�namts pem�itted to be hefd Iry applicable law. €.��r shaU account to .��'�-.: •,v,-
<br /> �;.. �. -� ' Bo►rawer for the excess Funds.in accordance a:tb the requirements of applicable law. If the amo��af the Funds held by ,:�;�;;�'•�,'�:,;:�
<br /> r_. I.cpdei at any time is not suff�e,ent to pay the Escrow Items when due.Lender may so natify Borrower in writing,and.in ...,�,.. ;.^: ,�
<br /> I.
<br /> �:,
<br /> "?� such case Borrower shal!pay tss Ixnder the amount necessary to make up the deficiency. $orrower shall make up the *�•;�,_-,^�
<br /> . J :. deficiency in no more ti�an tweive monthlY paYments,at Lender�sole discredon. �- f.,-,.Y.:J' '�:
<br /> ' �• -�.�; '� Upon payment in fall of all sums secured by this 5ecurity lnsuument,Lender sFiall pmmptly refund to BoROwe�any � ., . -
<br /> � �„i,'.�:`�'��,��',,."�, Funds held by Lender. If,under paragraph 21,Lender shaU acguire or sell the PropBrty.Lender.prior to the acquisition or ,
<br /> ---- �_`—-- �— sale of the Property.shall apply any Funds held by Lender at the time of acquisition or sale as a credit against the Sums � •� �
<br /> secured by this Security Instrumen� '
<br /> . ��;� � •`� ' 3. ApplieaHon oiPtaymeaRs. [lnless applicable law pravides otherwise,aU payments received by Lender under j `���i��=
<br /> '�'•"`" � ''� hs 1 and Z shalt be a lied:frst,(a an re a ment chat es dae under the Note;second.to amounts payable under F. •r��:m
<br /> • � ,;. ,r.'„ ' Paragrap PP� Y P P 9 6
<br /> ' � '��• :`�• • '4' pazagraph 2:thud,to interest due:fqurth.to principal due:and last.to any late charges due under the Note. � � . . _
<br /> "°`�=�i�n��� � 4. CbArges;Uena Borrower shalt.pay all taxcs, a.csessmenu, charges, tines and impasitivns amibutabte to the , ;;�-
<br /> .�',�.��=`-: . Propeny,which may attain priority over�fiis Security lnsuument,and leasehold payments or gmund re�ss.if any. Borrower � .. . � �_--
<br /> � ,�„p.._�t;.,.._� shall pay these ob2igations in the manner pravided in paragcaph 2.or if not paid in ihat manner,BonoWer shall pay them on i, '�' i,:;�;-.
<br /> `����� ,-� ' time directly ta the person oweA payment. Banawer shall promptly fumish to Lender ap natices of amaunts to be paz�under � , „ '�:w°.-
<br />� . • ��;';�;�.. :. . • ..
<br /> ,..�,,�;,��-. : this paragraph. If Borrvwer makes these payments directly. Eorrower shalt promptly fumish ro IxnQar r°cei�xs es+i��ncing .�• ;_;_��.
<br /> • � thc paymenta. . '`'�-
<br /> . `� °` � '� Borrower shall promptly dischazge any lien which has priority ovet this Security fnstrument unless E?*_ra�aer:Ea)aa��s �� , �,.....�
<br /> . ���,`;a�:_ . _�-�
<br /> , �. •x,_.:.�1••�-• in writing to the payment of the obligation secured by thc lien in a manner ncceptable to Lender;(b)con;ests in goa�f�:,�the � �' `
<br /> •�"�i'�`�'� lien b g S P S P P� �`' � `
<br /> ,�.,.�.y�.�:•1.. . y.or defends a ainst enforcement af the lien in,le al raceedin s which in the Lender g a inton a te to eveat the -.
<br /> '• .:�'•.�-
<br /> � � -`� -• cnforcement of the lien:or(r)secures from thc holder of the lien an agreemem satisfactory to Lender subordinati��ahe lien ;.�,.:.
<br /> ��`',�' . '� to this Security lnsmrmen� If Lender determines that any part of the Property is subject to a licn wh::�may attain�riority . -
<br />� �,'�•�.�r.'���.•. � - '
<br /> ;;�,�..;�.� �. over this Secunty Insmiment.Lender may give Bortower a noticc idcntifying the lien. Borrower sha(�s::�sfy the lien or take ��
<br /> onc or moce oP Ihe actions set forlh above whhin 10 days of th�giving of notice. �
<br /> . • � � S. Hazard or PropeMy lasuranca Borrowcr'shall kccp thc�mprovemcan now existing nr"r.e:eafter crected an the �: �
<br /> � ' • Property insurcd against loss by fire,hazards included within ihe teml"extended coveragc'and any other hazards.including . ! ' �
<br /> ' . f�oods or ftooding,for which Lender reyulres inqurance. This insurance shall be m�ir.:ained in the amaunts and for the � .
<br /> ;�i f'�t.` , FMm 381.8 9/90 lPuRe l nJb prigttl f - • .
<br /> . .
<br /> .. . � . ,
<br /> �.�� � , . .. .. . _ • . .
<br /> , . ' . . " :- .. .. .—._ _ . .� , ,� , � � ' ..� � , , . � . • .!
<br /> ' . . . __ .. . ': ,. . , . . . ' . , . .- . .- , :
<br /> . . � _ . .. , . •
<br /> _ � . . i . ' - _ _ •
<br /> • . t . . - . . . . - • . .
<br /> . . . - � � � • -_ � . '
<br /> , .
<br /> •• • . • .
<br /> . . . . , ,
<br /> . .
<br /> ,
<br /> . . • . . , •
<br />