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<br /> _ . . . , : �. . . C c .S' .. � � . ':''� .
<br /> , . ` . .! ; ` . � . . . � ,
<br /> � .c�den�t;an,x qher qi�ing of�r p�rt of the Ropercy.or fa conreyanoe in lieu of aaidatui�tiai.a+e l�ereby acsi8ned md
<br /> sWi16e p�id to Lender.; ' � ` . �< `
<br /> --= —
<br /> : irt ttk event�.a wpl t�king of ihe PYopcity.the procads shaU be apptied w the sums secnrtd�by_this Secuciry, '
<br /> __ v► ot aa[�lf"� - - _�.r-iirthe-erriK dip�tisi i3l:iug'�s�ii�e-€'ra�rtyr�s= —, �-
<br /> � _v�hicit ihe fair muicet value uf the Ptdpetiy imnadiateiy befde tllt tatiag is Cqu�t to or greacer t[un t6e arrbwn.t of tbe snms,
<br /> sec�ed by�his 5avdry Instreunatt immediauty 6efae tAe talring.u�less Banower and Leader othe�wi�agcce in wriUng.
<br /> th sums sociaied hy this Sa�irity [nsln�meat shall be roduced by the a�nou�t of thc procadc muhipiied by tl�e follownng
<br /> � f�dtiaa: (a)d�e total amount oEthe sums secuned immediateiy before the w�iAg.divickd try lb)the fair muket vatue of the
<br /> , propeity utundi�ely befac the takiii$.,Any 6r�i�ure sha116e peid ta Lia�rawer. in die eveat of a gastiai tafcing of tl� - ..
<br /> u�which tGe fair ma�et vatue of tbe Qtope�cy imm�cGatety 6eFoce�the aking is kss ehan tlie anwant of the swnc
<br /> si�immed���ety 6efore ti�e tafting,unleu Barowu an�:i.�xk�a���in writing or unkss applicabk taw
<br /> otberwise provides�.the.pro�eeds st�al}6c applie¢ta ihe.sums secured by this Security lnstrument whether or na the sums anc
<br /> then due,. �
<br /> . If ttie.Propelt}is�O�P+9!�bY Bomowa.ot i�after�ce by E.ender ca,Barower t1�t tbe cademna offers to maict
<br /> ,., an award aR sdtk.�ctaiT!��t+r�8�.Bannrct faik W resporyrycf„to.�ender within 30 days aftes tt�e date the tati��e is given: .
<br /> Lrnder,is authorine.d.ta cntkct aad apptp the pr+oc�tls.at iu:optiun.,e.ither m restorrtian ot r+ep.vr of thc Pboperty�qr ta d�e..
<br />- swEes,�uced bY,d�:SacprilY In�n�nt.whetl�er or not Wett due. .
<br /> �q� ,y�1.,C11�ii��:A�YYCT Ot�ICIWISC a$Tl'f�.lt1 FYflJ}IIF*?OY,,. h0�1 OE QNCEC�S t0 pi'iM7p3I SI1dI�:q06 CXtC[Id af
<br /> - ---- �S1�QItC��IG,(IOC Q1fB Q�t$C tIlOII�IJ�QaYA1CIIIS fCfCR�L0lJt[7G1�1j�yf�3iid Z Ot ClYdtt$C lJIC BRLOUttt 0£SlfC�k Q�ytiltIILS.
<br /> � 1!: Eos�awee.Not.Reteased: F�cBg;�.eeder Not� Wsivee• Extensicx►nf�he �ime.:for•PaYmem a
<br /> - �odifi�rian of�moctization ottNe sutas socwe+d�hq`t�is;SecuritY Instruma►t granted by Lender to any successor�n mte�rst .
<br />_- of,Bqr.t�lWer.s5a11 na operate to release the.Gability.of tpe aig'utal Borrower or Borrower's•successors in intenest.L.ender
<br /> � �}�{!.�,.�,�qui�d:to cammcnc�proceedings agaiast aity..��essa3 in interest or reftue to extend time for payment o�
<br /> otherwise madifY amaiizatiosr,qf the sums secu�ed bY this Secnriry Instcument by t�tson of any demand made by the original
<br />___ � Borrower ar Barrow�'s successqts in irme�est Any farbearance by I.encier ire exercising any rigbt or remedy sl�all not be a�
<br /> waiver of or p�eclucie ti�execsise of any right or remedy. �_
<br /> 12..Se�eas��l���:jdat aad Several LiaWBty;Co-si�er.� The covenants aad agreements af this
<br /> - Security tnsmuniez�s�aSl bind aad 6e�fit the successots and assignq af Lender aai�BocroWrer,subjecl ta the provisions of
<br />`� � p� 17,Borrower's caveaants and ogreements shall be joint and several.Any Barrower who co-signs this Se�zrriry
<br /> .°t . . �Sp�af�bui does not eaecute dse:.yate:(a)is co-signiFtg t6ia Security lnsaument only to mongage.grant and con���that
<br /> Bornower's interest in the PropeRy under�he tenns of this Secariry Insttumen� (b)is nat personalty obligated to pay ttie sums _
<br /> _ secund by this Security instrumen�and(c)ag�ees that-I.ende�and any otlier Borrawer may agree to exteitd.modify.forbear
<br /> � , or make any accommodaqons with regacd to the tem�s af tfiis Security Instrnment or the Note wi�:s that Bortower?c
<br /> ' consea� ' -
<br /> _ 13 Loan Clwrges. if the loan secured by this Security Instrument is subject to a law whi"c[i�'sets maximum loan �
<br /> � cl�arges.and that law is finalIy inteipreted so that the inte�est or other taan charges copected or ta be u�;�eted in co�►r�ection •
<br />- with the loan exc:ee�the permitted limiGs.then: Ca)any s�cb loan charge shall be reduceA by the ame�s�+cessary to redute
<br /> tht charge to thr pe►mitted limit;a�d lb)any sr,�asalready coUected fmm Borrower which exceeded�ni'��;ted limits wiU be
<br /> afwidec!to Borrower. Lender may choose to m".�,"2e this refund hy reducing the principal owed under tite 4�:or by making a
<br /> � direct�ayment to Borrower. If a refund reduces principal.the reduction will be treated as a partial preQ�yr.ient withQC:tany - , ' �•
<br /> • ptepa;�.ent charge under the Nate_ �p=
<br /> �� t4. Piotices. Any notice ta Boriower provided far in cnis 3ecurity insuument shaQ be given by deliverinr i�ai by . - -
<br /> � '�' 'm a i l i n g i t b y.f i r s t c l a s s m a i!u n l ess a p p l icable lawce quires ase of anotfter method.The notice shall be d'uected to the Praperry • �±""—
<br /> •:.:�„T.
<br /> -' Address or any other address Borrower desigrta:�by notice to Lender. Any notice ta i.ender shall be given by first cla�s `
<br /> mail to Lender's address stated herein ar any oth�raddress L.ender designates 6y notire to Borrawer. Any natice pmvided for
<br /> in this Securiry Instrutnent shall t�e deesnedtv have becn given ta Baaower or Lender when given as provideA in this :���_:
<br /> P��Ph• � �"�•
<br /> IS. Governing l.aw; Severability. 'This Srcurity lnswmcnt shaA be gavemed by federal law and the taw o9 the �'�=_
<br /> jurisdictian itt which ihe Praperty is lacated. (te r,i�e event that any provision nr clautie of this Security I�sttvment or the Note _
<br /> confllcts with applicable law.,uch canflict sha6[.c��affect other provi�ion�of this Security Instrumertt c�the.Note w�ich can • � _
<br /> be given effect without the conflicting provisi�n, T�this end the pravisions af this Securiry In.rtrun�:E and the'�at�are
<br /> ,; ' declared to be severable. � ��
<br /> I6. Borroweo's Copy. Borrawer sha116e given one carF��rmed copy of 1he Note and ot thiv Security Instrumen�
<br /> � � 17. 7lransfer of the Propert��a BeneRcia!tnteres4 on$orrower. If all or any parc r.f the Propeny ar any inr,�r�t in
<br /> it iti sold or transferred(or if a he�cial interest in Horrawer ix sald ar ti�an�fencd and Sunawer is not a natur�i,�e�s..an)
<br /> � without l.ender's priar written con.r•ent.Lender rzay.at its aption.reyuire immediate paymem in futl af xtl sums Yecumd by ,;.4;.
<br /> • this Security lnsuument. However.thiw option�:."�all not be excrciscd by l.ender ii'excrcisc iv prohibite��y federal.law a.v of �`=
<br /> ' the date of this Security lnstrumer:•a.
<br /> • �`- If Lcnder cxercises this opr"ran.Lcnder shall givc Bom�wer nntice ot acccicrasian. The notice sha:l provide a periad of - •
<br /> �'� not tess than 3q days from the datc ihc notice i�delivered nr mailcd within�vhich Barrow•er musl pay a[I�:hs secured by this .
<br /> . ' �.,d;, Security lnsirumen� lf Horrower failc ro pa�� ihese zums priar to ihe expiratinn c+f ihiti periad.Le:r.'n.�:may invake any ,
<br /> • " :,�� remcdies permiued 6;this Security instrumen�w.ithout furthrr noticc or demand on Borrawer. �
<br /> .�2�, ��. •.. 18. BasroR•er`a Rip,ht to lteingtate. If 8orrower mcets ccnain cunditians, Boreawer shall ha ie the right ro have ,
<br /> - enfarcement af this Security Instrument diticontieued at:u�y tinte priar ta the rarlicr a[: (a)5 d�yc(or snch other per.ad as i. �
<br /> r�:'?� ' Singto Famity-•Pannb N�efiYcddk 1fx C"�IF'11R�!t\51'ItCNE�7'..1 n��:+tm Cavcnamv 9l9A Ipa��4.�n pux��u i .
<br /> • "_�; „ , . { .
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