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<br /> � p�ripdF il�CLa,dei�icrs.�'tbe insu�e cmier p�avidi�the insun�nce s6a11 be cUosen by Borrn�rer subjat to i�aider's
<br /> �ppe�nrai wbich shall ao�bt�'�withheld. ff Bonow�tr fsils to.t�����descn'6o�above.L�der may.at ..
<br /> l.ender's optioa.ob�sie cmnwge�o pcot�a.�t Lendet's ri�dts ai t�e Propetty in accadanoe witb paiagraph 7.
<br /> _— _ __�--AlRimivanoa�lici�s aed�mew�L�shail be 3ooeptabk w i�ender and shall intlqde a st�oda�d _ e ciwsa Leader _ -. _-
<br /> �ia11 h�va the iight to irold t6c polic�es �e . r rt�u- �N����— :
<br /> of pa�d premiva�aad Tenev►�a!not�ces.in the event of loss.Borrower s1�1��ve pram�t_noticc to the insarancr sar+icr�nd - - --
<br /> - -- - - � - . -t,mder. �en�eru4g maice proof of toss if not made promptty by SoROwa . -- .
<br /> Unkss t.ender wd Horrnwer w�erwise a8rae in!wntin8.�n�ace Pc��s�1 be applied w ratoration ar iep�ir of __
<br /> - �he Fcope�ty damag�ed.if th��ioit or iepaic is ecanomicalj9 feas�bte and l.endet's see�srity is�t les�ened•: Tf titt
<br /> t
<br /> • ctstora�n or'reptir is not aononticallY fc�ibic or L.Endes's savr�ty woutd bc le�ened.the.inwiance.p�n c�o t d s sh�11 be -
<br /> app�sed to the stgns secvRd by ihis Security Instn�cr�l.wAethec or not thcn d�.with,aay excess,pud Co Bomnwer. If
<br /> ' Harower abandons the Propaty.or does na ansaur witbit��0 days a nodce fram.�r thac the iusurance ca�rier bas
<br /> offeied w settk s ctaim.tben f.ender mry colla:t tbe inwraaoc ixoceeds..Lendtr anay use d�e p�ceeds w tepair ur restote
<br /> tbe ptope�ty oF to pay sums saureA by this Savrity Insuun�en�wtxther or not thm dua Tde 30-day periad will begin wbca
<br /> the nopce is given _. . ` , .
<br /> Unk.s.s�.ender and Bori4w�c otlucwise agrte in writing,aay appiicarion af p�oceeds to principal si�A not extend or
<br /> postPone the dne date rsf the montl�tY l�Y�refeaed to in parsgraphs 1 aad 2 or change the.amo�mt of the payments•.If
<br /> ` �de�P�r+grapI�21 the Ptoperty-is acquired by lxtider.Botmyvers rigbt to any in.surance policiss and pt�ceeds iesultinS .
<br /> - {��g���piopecty prior to the acc�uisition stsall pass to lx�er w ilse euau of the sum�securcd by this Securiry- . - ,
<br /> Instrutnent immediatety prias ta the acqaisitio�
<br /> _ �, Oocop�cg, Preservstlon. Maioh�sace aad Protectio�.of t6e Property, Horrmrsr's Lato Applieatiowi
<br /> -° - - -- l�ue�olds. Borrower sirall occupy.establish,and use the Prope�ty as Hamwer's principal c+esidence within sixty days after
<br />-�- th�txecution of this Security tast�nent and shall c«uinue to accupy t6e Pr�npe�ty as B�mwer's pripcipal iesisi�ce for at
<br /> =- — Ir�st a�e year after the date of occupancy, anless lxnder otherwise agrees in writing,_which consent �'nIi bot 6e
<br /> ;;-- ttne�ea.wnabty witl�hetd,or unless extenuating circnmstances exist wtuch.ane beyond Barowers controL Borras�-a shalhnot
<br /> desuuy,d�ttage or imp�ir the Ptnperty.al[ow tl�e Property io deteriora�e,or commit waste on she Pcvpe�ty Bortnwer shall
<br /> - bc in default if any forfeittue action or pmoeeding,whetlKr civi!or critninal.is begun that in Lender's good fsdtb judgment
<br /> could result in forfeiturc of the Property or otherwise materially impaic the lien cie�ated by this Socurity InsWment u�
<br /> ;, :� l.erakr*s securiry interest Bamuwer may cure such a default and ninstate.as p�uvided i��►aragraph l8,by causing the action
<br /> � `°� or pcneceding to he dismis5e+c��ith a ntling tbat,ia Lender's good faith detertninatiore.�ecludes forfeipue of the Bor�vwer's ---
<br /> . Y� inte�est in the.Prapect}+or�es material impairment of the lien cmatai by tf�is Security lnswment or Lendec�s security ----
<br /> inteRSt. Bomswer sl�aU also be in default if Borcower, dwing the.3oan applieatian process.gave materially faise or =--�-
<br /> inaccurate enfc�aiation or statements to Gender(or fauled to pmvide�er with any material informauon)in connecuat with -__ ---
<br /> ` the loan e��ced 6y the Nate.including,but not tim7ted ta, representations can¢eming Borrower's occupancy of tiie . ___
<br /> - Pm�erty as a pis"ncipal cesidence. If this Securiry lnstrume�i is on a teasehald,Borrower shaU eampiy with aA ttre pcavisioas • ____ --_
<br />' o�ttte lease, If$orrower acquires fee title to the Praperty.the leasehold and the fee title shall not merge unless Lcn3er a�rees_ . •:
<br /> . To the mer8e�'in�vriting. •
<br /> �_ '� 7, p�tsdlan ut Lender's Rishts in the Properly. If Bortower fails to perform the covenants and agreements
<br /> •5 - cantained in tius Security Inswment.or there is a legal proceeding that may sig�uficaatly affect Lenders rights in the --
<br /> ;-�' property(sucfi as a proceed�g in bankruptcy.probate.for condemnaaon or farfeiture or to enforce laws or regalations).then �_-�
<br /> Lender may do and pay for a�atever is necessary to protect the value of the PnvEx�t}�and Lender's tights in the Praperty. ��. _
<br /> � Lender's actions may incia�epaying any sums secured by a lien which has priarity a�e.�this Secnrity Instrumen�appeanng .;;:.,�_
<br /> � ';;•: - in court.paying reasonable attomeys'fees and entering on the Property to make repaus.Although l.ender may take accion_ �,.�.�;,,-
<br /> � f:-�• under this paragraph 7.L,ender doe!�not have to do so.
<br /> My amounts disburs:d by LeRder under ihis paragraph 7�hall become additional debt of Borrower secuted by this ' '` �..'�`'
<br /> - Security Instrumen� Unfess Boaower and Lcnder agree to other cerms of payment.these amounu shall bear interest from the �
<br /> • .��. date of dis6ursement at the Note rate and shall be payable,with interest.upan natice from L e n d e r to Borrower reques ang
<br /> PaYmem- �
<br /> ' � S. Mort�ge Insuranc� If Lender myuired martgage insurance ac a randition of making the loan secured by this - _
<br /> ' ' ` _ ' Seeurity Instcumem. Bortower shall pay the premiums rcquired ta maintain the mortgage insurance in effean. !i.for any • _
<br /> . � '� reason. the mortgage insurance cov�ge :eyuired by Lender lapscs or ceases to be ia effect. 8oaower shall pay the
<br /> ' � �miums required ta abtain coverage substantially cyuivalent ta the moAgage ins��rance previously in eifecb at a cost ,
<br /> , r' �bstantially equivalent to the cost to Barrower af the mortgage insurance previou5ty in cPfect.Prom an altemate mortgage
<br /> insurer approved by Lender. 6#substantially cyuivatent m�rtgage insura�ce caver.ere is not availuble.Banawer shall pay to � .
<br />• � Lender each mantb u sum equal to ane-taelfth of the ycarly rr�ortgage insurance premium being paid by Boaower when the .._-�`�`
<br />, ��� � insurance cc+�erage lupsed or ceased to be in effect. l,ender wil l accept,use And retain these payments as a loss reserve in lieu . _j���-
<br /> v . ::: of mongage insurance. LosS reserve paymentti may no longcr be reyuired.:�t the aption of Lender.if mortgage insurance '—
<br />, • caverage(ist the umount aad for the pertad that Lender requiresi prav�ded by an insurer approved by Lender again becomes ��•'-'
<br /> avaitabte and is obtalned Barrower shall pay the premium�required to maintain martgage msur:u�cc in effect.or to provide a
<br />, � :�: ,K-a tass reserve.�atil the requirement for mortgage insur�nce eads in accordarice with any written agmement between 8orrower � . .
<br /> � .�'� . and l.ender or applicable law.
<br /> `� " � 9. lnspeCtion. Lender or its agent may make rea5unabte entriec upan and inspection�of tl:�Property. Lender shall �. ' . .
<br /> ���+s;- �••� give Borrower notice at 1he time of ar pno:c�ann ins�ection+pecitying reationable rause for the ins�ection. ' '
<br /> " •-� 10. (:ondemnalloe. t'he proreeet�af a�y awxrd o:claim for dam�ge�.direct ec can.r•eyuential.in connection with any -
<br />. •____ - �M1 �_'- . .
<br /> " �� S:r^icEamily-•Faanit�lx;F7e6Cir�1ac1�\li'/)NNI�ti'Yft�NFR� -CnifomiCovcnant. 919� I�cr;�lApuReiJ .
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