__ , _
<br /> _ ... _ o i - _ .
<br /> - - i-}" .��� ' . -
<br /> _—__f.�___+ ..___ — __ —_ _ ___ _. . _ __ _ '_ . _..._- _ ' --- . _ _ .-_
<br /> _ _ .. - :"{. ,. ' _ � � �_.. -. � ' . _ _ ._•.�-..�--r=�-- ._
<br /> _.s";�f:' " - '_. '
<br /> ' . t^.} . ' .. ..- . � . . ' . . ' _ ' ' ' . .
<br /> -_ _ - _:�.� _ , .. =- - � _ � . : � _. . �� ���3ss3,
<br /> . ti�� , .. .. �. . � . . . . - . ;
<br /> : . -. _ - _ . . .
<br /> ra re�tane�)bda'a satc af t�e PtopntY P�su���3►P�d sak con[ained m mis ��
<br /> . applicab4e 4a►ta�y�y ��g tltis Sa�itY L�nm�e�N- T6os�oon�uaas Se th�t BoROwer.' (a)
<br /> ' Se�rily b�miao�.ar(�mory��l� tlre NQoe ac if acti aocela�ioa had
<br /> - p►Jrs Lard�er aII sa�s�d�en wwW be�ue uodcr dns Sa�"�tY��d `
<br /> _ - —.. ,�,�.►���-lc�,.m�an_.��_iacatsed in enforcin8 tWs Satimty
<br /> �um��.mct�g,6�noc ru�it�ta,re��o�We�nrneys•fas;and c�rakes sa�acaon a�� may�r -_— —
<br /> to uwre tdat t6e tien�this Seco�itY�t.Lxnder'�rig�ts in ttse PtopeaY�d Barawer's obiigation tu WY� �
<br /> �secuted bY this:Se�mty I�t si�ll caatiawe unchaa8ed- uPon`reinspttmem 53► Bottowsr. tbis Secunty
<br /> - I�umeac aad thc obl�gatiaas savted lfer�bY sbsa=emain€ulIy effec6ve as if no accekr�dan ttad accurred. ls.oweva,this
<br /> - risht m ninu�ie sha11 aot�ppTy ut tbt c�se ofaccetention andee�1'�_ � aits ttns Saauity
<br /> irneeest in the 1Vou tcogeth�
<br /> . 1! Sate d 1V�C�E�e d I.oa�Savi�a: 'Ibe Nae or a puti�l-
<br /> Insl�m�ent)may be sold aae a mae�mes witbout priar a�orice to Boiroxrer. A sate mag nsuit ns a cGaag�e in the eatit�
<br /> � (known u tbe"Loan ' R)�"���7►PaYu�°���mder the No�e aad this Security TI►�n� 'iiKrs aisa
<br /> may be oae ormae clw�ges af the E.oan Savioer m�elued to a sa3c of t�e Nate. If tha�e is a change of tt�e[.oui Se�vi�.
<br /> BoROwer wHl be given written notice af t6e cti9nge ia accadanca with PuaB�14 above and appiirlble law. 1Tr notue
<br /> - wiU sqte the mne aM addt�eas of the new Loan Servicer�nd the addiess towhich{xtymenu should be made. 1T�e nofice wilf
<br /> �iso ca�pmn any,pher iafo�matian raquiitd b7►�PP��1aw. `
<br />- 2!. Bax�cdo�s Sabs�oes Ho�ower shaU oot cause a pevmit ihe piesmc.'e.usc.disposzt.sta�8���-°g t�he
<br /> Hu�rdoac Su�st�es on a in tbe�y. Boemwer sball not dor�oc.alluw aayane else ta da;
<br /> t�t is iaviQtaritton of an�Env�ental Law.,'iT�e p�ocedia�twq seMences s6all rtot a{r�i�#a the:prescnce,asc or.,
<br /> ta" ta avrm�t•
<br /> ,- st�on the.Ptope�ty of staall qaantities�H�:�Sub.stances tdat aca g�Y�to be app�opiiase -
<br /> - - ' [esidential t�ses and to mamtenance of the Atil,oei3�.:;-:;:°°.',,::.. claim.demand.lawsait or otLer action by an�;:,. ,
<br />- . Bocrovrer,shattprompdY'g"►ve Lenderwrittettct�ii�+af anY invetti$s�ion, Hazatdous�bstaace or�nvironsaenta�.C:: ;
<br />_-- gov�fo�r regu�ataY aBeac�►�Q�p�t�,�'y,ringttl��amd aay ,�-t�',
<br /> eacS
<br /> " Law of which Bnrrower bas xtual��Iedge: Sf::�r�w,ei.�+or is notified by aap:�nreramental or reSula[nclr<':�;`,.'r .
<br /> - autbo�iry.that aay mraval or aher�����:���'��e affe�ing the Ptv�y.is�sary.Barowec; :
<br /> sfi�ll ptvmptly talce aU nceessary rerna�af actions u�'�brdanoe wit6 Favironmental Law- . . -
<br /> As used m this pazagraph Z(1."HuaFdons Substances"are thnse substances definod as toxie.ix haaardous substances by
<br /> � Environmentai Law and the foilowin��i,bstances: gasoiime.kerosene.wher flammabte or toio��eoroleum prodacts,to�cic =-_
<br /> pesticides and herbicides.volap'le sab��.materials containing as6estas or formatdehyde.z�;radioactive materials. As� ;�
<br /> . . used in this paragraph?A,"Envitonme�;l.aw"means federal taws and laws of the jurisdictioa���d��P�Y is located
<br /> , that nlate to I�eaith.safety or envir�tat Protection. -::.,`" � -
<br /> �T_ - . . . .. -
<br /> ' NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and 1-e�der faNier covenant and agree as foUows:
<br />� ' `�r. � 21. AccekratioM Remedies. Lender slwll gtve notke tp Banower prior to accekrstioa fdtoR�Horrmrer's .�`-..��-
<br /> ., � ' brepeb of aay covsiwat or s�;.in tbis Security Imlromeat t�ut aot prior to aocekr�tion uddec�rApb 1?.�•� --
<br /> �re'd to cure tie �. ���z;`�--
<br /> • aaiess applkabk taw provides othe�ise). The naBce shall speciEy: ln)!be default;tb)the action req�i .
<br /> - defaelt,(c)x d�t�not les4 t6sa 3,��ys trom the date tLe noUaeis�Iven to Bormweq by�6icb the def�uit must 6e. ;;�,� �,��=r.
<br /> � , �, m tbe notke ura9 resWt io accekration 6�. . ��--
<br /> . ,.., c�red:and ld)tbst tsil�e to crr�e ti�e default on or betore the date specitkd' _
<br /> t6e sams securcd 6y tf�5a�►itY Taacumeat siad sak of the Properly. The notice shall furtber iatono BorroNer of ,�t��`;_-,_
<br /> - � 5a.
<br /> � °,�
<br /> ,. �.� � t1�e ri�t to rewsfste a�sf accd�suW the rlght to dr1eS s courl�ction to assert t6e noa�teace at A default or ����.�^_
<br /> c --
<br /> ;r�.: aey Mher defense o��cvrower to�c�leration and sate. If the default is not cune�_oa ar before the date spccit'xd in ---_-:.,
<br /> , - � . tbe notioe,I,eadec at its optioa m�+y�r e immediate payment in full ot atl sums secured�a,�16is Seca�ty I°stru°Knt �=.��,�.`::_
<br /> . �,f. licable law , •- ;,�;�,?:
<br /> ���;�''� �•;�"�'�, withoat further dem�nd aad may �the power ot sale and any Wher�emedies pa�rtitted by app .
<br /> IRndev shatl be entitkd to rnllecf all expenses incurred in pa�suing the �emedks pmv�ideA iu�this paragraph 21,
<br /> � 'ti � � • ;ncluding,but not limited to,reasonable attordeys'Ytes and costs of title evidenc� • ���� � _
<br /> �- � � '� • If the powee oP sale is lnvoked,7bustee shall record a notice atdetault in each coanty in whicb an� pa
<br /> Y• ra+., .. :. lica6k law to SorroR�er and to • .
<br /> •-� piroperty islacated and shatl mail copies oisuch not�ce in the manner prescribed by app _
<br /> '�'.�` . the aher�ersons prescribed by upplipble law Afte�the time required by applicable law.7lrustee shaU gice pubti� :,-_
<br /> • ,• _: �,. - , .
<br /> . � ,� noHce a�safe tu tbe persons aad in the manner prescribed by applicabte taw 7Yustce.without demand on Bo�'ro� �_
<br /> . �� �; �t _�= • shxp seU tiie pcopeety at publk auction b tMe highest Didder at tde time and ptace and under the terms desisnate��e
<br /> ,if"'.'�`'�,-°.. . ' the eotice ots�te;nase a more parcels and i�any orde�7lrustce determin�.w. 7lrastee maY postpone sak of�ii a'any •y;,; ,
<br /> t�:�.:<<.,.���.�:. .
<br /> . i �� pArcel oi tl�e i�'apes'tF�p public announcement at the time and ptact at�ny prevtous/y schedukd sale Lender or its �`,,,;:r,. ' T
<br /> ' • � �.�-�:�:,� designee m�-s porcirase t�e Property at any sale. - A••
<br /> �' ' '' �,;�.x� : Upos�seipt of pay :
<br /> � ment of��rice bid,7'rustee shall deliver to the purchaser��stee's deed conveying the_ ,:,;;:.
<br />,�'����� ��;�' �� property. The recitals in the Trustc�e�deed shall be prima�acie evidence of the truth ai't6�e sfateinents made therei�. _ _
<br /> •' � Trustce shall appTy the pracads af the sale in the foltawing arder. t91 ta all cats�nd expenses oiexercisingfhe poa•er . . __
<br /> � s
<br /> . ':� •• _
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