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<br /> - � ooadedrWion a a�er Iakina ot'an}prt of tbe Propet�y.ar faf canrey�nc�e ie iieu of ca�dem�tion.ace lrcieby assiaood ard
<br /> : -sh�li be p�id to Lender. ;, � . ,�
<br /> ` � tn drc event of s tutat taki�g'ci 1Ae�toperty.the piqc�etds sh�U 6o applied to the swms secured by this Sertuity � ,
<br /> _ _. - _�-���.�-y,�.�K��ii�Borrovrer,_In the event of$ artial takin o�f�he P�vP�'_1°_—__-_
<br /> wh�ch the fair nartmt vglue of the P�optrty immedwte Y, oc� e t ng�s equai�or�� —" �
<br /> � , se��sed�y this Sccurity Tnstiument immtdiateiY bcfat ttfc tnking.artkss BormvY�and Lsrtder ahe�wise agRe ia writiag. •
<br /> ����by�:��ty I�spummE shall ix�duoed by the 3mouat of the pmcads muttiplied by t[u following
<br /> fraction: (a)the wtal artaunt o�the sums sceu�ecf immediately before the tatcing.divided by fbl the fa�r ma�tcet vatue of the .
<br /> . � ptoperry nrandivtdy-�fae tbe taicing An�r ta�l�nce�hal!be Qaid tn Saaovrer. In the event aF a_gartia!talcing af the , .
<br /> • pmpeity�n w6ich the fair madcet w�iue of the�Rvpe�ty immediately befae she takiag is tess than the artiount of the sums
<br /> - seeuKd immediatetY 6efa�e the taking.�nless Horrawer and Leoder otherwise agree in writing ar uotess applitable tavr
<br /> ' otherwite po+rides.tLe procceds sflall be applied to t6e svms securcd by this Securiry Insdummt whether or cwt the sums ane
<br /> thendue.: �
<br /> if the Ptopnty is aboodaxd by Bortuwer,or i�,after aodce by I.ender to Bamwer Wt the candem�wr offers to maic�
<br /> �awaM or sepk a cisum for daa�ages.8arrowet f�ils to rtspx�d to Lender within 30 days after the date the nolice is given. .
<br /> l.e�der is auteaized to coliect�d app[y t6e procad.�,at its opnon,either to restoration or�epair of thc Praperty or to the
<br /> sa�ns secund by this Sechrity Instcument.wb�l�er or na then due.
<br /> Unkss I.ender�nd Borrower otlierwise agroe in writing.any appticatioi►of pcocads to principal s[�11 not enead or
<br /> postpcnne the due date of the maitEh[Y PaYmcnts�efemd so in P�S�PHS-i aad 2 ar change tlx art�ount of sncfi PaYme�ts-
<br /> ' 11. Borrower AIo! Rdeased; Fot6a�ano� By i.ead�r Nat a Waiver. Faetensian of the dme fos-I�Y�� a ----=-
<br /> raodificatian of s�mmatization of the sums aacuned 6y this Secarity insgument granted by t.ender w�y.snccessor in inte�st.
<br /> of Barower shaa nat operate to�ekase tbe liabiliry of the originaf Bacrowet or Borrower's succeswrs in intec�est.Lende�
<br /> . sbal!iwt be iequirod m conuneace procadia&s aSainst any svccessor in interest or refuse to extend time for p�►ya�nt nr ..
<br /> ahetwise madify amatization of Ibe sums securod by th�s Securiry tns�nxnt by neason of aay demand m•rde by the originai
<br /> Borto�wu or Barowet�s succtssors in iinere.u. Any fa�6earance by l.ende�ia exerrising any right or remedy sfiall not be a
<br /> - waiverof or pueciude the exe�ise of any right ar tertxdy.
<br /> 12 Si�se�o�s sod A�Bopad:]oiet aad Seve�l Li�bility;Co-si�e�s The covenants and agnements of[his
<br /> Socurity I�ttumeat shall hind aad benefit the successors and assigns of[xnder and Boaower.subject to the prw�swas of
<br /> . �paragraph �7,8ortnwer's covonattts and agreements shaU be joint and severa[.Any Bomower who co-signs tfiis Stcurity.
<br /> - Insntiment but das not eaecute the Note: (a)is co-signing this Security lns[rument oniy to moctgage.gram and convey�.that
<br /> _�` • Bamwer s intensi in the Property under the te�ms oF this Secarity insttumeat; lb!is ttot pe3sortal;Y abligated tv pay tht sums
<br /> � secund by this Secarity InStrumen�and fc)agrees that Lender and any ather Borrower may agree to extend.modify.forbear
<br />_�;^ . or m�icc suty aecommadations witit tegazd to the terms ot this Security lnstrument or the Note wlthout that_Borrower's
<br /> consent.
<br /> • 13. l.asn Char�e.s. If the toan setured by this Security in.strument is subject to a law which sets maximum loan
<br />`� -� charges.and that!aw is finalty interpreted so that the interest or other loan charges coltected or to be wllected in connectiat
<br /> - - with ttre ioan exceed the permittey�limits,then: (a)any such laan charge shall be reAuce�by the amount necessary to reduce
<br /> tl�e charge to the pem�iued limit;And(b)any sums afready col[ected from Borrower which exceeded permitted limits will be
<br /> n�undod to Borrower. Lender may choose to make this refund by reducing the principal owed under the Note or by maTcing a
<br />- direc[payment ta Barrower. If a refund ceduces principal,the reduction wilt be treated as a partia!prepayment without any
<br /> prepayment charge under the Note.
<br /> 14. Notices. Any natice to Baaower pra���ied for in this Security fr�rument shall be given by delivering st or by
<br />• - • � ' mailing it by first class mai!unless applicable taw requires use of:+nother mettiod.7'he na�ice shaU be directed to ti�e Property
<br />'i;Y��. ' Address o!any other address Bocrower designates by noticx to Lender. Any notice to Lender shall b�given by first cls�s
<br />, � , mail to Lender s address stated herein or any other address Lender designates by naticc to Barrower. Any notice provided for
<br /> - . � in this Security lnstrument shatl.be deemed to have bcen given to Bono�tier ar Lender when given as provided in thiy
<br /> -:� ParagraPh•
<br />=` • l5. Coverning Law; Severability. This Security tnstrument shall be gavemed by federal law artd thc law af the _
<br />�j � • � jurisdiction in whicb the Propercy,i;�acated. ln the event that any provisian or claasc of thic Security lnrtrument or the Nate
<br />•+�r'> ` conflicts with upplicable law.sud�u3nflict shall not affect ott�er Fsovisions af this Securiry Instrument ar the Nate which can .
<br />..;. . . �-�•
<br />�t;,.,•..,. ; � be giden effeci withaut the conf::;:ing pravisian. Ta tBis err�:ct:e provisiaas of�this Security Instrument und the Note Are
<br /> t���.,� � declazed tobe scwerable. �
<br /> ' - � 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrawer shall be Di��en one canformed copy o-i:�.f�:�'ote and of[his Security In,trumem. _
<br /> : ! R_;; 17. 7Transter ofthe Praperty or a Benet7cial Interest i9 Borrower. ;t'a�F.cr.:ny paaaf thc Property ar any interest in _.
<br /> f� :�., � '` it is qotd or transferred(ar if a i�aeficial interest in Borro�b�L+sbld ar trani�:etrc�d and$orrower is not�natural person) -.
<br /> withaut Lenders prior writters can�w.nt.Lender may,at its e�sa��-}.�require immediatr�ayr�ent in full of all sums secured by _
<br />`;�' � this Security Instrument. l�tqy�±:�:this option shall nut be rr;��xised by l.ender if exercise is prahibited by federa!taw As of
<br />- the date of this Securitg�trc<_�rc�~��:.3.
<br /> •`� If I.ender ezen:i.ti�titia c.�`.:an.Lender shall givc Bonouer natice of avcztcration. Thc natice yha11 provide a periad of
<br /> . not les.c than 30 days frar,�ttze d;�tu the notice i�delivered ot mailed within ai�ich Bnrr��ver mu��pay ali sums�eeured by tfiis
<br />, ' Seauit}��lnstrumem. It Boaa•xer fails to pay thcsc�ums prior to ihe cxpiration of thi�periad. Lcndcr moy invokc any �
<br /> � re�c-�ii��s pem�ltted by this Security ln�trumcnt withum funher rtotice or dem�nd��n Bnrmv.cr.
<br /> "• ! � 18. Horrower'a Rig,ht to lteiastate. If Hurrmvcr meer: ce�ain canJitinm. Bnrrower�hall hnve Ihe right ta have
<br /> • �� enforcement of�his 5ecurity Instrument discuntinucd:�t any timc priar tn ti�c carlier��f: (a!5 day�(or�urh uthcr period�s .
<br /> �; � , . Singtc Famity--iynnk�1aelireddk Nac C?:IFf)NH 11STR1-�1�:Yf--UnJurm Cu�en:mt. 4;V0 �pu�;e d��/h puxr�►
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