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<br /> . �ppiica�te la�r nny�pacit�►fcf r�ta�ma�t)be[a�s�le af drc R�peny pws�a� ml►P�^� .
<br /> Soc�i�y�a(b?���l��t�tliis Security ine�t- 11�e�onditians are tWt Horrower. N
<br /> ,Pa�rs L.a�de��ll swm wUicii then w�ouW be due w�der this Security G�t aad�hc Nde u if no�:ccktation
<br /> -- - �,..� �_ rmoeeaets ar�oana�cs:(c)1xYs a11 expeaceaincu�in e�fo�tttis Sec�ty
<br /> _=—°
<br /> Tiieasa ie auarneYs as: � - � � -
<br /> _, L�.inctudias.�not timited to, �— — -— — —
<br /> ; iequire to assu�e tAat the lka of this Setutity t�st�m�t.L�endn3s pEht�in tbe Ptoperty�Bamv�rer's obti�tion to paY!1r
<br /> s�ms,a�ured by t6is Soc�airy Iaswmeat sh�1l cmtioue iach�eEal. Upna niestuC� bY �wet. this Sec�ty
<br /> LWnunent sad the ob�igatjoas se�unedl�e�ebY shaU rert+�in fulty effoctive as if�accekrstion Uad accutted. Howtvtt.tt�is
<br /> '. daiM to ieiast�ie 3h�it nofrsppiy in thz�se of acoetamiot►under parignpl�!7. � ° witb this Security . .
<br /> � ' 1! Sate d Nol�CWs�e d LoY Seevfoer,. The Note or a p�ti�1 intercst in tbe Nate ttogetha
<br /> In.wsunent)maY be sotd oae ar mae tima without pcio�notice to BnEmwer. A sak may�esNlt in a chsmge in tLc eniry
<br /> � (knawn as Wa"Lo�n Setvicer')ttnt collects monthly P1Yment�due under the Notc and t6is 5ecurity Instrun�em. 'itkre also
<br /> u�y 6e ane a mae chaoges af U�e Lo�n Serviar u�arWed to a s�le af the Nate. If thene is a c]nnge of the�.oan Secvicer,
<br /> � Bartoirer will be given writirn naice of th�ch�oge in avcac�nce with pu�graph 14 above and applicabie law. 'ibe notioe
<br /> ` vri'U state t8e r�ne aod add�ess of tt�r new[.oan Servicer�d the address to which payments shonld be mada The nodce wilt "
<br /> also oa�in aay otfkr inta�aiaaan niNited b3►�PPlicabl�Izar. '
<br /> . 2�. Haratdoss Srbetrce� Boimwer shall ra!eanse or pemtit.the preseace.use.dispasal•ston8�•or eetease af any
<br /> H�atdotu Substaeces on ar iu the Piop�fy. Barowet sf�U not da.iwr�llow anyone else to do.�aything affectin8.t6e ,
<br /> Ptopaty t6ot is in viaLtioa of any Enviiornnaital Cav� Thc p�reding two seatences sl�lt nat apply to the prcsa�.use,or
<br /> stonge on tht P�aperty of�all quanhties of Narr�dnus Sobstu�ves Uwt are generally cccagedud to 6�appsopnste ta aosmal• _ .
<br /> residential uses add to mautknance of the Praperty. ,
<br /> _ Bormwec shall P�P�Y 8rve Lender writteo notice of any imrestigation.claitn,dem�nd.lawsuit or other action by anY , _.
<br /> goyemmental or ngutatory agrncy ar private party invotying tl�e Propeity aad any Ha�ardous Sabshance or Envi�nmental _
<br /> law of which Banawer has actu�i knowledge. If Bomnwer leamc,or �s nou6ed by any govemTnenta! ar ngulatorY
<br /> - authoriiy.that�ny riemoval or aher nmediaaon of anp Hazudot�s Substance affecting the P�opntY is necessary.Barnwer
<br /> - — �Pt�PUY tal�e atl tKCessuY remedial�ctions in accadanca witt�F�tviionmeetal law:
<br /> :— — . Ets useA in this p�ragraph Z0."I�z�ndous Sabstances"are�l�ose substance.g definea as roxic or hazudo�substuices by
<br /> .toaic�
<br />,-�;.:� F�vunronental law and the following substances: gasai'me.kerosene.odier`flammable or toxic peuoleum products ,
<br /> . pesticides aAd tierbicides,4vlarile soivents.materiala containi»g asbestos or fomialdehyde.and radioactive mateTials. As
<br /> - • •used in this parag�apt�20."Fuvit+naala►tal Law"means federal laws and laws of ihe jurisdictiop where tt�e ProPertY is lacated . .
<br />°,•cf;, that relate w he�atth.safety a envitonmeutal prolEa.'tian. '
<br /> �r���; � , NON-UNIFORM COVBNANTS. BormWer and l.endeT further oovenant and agree as foltows:
<br />.i='�f . .� Z1. AcoeTeratiai;lCemediea Lendec slwQ give notke to.BaroWtr prioc to�ceeleratFon tdla�ng Bomnwer's —
<br /> .`�ach a��sy Fove�wnt ar a�eemeat ia this Security Iastrama�t(but aot prior to accekraiion uader p�ragsPh 17
<br /> ,� �� . .�wii�s Appiicabk law provides WitrR'�se). 'I'bt noticcsbsQ spcci�Y: (a)t6e defaWt:(b)t6e nction u�W�re¢�tpre tlie
<br />. .s�� ��defsutt;!c)p date.not k�iiaw JO da`s fraa tbe di6er3e sotict is BWen to Bormwer.by�6kb tbe d�mp�rst be
<br /> _r.;:
<br /> r, � cured•s�d(d)ti�t faiMme ta;are tLe�i'aalt oa.or 1�e�c�e iMe daat�ee specitied ie the notice n�y e+esatt in�o�
<br />: ;���•:
<br /> -}�>; tbe sp�secured 6y tl�Sa�ritY lastr�ment and saie otthe Pn�ry:. The notke slwll turther teform Bor�o�ver ot
<br /> _`,�t
<br />:-t�!y., 3be rial�t to�te s�fteracceleratloe sied the ri'gbt io bdng st cooi�t actiort to assert the ao�xi�tence of a default ae
<br /> ' . ; nny o1Ler deRnse at Bo�n�to accekration aad s�al� It the detaWt i�naE cuoed on or before the date specitied ia:
<br /> tlk notloe.Leeder st its opf�n�wY reqaire immediaCe�aymeAt ia tull ot a!1 sums secured by tbis Securit��tastrument <<
<br /> wtthout fu�thee demand abd may invoke the po�ver of sate and aay other�emedies permitted by appiieabte�sw:
<br /> - - Leader slwll 6e entitkd to cdkd aif expenses incurred in pursuiag the remeAks provided in this paraErapb Zl, �"`�-�-
<br /> • ' ' includUg,6ut not limtted to.reaso�wbie pttorneys'fees and aasts o�titk evidence. �=�
<br /> w
<br /> � � • It the power ot snle[s invoked.7irustce shafl record a notke ot detault.in each county jn which�ny part of the :�^=: _-
<br /> `�: �..�;��,.`_
<br /> propect�r i�located aad slwll mail copies nt such nMic�in the manner prescribed by applicabte l�w to BorroWer and to . __
<br /> the dLer persons prescribed by applkabie tstw Aiter the Nme required by applicable taw.7lrustce sl�give pu61k E-��
<br /> . . :�- n o t i c e o f s a k t o t h e p e r s o n s aed in the mnnner p rescribed 6y applkable law 1lrustee,without dempnd os Borrov�'er. `��=
<br /> .� � s6�,��sd�tb�Property at pa6lic auctbn to the hlghest bidder at the time anA place and aade�the te r m s d e s igna t e d i n . _ _,-
<br /> , = t h e noN c e o fsa k ia one or m o t e p a r c e l s a a d i n a n y a r d e r 7 l r u s t e e d e t e r m i n e s. T r u s t e e m a y p�s t Y o n e sak ot all ar a�e� : �-., '
<br /> °} , Qarcel of tAe Property by pablic annoam�rment at flbe 3u�e and place ot any previously scheduled s�+le. 1.ender or i�s ..
<br /> , ' desigeee nu�q Parchase tUe Propeny at any sate. , , -.j.
<br /> • Upon,rcceipt o�p�5s�ent of the price bid.Te�ee sh�ll deliver to the purch�.ser 1lrustee a deed coaveyiag the 1,... ,
<br /> ' . d Property. �'he rccifals�n the'flrustee's�deed sfiatl Ose primA tack evidence of the trWb ot the statements m�de Iherein. ���.;��5;:. .
<br /> • 7tustee sha11 appty t6e proceeds at the sate ln tde fdlowiag o�der: la)to all costs and expeases ot exercising t6e po�re� r� , .. ,�.:
<br />• . , : ._ti�:
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