- - -.aj, ' ; - `a. S . .___ . _ _ '–
<br /> � . `f . ��` _ . ', . __.
<br /> _ _ __ . _ " __ -_ „ _ -t _- _ _—._
<br /> - �E�. .`-- � -�c. � - ..�.. _�-..r.___...�- . �_ ,
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<br /> - . " � . Borr`ower subjea rn trader's k
<br /> r ' ;, ~ �q��t Lp�der t�qui� 7Ue`iasutance cartiec P�ovid"m8 t6c in���l!6e ctasen by. ` .
<br /> wid�held. [f Harowa fiits to maintain vmrttage drscn'6ed Ybove.LendermiY,�t
<br /> a1 which s1aJ1 not be norcasatably �,
<br /> • �i�erTS o�t'wc►.obuin cmrtrage to pROtect i,endes's rishts in t6e P�ope�tY in accordancc with paagnph ,
<br /> — — ��y.�ttlxl.ends��ndsh�tl inc►�de�S��n��at�_d ieiort�a�e clause. 1�eiider . _ _
<br /> � ` �st�al!lnvr the rightt¢lnld t5e policies and renewals. If I.enderreciui�cs•
<br /> Bv�mwer shal �xotnP�Y S�ve io�r�?�—
<br /> of p�ud pemiwas and tenewal not�ces. in the eveM of toss,Bocm�+er s6att g'�ve prampt notic�tcf t!x iosurdnce c�aier aed �
<br /> � . L.eoder. l.ender may n�ke pROOf of toss if iwt msde promP!�Y bY�`"rer.
<br /> Unles�Lc�ider and Bamwer atherwis�agroe in wciung,i�uraace Praceeds s5a11 be applied to cestorrtia�or�rPau of
<br /> the prope�ty damaged.if tt�t�sto�don or nPa��•is ecas�aic�lly feasiblc.and Lender's security is nat le�sened. if the r
<br /> � �s�nr�tiat ot repa'v is not eca�om�cally fea�sibk or Le�lder's scctsntY waild 6e Eessened.the insurance proceed�shail be
<br /> �apptied to tha sums serured bYthis Senuiry In�ur�I►t,wt�etl�er ar not then due.arith any excess paid w Bormvve� If �--
<br /> Bonov►er abandoRC t6e Propeny.ot das not.u�swer within 30 days a notice from I.enderthat thc�nsura�'e sarrier has
<br /> offercd to sedk a ci�im.then Lrad�r maY colkct the iasurance proceecls- Leader may use the pmceeds to repair ot tescace
<br /> . the PmpenY a tO WY�S sa.vred 6y tdis Scn�ritY I�c�w'�+hettur or aot tbev due. The 3a�daY Periad wtll6egin w8ea . .
<br /> the naice is given. in writi�rg.any apptication of proceeds to principal shall na extead or
<br /> Unless Lander and Bamwer otherwist a�ee t md 2 a change the a�r�nc of d�e payments. !f
<br /> postpone the due dau of the monthlY PaYments refee�ed ta in puagraphs ��resulting �
<br /> - � �idec puagrap6 21 the PcopertY is ac9�ired by Lender.Borrawer's nght to any insurance policies and p �his SecuritY
<br /> fmm damaSe m the P�ertY P�to ti�e acquisiuon shall pass to Lender to the extent ot the sutns secured b}'
<br /> -_= i�t immediauely prior to the acquivitian. g�rawer's Laan ApPliatlan:
<br /> _ _ i` Oarop�ucy Preservstioa, MAintenaocr and Prottetian of tbe ProptrtY;
<br />-- �e1�oW�. Bonnwa shall accupy,estabtish.and use the Property as Borrower's principa!resideiice within siaty days after
<br /> - the axecution af this Security Inswnsent aad shall cantinue to occupy tQe Prope►tY as Borrnwer's principa!resideace for at
<br /> - tn writing, whicd consent shall not Ue
<br /> - least one year after the date of occupancy. untess Lender oH�ecwise �ard Botrower's control: Bornuwer shall not
<br /> _ un�asonabty witl�held.ar unless extem�aomS ct��t which a�e beY go�wer shall
<br /> _ destcoy�damage a impair the Property.allow the P�openy to detedorate.or commit waste on the PFoPenY.
<br /> -= be in defauh if any fafeiture actian or prooeedin�,wtiether civil or criminal.is begun that in L.ender s goad faith jodgment
<br /> �'�� could resutt in forfeiture of the Roperty or aherwise materistfty �� t����y:�is 5ecuriry in�t or
<br /> �:';:+ 18.b caosin the action
<br /> ' L.ender's security intecies� Borrowec may cure sucb a default and�+eiastate.as Pra�id��Q����.�;ture of the Borrrnvec's
<br /> ', _ ar proc�ng to be dismissed witb.a�ling�a4 in Lender s good fatth determaci,�"'�an.pntc 'ns��nt or Le�riev's security .
<br /> ;_� interest in the Picoperey or other materiai impaimient of the lien cc�afed 6y"tV?�s'Se��Y
<br /> intetest. Borrower sdail also be in defauit if Bomower, during the loan �pptication process, gave mateita:ty false or ___
<br /> �4 inaccarate informatiun or statements.to Lender(or faited tv provide Lender with`any inaterial infortnauon)in cannectian with __
<br /> the Ioan evidettced by the Note,inclttdiag.but not limited to, representarions conceming Borrower's accupancy �f the —
<br /> propesty as a prncipal�sidenee. litdis Secunry Instrument is on a leaseho►d,Barrower sttall comply with all the provisions -_-_
<br />_ - a€the lease. If Borrower aoquires fee dtte to the Property.d►e leasehotd and the fee title shall not merge unless i.ender agrees
<br /> - to the merger in writing..'�... :
<br /> ' �� protectbn o[:fic�der's Rights in the Property. !f Borrawer fails to perform the ravenants_'an�agreements — _
<br /> . ,� ��1� ia�I�is Securjty Trtstruaient.or there is a lega! proceeding that may significantly uffect L.cnder�,r.;�ts In the
<br /> ' ''•' praperty(such as a praeeed�ng m bankaptcy.probate.for condemnation or forfeitune or to enforce faws or se�:�.rations�.then .
<br /> '���°�r;�.:;: �:y: Lender may do and pay for whatever is necessary to pmtect the vat�z�of the Property and l.ender's tights ln the ProPertY- ��__
<br /> �. �. Lenders actions may i�ctude paying any sums secured by a lien whieh has priority over this 5ecurity Insmiment:appearsa�= -- _
<br /> in court,paying reationa6te anomeys fees and entering on the Property to make tep�in.Although t.ender may take actsc.� =°��
<br /> � �� undec this paragraph 7.Lender daes not l�ave to do so. �"-�r�
<br /> • ' ��_.° Any amounts disbuned by Lertder under this paragraph 7 hhaU hecome additional debt of Borrower secured by tfiis • �`_
<br /> • Sccurity lnstrument. Unlews Borrower and Lender agree to ather terms ottpaymn n1ot ce fram ut:ender to Borro�wer reyuestin� � ��`��
<br /> •' `- date of disbursement at the Nate rate.and yhall be payable.with intereti. pn •'��=:
<br /> payment. -
<br /> , - 8. Mort�age Insuta�tce. If l.ender myuired m�rtSaBe insurance ati a ronditiun of makin�the toan secared bY this :.��;=:
<br /> Security Instrumeni.Bnrrawer shall pay the premiums reywreJ ta maintuin the ro�►ngage insurance in effer�..If.for any ��:�.;=�:
<br /> er
<br /> reasan, thc martgagc insurance covcruge requ�rcd by L.ender lap�cti or cca�eti ta 1�e in effcct. Borrower shall,gay the `!�
<br /> ;;':'' : p��iums.czquired ta obtain coverage �ubs�nnually equivutent t�[he muAg.sgr in.rurance previausly in effect.a1 a Cm� _
<br /> ,;�, .. ,
<br /> xubstantiaAE3r�quivatent to the co�t to Bonower o`the mortgage imuranee p:�v�ouyly in effect.irom an altemate mfln�L�:
<br /> �' - insurer approved by Lender. If�ubtituntialty cyuivalent martgugc imurance cc:�:.a_e��n��t availuble.Bnrrawcr yha11 pay to
<br />' ; � L.ender each momh a sum eyuai to onc-twelf�h of the ycarty mortgage imuraa�:::pr�mium being paiJ by Borrowcr when thc _
<br /> ' insurance caverage lapsed ar ceased ta he in effec�. Lender will accept.use.md ra�a.:n these payments ati a loss reserve in lieu _
<br /> ' of mortgage intiurance. l.oss rescrve paymems may no I�mger Ix rcyuired.:�t tUe optian o4 Lender. if mortgage in�ur.�nce
<br /> • `���' coverage(in thr amaunt and far the.period ih�t l.cndcr rcquirc�►prc+vidcd by un in�.urcr ap�r����i by Lcnder again(xcomes ,
<br /> , `'{"; available and is ahtained.Bnrc�►wcr�i�ati pay�hc prcmiumti r�Wuired to main���n m��flgage tn��r'rec in effcct,or to{�ravidc:► .
<br /> . - tosz reserve,umit the requirement!ar ntc�rlgage in�urance enJ�in uccurdance«iih:::1: watten:,greement between Barruwer : � `
<br /> `'�'��:�'"�• and Lender ar applics�G(e tew. ' ,
<br /> �;.�,i-._.:,.,.:� , p p F� _
<br /> • ��;-; �• , 4. Inspection. Lr+tdrr nr itz agcnt may makc re,ium;ibtc cntric.u �m ar,��:a� crtiun�uf thc Pro rt�:. Lcnder tihall ;�� �.
<br /> ,;�-r.,.:�i�/)''�4,;r,4 : ` dive gorrower nntice a�the lime of or Qrior t�,an impectiun tipeciPying rc:����nahle cau,e fur thr in�pectiun. , ���
<br /> '-�T.�i,�/,1 .��1Y:. . � .
<br /> ' t��1 �= : 10 Condemnatlon: Tlio prcx�cd�of uny award��r rlaun for damagcti.di�cct ur cui�ycyucntial.in cor.nccti�n with any f
<br /> _.._"F.t�! ..��i,5", '-
<br /> .-� , ��,,r,: ,n�;`• tiii�lu I;�mit�,.F'•rnnk INac/i'reddk�fac f�IYOR�11�stNt'S1E�"f--I udorm t'o�cnam. 9,911 ,pa��'t�,(n y�ie�•u .
<br /> r.;;-•t**.'• ..,�'� � IAfAI Lltfi(:4Y�P��t�rtu�.ln�.� • .
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