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<br /> ���t w17H all tbe�nox oc heceaf0er esa�ed m�tll�¢�y,t���a�•�P�- -
<br /> �atl atso D�covrted by Ws Sec�rritY � ` <�:`,
<br /> � add 6xm�es pow a 6ar�ter�pR o�tbe p�ap�ty. All�� .
<br /> - � Ali of t6e foer6oio�is:efrned to in dtis S�ea�cY Insm�a�t as d�"�y''� .
<br /> �,r��urr���ur��►v��►t+trc�t��+,wes.�slswfiu�-sM�a ne n�e�c�haebx c�nYeyed aod t�as u�e riget to�r�ot _ -- - -
<br /> : m�coaY;Y tbe I't°Pe�y'�that the PtopatY is unrncambe�.exape ta eoeumbrances a .
<br /> - .. wIl!d�fari geoe�ally dtc�itie ia thEPt�bpaty ag�r�si a!1 cls�ms�td det�ls.subj�ct to anY�nb�s of t�nf,
<br /> 7'�S SECIJRif1f INS7RiJN�NT combiaes uui[orm cof�ost+ts fur mtianl nse aod nort•unifam rnva�ants witb
<br /> ' luaited vuiniang bg�uis�m ca�stiiuta s imifam secarity`ins�ur�ea�c�'�S*'�ProP�y .
<br /> � UN(FORM COYENAN['S.`Hamwer�nd 1:aderrnveaaat�d sg�ee u foUows: when due ihe
<br /> - `�, �t dlr�cip�t Md G�leres�trep�Jae��L`ak Ciar�es. Ba�mwa shaU pomptiY l�Y
<br /> � priocipal af aAd inte�est a�t6e debt evidenced by tlx Nbte aod ar►Y P�Y�tatd Tat�ctiarges due ander the Nata. '
<br /> Z. �rlinis fir'ti�ies a�d� Subject to s�ppFiCabk law or to a wntten w�iver by l:rnder.Boriowec sball pay to
<br /> . Lender on tbe daY morMl�lY PiYme�ns a�e due�det the Nc�te.ww'1 t6�Note is pad ia fuU,a smn('iimds��(s)�(
<br /> � tsxes�d�neats w6ieh may swin pciariry aver t6is Secu�iry L�tuma�t as a lien on the pmpcny: .
<br /> a raets an the Ptoperry:if any; (c)Y�r1Y h�d°C P�� i�aace Premiums:f� Yes�Y �
<br />- �mwr�t�i¢ pe�if any;(e)Ys�1Y�S��Q�emiums•�f�nYt aad�f�any sums Q�Yabk 6Y Baruwu w
<br /> � L�deti in seca�dmet aith the provisions of p�ragtaph 8.ia lieu of the paynieat af mort8s8e ins�u�ce P��. '17use.
<br /> - itan4 are c�ikd"Esemvv Items." Lender may,u aay time.cuUect and hutd liuxls in aa amoune not ro exceod the masiim�m
<br /> - � amount a kndet fas a fedcsnlly nelatod matgage laan maY ralui�e for Barmwas escmw�caant under tba fede�t Ral - .
<br />--- gst�te Seaknxnt Procedutes Act of 1974 as ameoded fram rime to hRiC.f 2 LiS.C.�2601`et seg.("RFSPA'7.unkss a�wtLec
<br /> `'- law t6�t applies w the FvMs setv a iesser aa�am� If so,l.ender may.at aay titne.colkct and hold Fwids irt an amount aot to
<br /> csceed the ksser ama�nt. I,ertdes may estimate the amount of E'vtds due as�the basis of cur�nt data and reasoa�bk
<br /> - estimames aEeapawiitanes of fudue Fscmw Itans or othetqrise ia a�xadadce w►th aPPiicabie law
<br /> - The i'vnds shal!be held in an itatiwtiart whosc deposits are insured by a.federal agencY,intuumentaliry. or e�titY
<br /> -_ , (including Lender.if l.ender is such aa i��titution)ur in any Tsder�l Hoine Loan�anY. I.enckr shall app[Y the Au�ds w pay
<br /> _ 'ti
<br /> the Esc�aw items. 'l,ende�may na cliu8�Borruaer for Iwlding and applying the Fund.s,annually anatyzin8 tLe escrow �
<br />--_ , � y�ccauuit.or verifying thc Esccow Items. unless Lender paYs BartuWrer intc�est on the Funds and applicable law pemuts �
<br /> � Lendar to maice syeh a charge. However.Lender may�cluice Barower to pay a ane-time charSe for an independmt n�
<br />- � estue tax repo�ng service used by Lender in connection with this toan,uniess appli¢abte law provides otfkrwise• Unle.ss an
<br /> � ' � sgtament is made ar applica6te taw requins interesc to 6e paid.Lsnde►shail not 6e nqui�d to p��►Boaower aay im�or_ �
<br /> + e�ings on the Fiuids Borrower and Lender may ag�e in wnung.however,that intenst shalt be paid on tke Funds. Lender
<br />. . - i shali give to Borrovver,wid�aat.chaBe.an annwll accounting of ti�e Funds.showing ctedits and debIts m the Funds and tbe
<br /> .;." purpose for which e�acli debit to d►e Funds was made. 7'he Fartds are pledged as additional securicy for a!1 sams secw'ed bY -I:
<br /> this Secunry Instcum�mt �
<br /> • if tlte Funds Ixld by Lender eaceed the amounts Pe�aed to be held by applicable taw. Lender shaA accouoc to� �"''�,.
<br />� '� Bortowu for ihe exass Fwids in accadance with the re9uimments of appGcabk law. if the amonnt of tAe Funds hetd by ` •
<br /> L.ender at any time is not sufficient to pay tfie Esccow Items when due.Lendet may so t�otifY Borrower in writin8,and,tn
<br /> . such c�s�Borrower shall paY ta Lender the amount�essarY to tnake up the deficiency. Borrower shaU make up the .
<br /> ;'; � deficienc.y in no more than twelve monthtY paymenGs.at lxnder'�sole discrction.
<br /> � T1pon payment in full of all su�ru secun�by this Security Instrwnent,l.endet sha11 P�ompdy refund to Borrawec anY
<br /> : Fiinds held by Lender. lf,under paragraPb 21,Lender shall acquire or sell the Property.l-ender.Priar to the accl�s�rs°r c..
<br />, - _� sale of the Property.shaU aPP�9�Y �nds beld by Lender at the time of acquisition or sate as a credit against the s�ns �m,.�
<br />. - - � secured by this Security Instrument. �-�`
<br /> j 3. Application o�Payments. Ualess applicabte law pravides otherwise, all payments reteived by l.cndet w►der
<br /> ' � puagraphs 1 and 2 shall be applied:firs�to any prepaymeni charges due under the Note:second,to amounts paya6�e amd�er
<br /> ua �
<br /> ��_.�=<._
<br /> '� paragraph Z;third,to interest dae:faulth.to principal due:and last.to any late cbarges due unde�the Note. �.�.
<br /> ' �� 4. C6s�rgea:Liena. Borrower shall pay alt taaes.assessments.cdarses. fines and impositions attribataE��7n the .T��.::
<br /> Propezey which may aaain prioriry over this Security Instn,mem,and leasehold paymenls or ground rents.if any. Bormwer `;
<br /> ', shaU pay these abligaeions in the manner provlded in paragraph Z,or if not paid in that manner,Horto�sltal1 pay them on �=._:
<br /> r�,.;, ;'� time directiy to the person owed payment. Honower shall promptly f amish to Lender all notices of art-��uzcs to be paid under _
<br /> ' Ihis paTagraph. If Borrower makes these paymenix directly.Borrower shali prompily furciish to Lea�::���pts evidencing
<br /> the payments.
<br /> Borrower shall prampUy discharge any lien which has priarity�ver this Securiry Ins�'ament un'ess�arrower.(a)agrees ;: :l
<br />- � � � ln writing to the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a manner ucceptable to i,ender.(b)c��'wstq in good faith the .
<br /> lien by.or defends against enforcement of thc lien in,tegal praceedings which in the t.ender s opinic•z�'{=elate to pravent the
<br /> enforcement of the tien:or(c)recnres from the hotder of thc lien an agreemeN satisfactory to Lender�:.bordinating the lien
<br /> tp this Sec�:rit}r(�,rn�men� If Lender detemunes ihat any part of the Property is subject ta a lien Ri�ich may attain prioniitr
<br /> . av�ertt�ss Secur�Lnstrumen�l.ender may give Borrower a natice identifying thc lien. Bc:rrower shaii satisfy the lien�sc�e' .
<br /> •- . ,; , ccP�i more of cFce actions set forth abave within 10 days of the giving of natice. :
<br /> '+, =� �� " ' S. HpzArd air i'ropertY lnsurance. Borrawcr shafi kecp the impra�cments now existing or t�rcaftet erected on thc
<br /> y_.f.__
<br /> , �{"•-y• ��� ' Ptaxrty insured against loss by fire,hazards includcd within the term"e�aended rovcragc'and any other hazards.including
<br /> '•4..,::t,,�,}.,�.. �
<br /> . �r„-s,- j �IOOds oI flOOdillg.for which Lcnder requires insurance. 'f'his insurance shall be maintained in the amounta and for the
<br /> • • :31f:.if;;�t', � '
<br /> - ' -"�s""�'�':��¢- f ibnn 31?� !,'!s I paRe 2 aJ[y paxe!)
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