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<br /> �7'F��- � . .. . _ . .. _ _. ' . � � . . . 4 �_• . �_�_� , . ' � � .
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<br /> ° -- , coeda�iaM aK a�hes t�ici�of any p�ct oE�he�tvpen�,�fa oouvey�eae ia 4eu�af caodmia�tion.#ie heRby issiEned t��` _ , .
<br /> .�Il ba p�id b I�e�de�r. � 6e apptied ta t6�e sunn sa�ured by this Saa�rity� .
<br /> ' .. � �1M 16a eveiR d a iotd pk�,af d1e PYap�aty.d!e P!oceec�s. tn�Iv�vr�nf�outiaE_taEili�0�d1C�tvQe�tY irt`__`_
<br /> —__ _— - T- ---
<br /> vrt�icb tbe fa�u�cf4et v�lq�e oftbe Pbnpacy unnre�iaielx�6efae the takirtg is a�E Yo ar�er��amouM of the sums - - - -
<br /> ��Y��Y inso�imnkdistdy Ixfar thc takin�.�tes"s Bomn�+ru and l.eades ntbe7vvisc�ee in writin�, -
<br /> �e suins sacv�ed by tbis Socurity Ipstinp�K slnit.l�c t+educ�ed bY the artaunt of the pcocet�multiplied by the fdbwing �
<br /> ira�ian: (a)the taal�ot tbe sums sec�ued immodiateiy 6eFoc�e tbe taking.divided by(b3 the fair m�rEa vatue of the
<br /> - - PtopeFty�l�r b�ore tbe•tYunE. My b�l�lroe s�u116e paid t�Borrower. [n the event of a Qudat tating of the
<br /> Frnpaty in�hich the fair m�ftet v�lac di the Ptoperty imtne6iat�ty befoR tbe tafcing is kss thaa t7u�mount di the sart�
<br /> � sacacea io�mediasety 6etone the takiaE,imiess Bormwer snd l�erder otherwisa agree in writ�g or upkss applicable bar
<br /> � othenrise psavides.lhc p�oceeds slall be appiied to the sums securod 6y this Secwity It�sUuma�t whethet ar not tha suEns aR
<br /> tha�dua- , ,.. . �. , �
<br /> If the Ptopeny is abrdaxd bY Bactuwer.or if,after aotice by Leoder to.Bo�mwer that ttte cor�demnar offers to m�ke
<br /> ' . an awud ac r,dtle�r claim for d�ges.Bomowe�fails to nspad to Lmder witdia 30 d�ys atier the dau fit natice i�s ov� ` .
<br /> l,coder is�Uorixod to collect aod appty the pmceeds.at its opdar.eitl�er to restaatia�or npa�r of tf�e Property ,
<br /> � s�oru securcd by this Sec�uitY inut�onem.whether or not then due. - �
<br /> - Unk�c[.ender arb 8ormwer atheNris�e agnee iA writing.�nY aPP��ion of procads to principal'st�all not e�tead a�;
<br /> postpoac tie dutdate of tt�e moathlY P�Y�S Kfe�ed to in p�ragrap6s 1 aad 2 or ch:aoge tt�e amutmt of such payments. � .
<br /> U. aorr�awer 1Vat Rda�ed; For6eara�ce Ef �.e�der Nat a Waiver. Extensian oF tbe timc fat payrt�nt or .
<br /> • -modlfiqtiarof�of the sums secu�+ed by t6is Sec�uity�In.stnmxat panced,fiy Lendet to any su�cessor in ia�esies�. -
<br /> of Boaovrer sball not operate to rckase the liability of the ocigin�l&xmwa or Batower's r�iccxssors in intetrst.l.ender _
<br /> s5a11 na 6e tequiird w comrnence Proreodin&s�8���Y su�.cessar in interest or refuse w exw�d wne for paymem or �
<br /> . athe�wi,e mo�ify�nwrtrtation of the sums securcd by this Savriry Instrwnent by re�son nf aey demard a�de by tfte ariginal ,
<br /> Basuwer a Bam�er�s sucaessors in inte�est.,My forbear�nce by Lender i�exe�ising anrrigM ar ae�edy shall na be a
<br /> � waiva of or prcclude ihe exentise of ary rigM or reaxAy. .���S�a �s of this
<br /> ' _ 1Z. S�ae�ors yd Aa���a�d4 Joi�t�d&veral l.iabilily;Coa�i�ers, 8��- - '
<br /> �Security Lut�mtieat sliall bind and benefit 1he succexsas and assigns of lander and Bamwer.subjoct to thr prov�sans af .
<br /> paiagraph 17.Borrower's covenants and agreemena shall be joint and scveral.A�ry Borcower�ho co-signs•this Security
<br /> - inswment6ut does ttot extcute the Nou: ta)is co-signing this Security_lnsuument oniy to mortgage.grant anc�ca►vey that ,
<br /> � 8orrower s interest in the Ptopeccy under t6e temrs of this Securiry tnstmmen�(bT is not persan�lly obligate�d tQ PaY the sums .
<br /> socurcd by this Sxuriry Instiumeax,and(c)agrees that l.ender and any other Borrower may agrce to extend.modify.farbear
<br />--` — or make any accanmadations with re8�ta the terms af tt�is Seciuity In.mument ar the Note withont[hat Bartower's =
<br /> _5 � - ��j3 Lp��Char�es. If the loan secured by this Security In.stsument is subject to a law wh3ch se�s maximum toan
<br />_-- ¢hacges,andthat law is finaily interpreted s�that ti�e interest ar otE�eitaan charges coltecte�d or to be caliected in connection
<br />_�- with the Io�eucee4 the peaniuod limiu.theR: ta)any such loan cfiarge shal!be reduced by the amount ner�ssary to raluce
<br />-`_� the charge to the pem�itted limi�and(b)any sums al�rady caAecced from Bamower which exceedcd permined limits will be
<br /> -` ctfwided to 8ortnwer. I.ender may clwose to m�ke this rafund by reducinS the PrinciFal owed under the Note or 6y ma�ing a
<br /> direct payment to Batrower. If a nfund reduees prineipal.the redaction w�ll be trrated as a partial PrcpaYrnent wrthout any
<br /> - _ pcepayrnent chasge under the Note. _
<br />- 14. Notioes. Any notice to Bormwer provided for in this Security /nsuument sha116e givert by dclivering it or by
<br /> _ mailing it by first class mail anless applicable law requires use of another method.77ie naice shall be directed ta the Property
<br /> Address or any dher addcess Barrower designates by notice to Lender. Any notice to I.ender shall be given by first class
<br /> r� mail to i.ender's address stated herein or any ather address Lender designates by notice to Borrower. Any natice provided for -
<br /> in this Secu�'ity Instrument shall be deemed ta ha�e been given to Borrowec or l.ender when given a� provided in this
<br /> ''':�° ParaSraPh• =
<br /> ;;;_r�;�:. IS. Governing Law;&venbility. This Security lnstrument sha(1 6e govemed by federal law and�he taw of the
<br />_ jurisdiction in which the Properiy is lacated. In the event that any provision or clause of this Security Mstrument ar the Nate _
<br /> . conflicts with applica6le la�+,such conflict shall nat aFfect other provisions of this Secudty lnstrument or the lVate wtuch can =
<br /> be given effect witham�2i�:confltctiag provision. To this end the pravicions of this Security Instrument and the Note ar�e _;
<br /> • .; declared to be severable. . � i�
<br /> ` 16. BoreoWer's Copy. Borrower sfL:11 be given ane conformed capy of the Note and af this Securiry Instrument.
<br /> . 17. 7Fansfer ot the Properiy oF a�enefiaa�ll�terest in Bo�rowe� lf aN or any part of the Property or any interest in �
<br /> �
<br /> it iy sold ar transfcrred(or iP a benefcial inter�a ur��rn►wer is sald ev transferred and HoTrower i��ot a natural per.son) �
<br /> �� withoul Lender's prior written consent,l.ender�ay;at ixs aptian.require imm��`�te payment in fult of all sucns secureA by �,
<br />�_;;>.;{� , �`this Security lnstrumenG However.this optian sh�tE rx�be exercised by l.e�rd�i"f.�xercise ix pmhibited by faf+�al law as of
<br /> ' i h e d a t e o f c h l s S e c u ri ty l n s t r u m e n l.
<br />--- If i;�rn3er exercises this option,l.ender shall give Barrower�nofii�of acceter�tion. The notice shall pmv'icfe a periat aP
<br /> nn e less than 30 da ys from�he date the noticc is dclivcrcd or maitrd u;ichin which 8orrower must pay all.ruin.r secured by this
<br /> ' � ' 'Security inurumenl. lf Batrawer fails to pay Ihese �ums prior to the expiiatiun��f thir penod. Lender may invoke uny .
<br /> . `;:�• nnnedies permitted by this Security Instrumen�wi�hout funher notice or dem.�rtd an Bnrrnwer.
<br /> 18. Borrower's R+ght to Reinstate. If Barrnwer mects cenain conditians, Borr��wer tihall havr the right to have
<br /> - enfnrcement of this 5ecurity lnstrumem discuntinucd at any�ime prior ta the earlier of: lal S days{or.ruch other period:is
<br /> " ,, � Single Famity•-Pannk�fae/Freddk S1x C�IFI)R�1 INSTNt%�11iAT--Unifotm Coveo:urta !f� IpaL'r a ojb�rux���
<br /> . � -r
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