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<br /> ' , �pplicaWe i��eay'speci[y!a�l�sde cf ine�toQ�atg P���►P�"a of s�te 000taieed in�is � -
<br /> ` . Sa�rxy Lrt�ea�o�(b)�Y o[a jod�eet aoda�Ci��S�Y�+�- 11wee aoodit�oas a�e d�at.Bana�ve�: ta)
<br /> ^ I,eoder aD s�s w!hich thea waeld bc dae rnder.l6is Seari�y aod�t6� �
<br /> � tust�ument Nk�e ss�f no aacdaatiae .
<br />__— _=-�,_t--�....��,.,.._ • � alltx a�ses' � -_ — -
<br /> .. . �;0)Gsii a�as uc.�.a�,�.... -� �� _
<br /> ` , Ine�eat,-G,ocioabb�,buc mc limuea to.raisrna��aaomcys•ras;ma ca)� n R so�aRioa�m.y ieiso�r� .
<br /> tiequie�e�ass�te dat We lkn of 1fii.t Secority instru�diN,i�da�s t4gMs in 1l3e Pl�opd�ty aed Barmwer's ohtiguion to Q�y tbe.
<br /> ,ams aecwea b�► t�s sewtity rnstrummc s�u cAemwe uac�o�d.. vpon�+ti��ema� by►�Eartvwar. tdis sa�nty � —
<br /> . ` �lumeat�ed t6e ablip�a�eecacM haebY shdf c�em�ia fiilly effati�te zs if no acceteiatian 6�d occumed. However.this .
<br /> � �� asiitto�a�mtappiy�thc�seo��caekrs�tianu��I?. � � � - ` . < .
<br /> �` 1! Sde el 1WIr'Ci�e tK Li�s Senioea 'lbe Nde or a p�ertia!i�erest in the Note(wBet6er with this Seaviry .
<br /> I�aKat)msY be sold aue oFS�o����P��t to Boaower. A s�k may�salt in a clwnge in the eatity -
<br /> ° . (I�o�vn s the"I.oan Sainoor');slqta�iMM[#!��Y WY��under ttte Note and this Security I�Wme�u. Ths'�+e also ,
<br /> , mry be one ar mae c�etaE ie�oiR Ssniar�we�etated w:sak of the Nate. If t6e�e is a change oF the Lo�n Servicer.
<br /> - Bato�rer w�l be givm�vrinai aot+ee of tbe d�n�e in aceord�noe�ith p�agtaph t4 above�id appiicable Iaw. 'If�e aotioe
<br /> w�l sate t6e a�me�nd�dditess af tt�t ne�v La�Setviar and the sddress to vrLich pay�na�ts sbooldbe made.'!be notia wii! .
<br /> � atso can�sin aal►fltl�er intarm�tian toq�ed bS►applicabk bw. ar�ekase of any -
<br /> ` �: Aaa�iw�S�ie�es Bo�m�rer sl�aU aot cause or pamit the�Cesa�ce.nse,disposal,stora8� .
<br /> }L�dous Su6staoxs m or in the PtvpeRY. Barowes shall nat d�.nor allow anyaue olse w do,wYtWn$affect�n8 the
<br /> prope�ty th�.�m vi4i�ia�of mY�tai l.�w. Tde p�ecedirB twa sauaaces sl�all aat appty to t!x peseace,use.or � .
<br /> s of Hazardo�s Subswncxs that ac+e gener�UY r�izid w 1x apPro'P�au to aornW
<br /> . - . . �o�age aa the PbupRty of sm�II qaantitie - -
<br /> resideotial�ses and to tnnruaanoe of the Propaty �
<br /> Bws�ower s6�1!psnmptiy 8nr4 l.a�der writtea notice of at►y investigatioa,.claint.demand.la�vsuit ar rnt�er action by anY
<br /> -- . gava�aer�ai ac t�ut�ory aBeac�'ar Pm'�P�Y invotfing the Ptoperty?ad ai►Y H�ardaus avemmmtal ur� �
<br /> Lsw of which Bano��r hu actual �awrwled e. If Bartowa lr�cns,��ed��Y 8 ts necessary,Bonuwer
<br /> ���ny�a«r�r��on oc��r�s � �y' .
<br /> sh�11 ptompdY take Ai!ncessary temedial,actiais m arccadance witb Env�mnmrntall.xw.
<br /> As ased in duc parag�rapl�Z0,"Haz�dous Su6stances"�+e eh�subuaaees defined as toxic or hua�do��s substances by
<br />= • Envimnn�ental Law and the fotlowiag sub.tances: 8asotine,tecosene.athes f}ammabk or toxic peocoleurs�p�od�t.s.ta�c
<br /> pesticides ud herbicades.volatile solvents.enateiials containing asbestos as.formatdehyde.arjd iadioactive matenaLs. As
<br />- -.-._. used itt this patagraph..�."Eavironmental l.aw"means federat taws aad lav�rsof the jurisdictivn whete the.,Ptoperty is tocated
<br /> tGat telate w heaitb.sa'fety or envuomnental procectian. : ;; : ..
<br /> NON-U1VIF�RM COVENANTS. Botmwer and I.cnder fur[her covenanf and agree as foAows:
<br /> 2L Aeoderntlo�,Re�edies. l.e�der stiall give aoticr to Borrower•prioe to Aooekratim tdMrvrin�Borrowes's
<br /> 6reaeY d asy caraant or a�rsemedt ie tbis Securfty Idstrument(6qt noE prior W accdtntioo nnder paraSraPh 17
<br /> eokss applksble bw pravides M6eerwtse). Tbe notice sbaU sptciffn (s).t,tii�defaWt;(bf t6e action mryired to cpre the
<br /> rw
<br /> defsdt;(t)a dat�nat le�t6au 39 dsys fraa tMe dAte t6e natke is�ivs ta BonoweG�by w�Lich tie de�sa(t must 6e
<br />".' crred;aMd(d)tlu�t faiNice to care the det�wtt os or 6efae t6e d�te specifiak n�tlie eoor�e msy reswN fn aooekrntioN d
<br /> tbe s�secored by tl�Secoritr iactrumeat And sak ot the Property. '!tie ao�tiae s6a11 turther intorm Borro�ra�at
<br />- � tlre�t to reinhte alter�ecelerntio�w�d t4e r�gbt to briss a oourt activ�to assert tt�t aoR�eYMence at a detaot6�a'. _
<br /> 4� any Mrer defmse o�Aorro�rer to accekration and sate. li the defAa(t[s aat cared on or betore tbe dde specified in _-
<br /> �tbe aotice,Le�der a�.its optina nuy reqaire immeAiate payn�ent in full atati sums secured 6y this S e c a r b t y lastrnment _ _
<br /> �rit6oat fuetber de�ad aad maY U►voke We power at sak and any W6er remedies permitted hY�►PPUcabk law .
<br /> I.endtr sbaU bt aeNtkd W collect all expeases incurred in pursuinS tLe remedies provlded in tb�ParagraPh Zl, ���Y.
<br /> .:.f�-
<br /> - � incladiA�Iwt not limifod to,reasonabk attarneYs'fe�and�osts ol titte cvidenca •�,5�;
<br /> . • � If the power af stde is invoked.7tastce shaA record a notice ot detaWt in eacA county in which any part ot the ���-;�;�,;L,
<br /> _ p�y���y�s�11 m�i1 cople�otsuch notke in the manne�prescribed by applics�6k law to Borrawer and to �.��;:_��;
<br /> die dl�persons prescribed by applicabk law After the time require�t Dy Applkabk law.7irustee sbaU give puaie ''�:�:�__
<br /> • notioe d sde to the pasons aed in the manner pr�c�f6ed by applicaDle law,'l�ustee,wlthont demand on Borrowrr, �
<br /> s6aN sell tMit Pro�erty at pab1�auction to the bighest bidder at the Hme and place and under the terms designated in -��:�'�%:;_,-
<br /> - ,',� .m.,�
<br /> ' t6e natke of sAle in one or�nore parcets and in any arder 7t�sta determines. 7lrustet nwy postpone sAle of pll ov any .;'?��!;��}J--�
<br /> parod of the Property by publk announcemeni�t the time and place oi any previous�ty scheduled sale. Lender or its ..::;::�;��
<br /> d�ee may purchase the PropeMY at aay sak. � ..�}}��.":'.
<br /> ' Upoe receipl ot payment af tl�prlce bW,Tnutee ShaQ detiver to the purcbaser 7lrusta'�deed conreying the '�.,:�.;T�;R�;_
<br /> � property. Tl�e recitals in the'Ilrustee's dead sha116e prima tacie evldence ot the truth ot the statements made thereln. y:� �..t.,;`�,t3%�
<br /> ' Trustee s1w11 appty ttie proceeds d the sak ia the tollowing order: la)to a l l cosis an d expenses o[ezercisin g the p ower '�_= ` �is+�.�:±
<br /> n;�'�;:�-;;;�..
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