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<br /> � , p�=�s�t Le�der rpqy;RS..'iLe io�ace caria peanrida�ti�iosuaaoc�hd(`be cbarn bY Bo�o�subled�o L�eaderg '.
<br /> appr�wal w�ic6�Irit�ot be uon�eiwosabiy.�iri�Meld. i�Ha�:o�+er b�s 1u ns�a4aiu cover�e dacn`bM a6ov�L�'nder mh►.at ,, ;
<br /> � � l.eiaer!oprioe,b6raiit s�ore�a�e nP�'c�e��t 4.ead�s�a t�i�hts io the Pra�ty ia a000�o�wah p�p�Z � ��� ' _
<br /> — ==A3t�
<br /> ^�slt liave d�e ti�ht to.h�old ttie poticies�ad�ene�valt. if Lader roqnins.Bonowa si�ll p�nPdY pYe to!eacler aU reoeipts ` ,.
<br /> ,. of p�id peeiaum�s ind mewal notias. ta the everR af toss�Botra�eE ahall give p+nmpt e�otix ta dte ins�u�ee catrier md ,'�.
<br /> - � l,pider, t,e�er miji m�ire pvnFof Wss if not tnade peoa�pdY by Harm+�a. -
<br /> � Unks�l.ende��md HoROw�r a�ecwise aanx in writ�ng.iawranoe�pocroeds shall be aPPtie�ro restor�or tep�'v of .
<br /> - - �Pra�Cty�.if!he testaaK�u a-�epair-is eoonomically fe�u'61e aad Lender's secutity ic nat ipss�aied. If dio . -
<br /> . � rniaatioe ar�ir is mt aeaaamically fESSibk ar I�endcr's`savrity.would lie lessenod.tbe a�sivanoe procads s1aII be
<br /> ,` fipplied w the wms socuied iry this Sacurity Inmumer�t,whet6a or na thn dae.with any eacess ptid to.Ba�m�va. If
<br /> Ba�mvYer ab�ndons die Aop�e�ty,a does mt�acwa witi�30 days a notice from I.eader tmd the insuanop carrier 6as �
<br /> dierod to�ttle s c1�im,dkn l.ader may canllect tbe�stusaooe prbcads. Lender may ase the procads w tepair a iestar
<br /> tbe rropetcy or w p�y su�saaaoa by a�is se�vocy 1�.w�d�a ua tha►aue.T6�3n-aay p�noa vn'��wbai
<br /> ' tbe Aotiqe is pvee. -
<br /> Unk�s Lader ind Barmwa ocbawise sg�ae ia wiipng,?nY�pplicaaotE of Pro�s t°PriaciPal shaU uot exteod ar
<br /> postpone tbe duc date of the tnoathly p�yments refcmd to in p�wgnphs 1-and 2 a ciwige the amount of tbe p�ymeflrs. If
<br /> urde�p�a;raph 21 tbe Ptopetty u acquined by Lender.Bo�wer's nght w any insu�ce policies atd pmceeds nsulda8
<br /> ' fi�am d�ms�qc ta Qre Ptapecty prior w the acquumon ahall.�s to Lcrida to We e�t of t6e sums sxmed by this Sa�itY
<br /> Im�siaau iepnediatety prior to the acqaisuwn. . . - . :, .
<br /> �, p�� �, Mitp�ce a� Ptata�iu�e�;�i�ae.�toPdrl9: Bo�'ro�wa's l.ou Ap�iiadoa.. .
<br /> Lea�eidi�. BoRO�w�s slali occupy.estabiis6.and nse tbe Ptoperty as.���'s principat cesidence vrithin sixty days after
<br /> ' ttie exauta�af this Seca�ity�tnmxnt an8 sl�ll co�tiuua ta oocupq.l�°��.;?��'ormwes's prurcipral raide�co fa at
<br /> ' • least one year after the d�te af oavp�ncy. uniess I,coder.ot�etwise a�'s ie.�g, rvhich consent shsU mc t�e
<br /> �a�a61y withheW,or unfess acta�u�tin8 cio�umstarrx,s eaiu:afiich ate bryaW Boiiuwer's cuntrul. Bomower smii not .
<br /> desnny�d�naEe or imp�ir the Pbape�ty.alla4 the Pnaperty to deteri6rate..otrarnrtut wsste on tbe Pnnpe�ty. Barower shall _
<br /> be�n defiuh if any fafddue actim a gmcxad'mg,w)t�er civ�or crimiru�ia begun tl�t i�l.ender��aod f�ith judgmau
<br /> oouid iesuit in fafctittra�e of the Pooperty or atf�erwise mat�+ally impair the lieit creatvd by this Sa�oaty 1ns�E a� .
<br /> __ Lender's savrity inteces�Bomnwer mzy cure sucb a defauft'�d�eiastate.as pnnvided in puagr�pti 18,bY causing ii�,:ua�on -
<br />- or pcvoeading w be dismissed with a iuling tiut,in Lender��od faith determinatian,Proctudcs forFeitone of the BoQ!�xr�s
<br /> - inoerest in the ptvpeity or otl�er material impainnent af t�'tirn cr�atM bY�S Seenrity lnstru�nenr orLenders sec�ri'icy-' - - .
<br /> -_ — ' iatetes� Bornower shall aiso be in defwlt if Burrowa.'during the loan application�Pmcess. Save mautially false or
<br /> - inaccarate mfonnatiars or stafemeats to Lender(or failed to piovide I.ender with any material infoanatian)in cauxctioq witb
<br /> _-- the Ios4 evidenced by the Note.inctuding. but nat timited to.cepiesentations conexming Borrower§ oecapaocy of the '-�
<br /> _ ' Ptoperty as a principal nsidence. if this Security Inswmrnt a's.an a leasehot0.�wer sL=Ji camply witb a]!the pruvisians ,
<br /> - � of the kaGCe. If Bonower acquiies fee tiUe to the Property.tEg tcas�lwld and the fa tiU�si�3 not merge unless Lender agroes
<br /> _ ` ' to the merger in writing. � "` ` � '
<br /> � 7.' Peotedian o�I,eeder's Ri�ts ia tie_�^apert�. If BOIT�OWGf fBfIS[O pCffO[!1!LI1C COYC[Ia11lS Nld A$IOCfil�fl� .
<br /> -- cant�ined in this Security Instrumrnt,ur ttkcc Es a,�at ProceedinS that may significantly affect L.ecWer�rights in the
<br /> - Ptope�ty(such as a ptoceedmg in Innlauptcy.prabatc.forc.�+�demnation or forfeitu�t or to enforce laws or�egulations).Uyen
<br />-- Lender may do and pay far whatever is necessaty w pcotaca t6e value of the Pmperty and Lender:s rights in titq PrvpertY•
<br /> l�s actions may inclnde paying any sums secured by a�zn whicb has prioriry over this Secuaty Insdumrn��S
<br />�-'�;.; in eocFr4�aying re�.wnable attomeys'fees and entering on the Property to make repairs..Althougb Lcnder may take action
<br /> ��! ' undcc tt�s ,�`�7.Lender dces no!have to do so.
<br /> ���� �cunt;•:disbursed by Lender under this paragraph 7 shall become addirional debt of Borrower secured by this
<br /> AnY -. . .
<br />'y..;�� Sec�ity tnsz�u�:.t. Unless Borrower and I.enAer agree to other terms of payment.these amounts shall bear interest from the
<br />_ _ date of di.tba�sement at the Note rate and shall be payable,with interest.upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting
<br />-�-:: �
<br />;��;''`' ��5. Mort�e Insurwnca If Lender requirc.ct mortgage insurance as a condirion of making the loan socurcd by ihis �
<br /> Security Inst�umen�Borrower shall pay the premiums required to maintain the mortgage insurartce in effe.ct. If.far arty
<br /> rcason.the mortgage insurance cavetage requiied 6y Lender lapses or ceases to be in effecR Boaower shaH pay the
<br />_ • pnemiums required to obtain coverage subsr�..*.�any equivaJent to the mortgage insurance prcviou4ly in effu�at a cost -
<br /> ssu6stantially equivalent to the cost ta Barrawer of the mucr�e insumnce previoucly in effect,from an altemate morrgage
<br /> '.. iruucer approved by Lender. If substantialty equivatent mastaage insurance coverage�s not availabte.Borrower shatl pay to _
<br /> - i.ender each month a sum equal to.one•twelfth ot the.year3y mortgage insurance premium being paid by Borrower when the -
<br /> - iasuranct coverage Iapsed or ceased to be in effect. i.ender wili xcept,use and re�ain these payments as a loss reserve in lieu
<br /> af ma�tgage insurance. I.oss reserve paymenGs may no longer be required.at the option of Lender.if mortgagc insurance .
<br /> - coverage(in the amount and for the penod that Lendcr reyuires)provided by an insurcr appravcd by Lender again becames =
<br />`�_�:: av�Ilaible and is obtained.8ortawer shall pay the premiums requi�ed to maintain mortgage insurancc in effec�or to provide a
<br /> Ioss teserve.until the requirement for moagage insurance ends in accordance with any written agreement between Borrower
<br /> ,�, aad i.eader or applicabte law. .
<br /> 9. Inspectiun. Lender or its agent ma��nakc reas��a.ble entries upon and inspecticros of the Propeny. Lender shalt
<br /> '_i�;;,'� give Barrower na�[ice at the time of or pnor co sra inspectia.s:;�ecity ing reasonable cause for the inspection.
<br />'- `=''' IO Condemnation. 'ihe�roceeds of utiy uward or clairrr for dama�es.direct or conseyuential,in connection with aTry
<br /> • SingteFamity-F9�ieNatlFnddkM�ct�1i'OIlSf1�S7RL'�1EtiT-�CnifortnCovenanh 91l� I/nRv3aJ'6pagPSl
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