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<br /> ' ` �W[[N�i tie`�a�ova�aow Q 6aeatla QaC�ad a116e Q�apa�.and aU wo�lae�.�p�p�Ae�oc+� . <.
<br /> � _ aMd'txates�o�►a�Ircia�lkr.a pA ot Ibe piopa�ty. Ali r�pi�oem��d additiaa�s1W!dw be cor`ere�i�r t6is�ec�it�i •
<br /> � Lro�ro�e�t. Alt ddie€aejoin�is tde�od��o ia dMS,Sec�itl►L�at d�'P�opRCty" . . '
<br /> _ -�-�-—--� --• - -- ' ��esta�h�hg_conv�Yedaed-l�s-the ti�ht��-= —
<br /> �.J������������f��c�nb�a c�t necccd. �ano�ra�varr�ats�
<br /> w�L ddeed�end�alty We t�tie W the Prnp�ttY+iP�mt ait cistm+aad d�.s�bjxt w a��af recai�d: �
<br /> THIS SF�Cl1Rti9i iNSTRtJMF.NR rambines vaifa,m.covct�t�cs for a�tiqa�l uac aed naa-unifam cbvemuits.wi�i
<br /> - - --- -. lie�iled w�ri�iooE bY]�i�O°�o canstiww�tee a unifam eecuriry it�covaing�wi p[upMy. _
<br /> . . � BNIIaDitM QO�iE1VAI�IS.aM1�M��Pn}�7w�t a� C� � �rbea due tb�c :
<br /> L ������ Ba�rower sINd1 p�umi�Y P�9 ,
<br /> . Qriecip�l of aed iotaest ao t�e debt tvida�ced bY the lYote and anY p'�MY����s due undet We No�.
<br /> Z �Wis�r 7�es si i�'a�oG Subject to�pplic�ble!aw or to a cmttea waiva by Lender.BoROwer shall pay to
<br /> l.endcs m tbe dq m�y PtYn�s ue doe imder tbe rTo�e.�md'1 the Note u p�id in fu11.�sum t"Fu�ds!for.ta)Y�Y
<br /> iues�na weicn may�n wiaieSr over ws sa�in►�t as s lien op tI�Propaty:(b?ye�x�
<br /> P�y�ants dr Etoeod-.;<m tbe PtuPtRY,if ary; t�? Y�3► !�d or PmPenY � pe�u°ms; (d}"Y�Y �
<br /> ie�aran�x p�miva�.rf aaY:(e)7dc1S►n�tE����if my:md t�anY�WY�6Y 6amwa m
<br /> ' Lpder,ia a�ooe aith t6e pwi�a�s of p�rStaQti S.in lieu of the payment of matgage insivanoe P�'emiums. '1lrese
<br /> ilems a�e caDe�'�icro+v Ieea�s:" I.ender may.�t any time.caolkCt aod bold Fvnds in an aimount not to eacoed the tn�cimiun
<br /> aawiat a leade�for a federaity rebited mortp�e bm may�uire fa Bamw�s esccaw accaun mider die federat R�t
<br /> p,st�fe Seukineac•Procodu�es Act of 1�374 as ameaded fran time to time 12 U.S.�;260i et seq.("RESPA").unless anod�er
<br /> law fiu�pplies w d�e fi�ods sets a ksser�om� If so.Lend�er may,at any time,col{xt aod hold Fwids�n an a�rwu�t not to.
<br /> exceed the tesser amoud.� Lender m=y�the�nmo�mt of F�uids du�m tbe insis of cument d�ta and r�easoo�6le
<br /> ,� �dexpandinaes of fupae Fscro�r Items or ad�et�►ise in acooN�nee a�ith applic�bk hw. jnsautnau�lity.ar em�Y �
<br /> '17��i�oc�al�ll be hetd in m i�itutian whose deposi[s aue iaw�ed t�r a federaf aS�Y,.
<br /> (includina�I.ender.if l..eoder is such ao�uman)o[ia anY Redeial Iiome t.o�n Banic. I.ende►sMii apply tho�`vAds�o PsY
<br /> ihe Esc�o�►Iteaa.-Lendtr awy no�cb�e Bonower for bukW►g aod appiyiaig the Twds,�a�wiiy aa�Iyzing the esa�nw .
<br /> � �ccowN,or verifying the Escraw Items.aakss l.ender p�Ys Horrower iMerest on tbe FwWs and applicaWe Isw petmits
<br /> Lender w m�l�e�sucb a cha�ge. How4veF:L�ender may require Barower to pay a oaatia�e charge fa an independeat n�l
<br /> � �smte tax repaeng savice us�d by Lendq in connectivn with tWs loan,uatess applicabie law pmvides otberwise. intenst or
<br /> y ,groert�ent�s m�de or app�rabT�taw x�ss i�est to t�p:ia.l.�naer sb�tl noc ue ta�ima m pap Sa[�awe�any , .
<br /> arnings on the Punds. Baiewer at�&L'e�der maY a8�a in writing,tiowever.that interest si�aU 6e paid an the Funds.:l,.axkr
<br /> --- - shall pve to Bomnwer.without c����nual accaunting of the 1'w�ds.slwwing credits and debits to the Funds aad tlie , ,
<br />— putpose for whicb each debit to t6e�:+.��s was made. Tf�e F'vnds ace pledged as additioaal savritY for alt sums sauned vy ,
<br /> this Security Instnunen� .
<br /> If the Fimds t�etd by L.ender exceed the amounts pe�miued w be held by applicable law.Lxnder shall accouat to
<br /> .--- � Bamwer fa the eacess Fands in ac��ance with tlte n4uicemeat�of applicabk law. I�the amaunt af tbe Fiuids held by_ , ..
<br /> -= Lender at aay time is not sufficienc c��y the Escrow Items when cl�e,Lender may so notify Bonower in writit�g,and,�
<br /> sueh pse Borrower shall pay to Lendes�the ameunt t�eeessac]� ca^�Jce.up the defieleney. Borsower sdaU malce up tbe;. .
<br /> - — deficiency in no more t6azr tweive monthlY PaYm�mu•at L.ander's sole disecetion. refund to Borrower an "�
<br /> "'^ uP�WY�nt in full of all sums secured hy thn Securicy Instrumen�i.ender si�all promptly. Y .
<br />�,=` Funds hetd by I.ender. If,under paraSraPh 21,Lendes shall acquire or sell the P�+operty.l.ender,pnor to the acquisidon or
<br />`':; safe of tLe property,shall appiy any Funds hetd by Lender at the�^..e of acq�si6on or sale as a ctedit against the sums
<br /> � secured by t�is SecuritY lnstrumen� ts teceived b I.ender under _
<br />-��� -- 3. Appiic�tbo d P�Yments. Unless applicable law pra«�s otherwise.all paymen Y
<br /> "�'3'' pa�ragraphs 1 and 2 shall be applied:firs�to anY prepaYmeat charges,due under the Nae:second.to artaunu payable under
<br /> — �pt�2;third.to inter�esc due:fou�th.to principal dae;�d last,to any late charges due�nder the Note. _
<br /> - 4. C6sr=es; Lien�. Bortower shaD pay all taxes.as'sessments. charges,fines and impositions ataibntabk to tbe
<br />_- - � ' Propetty which may attain priority over this Security Instrument:ar�3 teasehald payments or gro�nd nmts.if any. Boimwer
<br /> _� °-,� ahall pay these obljgations in the manner provided in paragraph 2.��not paid in that manne�Barawer shall pay them�. .+
<br /> �:_?�• time diraxty to the person owed paymen� Borrower shall promgc(y r'�ish to Lender all noaces of amounts to be paid undx�. `
<br />--�;{�_, this pa�agraph. If Bormwer makes these payments dire�ctiy.Borroazs shall prompdy fumish to l.ender receipts evidenci:�� ' -„
<br />-:=�� ��B ro w e r s h a l i p r c�x T y d i s c h a r g e a n y l i e n whi cEa�.�s priori t y over this �; Instrument unless Borrawer:ta)agrces
<br /> -- _ in writing w tl�e payrnent of the obligation secnred by c�e tien in a cruar.ner accepta6le to Lender.(b)contests in;aod fa�th the ,
<br /> - tien by,oF�iefcnds against enfarcement oi the ilen in.��al proreef��3s which in the Lender�s opinion operate to prevent tbe.
<br /> -- — enforcea�of the lien;a(c)secures from the hotder oS the ue��e agreement satisfactory to Lender subordinating the liees -
<br /> ° rQ dsis Secotity Instramen� If Lernkr detemtines th�Way part rz:�e PropeAY is sub,ject to a lien wfiich may attain priorct�
<br /> - +�ver this Security Insttument,l.ender may glve Bon�s���r a notiee ictentifying the lien. Borrower sha11 satisfy the lIen a take
<br /> one or more of the actions set forth above within 10 days af the giving of notice. •
<br />- S. Huud or Property Iasurance. Borrower shail kecEs Q�improvements naw existing or hereafter erected un the . •
<br />,�:;s;• - Property insured agait�st loss by fue.�ds included within the r�"eztended coverage"and any other hazards.includi.cz� .
<br /> '`�' � floods or flooding.for which Lendes c.��ires insurance. This��c:�:rance shatl be maintained in the amounts and for�: '.'
<br /> ro
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