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<br /> caadea,o.t;aa as al�t�tiea ofaar wa of uK AaP�Y:ar rar conveyanoe in�eu oicoMemnuiaa:ae i�ebr usi�d s� . , _
<br /> `� t s6d1 bc to l.a�der• •` �` ` �p���[o the sums secured by -
<br /> ` . . Bt�eva�of s wt�i tatint ot tl�e 4tupei�ty. pcocseds �� ��' , �
<br /> � . in�nent,wt�t6er ot not drN�due.with any exoess gfiid w Hoaower. Lt�hc evert of a partial taking of tbc Pn�perty in �
<br /> ��.�:��E�.,�..�.��t�.`�a�p,reee�`tv immediateiy befae the taki�.is�uai to.a`�ex�than the amount of t6e suriis
<br /> - — - - ----secuned by this SxuritSr tnsa'ueieiit immedta�' t�te.y�ae t6c�S•���er�d _ - • -
<br /> �le-s�cos secueed by this Soc�rity Iusuama�c shaikbe.ted�od.b�ctheramout►t of the pcoceeds multi lisd by the,fdtowin�
<br /> tractian: C�)tbt tfltai�maunt di t}ie snms saurtd immedE�tcty before sfu takiiig.divided by(b3 tf�e�a�uT m�crE vs�o�C—
<br /> ' �mmedi�ly before tbe talcin,g. Ai!Y 6�lancr,shall ba Pa�d ta Boi�awer. Ia the fvent of a�partial taking of the
<br /> `���- u�tiedi�tci befa�the tairing is�s thms the�►t of sbe.sums - -
<br /> prupftty m which the fair m�cet vsTue ot thr P�operty" Y a
<br /> . secu�ed�mmodutelY befar tbe t�icing;mdas Sorruw�r and i:ender otherwise agc�x in writing or unkss agplicabte law
<br /> , olixrwise proviaes.the p�axeds sha116t applied to the sums satiued by this Securiry Insttument wlxther or�t tbe sunis ate
<br /> then tfu� . .
<br /> . If the PtoQecty�S ab�nda�Kd bY Borrowe�ar if.aEter noticc by Lender'to Bamwu that the saxkmna offeis to make
<br /> an sw�d a seuk s cl�im far damages.Boimwer fa�.s to tespond ta Lender wishin 30 days aft4Y i���y ar�Vtl�
<br /> Lsider is authorized to coikct and apply the p�oeoeds,at ii&��•either w cescorauon or t�epai*
<br /> _ swns secuad by thu Sec�uity Iaunmient.wLettxt ar not t1�a�due. , , . .
<br /> Unkss l.ender and Borcower o�l�wise agtoe in writing.anY aPPlicatiat of p�ocoeds to phncipal•shali oot exuad or
<br /> poftpone the due data of ihe monthty paYments refemed to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or cbange the amou�t of such payments.
<br /> Il. �orsarer Nd Reiessed; Far6e�nece Bp l.eoder Not s Wairar. Extaision of the time for paynxnt a
<br /> � mod'fica�ion of amatizatioa of the smns secund hy this SecuriN Insm�meat granted by Lender w an�r successor in intecest
<br /> of&xruwa shall nd nperate to relase the liab�ay of tt�e original Burtower ot Bor`ower's successt�rs in uite�est.l.ender
<br /> sf�aU not be tequired to commeace pmc�agaiast a�Y Succes.so�in intensf or refuse to extend dme for p�ayment or `
<br /> othetwise inodify amorti�tion of the s�s sec�u�d bs cbis SccuritY Insuunieat by zeason of any demand made by the original
<br /> Bor�owa a Batower§�suceessars ia�st. AaY fo�bearance bx Lender in exereising ang ri�ht ar reRm1Y shatl not bb a .
<br /> � wsiva of a pceclude the ea�e�ise of any right or ciemedy. `• � '
<br /> IZ.•S�ooa�o�s fNd A.1siW BoAd+Jd�t aad&versl Ua6�tY+C�s�• 'lhe so�-ecc�u and agteements of this
<br /> Security Tnstnunent sbatt bind and beaefit the successors and arsigns of l.ender and Borrower:subject to chc provlsions of ,
<br /> puagraph iT. Bamwer's cavenanu and agreements stiall be joint and several.Any Eorrower who casg�this Securny .
<br /> - instrument 6ut dces not eaecute the Nate: (a)is co-signing this Security Inswment only to mortgagt.grant am3 ca��ey that
<br /> .. gotmwcr's intercst in the Pnopecty ancier the terms af thic Securiry ta.strameax (b)is not personally obligate3��ay the sums .
<br />•-s savmd by this Security Insavment:and(c)agrees that Lender artd•any other Horrower may agree•co extend.'modty.fotbear: '
<br />_ - _ or make any accommodations with�rd to the terms of this 5ecurity Insuument or the Note without that Barrowers �
<br />-��-� � : c.onsen� - .
<br />�{..: � 13 Lowa Cbar�es. If the loan serured�� �s Security Instrument is subject to a law which sets inaximum loan : .
<br /> -- charges,and that iaw is finally interpreted sa tC^�t t��'�teiest or othe(toan charg�s collected or to 6e collected in connection�,
<br /> �" with thc loan eaceed the permitted fims.�,then:ta�a�9 sucb laaa cha�e shall be reduced by the amount�ess�y to reduce � . .
<br /> �-� thc chazge to the penniued limit;and f bZ any sums al�radY callec��°Borrower which exceeded permitted limits wii�be
<br /> `'� nefunded to Borrower. Lender may citioose to matcP�s�fund by re3ucing the principal ow punderp�Not�n by making a
<br /> i`-, diru�payment ta Borrawer. !f a refund reduces 1,the reduction wilf Ue acated as a artial re t withau anp -
<br /> prepaymentcharge underthe Note.
<br /> - , 14: NotiMS. My natice to Borruwer provided for in this Securiry Insuamen+�sAall be given by delivering it or by
<br /> .' malling it bY first class mail unless applicable law requires use of anothet�methad.'t��::o[ice shall be directed to the Property
<br />`.�,t` .�' Addcess ot any oHter siddress Botrower designates by natice to Lender. My notice to Lender shall be given by fi�st ctass
<br /> - mail to Lender's address stated herein or any ather address Lender designates by notice to Ba:�u•er. Any notice provided for
<br /> in this Securiry Iastrument shall be deemed to have been given ta Baaower or Lender a�::en given as provided in this
<br /> �1_,. ParaBraPh.
<br /> _`--�f 15. Coverning Law; Severability. This Securiry Instrument yhall be govemed by fecteral law and tk�e law nf the
<br />____ jurisdiction in which the Properry is located. In the event that any provision or clause oi this Security Instnuy�rnt or the Note
<br /> � eonfliets with applieable law.such eonfliet shal{nat affeet other prov�sions of thi.c Securiry Instiument or the Note whieh ean
<br /> • be given eifect�vithout the confticting provisian. Ta this end the pravisinns af this Security]nstrument and the Note ace
<br /> . _ declAred ta be severab!e. ' '
<br /> � 16. Boeruwetk�GaPY• Borrawer shall be givcn one conformcd rapy of�he Note and of this Security Inssncmen�.
<br /> ' 17. 7�anstee e�t6�e Property or a&neflcial lnterest in Borrower. if all or any part of the Property or any intcrest i�
<br />� ,,�•� li is sotd or tranxferr�.ct(ar if u bene�ciul intere�t in Barrower is rold or trancferred and Borrower ig nat a natural persaM)
<br /> - without g.ender�s prioa�r*.ten co��t,Lender may.at its aption.requirc immediate Qayment in fuil af all sums secured by
<br />'-:�' this Security lnstru� e�w«�c��;�i.g aption shall nol be excrcised by Lender iiexercise is prahibited by federal law as of
<br /> the date�ofth#sSecure:c lieu�r'�.'^u:r-s.
<br /> if L,ender exerriy�s this option,Lender tihall give Borrower notice of acceleration. 'i'he natice shall pravide a period oi
<br /> • aot less ihan 30 days from the date��e natice ic delivered or mailed within which Borrower must pay all sums tecured by this
<br /> Securiry instrument. tf Bunowec��its to pay theu sums prior tv the expiration of thiw periad. Lender may invake.any
<br /> '� , remedles permitted by this Securit�Gc�trument without further notice or dem�nd on Banower.
<br /> ' � 18. Borrower's Rlght to Re'iastate. Ii 8arcower meets certa+n conditians, Borrawer tihall have the right to have
<br /> enforcement of this Secnrity lnstrument dixcantinued ut:ury time prior to the earlier oL• (a)5 dayy(or�uch other perivd as
<br /> + -- - Singtc k.unily..Faenie MaelFreddk{1ac t`�IFt)it�t I�S'ilt�it��'C--Unit�rm['o�cnantr 9NS fpc��ee 4��Jh�ngesJ
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