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<br /> _- —__ e �` _ � 'f. . . ' �-- .
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<br /> - .�.` . - � ` . - .ra neia�i�q�t�Uefcee sd�d the P�pat7 P.s�i to�►�c6ai fak . -
<br /> apl�ic+�ble 4g►sr7�p�c�r '
<br /> � sac�riqr.iM�+�e�d(b2�x oE a jrdp�st aeta�cir�t�Se�i�7�- '�e cadihc�m aie dnc gomo� �N). ,� - g
<br /> p�s L�e�3er ag �es�r6ici d�a�aM1d be dua N�der�d�Sac�itY Lw�oent�sd d�Na�e as,if ao accd�tia�6d: . � L
<br /> _ ___ ` � oocun�(b)�rain►�6dault cf aey olba covm�ert:a a6raYeeats;(c)P�ys all expeases inc�ie eata[cisj d�s Sec�ritl► . 1
<br /> — _ —���� _ __ _
<br /> �--
<br /> =_�,_.=req�e.to:rlurs t�t:tbe tiat of ffiis Sect�tity�mtru�med.l.eeaer�tigl�[s in the P�vpetty aad Barol��s�1i�ioa to pnt the i
<br /> . som� tec�ba► �ns Sec�ntY L� ahtU ca��- UP�t�iasnlema�c by Barower. thia Seas�t�► < -
<br /> ` ,Lnttumeat ied We abtipticm aecueed heitbY s�li reomin futty diective as J na aaxkcatiort bsd accueed. I�iowKVer.tlns.
<br /> _ .-- .�ht ta esi�t�ie�Mlla�ot��PP�3�ia tAe_cate of acale=�tian�mda gm6rapA ly. _` : _
<br /> 1! 9de�t l�fMe'.t�i�e�f l�5er`rteer Tfie Nae a`a p�wt yataest m tTie IVote(w8etlKr with-t�s S�it�► . .
<br /> • � � � 'ImtiauaM}maY 6e suW d�r a mae tima wrilhout prior aotice io Bormwer.� A sue mty tesah in a ch*nfe irt the e8tity E ` t
<br /> (tnown a�tbe"I.an Sennce�')tl�t ooliocls monthly pyments dae mder the Nde aeQ 16is.SecuriEy In�il. TNat�Iso. � ,
<br /> � ,- mry 6e�aie ar moce cluags of 8�e L�uan Serviar um+elaEOd to a s�le of the NatG if tl�a�e is a ctmnae of the l.o�a 5er►iar.
<br /> Ba�mMrer�1 be aivea*rritoea notice oE d�e c6�oga.ia�aaedaooe w�th p�rsgr�ipG 14 above aad apptic�6te h�r. '11�e�otiee
<br /> = vvil!apie�e mme aod�ddreu o�d�e new Lo�n Secv�ar ard t6e adct�ess,to vNiicfi paymeats atwuld 6e msdG 'Ibe nat�ce vrjll, . � t.
<br /> aho oawauu aay o�6rr Wam�tiaa tequired by applic�bie 1aw. . � '
<br /> 2�. Ba�S�6�cea Bortowes.slWl not cause ar pamit t h e pKSUlce,uie.d i s p o s a l•s t�o r a Ba or rekait of any i
<br /> I�lua�dous Subwoces aa ar in the Roperty. Bornower.slWt not do.rwr albw anyone else to do.a�►ythiu8 affa�tin8 d�e
<br /> � Prnpatyt th�t is�vioV6m of my F�vIIOmnennl Iaw TLe proccding two seat�xs sha1L not appty to tbe p�eseece.ase.or. .
<br /> stuag�oa the Ptopecty of sm�1t`qwotities of Harar�ous Sub'st�noes t6aE ane genetaliy ncognized,to he�pp�opriate to nonmai - .
<br /> ns�dential oae.s aod to maintenance of the Pt+nperty-� � � -
<br /> , Bocmwer s�ll p�nomptlY g'tve Lender written notice of�y imeuig�tio�claim,dert�and.tawsuit a ot6er actian 6y any
<br /> gaveimnaital a tegul�wry ASax�or P��P�Y n►voiving the P�ope�ty�ad any Har�rdous Substance ni F�vi�al �
<br /> Law�which Basower b�s actual knowledSe. If BaroMer kams, or is iatified 6Y �Y Swamumal or re�ut�tary
<br /> authacitS►.tlw.aag:emoval ur atlxr ren�ediatian of auy HazaMais,Substmee affecting the Propeety is aecescary,Boaower
<br /> �'P�P�Y take all necessarY�ert�edial actioaa in accordmce�witb Fnviro�nenW Law. � .`
<br /> As wed in tins p�sgraph 20."Ha�dous Su6stances"ane tf�ose sub,st�rxes definod u toxic or huacdws subsnnoea by ,
<br /> - Envi�uama�tsl Law auid the following su6gtu�as: gasoline,kemseoe,othet ftu�unable or tasic pettoloum pcoducts,toxic
<br /> pesiicidts ard herbic�ides,volaa'le solvents.materials cont�ining zsbestos or fom�ldehyde.aad radioacave materi�ts. As
<br /> us�d m tt�is pa�a�aph 2p,^F�viconmental Law"means federat laws and laws of tfie jurisdiction whe�e the Ptnperty is located
<br /> " '"'tb3"t reTate to t�eaitit,safd.S►or mvirot�Iat protaKiott. -- . _ , . � :
<br /> NON-iJNI�t1N COVENANTS. Bormwer and i.ender further cavenaint and agnee as follows:
<br />- 21..Acaferst�owi Remed�es. Leadec sM�ll gire eotice to Bocrower prior to accele�tioe foUowisa Barowa'�
<br /> — beseli d si�eovesart ar�emeet in th�Securit�Iastrameet(but not prior to acceTeration ander ptsa�pb 17
<br /> p�tc�s�ppli�pie I�w provides Mberwige). T6e nMice sMH spedty: (A)the detsutt;(D)the action requlred to a�re tt�e
<br /> det�K;(c)a�.aot 1e�Ua�p 30 days troar t�e d�te tlie natice ts giveb to Rorrower.bq whic�tUe detaait aevst be
<br /> • c�e+edt a�d(df M�t�ailore to care tUeAetadtus ae beTore tbe dste specitled in tUe�otice nMy res�lt in accderatio�d .
<br /> - iMe sums se�,�+e��;tbis Stcurity lnstnta�nt and salt oE the Pruperty. 7'he notke s6�U tarlher infa�m Borrovrer of -
<br /> tMe ri�Mt to rei��es 9oeNer�tlos and tie ris6t to briug a coart sctbe to a�ert tbe noa�ezistence o�s defaull or
<br /> - ' Aa9 otiec defeas�af�orra.vPS.to accekeAtioa aa�sai� If the defauk is aot wred ae ae before tbe d�te specitjed in
<br />= the Aotice,l.ender at its aptio�e may require immedi�e pagment Ie iullotall sams secared by t6t�Securtty In9trameot
<br /> wit6out furtMer denynd aed titay iavMce the��er nf sak aad any other nmedies permittM by sppUcabk bw
<br /> ;- l.eader s6at1 be entitkd to cdk�ct a0 eacpe�ses incurred in parsuing the remcdies provWed in this parAgraph Zl,
<br /> -� including,but not limited to,reasoaabk attrireeys'tees aad�osts o�titk evidtnce. ��
<br />__z I!the porver ot s�fe tc invoked,7lrustee sfiall record a nMIce.ot detaWt in each counly in whicb any part M the _
<br /> property is located�nd slwll mail copiRS at sucb notice in the manner presc�tbed by s►pplkaMe law to Bonowev a�M to
<br /> -= the Mher persons prescribed by applicable law. Atter t6e time reqai�ed by appHca6le Iaw,7Uustee sball gi+c�.pwbiir
<br />= notice of s�k to tbe persons and in the manner prescribM by applkable law Truste�withoat dtm�nd an�orsower.
<br /> - s6a11 ad!the Fr+opest�at publk auction to the highest 6idder at the time and place and under Ihe term9 de�rated in
<br /> - t6e eotice o�sate iA a�e or nare parcels and in any order Trustee determint,w. 7lrustce may pa�Po�e sak at af a�'any
<br /> p�rcet ot the Property by publk annoancement at t6e time and p1ACe ot any prevlaus{y scheduted sa1G Lender or it� ,
<br /> de9iyiee nwy purcha9e'the Pr9operty at any wde.
<br />- L'pon receipt of ps�yment oR the price 6id,7lrustee s6a11 deliver to the purchaser Trusiee's deed cortve�9;�e
<br /> peopeety. The rECitab in the 7"wstce's deed shail be prima fack evidence ot ihe truth ot fhe statements made4�creiu.
<br />_� 'ltustee stisG�►iy t6e proceeds af the sale in the fdlaw�eg order: (a)to all casts and expens�ot eaercising the power
<br />,�� . ' _
<br />:;-1_ -
<br /> � Form 3l28 4l9A fpn8e S ajb paqes� :
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