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<br /> -.< <. �: p,�;,�t�[t�ada��eq�a�. n��.a�oe�ria Rvvidies,be i�ooe tl�u bc a�e ry so�w��Ce a ; '�� ° -.
<br /> � appMo�vai aYCf�dnU not 6e laeaolably wil�eid. If$arOw�er fa�s b m�intNn coverye de�caibe�aboYe:i.�d�eE t�y.a4. . _
<br /> I�eobe�lraptice.ab�ra coveea�e to.p�o�a�t l���det's n�pts in drc�Ptc�paty.ie�000id�noe�riH�p�wph 1. _ � .
<br /> �A11 iu�rnece po6a�aad ietMe�s�a116e aocepfabie to Ld�der a�ld�il include a at�rd moty�cb�pe. i.e�d�t
<br /> — —� -�;� 'ls��a�t�newsls--If tmde��uic�e�Barowsr slwll p�otept ►�,t►��e to l.eader a11_reoe,�ts- __ ___
<br /> - �P�P��iod�eaewai noliaes. in drc event of bss.Boerowa �ve PrumE� , To� —
<br /> i,eoder 1,.eader may nnhe pcoof of loss ifaat n�de pc�droptty 6Y Bamvver: = . � -
<br /> � ' .Udess I.euaeJr wd Banv�sr a�6etw�se�ee ie�rritina,inwr�e pmceeds�all be�pplied to resWation tu eep�ir af . :
<br /> , tbe pt�ert��ed,if the Kstoratioi�or tepair is ecaaomically feasib{e�d t.endet's se�.tirity is aot ksieeed. If die
<br /> ; -- -t�uarat�ar tep�ir u iiot a000e�lly�ea�'Isit or�Lender�seciu'ity aaulQ bt kssa�cd.t�i�t�nee p�[ucseds s6�11 be_-
<br /> � apptie8 w the s�ms sec�ued by this Savrity L�unau..whetber or na1 then fiie.with any excess pdd to Bariovver. if -
<br /> Bono�wer abeda��s tbe AcopeRyF a�oes uoE answer within 3Q daya a twtioe fmm La�da ti�t tbe inwranCe cartier h�a
<br /> offaod to sepie a claim.then Lendet msy ooUect t5e iawrance proceoda i.ender may use the pcooeoda to n�air ar t+esto�+e �
<br /> t6e RopertX aw pty smes sa�ue�by dus Sacu�iry L�umed.whetlkr or not then due. '!trc 30�day penod will b�egm.wha
<br /> � 16e wo6ece i���iven. ` •-
<br /> UiJFSS Lender and Bamw�a dt�t�wrise a�ec in writag..any aPP�°f P'��►�P��PV shall aot,extead a�r
<br /> poqpone aie aue a�oe of the�nio�hly parna�Rrenea co;n pa�raph+a�a 2 or ch�nge the amowu��ne paymmts. If
<br /> onder p�ta�ph 21 tNe Ptopecty is acquired by I�etdeti Banower�s rigbt to any irauwnce policies sad,Pcoceeds tewld�
<br /> f:nnt d�naae w Me Praperty priot ta the acqius�ha►s1�ll pu ta l.ender w the extent of the sun►�s sxwed bY this SecudtY •
<br /> I�uooaK imae�utel7►P��.��N��- �
<br /> i,, . pep�, Yra�v�tio�,Maiste�a�ee a�d Protectlo� d tie Pr+opa�p; Borra�ver's Lo�ur A�: -
<br /> - , �-Lqreioid�. Barnwu sh�U accupy.esnM'ish.and use the Ptvperty su Bort�nwer�principd c�i�eeca vvidiin sinty days afier �
<br /> d�e e�ao of tbis Security L�snvarcnt snd shalt c�ontinue W axupy tGe Ptupecty as Banower's prit��ipai resideoce fa at �
<br /> • ksst aoe year aha dje dak of oocapa�.y. ankss Lender.otberwise agroes in wrifing: wbicb coa�nt sh�ll not be
<br /> wupsaaaMy wieldield.a anless e�aQna6ng c��ccumsqtxxs ezist which ue 6eyona Bort�nwa's coatnoi. Banowet shsU not
<br /> : de�my�dart�e or impair tAe Pruperty.�Itow the Ptupe�ty to detetiurau.or cornmit waste oa the Ptopetty. Botcoa�er.sb�ll �
<br /> 6e in default if any farfeinue utioo or procadlug.wbether civ�'t a.craninai,is.h�8��in i�ender�s�Eood faith,judgment .
<br /> cauW rcwk In forfeilur!e of the Ptoparty a otherwise matedally imptir the lirn cseated bY tbis Security Iasuuakrx or
<br /> I.ender s sa�urity inte�s� Bortower may c�m such a default md ieinstate,a�pmvided'm puagr�ph 18.6Y causing tUe action
<br /> or p�0000ding to be dismissed writh a mling ihat.ia l,ei�der's good faith determinuion.Precludes forfeiture af tlte Bartuwer's �
<br /> _ iate�est�n tbe Ptoperry oc otl�er material impaim�ent of the lien creared by this Security Insuument or Lender�secucity -
<br /> inte�est. Barowsr shall also be in defanit if Barowet. during thc loan applicatias pcucess. Save mauriaiT�t faise ar
<br />- inaccurate information or statemaits to Lender(or faited w provide l.cnder with any material infortnation)in coru�octian with
<br /> the ban evidenced by the Nate, inciuding,hat na timited to, ntpasentations conceming Borra�ra�accupaacy of Ilie -
<br /> " pmpecry as a pcincipal residence. If this Secunry Ltsuument is on a teasehold.Borrower shaU Canply wiHr ail the provi'sioas
<br /> - of tbe lea�a If Barower acquiies fee ade to the Properry.the kasehold and the fee title shall not raerge unkss�Lender s�ees
<br /> w tha merger in writing.
<br /> 7. ProtKtla� of Lender'a Ri�ts in tbe Properly. If Borrower faits to perfom►�he covenants and agroeaienu
<br /> c�atained in tbis Security Inguument,or tl�ere is a kgal proceeding that may significantly affect Lender�s rigbfs in the
<br /> .' Fmperty(sucA�.s a grocoeding in banlcruptcy,prol�ate,for caKkmnatian a forfeIntte or to enfoace laws or�gulations).tbtn
<br /> 1.ender may do and pay fa whatever is aecessary to protect the value of ttie Fivperty and Lender's rights in the Ptnpaty.
<br /> - . Lender's actions m�►y include paying any sums secured by a lien which has priotity over this Seruriry in�umnent.appearing
<br /> ia co�ut.paying reasonable attomeys'fees and entering on the Property to make repairs.Althougt�[.ender may take.action
<br /> nndec.ti�is pazagraph 7.Lender das not have to da so.
<br /> Any amounts d�sbursed by Lender under this paragraph 7 shall become additionat debt of Bomnwer secure�.�this
<br /> Secvrity Instrument. Unless Bortower and Lender agee to other terms af payment,these amounts shall beac iaterest from the
<br />-- dato of disbu�sement at the Note rate and shall be payabte,with interes�upon aotice from Lender to Borruwer requesting
<br /> •� .• .� .�8.�Mort�e Insurance. If Lender required mortgage insurance as a wnditioa of making the Ioan secutrA by this
<br /> _ Se�ity;ns�waent,Borroarer sUall pay the premiums required to maintain the mortg��insurance in effect. If.far aoy
<br /> - nea,w�r, the mactgaEg� insurance coverage required by Lender lapses or cetues to be in effect, Bonower sha11 pay the •
<br /> premiums requice�,.=�abtain coverage substanaalfy equivalent to the mortgage insurance previou4ly in effect.at a cost
<br /> substantially eqton��io the cost to Borrower of the martgage in.suraqoe previously in effec�.from an altemate mortgage . _
<br /> - � insurer apProvW by E.ender. If substantialiy equivalent mortgage insuranve�vera�e is not available.Borrower shall pay to ,
<br /> -,•., l.ender eacb month a sum equal to one-twelfth of the yearly mortgage insiie�tce premium being paid by Borrower when the
<br />_ insurance coverage lapsed or ceasod to be in effect. Lender will accep�use and retain these paymenu as a loss reserve in lieu
<br />'�� . of mortgage insurance. I.oss reserve payments may na langer be required.at the optian of Lender,if mortgage,iasurance _
<br />- coverage(ia the amount anfl for the pertod that�.ender requires)provided by an insurer approved by i.ender agam 6ecomes
<br /> available and is o6tained.Borrower shall pay tE�e premiums required to mairatain mortgage insurance 2as��:.ct,or to provide a -
<br /> . loss reserve.until tde requirement for mortga,r,�cnsurance enda in accardance with any written agreemen2 between Sotrower �,
<br />_- and Lendcr or applicable luw. � ' °
<br /> 9. Itupectlon. Lender or its agent may make reasonable ensries upon and inspections of the Property. Lcndr�shall
<br /> give Horrower notice at the time of or pdor to an inspection sperifying re�sonable rause far the inspection. �
<br /> 10 ConAemnatlon. The proceedc of any award or claim for damugew.direct or consequenti;�l,e�a connection with any �
<br /> � Sieg{e fiami{y..�annle Mae/4reddk?11ac L'NIFIlR�11�S7'RU�1F.1�T-�Unifom�Cavcnanc. �'10 Ipugs 3 nf b page�l
<br /> � t�es I�vsl�Yne�YarR lec�
<br /> TolkdefCaC:ts11653Q9393OPA%E16781d131 -
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