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<br /> ,. 'j��R WRFI�11/4C 11�l�0�►QIIQItf nDM C[�l1�ECCNld Oe t1iG p1+OQGflyi. .
<br /> : �fi7Lt�+�i DdM Cf�!fl�A'i�O�t�1E QlO�I� �11C�i�tlldKf�i�ltl�S���SO bC CO�(l�G�,�1�IIS$dCYI1Ly1
<br /> A110�lie fCfe�Dim�it tefeticd/o in SawitY(mwma�fs tbe"F�vpnty.": = .. . _ .
<br /> - _ _ -- -- --, .�_ - ---is--3�sZIT�-x�s.�e�fh�l3�e-�'�►�a�hys the riohi to g�t1t -. -
<br /> _ - - -_—�RVrr --
<br /> . . � _�canvey lbe PcopatY arid diat the Ptope[ty is uneaaimben.+d.exapt far eacdm6ran�xs of nxo�d. Bamwer vracnats-o�—. ,
<br /> wr�!defad aeeera11Y U�title to thc Ptopctty agaimt ali c1w�s and dem�nds.sabjecE ta�}r sncsm�6ranees of�+e�a�
<br /> T�IIS��Ti'1f INS7RUMENT combi�ks u�ifam ooveasuts for natia�l use and ma-u�dfasn cavenant.s with
<br /> limited yui�tiuRs i�lil�nisQictia��o cauti�e a`�mitom�set�iry�t oavering[eat pmgerty. ` �.
<br /> - UNIE�RM G�dVENAN'f5. Ba[tawer md I.ender cavernat and a�x u fotlows: � .
<br /> - �; p�y�ewt dlri�ciri a�i Iiteres�P��epal�e�t stl T.att t:�. �Wer st�l}1�P�Y WY wliea�due the
<br /> p�iocipal of ud i�tea+est on the debt evidenced bY tl�e Nae md asY P�Y�uc�nd late ch�gesd�e wjdeT tLe Nata.
<br /> �. Fi�t far 73�ses stl I� Subjxt ta applica6le law or w a writun waiva Isy L.•nder.Bomnwer shall pay w
<br /> ` l,e�der at d�e�ay noond�ty�aymeots ae.due neder tbe Noce,w�u1 the Nae is paid in futl.a smn(°F+u�ds")for:ts)Y�Y
<br /> � . . : aoces aod asseutnaMS wLiich may�ttain piiacitY ova dns Seca�iry Ia�as a lien an the ProQertY:(b1 Y�Y��
<br /> P�Y�� &���aa tbe Ptopetty.if any; (c?y�Y �°�P�P�y u�uiatxe Prem�was: (d)Ye�1Y tlaod
<br /> ins�aocx Panit�as.�f nY(�)Y�Y ���°�,�f any:�nd[t3�►Y �WY�k bY�awes m
<br /> Lp�der,in�coandmee with tha puvisions of pangraph 8.ia lieu of the paYmeat of moitgage inwiance pe�miums. Tbese
<br /> items are c�tled"Escruw Items." 1-ender maY.at nuuy time,collect aad hold iimds m an�rtotmt aot to excsed dk maximmn
<br /> ' utwuae s iader for a fodaalty ulated mo�syage]oan mry noquu+e fa Baia�s escraw acc�wnc nnder tNe ferdesal Real
<br /> � Fstate Sett�qneot Procediues Act nf 19?4 as aioended fiom time to dm�12 U.S.0�2601 et seq_f`[tFSPA").ualess another .
<br /> , Iaw shataPPlies w the timds sets a lesse�amo�mt If�o.Lender may,at any time,cdlect and hold Fiinds in an amount not ts
<br /> m
<br /> ' e�ceed d�e ksser amoutR. Lender may esimau.the amount of Fvnds due an the basis of cament dua and teasonabk
<br /> _e�im�teso�'e�tures of futun Esciow Itans or atheitvise in acca4d�t�with�pplicabie Iaw.
<br /> ' 'lUe R�.s6�t1 be fieW in m ias�ution whose deposits are insncrd by a federat agency.iast�u�atitY=a entiry
<br /> (iocluding l.ender,if I.adec is such m iustiMion).or in�►y Csdetal Aane Laan Bantc Lender sh�li apply tse F�S w p�Y
<br /> �he E�crow I[aas. L.ender may aot charge Bo�mwer fa hoid"mg aod applying dre Funds,�nwlly amtyziq�d�e escmw
<br /> .aoco�mwt,�or v4rifying the Fscmw Itans.�aniess l.eader pvYs BamR�er intea+est fln the Funds�d applicabte taw permits
<br /> l.er�der w make such a chzrge. Haaever,Lenda may require Bonoa-er to pay`a one-dme c�rge for an ind�e�n� .
<br /> estau tax neportin8 senrice used by Lst�der in connection with ttus lo�e.aB2ess applicable law p[ovides otherwise. Unless an =-
<br /> . � agrainenE is maQe or applicabt�taa►reqttiRS�Meast m i�e paia,I�er sh�n r�o�t t�e.�equina to pay Borrower any incere.st or ._ :-- _>__
<br /> = � eam�ngs on t�e Fimds. Boaower and I.ender may agree in writing.however.that m�sest sha116e paid on the Fmtds. l.ender � �•:�-:;_
<br /> � e �::�M-
<br />- sha11 gire to Borrower,witlwut charg�an annual accounting of the Funds,shawing.ciedits and debits w the Funds and the N_
<br /> purpose ior w6Ich each debit to the Tiu�ds was made. 'I1�a T�ds ar�ptedged as adc6aaaal securiry for all sums socitted hy.. . -�_�----
<br /> this Sec�a'iry Inctiumea� � ; �••���
<br /> If Q�e liu�cfs held try Lender eaceed tha artw�ms pemntted to 6e held by applicable iaw.I.ender shall accuunt ta,:,:� � -
<br /> wu
<br /> LF.3 Barower for the excess Funds in accordaace with tbe zequiremenu of applicable law. If the arnom�t of the Fandc held 6y �
<br />-. j • Lender at any time ts not svPficient to pay the Escroa Items when due.I.ender may so notify Bon+nwer in wri6i�g.and,ia -�
<br /> " - � . such case Barower shall pay to Lender the amo�meeessacY tv make up the deficia�cy. Bocrower shal?tnaice up tbe..
<br /> - deficiency in na nwne than twdve manthty Paymenrs.at I.ei�der's sok discreNon. � -
<br /> Upon payment in ful!of aU sums secared by thrs Security fnstrmnent,I.ender shap prompdy refimd to Borrower aay =_--
<br /> , Funds-held by i.ender. If.under paragra�'!�2I.Lendei shalt acquin or seU the Property.Lender.prior to the acquisition or ___
<br /> sale of the PcopeRy.shall apply any Fun�s hetd Iry L+ea�der at the time of acquisaion or sate as a credit against the sums �<<-
<br /> ��;� secured by this Secunty InsWmen�. 3� `-,
<br /> .r 3. Application d Pt�ytnents. Unless applicabte law provides oNenvise.xli payments received by Lender under t�
<br />--_ •'' paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be applied:first.to any prepayment charges due under the Note:secondto amounu payable under ..;_,__
<br /> - -- puagraph 2;third.to interest due;fourth.to princIpal due;and last.to any late charges due undes ct�e Note. �,__
<br /> 4. Ch�e�es; Liea�. Borrower shall pay a!!taxes. assessments. charges. fines and 'uipoations amitwtabte to the ,,�
<br /> _ Property which may ana�n priority over this Security tnsuument,and leasehotd payme�sts ar ground rents.if aay. Bormwer �;��^
<br /> f_ shall pay these obligatians in thc manner provided in paragraph 2.or if not paid'm that manner.Borrower skasi•CmY�� ,�=-j
<br /> • time dinctly to the petson owed paym��,nt. Botrower ahall pmmptly fumisb to Lender all notices of amounts tv i�paid under
<br /> • �i this paragraph. If Bortower makes these payment4 directly.Boaow•e�shall promptly fumish to Lender receipts evidencing
<br />, . the pa}rments. �. � _ _
<br />- Borrower shall promg!1y discharge any lien which has Driority over this Securiry lnstrument untess Borrower:(a)agees ; 4:
<br />`:,---._� in writing to the paymeniut:t�,�obligation secured by the lien in a manner acccptable to Lender.(b)cantests in good faith the • ., r
<br /> lien by.or d e fe m i s aga�n s z'i�fsr�rc m e n t o f t h e l i e n i n.l e g a l p ro c e e d i n g s w h i c h i�t h e L e n d e r�o pinion o p erate to p r evenc the -y.��.
<br /> r�•:__.
<br /> • tnfoccement of the lien;or{e}sccures from the holder of the lien an agreement satisfactory to i.ender subordinating the liea �1v;i;w�::
<br /> - to this Security Instrumenr. If Lender dztertnines thal any part of the Prapercy is subject to a lien which may attain priority ,';.;::.:
<br /> aver this Suurity Instrumenl.l.ender asay give Borrower a notice identifying the lien. Borrower shatl satisfy the lien or take .
<br />- '� :-� oee or more of the actlons set farth above within IO days of the glving of nolice. . ` •
<br /> ' S. fla�ard or Prope�rty Insuranca Borrowet shali kccp the improvemeMs now existing or heceafter ecected on the . �.:: :;
<br /> ;4..}' Aroperty insured against ivss by tre,hazards included within the term"extended coverage"and any other hazards.including
<br /> � floods or flooding.for w hic h L en der requires insu r a n e e. T h i s i n s u r a n c e s h al t be maintained in the amounts and for the
<br /> ,. �MY� Fors3� �Nl� IpoRelo/6pqg�a) .
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