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<br /> - ;• - t '� - :` , ` .Of�Of COf1YCjtiOCC�II VCIt DE fA�1aCdM�1011.�lC�����
<br /> �jpp Of d�1�F t�Ifi�,��1Y`�Of`i�1C�1'0(�1� ` . .
<br /> - - -. - -- — -. �_-�� �.�...talcinse.���°D�—��-�sball�be.applied to tAe su�s s�bg�this�Sacwit�r � - -
<br /> . �pv�t,w6et�er oi na t�n 6i�e.-°w�"T�it �Y . . � _
<br /> . which�fai���atue of ihe.F�tY i!�m�i�tely befa�thc t�lcing is eyui!to or gneater th�ti�aamwnt of the swns .
<br /> secured by this.Securiry Insaumcnt immediuolp 6eforc t}ie taicid�,unkss Barrower�#xndcr:ahe�'i.�af,n�i�vwritin�.-,_`--____-.�_
<br /> tAis Secucity i�stwnen��16t teduced by tb���af the procetds mu{tiplied by the fdbwing
<br /> tAe swns secured by �mmodiatdy beFore[tie tatcing�di�ided by lb)the fsir market valuc af t1�e ,
<br /> � fcution:_(al ihe foml antount of th�sums socU�� tcr Ro�rawer. In thG event of a pianiat taking of the .
<br /> . �vpeny immediately bcfare tht taicin& +4�►Y bst�sce�it�!!t�e�aid --- -.
<br /> �n v�fiich dre fair muket value of the RupectY im�iately befoc�the taking is tess ti�n ahe sin�unt of d�t surns .
<br /> spi�immed�atetY before ilie talcing.uniels Bomower and Lender otherwise agrx in writing ar unkss appiicabl4,hW
<br /> dtherwdse pmvides.the pioceeds shalt be applted ta the sums secured by this 3ecurity.[nsuumern whether a rwt the s�ans ue
<br /> . • 'then due. ��d�Y�wrr.a if,sftu rmtice hY Ixnder to Barov�rer that tl�e cnade�nnor offe�s to make � .
<br /> ` ' � If tbe R'olxnY is, ga�wer fa�s to respond w[.ender within 30 days after tLc date�the natice is given.
<br /> an aw�rd or settk a ciwa for d�mages. . eeds.at ics ap►iar.either to resto�ation dr reQair of the PtupertY or co tbe
<br /> l.ender is aut6ornid to collect and ap�►ty tht poc .
<br /> sums,seCUCe�6y this Se�,vrity Tnsutm�en�whether or nat then due. � to 1 sliall�ot exutd or .
<br /> � Uniess Le�der and Ban+nwer at�ervirise agcee in wri[ing.any application Prae�s P'��Pv
<br /> postpone the'dut dato af the moathtY PaY�rcfe�red to ia paragraphs!aad Z or chaage tt�e atnount of such pa�ts-
<br /> Il. Hare�a�rer Not Retea�d: For6eac'a�e Br t��' Not � Waiver. Extension of iNe time for WY"!�"� °�
<br /> modificatian of amoc6r�tion of the sums secand by this Sec�uiry instrumeot 8ranted bY l.ender to any succe.ss�or in mterest _
<br /> of BoaoWer sha11 nd operate to reka�se the ti�bility of the original B�nrrower or.Boa�nwer�s succeswrs ia inte�est.Lendes
<br /> sbail eat be�eq�ed.ta cammence pcoce�'mSs aSain-�t u►Y s�csessor ia inter�est or refuse to eatead time for paymeat or
<br /> atLes9oise mo�tY a�no�oa af the sums secured by this Security Instru�nent by neaso�t of anY Ac��d��'Y�O°�
<br /> s succe�ors in i�te�sE- �Y forbeatance bY l.ender in exerc���8�Y n8fit or.�medy shaIi sat 6e a i
<br /> �Qoiiowa of Boi�uwe� -
<br /> waiver of or p�eciude 1he exenaise of ariy sight or nnxdy. of this
<br /> . 1Z. Srece�sai's a�d A�����t�ed Several LiabUityi Co�ere. 'll�e covenants�nd�gre�s.
<br /> -- Socuriry T�utrameru shaU bind ar�d benefit the successocs and assigns of Lender and Bormwer.au6ject to the prav�sions of
<br />_: pa�agraph 17.8orcuwer's covenants and a�eemenu shall be joint and sevecal.Any Bo�rqwer who co-signs this SecurrtY
<br /> Inscnanent twt does abt execute tt�e Notr.,(ai is co-signing ttus Security tnstrument only to mortga�F,�ant and ca�vey that
<br /> Bocrnwer's interest in the PmpertY under the tenst4 of this Security lnstn�meat; (b�is not per.�ona1�Y obli8�ed t°Pa9�� - .
<br /> secund,by this Securiry lns�n�and(cl a�s that Lender and any other Borrower maY agr�e to extend.modify.forbear
<br /> - � or maice any aceommodario�s W��h feS��°me tetms af this Seeurity Instcument or the Note withput that Borrowers
<br /> '� COn'���' � this Securit insuument is subjecl to a taw which sets maximum toan
<br />- 13,.I,op�(.`Uarges. If ihe toaa secars9 by Y
<br /> ctiarges.and thae law is finally interpreced so that the inteces�or ather toan charges soltected or to 6e mll ected in coanection
<br /> _ �a to reduoc
<br />— . tiri{h ihe loan exceed the pem�ar�d limits,t[x,mums alteads�y call�ed from Borrow�hich e ceeded pertnitt�ed�v�U 6e
<br /> = �e charge ta the pertnitted t�i't:and(b)any.
<br /> �- refunded to Barc�wet�Lender maY ch°ose t°make ttiis iefund by reducing the princip�l owed under the Note nt withou any
<br /> ` ' dicect payment to Borrower. if a nefund ced�ces principai.the reductian wt'll be tres►ted as a Partial prePaY�
<br /> � prepayment charge under the Note. ,
<br /> 14. Notices. Any notice to Boiro�er pcovided for in this Security Instrument shall be given by delivering ii or by
<br /> mailing it by first class mail uc�Fecsapplieabte law requires aye af another method.The notice sha11 Eae directed to the Property
<br /> Address or any ather address B4�wer designates by noticc to Lender. Any notice to Lender shall be given by first ctass _
<br /> mail to Le�der's address staied herein or any othec address Lender designates by notice to 8osrower. Any notice pravided for
<br /> � �n this Securit�I�suument shall be'deem�cE ta have been given to Horrower or txndcr when�iven ati provided in thiv `
<br /> p���' ` '�'l�is Secudt instrumcnt shull be govemed by federai law and the law oi the °
<br /> 15. Coverning I.avr;5eserabitity. Y _
<br />_ - �csisdiction in whieh the�c�'tq iv�tacated. {n the eve�t ttiat any pravision or clause af thic Security lnstrument ar the Note =
<br /> - L�.�flicts witfi applicable laa.such canflict s1�all�not affec[other provisions af this Se..�ry instrument arthe Kox w`hich can -
<br /> 'be given eifect without the canf�icting pr���iem. To thi�:end the pravi�ions of this S.curity Ina�utnent and:�e.Note are _
<br /> declared to bc aeverabte. � � �
<br /> • 16. Borrowt�'s Copy. Botrowcr ti':�':'-`-�e S�vcn one canfurmed copy of thc Nate And of trss S�Tsity in.ctrumcnt.
<br /> ' 17, Tnnster ot the Propesty a'a Henefic�f/nterest in Barcov�•er. If ul)or any pan af t:i��stiperty or any interetit in _
<br /> � it is sold ar transferred(or if a beneficial'mterest in Borrower iw w1d ar trancfern:��.�d Borrawer�.iiut:�i�atura{perwn)
<br />' without L.ender's,priorwritten cansent,Lertder may,at its option.require immediarf:�ayment in fuil of all sums secured by _
<br /> • this Securit�I�rumen� However.this option shap not be cxereiyed by L.ender if cxercise is prohibited by federal law ati oi
<br /> ' � the date of r���Security tnstrument. . , �
<br />;;;. :��1 ' ]f L.en�exercises thi�optian.Len�c shall give Borrower n�ti.a;cf ac:celer.�tion. The notice shall provide a period of ,
<br /> s � c�:�loss than 30 days fmm the date the notice i.c delivec�or mailed wit1iin which Bnrrawcr must pay al!sums securcd by this
<br /> �+_curity lnstrument. If Bortower fails to pay thc��u^%�Prior to�hc cxpiratian oti'this periad,l.endcr iu�± ::tvoke any
<br /> retnediec permifteJ by this 5ecurity Instrument withoLt�`�rther ttatice��r demand on B�rrewer. .
<br /> "a 18. Borrower's Right to Reinstate. lf 8orrowcr mce�s certain c�ndilion.. Bortower�Fw'.1 havc the right ta havc _
<br />. _ ; enforcement of this Sccurity Inrttument d`.�:ontimtcd at uny ti�nc Prior t�the carlicr af: 1�15 G�y�(or such other perial a.r•
<br /> : . .' � � tiingic tamily--i�n.•.�^k SlatlFreddk Siyc CNIFUft11 I�tiTNi'�IE�T••L'nifotm fiiccnanH 9J99 Iry��e 4 qf h fxign►
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