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<br /> _ ' z �pp�lie It�ia�►�Y far te�aldoe�)betare s�le of tha Arapeety poew�ol ��ar�Wt��`
<br /> �� Se�riey�ar(bl�e�ir7►d dlyd�me�+�mf°�6�da S��!►�• ,` .
<br /> � . p�}y I,enOer aH s�wr�ich riee �wld 6e d�e wides tpis Security!�t and tMe,Nde as d No iocda�tia�hd � ,
<br /> __ ._. _._>. . . _��N eapr�±es incurred ie tMi�Sea�i►y. .
<br /> � ' I�ea�mcW�oj,bat not.d�i�ed 10.tes�oorbb adqn�eYs� �������
<br /> Ipq1d[�e b�IUe 11lt ibE Ili�Of dl�s SOCI�IiY�L•!l�dCS�ti��lE .ffit�0�}►�,� � Bdl'01IMlt. dlt� SOCYr1f,�
<br /> 9�f ZECOK'�� i�,�NCIt1ly � S�l COf�l111G �- U� �
<br /> ��1�[��O�3�v���1E(�ill1 tll�C�C�1�E if If 11D'��� �E�r�
<br /> - it!TC11�i�{iu DOE��14t�L��lC Of#CCl�d�t�YOd!'r�1�•, < .
<br /> - �� ��1�(��0�`���.SdT�f7lt �nfC NO�.'O[i�ili��IC(CSt Itl fbG NOIC(�FIl�i���---� - ' '-
<br /> �qpll)miji 6C sD�t�OOt Of 111QC 1�lS Mrd�lOYt Q�10f IIOfICt W BOfi0Y1fK l�S�C lUi�/!�l11k 14�C���E�I!fbE EMIt� : .
<br /> (�Op111p af 81E�.Ob SCfYlO�f�)ib1T CO�CCtS Q1011f�lly�t11EI��G 11�1�lf tbC.NOfG ild 1biS$OC�y� ��!!C�D
<br /> _ . �. ,�may be a�e a tiao�e�o�es of d�e Lo�n Serviar uon4tated w a,s�k of the Not�. if tl�aoe is a ctu�e°� 4�v. 'flit wtioe'
<br /> ` Botrowe:�rt'116e�irm w�ridea notice ot tbe ch�n'e ia accord�not witb p�ap1�14 abovc ad sp�piiabl+e.
<br /> � - wai swe die mne aad aci�ress of�e new�Lo�a Secvioa and d�e sdd�ess w w�h Pa�s s(auid be,m�da'E1re notice wn� �
<br /> ai+o oodain aay ad�a mfactnatioa requirod b!►�pplicaW�law:
<br /> 2R. RasrM�s Si�oa�.�Son�uwec sluil not cwst a pennit tbe p�esence.ose.dispo�al.�oc�.o�teka`e of aoy
<br /> - Hawdoas Sul�t�ces oa a ia the Propetty. Bamwer sUall not do.mr allaw anyaoe else to do�eyWing�Kect�1he �. .
<br /> '- ptopaty dtiat is in violatiort of any Fnvuoiomenpil l.aw S��a�e geoeraltY rma�i�to b��PP�P��w Aarn�!
<br /> � sto�e on tbe PlropenY of smail qivaaties of Hu�dous . _
<br /> caside�uial uses and u�maiMerneoa of tbe Ptopecey. : .
<br /> � Bomowa siwU p[ompdY Sive I.e��der written notice af atry�.v�a�tion,ciaim,.dertuund.lawsuit or adKr�etion bp anY
<br /> govemorntsi ar negul�aosy.agencY�P��P�Y involving the'��and any Hazmcdaus Snbstaec�a Eavi�anmenlai
<br /> Law of�which Hoimwea has �aual knowlodge., If Bonuwer�n.qr�is..3st�xifiod by► +�tp 8atiernoeaut a n&�Y ' `
<br /> � sWhotity,tb�t any nmav�l or a�her�of aay Ha�dous����n8��Y is�►,Han�wa
<br /> sh�ll pron�tly talce al!aaxuary netnodial act�in accoodatxe witi�E`nvi�ma�t�i Law.
<br /> ` As used in tHis pananph 20,"fiatardous Substaacas"are those sabsnnoes ckfined ss wxic a hwudous_wMt+a�es bY
<br /> � Envionnmental law aod the fotlowring substances: gasoline,k+enoseoe,o�1ia tlamma6k ar toxic petroktan pmd�cts.toxic
<br /> - pesticides and t�bicides.volatile solvents.materiais containiag asbestos ar famaldehYde.s�d radiaactive materials. As
<br /> used ia this puagnph 20."Environmental Law"means federal taws and lawa of the jurisdictioo wher�e the P[opMy is located � ,
<br /> _ � that relau ta i�eaUh.safety or envua►metnat p[otaKrar. . . - ..
<br />--� NON•iIN�ORM COVENANTS. Bamnwer and Lender futther cavenat►t and agnx as foltows:
<br /> �^-� 2l. Acadoratior,Res�edies. I,ender sUsii sivs notioe to Borro�ra�prior to�ooeleeatioa fdla►i�Bosro�'s
<br />,=`-,� erach or ay rnve�s.t or a�eema�t io t�secoriey Imtrume�t tb�t aot vria'a aa�daauo.n�der p�We
<br />- . a�kss aPN���P�'����• The natice shall specNy:.(n)ttie default:(6)the actio�req�ired
<br /> �� de�salh,(c)a dat��ot iess Wa 3�dsys frae tMe dste tre aotke is�ives to Borr+nWer,by wiicb t6e defsalt ewst 6e
<br /> - cMred:aMf td)t�at fa�re to e�e t6e defsuit on or befarc ILe dste spec�ied ie�be�otioe my nyWt i��teeleratio�d
<br /> `'�' tUe saas sa�red 6y tius Se�srity Iattroment�ad sak ot tbe Praperty The aotke s6aN tartrer i�fona Bomuwer�f
<br />._�-�� �sr�y
<br /> tre ri�Mt to nidtate aRsr�s�d t6e ri6ht to lxias a couA s�ction-to aseM tl�e no��sttwoe ot s defa�iE�c:
<br />;;'.#;, any drer deferoe a[Bon'o�vet to a�celerstiat aad sak. I[the defaait t�aot cw'ed ae ar befo�e tiie dste spteiffe�.J"ie..
<br />.:.7-_., the noti�e.I.ender at i!s option m'+y n4ptre immediste ps'meat in fall d�I{suqts secured by t6is Secrrity In�tnn�est
<br /> . withwt tusther demand aad n�y iavoke the povrer of sale�ed any M6er remedies permitted 6'�ppikabk t��r.
<br />• I,e�des shaU be entitled to.cdtect all expenses incarred in pa�sutng the remedies providM in thb paraRt'npL 2l,
<br /> iedudips,6at nat limited to,rea.gonable attorneys'tas and costs oi titk evidenca
<br /> If t6e powe�of sak is invoked.Teusta s6ai1 rccord a�otice o/default in eacb county In whic�any p�rt o�'t�ie
<br /> property is bcated and siwil mAii copies ot such notice tn the manner presccibed by applicabk Iaw to Borrower Aad to
<br /> the dber pe�soris Prescribed by appiicAble law ARer the tlme reqairM by applieabk It►�v,7lrastee shall aive paWk
<br /> notice a�sak to the persoes aad in the manner prescribed Dy applicabk law Tru.s��rithout dem�nd an 8arroR'er,
<br /> s1�U aell tbe Property at publk auclion to 1he hi�hes!bi�Wer at the time s�nd plaa s�ad unda'the terms designated ln
<br /> ' tlK notice o/ssds ia one or more parcets and in aey order Trusta determines. 'ltrustee a�►Y Postpome sak ot all°�any
<br /> pucd of tf�e property by publk annoancement at!he lime and place ot any previously sd�edukd ssle. Lender ar its
<br /> .. desig„a nwy pnrc�se the Property xt,u�y sate. _
<br /> . Upon receipt�fi�aYment o�1h�Prfce bid,7Uustee shall deliver to E�-parch�s�es Trustee's.d�!conveying the _
<br /> prop�rtvf 'fYe re�in tbe 7ti'usta's deed si�a116e Prima tacie evldence of the trutb ot the statcmaits m�de t6erein.
<br />--r:.;,:� �y.u�e��a�ty tpe procseds ot the sale in the tatlowing order. (a)to aii costs and e�e�.ces of exercisieg the power -
<br /> •,. �. , .
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