.�. � _ ` _ � . . ' �.
<br /> �� '� . . ���.�. .
<br /> _ ' �` `� ' , ' " .. � • . .���`'� - -.__�.
<br /> � � . " � " �, }`
<br /> �[ �y `p�o8�#Yit.;,ewd�rieq�itiea.'Ihe inwriece c�rt�en Pro'�idin�d���°iD0'sh�ii be d�osm���sy�Le�er i�►.at`. , F �_'..
<br /> �rbicA�6d1 aot be�e�a�1Y w'�� ff HamMa fa�s�o enurain ovver+E� •
<br /> -_ --�cptiaa,obt�ia�e P�'�l,pder�s�i�fn the Ptoperty ��P���ciawe. l.esda . < _
<br /> — — - _._ ' ' ����mewais. if I.rnder requi�es. er B►.o w�=�:""�,�� __
<br /> � �al��ll i�tve tfie�i,Eht w 6old tbe ��me�oe ca�'+a adid
<br /> --- - _�P�Pcemnm�s and ia�ewal�su��a�tereut o��ss.Earowa sl�71 g'�e Pm�oPt - ._=--.-- —=-- - -.
<br /> I�ender. l�ender maY m�Ict.Pmof of loss if not n��soa�ptlY bi►Botrower ,�l bc ���n�°f �
<br /> Unkss Lender aad Baeowa ad�erwisc spx in w�itia&insutance�'�s �PM� -
<br /> �f tbe test�onhon a�ep�is eoonomiwllY feau'Ute�d t.ender's secunry is not kssenod.�� -- —�`
<br /> -: ��X� f�'6k nr#.sndet'�sa�tr�E�arot�d l�e kssdxd:die-i4��� �--
<br /> �ssioruia�:a�is oot e�ano�iC��Y � � ,
<br /> � ` applied to tAe 3nms sav�ed dy this Seamc9 t�+�whether or aot tha►doe.with any excas paid . .
<br /> � Bartoa-er aba�dons thc PtapertY.or doa not.wswer within 30 days a natia fraa I ender df�t die ms�r�iwe carrie��
<br /> ' offercd to seuie s ciaim,tbea l.ender►naY colkct the 6�.au�mce pmaeds. I�1de����P���or ieslont .
<br /> tUe rmpetcy br to p.y�as secuuea bY this scc�ity Inst�unent.w6etiKr or noc tM►eue. 'ih 30�dSS►Pn'�od w�!6eg�"!wha'
<br /> ti�e notice is vea .
<br /> Unk.�.c�l.ender and Bortower ottkrvvise agroe in writiag.snY�°f P�O00�iO���mt ezte�d or, _
<br /> po�po�ihe due d�e of tbe monthlY paYme�us cefemed w in paragrap6s l �nd 2 a ci�fge d��af tbe pyn�ts.:�f.� .
<br /> u�der P�Brapb 21 the Pkopetty is acquirod by l.ender.&xrowds right to any uisar�nce P°l�s peG'�� .. . '
<br /> �p�g��o the pfropetty p?ior to}he acquisitmn shall pass to Leoder to t6e extent of tbe sums secvnod by dds Sqc�tY ,,
<br /> Inmume�u;nunediaoety prior w the acqni�aun. ' • -
<br /> ic�e�vation, Msiatet�su�d proteetioM of ttie Propert9+ aari+ower�s Iwrt �!!�
<br /> �"' � as Boaowet�s residenc,e wid���xtY d�Ys�- . . `.-�
<br /> ��xMpWs. Bamwes�all occupy.establish,and use the Prbpetty� P��P� ;;:
<br /> tlie executian af.this Sa�iry tnsaument and shaq continue to uocnPY��Y ss Bamwer�s prinelpal�sidence fa apE;-:;,'. . _:.;:;
<br /> �tntess Lender'at�wise agnts in wridng,.��.ticfiich consent a6a11 nat'bie�:;,i:�:.• ;:._.,,�._..
<br /> . ' . !q� ane yqr aftet tbr dste uf oocuponcY, r.�:•:
<br /> umeasa�6ty witt�held,or w►less extenuating ci��uta�es eust w$iCh a�e 1�Ya�d Bamw��•ca�dol. 'Bomo�rer s6aU��:"' :?;,:
<br /> . � ���y.�qg�a�m�ir.�6e pbperty,altow the Ptepe�tY to decanotat�arcouunit waste on tbe Piopetty. Barowa shalt .
<br /> be in defaalt if�ny forfeitu�e acdon or procetding.whett�er ci�cf criminal,is'6eSun that in l�eader's g�oad.fai�h jud�t�ent _
<br /> ' couW tesult in forfeitute of the Ropestl'or othe�ise maten�l3'��P�the lien cneated by this Sae�eiCy':�md�t ar
<br /> IS, cwsiag the action
<br /> -= = Lender's securiry inu�rst. Borrower may cure suc6 a defiult snd e�rstate,as provided ia parag�apl► bg
<br />_�4 or p�ncxeding to be dismissed with a�uling that,in L.ende�s gog�6€aitb deoemnnation,Pceciudes farfeitur�e of the BormnKer'�s
<br /> - -- -ime�st imtlie Property or otl�er matecial'unp�irme�.:of't�.e.�Yieri created�by this Security lnsuument or.�,eerdec's see�iitY
<br /> inte�+est gamower shall also be in defauit if Bo�ma�•elr. duiing the laan applicarion�process..g?ve aps�ialty false or• .
<br /> inaccurate infatmation or statements to l.ender(or faled to pmvide Lende�wid�any mat��informauon�n�'sxmnection with
<br /> � thc toan evideaced b}'the Nate. inctuhing. 6at nat limited ta;representations canceming Barower3 accapancy of the , .
<br /> , pt,operty as a principal nsidence. If shis Security Insuument is an�ieasehotd..Barrower shall compty witU alt the provisions
<br /> of the lease. if Barrower acquires fee title to the Ptoperty.the�ease�td and the fee tiUe sha11 nc��saerge unless Lender agrees
<br />- to the merger in writing. � , ' ,
<br /> • 7. Pnntectiow�i I.ender's Rights in the P�apaty. if Borrower fau'ts to perfarm ttie cova�aQts arrd agneements
<br /> ��i����(nstrument,or the2 is a..legal proceeding that mag significanAy affect Lender's rights in the
<br />- P�nperty�axls as a prxeedinS in bankruPccl'.pc'°bate+�f°r con¢em�tion or focfeituic or ta rnforce laws orr�aatadons).then
<br /> - u�F a�i�o and pay for whatever is Qecessary to protect tt�e value of the Praperty and Lenders rrShts`in the P+nperty-
<br /> ` Lender's�ons may include paying any sums secured by a lien which has priority over this Security lnstrumen�appe.'�rinS
<br /> ' in court.paying reasonabte attomeys'fees and entering on the Property to make repairs•Although Lender may take action
<br /> �.c�': under ehis paragraph 7.1-ender dces not have to do so. � .
<br />� `"� � Any amounts dis6u�sed by l.eader under this paragraph 7 shall become addilional debt of Borrawer secu�cl by this
<br /> Security i�strument. Unless Borrou�uand Lender agrce to other terms af payment.these amounts shall bear interest from the
<br /> °= date of d�.s�csement at the Note case znd shall be p�yable,with interest,upon notice from I.ender to Borrower requesting
<br />- paYment.
<br /> & Mort�gt t�sura�ce. (f Lender required mortgage insurance as a conditian of making�he loan secured by this
<br /> `f Security lnstrument. �rowec shall Qay the prertniums required to maintain�7�:_mort�age insurance in effect If.for any
<br />:..1. � ;' reason. the mortgage insurance coverage required by l.ender I�pses or ce�:"s ta be in effect.Barrawer shaU pay the
<br /> ` ' � premiums required to obtain coverage substantially equivalent to the martgage insurrnce previausly in effeci.at a cost
<br /> =-_ substanaeatty equivulem to the cost ta Borrawer of the martgage in�rurance previou�ty in effect.from an altemate mortgage
<br /> `° - insurer z�roved by ixnder. lf substantialty equivalent mortgaoe insarance coveragc is not available.Borrower shall pay to
<br /> ���';•'� l.ender each manth a sum equal to ane•twelflh�f the year�y moRgage intiurance premium being paiA by BorroNer when the
<br /> y,,:
<br />: > insuzance caven+ge lapsed or ceased to be in cifc-c�E.ender will accep�.use and cetain these puymenx�as a toss reserve in lieu
<br /> .. of mortgage insurance. Loss reserve paymenss cs�a;+ no longcr be`reyuired,at the aption of Lendcr. if martgage insurance
<br /> cocera�e lin ihe amount and far thc penoct th�t Y.K.�.uter requires)pravideJ by an inyumr approved by Lender Again becames
<br /> avaitab�e and is obtained.Boaower sha11 pay the pn�cniums requimd to maintam mortgagc m.�:s:ance in effect.or to provide a
<br /> �' loss reserve.untif ihc requirement for mortgage intius�nre ends in uccordance with s�ny wr�-��greemcnt betwcen Barcower
<br /> ' �'. and Lenderarapplicabtc law. '
<br />, �• � ^•' 9. lnsptcNon, l.cndcr ur its agent may makc rea�anabtc entrics upo+r:�ai inspeciiuns ai thc Pruperty. l.ender shall
<br /> � i ��VC t t:ondemteaHon.e The proceedv of nny awa d�nr claint foi�damagey d;rr t�o c ns yucntpal,�in wnnection with any
<br /> _ ;; ,
<br /> � •�.� :
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<br /> � Gceal latts Ru�IfK,e Pana�.lac./�..
<br /> � . � tot�f�klC.iLLIdIW.'.�099930YA,ti8161NU(t�f
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