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<br /> ! ` TOOE[HE[t W�t'H a11�6e im�ro+iemeaa now a baa�en�od ai t6e pcope�ty:and�It e�sanars,�'a. <_
<br /> t � , aed�ianara na�r ar Uaa�trer a p�t of d�c p�opaty. AIF tepUoenanKs ird add�ions shal�also be oo�eiod by t[�is SocuritY
<br /> � u-.��--,.,�_Alld�hetar�tni�s itaf��aiaJlris�t�L.__._._.�as tLe"Aupcnjr" � ' - -
<br />_. - �- -- _.
<br /> _ � ---------- — _._._._ �_.._._.__.__ - �____._.�..�-- �_�
<br /> � . Bt)RRQWE=R COVFNANI'S t6at BaROwer is bwfuUy sti.�A of the estate heceby conyayed�ad!�u thr n to
<br /> � � �d caavey tbe Propesty u�dwt the Piope�ty is�beRd.ea�cepE fot encumbrat�es of neco�d. BuRavvec warrants and
<br /> �n'II defi�d ga�aatly the titie to tAe Ptopecty ag�inu aIl ciaims aM decnands.su6jat to any eacnmhrmoes of cecoriL . �
<br /> ' TFIIS SEC[JRIi'Y iNSTRUMETi�'combines uaifa�n covea�ncs for nuia�l use and ncm-unifam coven�u►cs witA
<br /> . _ limitod vari�liais by Puisdicti�n W coastiy►�c a uaifam security insaument covering�+eal p�opecty. _ . .
<br /> [AVIPDRM COVENANTS. Barrower an�i I.end��r covenwt and ag�nx as foltows;
<br /> ' ]. Pl��nt d ttircfp�l a�b Lt�Pe�J�eat a�d Labe C� BoRnwer stnU prs�t�ptiY PaY wNen due tbe •
<br /> `• priacipal of aod intecest ontht debt evidaxxd tiy tbe Noue wd anY P�Y�t a�xl late charges due under Wt Note. .
<br /> { 2. .Fa�tar 7i�s a�i la�ra� Sabjxt to applipWe law or w a wtitten waiver by Lender,Borrowa shall pry ta
<br /> _i , I.ender oa tbe dsY�Y PiY�ue due uoda tbe Nate.�til the Nate is paid in fuU,a sum("Fimds")foc[s�Y+�Y
<br /> taxes�aM usesca�s vl+hich may auain prioriry over this SeaRity Tas�umart as a lien on tLe Ptopaty:(b)Yeuly leaxhoid _ .
<br /> s P�Y�a�raus on the Prope�ty.�f anY; (�)Y�Y �or prppety insuraoce pemiwns: <d) Y�Y�
<br /> �P��•��Y:t�)Y�Y�8���P�+��wns,zf any:a�d(f}anY�S PiY� �Y Bottnwa to
<br /> ; Lmder in accordaoce vvith the povi9ons af paragaph 8,in liw of the pt►ymeat of awrtgage ins�ancie prtm�w�. 'ILese
<br /> ; = itetns ue calkd"Esctow Items." lJen�ms�y.at�y tiq�cotiect and taM Ii�nds ia an anwunt iwt to excad tbe rt�uimam
<br /> - ( • amamt a ta�der for a feder�ty nelated mortgage lo�may roquice for Bonower's escmw accaura urder the ftfieral Real
<br /> I Euate Settlement pr�oced�u+es Act of t974 ag amended fiom time to fmie,l2 U.S.0¢260I et s�q.�("RFSPA'�,ankss�er
<br /> j � lxw tbat applies to We Funds secs a tesser airiaunt. If sa i.ender may,at wy time.cd 1xt and hold Iiu�ds in�unouat aoe to
<br />--- j exceea tHe![essea amouat Ixnder may eswnate the airtout►t of Funds duo a�the�is of c�ngent dua wd�rasoo�ble
<br />_ ! dtimucs ofExpendit►mes of tutuie Escrow Items or aherwise in x�ooEdance with appltcable la�v. �
<br />___ 71ie 1iu�ds sball be held.m m�stitution vr�hose deposits a�.insu[ed by a fedetai ageacy.inseramau�lity,or eaRtY �
<br />_-_ ('mcluding I.enckr.'if l.enda is such an insnitufian)ar in any Fedecal Hame L�on Sank. Lrnder sh�U appIy the£vnds to paY
<br />- - tbe Egcmw t6ea�s. Lender may uvt.charge Bortewer for IwTdmg aad applying the Tuds,annuaUy anaIybng tbe escmM
<br /> - � aecount,or vetifying ihe Fscrnw ti�ns, unless Lender pays B�xniwer inte�est on the Fi�Lc aad appl�able taw pemuts
<br /> t Lender to matce sach a chuge. Hovrever.Lender may requu�t Horrower td pay a one-time shuge for an tadependent ieal
<br />. � , c,state.taz nepotting seivice ased by Lendcr in connection with this.toan.ualess appticable Iaw ptovldes ot6ecw�se. Unkss an
<br /> - � " agroe�nent is mada v�a.�licabte taw requues�nte�st to 6e paid.Lendcr sha11�ot be nequirea to puy Bamwer any inte�est a
<br /> � .eamings on the Fun�s-Borruwer and Leader map agree in wntmg,however.tbat interest shall be paid on the Funds. Ltnder
<br /> E shall give to Bormwe�withowt charge,an annual acca�ating of the Funds,.showing credits and debiis tQ d�e Funds aad the •
<br /> j • purpose for which eacb debit to the Funds was made. The Funds are pledged as additiona}securiry for all.sums sec�u�ed by ,
<br /> ' this Sa�aity Insuumen�
<br /> �': ' If the Funds [�by Lender exceed ihe amormts permitted to be held by applicable law.[.ender account to
<br /> i gorruwa go�the exv«�s gnnds{n accaNance with the requircments of applicable law. If tht amount of tb4�held by
<br /> �� I.tnder at any time Es z,�#sufficieni to pay the Esccow Items when due.Lendes may so notify B�mower in wtiting,and,in :
<br /> :::r ; � auch case Borrowu sf�?I pay w I.ender the amount necessary to make up d�e defxtiency. �mwer sf�aU m�lce up t6e
<br /> � deficie�cy in no m�ore�aa taeive�th1Y paymen[s,at i�nder's sote discretian.
<br />�:::,' .'� •- � Upon pa}�ment uc fuU af att s�s secured by this Security Insocumen�LRnder shal!promptty rrfund to Barawer any .
<br /> :�., t I�nds beld by L.e�ec If,under paragraPh 21.l.ender shall acquire or se11 the Property,l.ender,priar ta the acquis�tion or ,
<br />._ r. � sale of the Propettv..sh�il appiy any Funds held by Lender at the time of axg�isition or sale os a credit against the sums
<br /> , 'i-' � secured by this Sec�i�y Insuument
<br /> . � '•. � 3. App�iCatton ot Payments. Unless applicable law provides otheras�.all payments reteived by Lender undef ,
<br /> � � puagraphs I and 2 shaU be applied:first.to any prepayment charges due unC�the Not�:sse�ccond,to amounts payable w�de�
<br />- c_ ; puagrap(�2:third,to interest due:fourth.to principal due:and las1,to any late charges due ander tfie Note.
<br /> ' � 4. Charges;lir�na Bocrawer shal! pay all ta�ces, assessments.charges,fines and impositiats amibutabk to tFse � _
<br /> ��. :,r..• propaty which may a*s'ain priority over this Security lnstrument,and leasehold�rayrt�ents or ground rents,if any. Borrower =_
<br /> �; shall pay thcse obligaiions in the manner provided in paragraph 2,or if not paid�n that manner.Borrower shalt pay them on - _
<br /> � ,. - dme dimctfy to the person owed payment. Borrawer shall promptly fumish to Leader all notices oi amaunts to be paid under �: .: ,
<br />•:!,�r �, ` :� this paragraph. If Horrower makes these payments directly.Borrower shall promptly fumish to Lender receipts ev�dencing �-y�.• =;:
<br /> . ttie PaYments. ,:... .
<br /> :,,._
<br />'�';�`' � $arrower shal!pros:�ptly disch�ge any lien which has priority over this Securiry I�.atrument unless Borrower:(a)agees '':.�'P-=�
<br />;;�;;.�., •'� '� ( in writing to the payr:��of the abligation secured by the lien in a manner ac�eptable to Lender.(b)contests in good faith the :y;�,�*:
<br /> lien by.or defends a�:i:��t enforcement of the lien in,legal praceedings which in.the Lender's opinian operate ta prevent ihe r:
<br />,±�i�.�': anforcement of the lien:or(c)secares from the holder of the licn an agreement sausfactory to I.ender subordlnating the tien '_
<br />�,:;�'' to this Security Instriimen� if Lertder determines that any part oP the Ptaperty is sabject to a lien which may attain priority - -
<br />?:, � aver this Securiry Mstrument,Lender may give Borrower a natice id+entify[ng the tien. Sorrower shaU satiafy the lien or take
<br /> one ormoro of tt�e actions set fonh abave within 10 days of the giving of natioe. .
<br /> ' �, ' I 5. Haz��d oe Propertry Insuranca Bortower shall kcep the imptovemer�ts now existing ar hereafter erected on the
<br /> �,:; .
<br /> .�• ,.. �,. ,� Property Instued against loss by fire.hazards inc�udcd within the term"extenCeA wverage"and uny other hazards,including
<br /> ' :.�;�,::�:,4,;�, ; floods or fiooding.for which l.ender reyuires insuranrc. This insurance shall be maintained in the amou�fts and for the .
<br />.. . ^^,•�:•"fi'�T ' � � .
<br /> .• ��, I E'oM�301s !N� IpaRa l nJb pnRe�1 •
<br /> �
<br /> ��-_, 1 �
<br /> � 5' ( I
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