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<br /> _ • ; • _3 _. �..-`_ _ - _ . .
<br /> : -. �c�!e�-'� `' � . � ._. � _ ` ,. _. -._ .� � . . . � .
<br /> � . � � . . ° - - - -: ---. -, --=- --= ' r �2-. -I� �o1�. .
<br /> . �q�on a athet�iCirt�ot aoy qrt of the Properfy:a ca conYeyancc.m tRU oc�ate�n�ian,a�e t�y a�si . . t
<br /> ` :snia�be p�ia to t.end�. � . �` �t ee.apQtiea w Me�un�secu�ea ey tnts secur;ty . �'
<br /> ` I�tbe event of�ta�al t�in�of tht�nY• P� � � _ S
<br /> _ . . ���,��„. ..,.�� i �e eortower. ln the event of a �al tatcin of tlta FmpeAl' u�
<br /> : ; �—�_- � __
<br /> �mR c iat�ty 6efore the g s cq o
<br /> • whieh tite fair mulcet Y�tue of tlie Y�ope�Y.
<br /> secuced by this Security fnsttumrnt immediately fxfac tite ta�ing,ankss Bosrorver attd l.cndcr att�e[wisc agrcc in writing. ,
<br /> the sums secutea by this Security Inst�ument sh�l!6e ciduce0 bY the am�unt of�he�raceeds osultiplied by the fotbwing
<br /> f�ctioe: (a)tbdtotal�mount of the snms r,ccurcd irtur�ediateEy befoc�e��5�������ye cnt of a p�t�[aking o tha ;
<br /> Ftoperty im��tety befaie thc t�icing. My b•af�tcc shatf 6e pud
<br /> p�o�eRy m w�ticl►'the fair madcet valae of the P�aperty iintnediately btfore ths taking is kss than ttie amount of the sums
<br /> secured'mancdiuely bef�the dcnt8•unkss Sorrower aqd l.ender othervvise agee m writing or uniess apptipbte taw
<br /> otlxrwise provides.the proceods shall be apptied to the sum+secured by utiis Security Tnsuumencwhctfier.ar not tlie sums ace
<br /> tlun due.. �
<br /> !f the Prope�ty is 3bandnned by Bormwer.ar if.after notice by Lender to Bonower thar•tbe condertuar offers to maice
<br /> . an award cx senk�claim for damages•Bort'°wer faits ta re,spa�d.to Ixnder within 30 days afur the date the notise�o ihe �
<br /> Lender is au�t�ocized to colkct and apply the p[oce�d.s.:u its epnon.either m restwation or repair of the PropertY �.
<br /> sums secared by thi�Security Insaumertt,whsthe�a not then due. sh�ll nat extend a
<br /> Unless Lender and Bartawer otrierwise agr�ee in writing any application of pcoceeds to principa�
<br /> pvstpone the duc date nf the manthly[xiYme�►a refetred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of sach paymalts•
<br /> Forbeanace BY t.�d�r Not a IiYsiva. Extension of the time foc paYment or _
<br /> 1!. BaeroRa Nat Rekited; irtsuument [ed h i.ender to au►y successor in interest
<br /> - modificarian of amoniza�ion of the sums se�ured by this SeeuricY S� Y
<br /> -��- of Bor%�wer s1�a11 not c+perate to aelease the liabitity of the aiginat Bomawer or Bortower's successors in interes�Lender
<br /> -= shait ooc lx zequired to wmmence penceedmSs agai��Y�SOr in interest a refiue to extend time for payment or
<br /> otbetw�se modify amatizatioa of the sums secumA by this SecuritY Instrument by reason of any demand made by t1�arigu�al
<br /> Borrawer or Borcower's successo�s in interes�. Any foibearance by L.ender in exec�cising any�ght or remedy shail not be a
<br /> _"- waiver of or p�eciude the exercise af any right or remedy. ��covenants and�gc+aemenu of this
<br /> �� lZ. SaccG�ors�d As�Boupd:Jdnt aad Several Lis�IDtY:Cu-��. is�ons of
<br /> ��. Security Usnvmer�t shall bind and benefit the successors and assigns of 1.ender aad 8orrower,suaject to the prov' .
<br />- � Pardgraph 17.Rormwerfi.wvenants and agreements shaQ be joim and severai. Any �orrower g go�t��ve thatty
<br /> :: � .�ns�ment iwt does iwt execute the IYate: ta)is co-signing this Secudry Instrument onl to mo{a�, a�ted to tbe sums
<br /> . • Bonnvrer�interese in the PropeRy un der t he t e rt n s o f t h i s S e c u ri ty instrumen�"(b}{s nat persort�9 �S P�Y
<br /> sec�by this Security Inshvment;and(c)agrees that Lender and any other Barrower may a�ee to extend modify.for6�v
<br />_. ar maT�e any accommodations wich regard to the terms of this Security Instcume�t o*the Note withouc that Borrower's -
<br />- _� consea�.
<br />_,1;,r � � ?}�,��oan Cbarges. If the 2oan secuted bY this Securiry Instrument is subjec!to a taw which sets ma�eimum loan
<br /> ,.� ��+,�„�d that�aw,�s fina�jy im.,�ted so that the interest or ather toan charges coliected or to be colIected in teomsectia�n
<br />:;,,:.: �� wdttr,r�e,.'i�An caceed thc penmitted:intits,t6en: (a)any such toan charge shall be reduced by the amount necessaty
<br /> ehe�e to tfie ger.ui:aed fimi�and(b)anY sums already coltected from Hnrrower which eaceeded permitted limiu an'll be
<br /> ':=:�. ' S re{�,�;a Bor�o���*.i.ender may clsoose to make this refund by reducing the princ�pa�awed under the Note or by making a
<br /> ' ' ''''Y,� d�.�ayment tcs�orrower. lf a refund reduces principat.the reduction"v►.�be treated as a panial prepayment without any _
<br /> ,,:- �:� ; . �epu`��sent charge uader t6e Note. � � �-__
<br /> • Il� Notice.9. Any notice to Borrower provided for in eQ�is Secaiity Jnstrument shaU be given by delivering it as by �� �.
<br /> ' •�'', masTi�it by fir.+t class mail unt�s applicable law requires use ofanother method.The noiice shail be directed to the PmPert}' t`�� A•
<br /> qddress or any other address Borrower designates by natice Co txrtdcr_ Atry notice to l..endes chall be given by fitst ctass - Y;
<br /> � mail to l.ender's addres�stated herein or any other addres.r-L.ender design:`.�s by notice ta Borrawer. Any notice provided for -;�:�_-.
<br /> �`• r :;' � , in t�'r�Securiry lastrument shall be deemed to huve been given to Borrower or l.ender when given as provided in this :s `_
<br />,:;.f:;`:;;= t ' - "'-
<br /> �,� ;7ti;;' r :; p���Coverning Law: Severability. Thi.r• Securiry In�:trument stiail be govemed.by federal law and the law of the
<br /> ' r �; ' jurisdiciion in which the Properc�r u tncated. In�he event that any provision ur clause of this Securiry instrumeni or the Note � �t`'
<br /> �;�•; "- conflicts with appticable law,sueh eonflict shalt not affect otGer provi��on�of this Security Tnstrument oi the Nate whieh run •�� :
<br /> � ' !;;, �� be given effect wiu�^.out the canflicting provitiion. To this end ihc pr�visions af this Security lnstrument and the Note ate
<br /> . declared to be sevcrable.
<br /> ' 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrower yhall be given anc canformed capy of the Nate and oi ihis Sccurity lnstrument. �
<br /> • �7. 7lransfer ot the Property oe a Beneflclal lnterest in Borrower. IP all or uny part of the Prope►ty ar any interest in
<br /> ' :,.
<br /> � i . it+�.�a1d or tran�+ferred(or if A benciiciai intcrest in Borrowcr is�ald or transfcrred und Bnrrower iy not A naturai persan)
<br /> .I.�,- aithout Lender�prioc wdtten conscnt.Lendcr may.at it+optian,requirc immediate paymem in full of all su tiecured by "
<br />: _ this Security lnstrument. However,thiv oQtion.hall not he cxerci+ed by I.ender if cxeniye is prahibicvd by fe fd►IaW aw pf +rG
<br /> � the date of tiais Security lnstromcnt. �
<br />. � . ' :,.' � [f l.ender excrcises this aption.L.ender�hali give 8nrrower nutice of.�rreierativn. Thc natice.rteaft pro ide a periad of
<br /> � - nat Eesc than 3p dayr from thc d�tt.�hc naticc is Qciivered or mailcd within which 8nnm�er must pay uif�umv secured by this _�
<br /> ' 5ecurity Instntment. lf BaROwrr faily to puy�hc�c tiumc pri�r«�thc expir•uian of thi�periad. Lender may invoke any ;,,• ..�
<br /> ' °'�"' remedies permitted by thix Security In�:Irumcnt withow funhcr notice ur dcmand on goao�ser.
<br /> ��'�'�'�' `i� I8, Borrower's Rig,ht to Reins1ate. li Barcawcr mect� ccrtain cnncli�ianti, Bc�rrou•cr .rhall haYC ihc right to flave `
<br /> �i�•(
<br /> '�� • • enfarcement of thiv 5ecurity tn�trument discontinucd a�uny time priur tv the earlier oi: {a►S d�ys lor such other period us � �
<br /> ' �. ,� tiingtc l;�m�ly-•I�nnk�ix�E'reAdie Nx f\Ift�Nt111�tiTN1�iF.�T•-1'nrfi,mi C„vcnant� 4l9e 1 pu�r J��Jh�itrs►
<br /> 'J�;..•:.:� ..
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