_ .z�;._, t ^r!i. _ , • �
<br /> ,.'i�--�— _' ..L.___ ---_ -
<br /> ( f�r�. - �-t-�..,---..._�-__,•
<br /> --,����aL'ni� `� � . . . • , ' .,. . � . . . � { � ` _.', . `• � , � .
<br /> y • ' ' • _ _ _ _ , . . :_ ''�C 111511[�ICC S��f`.����i��rV��
<br /> ` � � pe�iods dut t�aidet t�qu�e�. 7be inwc�tix caRie*p�avid'�n6
<br /> ;.�ppioral whie!►sR�1l aot 6e�X MitldfeW. �f BonaYrer tsiLs to nai�in covm�ge dacri6td abovt.lander msy.at .
<br /> — -- - -��1..+a.s�k:w��,n�t+rs:,�m+ren�t L,�n�eect i.ender�ri�s in d�e Pru�ert�in accad�Cr wi�h P�B�P��?: '
<br /> - �'=-— Alt�SUrsrce policies�od�eeew�ts accep w ��i�a�'c: _ •s,d'r--._.—= �--� .
<br /> . - s6atl 6tve ihe ri�ht�o hotd tbe pdk�s aad mnewais. tf Letdec�o9ui�es.Borrower siuU qanpttY 8ive to Le�all�jps
<br /> . .. of p�W promiwa+�nd trnew�l notkes. !n tDe eve�t ot toss.Barotker sdall give ptcxnpt notice ta the insitrance caaier and
<br /> l,ende�L.erider m�y m�ice proof of bss it not made PrompdY bY Bortuwer.
<br /> llnkss l�eeder aod Bartowp�ott�etwise apee in wtiting.ituurancc proceeds shali be applied ta restaration ar Rpsie Qf.
<br /> ' @K prophty d�`ed;�if��he rastaration ot t�epair�s ecawmieatty feasibk artd i.ender's setudty is not!ca•seaed �t the �
<br /> Rst�ntian ar rcpir is naCeconomically feasibk ot Lender�s security wuutd 6e kssened.the inwrance procadc shali be
<br /> �pptied w tirc sumc secwod by ttis Security insuumcmt.whe�her or not thrn due.with any excess pvd to BoRawer. If
<br /> Banower aband�ons the PmpeKy,or does not onswer wiihin :i0 days a notise from Lender that the insuratke cuiier h�s
<br /> - af�e�ad to seuk a ciaim.then Lender may collect ti►e iaswmue�prooeeds. Le�xfer�may use dx p�oeads to reptiir or restae
<br /> - the ptop�etty or tn p�y sums secutod bY thix SecuntY InsituR�ent.whethar or not�liat dua 'EUe 3Q-day peciod vinll begin what
<br /> � the tlotkr is given. � �catiai of to sbaU mt eatrnd or
<br /> ' Uakss Lender aad 8amwer o�l�trvvise agiee in writin8•�Y�PP�� P�S Pri�P�
<br /> postpone the due daue of the montdlY PaY��tefe�red ta in paragraphs 1 ard 2 or cl�ange the art�otmt of the psymmts._(f.
<br />__- �¢Kler puagr�piz 21 the Property is acquiied b3!Lender:[iorrawers righc to any u�wca�soe policies a�d proceeds n�wlnn8
<br /> - fmm d�unage ta tbe Fmpe�ty Priorto the acquisiqan shaU g�-s to L.ende:to the exoent of the sortls secn�ed by this Soc�ity
<br /> = tnsnn�tnent immediatety priarlu tde acquisitioa. er's Losn A .
<br /> i. Uc�p�cy, P�+eserv�tia�, 1Naiateauce sed Protectioa af'tLe Property.,Bo�rq�r �+
<br /> � g�,��a��py��61isi�and�se�fu propeety as Borrower's principal trsidrnce witdin sixty days after
<br /> d�e execution of tbis Sa�uitY Insuummt wid sfiali c�ontu�ue ta occupy the Pnopnty as Bamwer's priacipal tesidence for at
<br /> � kast an� year after tbe date of occuPancy;.unless [.ender otlierwise ag�ees in writing. which ca�sent st�all uot be
<br /> unr�uaa61Y v�nthheld.or unkss extennating ctre�stances exist whicb a�e b�.yaid Bonowa's control. Bonower shall na
<br /> = � ��y��g�a im�the propecty�allaw tbe Ptope�ty w daerior+te.a commit waste a►t6e Ptaperty. Barower sball
<br /> be in defa�it if aay fafeiture action or p►a�edin&whether Fivil or crm�II�ai.is begun that in l.ender�s good faith jndgmeat
<br />`;.;:° . could nesult in fafeitune o�tiie Pmpetty or ot}ierwise materiallY lmpair the liea cteated by this Secanty Instnunent or .
<br /> Lenderk security inte�e.ct:Barower may cure such a defauIt and ieinstate.as pcovided'ai paragaph 18,by eausing the action —___
<br /> - oc p�ocadia8 to be dism�ssed witb a mling that.in Lender s goad faith detennination,Pnctudes forfeiture of tl�ee Barcower s , �_-
<br /> - inteiest m the Prope�ty a other material impairment of tt�e lien c�eated bY this SecaritY Insmipnent or I.ender's sec�iritY �,�;;�:.
<br /> � � ��e�es� gocsu�-er s6all also be In default if Bo�rowtr.during the toan applicatioa ptuces.�;�.ve materially false ar �s%�.
<br /> i�accutatc info��iurt or state�xnts to Lxndcr(ar failed[o pc+avide Lender with a�ry mate�ial iafe��on)in co�mecaon with !-?==_
<br /> the Ioan evidan�by the Note, including, but nat limited to. repre.sentadons conceming Ba:�r•?�er�occuPancY of the ---
<br /> - ptoperty as a pcuicTpal iesidence. If this Securiry Insuument is on a leaseiiotd,Baraaec shall wnsg�y with all the provisions --
<br /> pg the kase, If Borcoweracquiies fa titte tu d�e Fropetty.the teasehold and thc fa tide shall not merge unless Lender ag�es
<br />;�'�,°. to the merger in writiag.
<br /> ':.��;'f T. PrutecNw►d l.endu'a Ai�hts in the Propat�s If Bomawer fails to perfomi the Ca�•���aS�emrnu
<br /> � v:.
<br />. .- ,•,. contained in this Securiry tnstnrmen�ur d�epe is a legal p�ocxtding thae may significaatly aPFe�Lender's rights in the =
<br /> �''_' ;a c� robate.for wndemnation or forfeUure or to enforree Ia�s or reguladons).then ��:�_
<br /> Property(such as a�mceedin8 banlc�uPt ..P �,,.
<br /> Lender may do and pay for wliatever is necessary to ptatect the value of the Property and l.ender's�ights in the PtopertY. �_.;�-
<br /> •j '� Lender�s actioas may include paying any sums secured by a lien which has priority over this Security lnsuumen�appearing ;4,;
<br /> • •�:: in coun.paying�asonable attomeys'fees and entering on�Prc�pest�to make repairs.Although Lender may take action ';�i,s �-
<br /> ' �%t' �?r, uader this paragraph 7,Lender dces not have to do so. � '�t'���' ;"
<br /> f:°••,�
<br /> '::���:.' Any aa�o��ets disbursed by l.ender under this paragtapl�7 sT:.:[fi b�ome additional debt af Bottower secureA by lhis r.,:. . •
<br /> ''"�:�:�. ,•' Secprity L�shuia�ent. Unles.g Borrawer and l.ender agrec to other teisns�f puymen�these amounts sbaU bear interest from the
<br /> � �
<br /> :;i. _ �...,,,
<br /> ;, �= date oi'disbursement at the Note rate and shall 6e payabCe�with interest.upon notiee from Lender to Borrower�sting �,:�
<br /> a � . ��,�._-�
<br />�',�';,�F. p ��Mort�e insuranea If Lender required mc��:�e insnranee us a coad'ition of making the laan sectin'°�.3 bY this ���
<br /> � '°`� ' Security Instniment,BoROwer shaU ay tt►e premiums required to rt�.�.ain the mort�age insuranoe in effect. tf,for any '
<br /> �•.r.,r,. • � P
<br /> ;,;,;�:1 ;,t;, reason�the most�e insurance caverage n�7uired by Lender laps.s�m=ceases to be in eifect.B�rrower shall pay the �::�=-"
<br /> ""`• r '�: premiums requice�i to ohtain coverage sub�antialty equivalent to R�::-�ott�age insurance precn��"y in effcet.at a cost j��_.: �
<br /> ::<` ::r,�•
<br /> - substantialiy ecjuivalent to the cos�to Borrower of the mortgage insurance previousty in effec�from an altemate mortgage �:,:,::�.
<br /> ' insurer approved by Lender. If substantially equivalent mortgage insurance coveragc�s not available.Borrower shall pay to �;.;;��s
<br /> Lcnder each month a sum equal to one-tweifth of the yearly mortgage insurance premium being paid by Barrower when the �`°'��•.s-
<br /> � �u:°_�.,
<br /> ' �,�' insuraricc coverage lapsed ar ceare.d to be in effect. txnder wiil nccepe.a.�e�nd retam these payments�a a loss�eserve in lieu ��Jt_-
<br />- ;,�.i.:�;; „ "'ed.at the o tion of Lender.if moAgage insur.utce a.�__
<br /> -, ! . af mongage insu�e. Loss reserve paymen�v may ao tonger be r�y 4. p • _
<br /> �. . '��- �'�d b �n in.rurer a raved�?Lender a ain become$ �::7;.
<br /> .;���:!, coverage(in the amount and far the penad that Lender requires)pro�-�w. y: pp S
<br />. � available and is obta�neA.Borrower shail pay ihc premiums reyuired ta msiintam mnrtgage invurance in eifect.or to pravlde a ��.. .
<br /> " loss reserve.until the requirement for mortgage incuranze eeids in accordance with any written agceement betwee�$or[ower '��'�''.
<br /> . , ' -'�,;�� � and L.ender or applicable luw. '.
<br /> � 9. Inspectlon. Lender or its agent rnay make reasnnablc cntries upan and i�spections ot the Property. Lcnder shall
<br /> � •�'• _ give Borrower notice at the lime of or priar to an inspectinn specifying«asonable cause fot lhe inspection. .
<br /> '���' 10 Guedemn�Non. The proceeds of any award or claim F�r damage�,d'uect or cansequcntial.in connection witb any _ .
<br /> Single F.unity••i'annk�taelireddk Stac l%NIVIIRN i�tiTR�11F.tiT••Unih�rm Cuven:u�ts �!!� r�u�¢e 3��/b fxrRe�l
<br /> - ('re�t Intn ea.+txs iass lec.■
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