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<br /> _- " _ r 4 _ ..: - : - =. p�y p�t�u an�y�x�,.i6RaT'3ik�m
<br /> ` apQlic�bie�hw���►fc�t�}�a►'r����Y�..���ace ihat 8aaawtr: H) °
<br /> Secrtity�a�ay:o��tb)�►of s1��d'°�'E
<br /> _,_r.__� . - . - - -��twta this-Sex�ic�-lastnime��l_tbe Nate as if no _ --aucel�► ,Uad---— -- -
<br /> _.z_ - --- --�� � - nc T •(c)I�Y� �nr�asuigaa�.:�r:— .
<br /> • aocv�o�(b?��Y deFaWt ota�r dhet oav�oanb �.
<br /> --- =ta���°0E '-fe�msd_tfi�s_sach�cuan.as'i.snder may t�easooabtY _ .
<br /> : ieq�ire ta aawne t�t d�c lien+�f�S���aaue mcmn8o�- U �uat���bY ��.�dus �Sa�itY�-
<br /> amns �xuied bY this Sbcuritl►�����►effe¢tive as if no acoela�tioo Itad ocrutred. However,tbis _
<br /> . I�p�a�dihe obli�tians ia tbe asc of acoel�r�tian uader�aph LZ � � � ,
<br /> - - �twte�ststei6�U rwtapptY nue�est m the Note(togetlMer-witd this SeturitY . . �-
<br /> I!S�le�f.1Wle;C�a�F d I�Servka. T6e Nutc or a p�rtia[.
<br /> 6�neot)msY be sold ooe or.mae times witiwut grior no6ce m Bo�mwer• A sale may rault in a cdange m the eaary
<br /> • (l�own as ihe"i.ao Savxx�")tLat collects manthlY P�Y����Mer dio Note and tlus Sec�uity Insuumeiu. Thene ats�
<br /> mny be aaa a mo�e chtoEa►'of d�e Laa Savioer�w�elated tut a s�[e oi`tbe Nde. if tUeice is a changexx�bbie law. '�e noti�
<br /> � g�oarer writl be Eiven�vritlen notice of the c1�m8e in aecadaoce with pan�+pii 14 above aad app�.
<br /> -wU sate We nune aud add�ess of the ntw Lu:::t Se�viceraod tbe ad�ess to wsich p�tymrnts sboWd 6e ntade. The notitx w�7t
<br /> atso cainin any olhu Wormatiaa zequi�bl►sPPlia�ble law. ����or:ekase of aay
<br /> � �, p�el�Sri�ta�oes. Boaower sh�ll noc cause or pamit the p�ese�e.
<br /> _ Aszatdous S��b�aces wt oc in drt PropertY. Boiiower stu�1l:noc:do.na�ail'ow aaya�e etse w do,anYtivbS affecang the :
<br /> _ ptopaty t�t is ia viol�Nion of�ny Fmieoa�nenpl i.aw. 'itie pi�in8 two sentenaes stu�ll not appty to tbe p�,�e,or
<br /> �e on t6e PtopertY oT smaU qa�s of Haza�dous Substanoes ti�at ace genetallY reco�ti�od to be appi+op[iate to naaaal
<br /> aside�pal uses and to msinten�oce of tbe PropertY-
<br /> Bonower sh�lt penmP�Y B������n0ace af any iavesdgation,ciaim,demand,lawsuit a otber actiutn by aQY
<br /> govarunmdd oc n8ol�tar�►aseac.7►°�priv�P�5►irsvotving u�e Ftnpeny aad any Ha�raons substance o��ri�isnameatal.,_`
<br /> �,, Lsvv of ivhich Bazowa 1�as actwl knnwledge. If Bamwer leam.c.or is�hY �Y, 8����_�";�
<br /> AWhority.�t a�y rertb+►al or other�ema�iuiae of aay Huardau Subsnnce affectmg the Property is nec�ty;�8a�4�'es,;':�,�
<br /> . �P�t�y take aU necessuy�-i�pions in accord�nce vritd Eaviron�aental Lawas toxic or l�aiardoug�s bY
<br /> • �As uaed in this pataS�Ph 2�•"�1a�°us Substaoces"a�e tbose su6statices def!�ed toxic .
<br /> - � Fnviranmental law and d�e foltowipg substances:'gasoline.kerosene.aher fla�=61e os toxic petmleani pco.ducts..
<br /> pesbi�ides aod he�bicides.volatite'solvp�ts'y.inaterials containing asbestos or fot��ehyde,and radioactive i�uttzsiat�.... .
<br />- usM ia t6is pua�aph 20�"Envu�me4�al#:aa'�v"means federsl laws and laws of the jiuisdicti�►wi�ere the Property,',.,, _
<br /> • that relau to iKaltb,saf�ry a envii�onmeiitai protecticn- ,'...�`.:'"_ ' ''" , :
<br /> NON UNIFOItM CAVQ�ANTS. $�+°wer a°d l.end�r fu�er�°venant and agee ss follows:
<br /> 21. Acaaeradoo;R�i�. i.eadec siu�U g�e notia to Borro�ra priao:€o nceelaatioa failowlo�Bussa�ver's
<br /> breacb ot a��oorea�et air a�neemeat�tl�s Se��9 lnstrameat(bat not prior to accekratbo ander:p�'iPh 17
<br /> -- o��tas spplicabk tsw provMes ot��. 'tY�e�otioe shaU specit9s (a)the detaoit;(b)the action requi►ed to care t6e
<br /> b wUich t�defaaN�ast be .
<br /> - de�arlh,tc)�date.uot kss tUas 30 di►ps tram tMe date tbe eotke is gtvea to Borrower, p �ll i��codentio�at
<br /> - cured;a�d(d)lrst fs�ure to cure the detAUit o0 0��dare tbe date speciflcd i�the natke�g.
<br /> - tUe s�wf�ecNred b�thb Sa�rit7 I�trn�t a�s�ie ot!be P�+opn49• TI�'nofioe s6a11 lbartMer iaforp�$arroRer ot
<br /> tiK ri�t a reia�te stter aocekratiae and the r�t ta bri��coart actios to�e�t tUe auu�steea d+►defaait or
<br /> aur otl�e�defense d Borrower to accekration ae�sal� U tae ddaait is not ca�ed oa or before t6e d�s���
<br /> tbe eoNc�iiender at its optioa m�Y��quire immediate ps�9menE is ti�U of ali sQms secured by tt�s Securiti'?nstrameat
<br /> w�ithoot torthee denwnd and msy invoke the power ot sak aa��ny ather remedies peravtted 6y appiicabk law
<br /> � l,ender shaU be eatitkd to collect all txpenses incurred ia pursuiag the cemedks provided in tbis pus�grs►Pb Zl,
<br /> induding,but not limited to.re�sonable attorneys'tees and costs ot titk evidencG _
<br /> It tl�e powa oF snte is invdced+7Yustee s6a(1 reeord a notice ot detault ie eacb county in w6ich anY PAM�� _
<br /> . . Propert�is lucated s�d sinil n�il eopies of suc6 notice in the manaer prescri6ed by appiksble is�r to Borrovrer aad to
<br /> tbe dier pe�s Vre�b�d b3'pVP�ic�ble law ARe�ihe tUne reqaired 6y applkabk ls�w,'tlrn�tee sMaN Bh'e P�Wic
<br /> sotice d swUe to tbe persods aad ia tLe a�artner prescribed by applica6k IAws 7tustee.witbout demaed oo Barrrnrer,
<br /> sbaU sdl the Propert!'at Pa61k aaction to the 6igiust blddee at t6e time and plaoe and under the tern�d�ted in
<br /> the notke ot sak in oae or nare paecels Aad in any osdee'Iirusta determines. Trustce may postpoae sWt ot aU or�eY
<br /> .. parcd o�t6e Prope�'b9[wblk announcement at tbe time and place ot any previously sc6edutea sak.:f,�der or Its
<br /> . • de�s�e msy parchase the PropertY at any sale.
<br /> - Upoo Kceip!ot payment af the prke bfd,'Iirusta shail deltver to the purchaser 11ra�ta's dad caw�ryiog tbe
<br /> pnoperty. 'Phe recitals in the 7�vstee's deed shall be prlma tade evidence of the truth o/the statements e�ade therein.
<br /> `'.'�:'1 ��11�pply tl�e praoeedyo�the snk ie the lollowing order: (al to all costs and expenses otexercisieg the pm►er
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