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<br /> � ' ' � �+o�En�x�vrc��u m����w«��'«+��o�m��cyr�na�u � .. �
<br /> i � aod�i�co�ei ao�r or hr�atla:pwt.of tpe pCOpe�ty Au��,a ad�OS shau,tso be covaed 6y mis security
<br /> _ _-_-: ---�--__ _--- --_ •-_=�-x,�, � .. _ •y �
<br /> - �.�.,.. �----- --- - �- _
<br /> BORROWFR COYENANTS d�at Barower is lawfuB ,seised of the estate t�e�eby caaveytd and 6a.s the righi to gr�nE . :
<br /> � aod cbnvry Me Property and that die Pmperty is uneacuetbec+ed.exoept foi�e'sof record. Botrower wurants wd _ ---
<br /> . wiU defe�d gaKrally the 6tk tu the Aropaty a�nst all cvim�and demmds.subject w iny encumb�ances of recoM.
<br /> 't'1�IIS SF�CfJRlT�f INSIRUA�N'P oanbitxs uniform covea�sts far n�tianal use and nat-unifam cavenaets�vit6 �
<br /> limited variatioos by jircisd'icdad w cobsututa s unifam�sec�u�iry.in�tsameat�overing ne:l pcopeity. . ` '
<br /> UN�ORM COV�NANTS. Hormwerand Lender cavetwn and ag�ee as fdfowp: . .
<br /> . . , �. P�J�l�O�P��L�Nt'�Nlf!!�'s�'�M����_�e���' �dTOWK SIfiI��10111PaSr P�Y VYTIQI�tI1E
<br /> ; `pciacip�l i�aad i�emt an the doM evideeca�by the Nooe and anY PrcPaYrnent and late chuges due undet the Nae.
<br /> i � �i. .�ti��l'��M��!'�.�.�11�=O i�QItC�.'�1W Of IO�WJj�k'11 Wi1VR bj!Lt11dCf.HOfIOWR S�taII Rly W
<br /> Let�der on tM 6tY��Y P�Y�s a�e dae u�nder tLe No[e.untd.the Nde is paid ia fu11.a swn("Fw�ds")fa:ta)Y�Y .
<br /> , - tues aad as�essmenb whkh msy�tain p�io�itY over tAis Secwity insdument as a lirn on the Property:(D)Year1Y kssehold
<br /> ' , p�Yments Q�o�r�d t�a�an tht Ptepaty. if any: tc)Y�9 ����Y i��;PRauums, (d) Y�Y � -
<br /> -- �nce p�emiwns.if aay: (e)YeutY matgage insurmca pemiums.if s+ny: anA(t?any sums P�YabTe byr Bormwa to
<br /> - Lender.in sc�ad�nce vvith Ihe pravisioas of puagtpph S.in liw of tbe�yment of mortgage iasuiu�ce premiams. 7Uese
<br /> items m calkd"Escmw Itert�s." Lender msy.�t any timw collat and hold Fvnds in ar�amount not w excoed tbe muimum
<br /> - �a kt�der for a ftderaliy t+elatod mortgage ban ma}�ioquat for Harower's esccow account uttdtr ihe f�l Real
<br /> Fstate Sepkmrnt Ptnceduce�Aet of I97A as amrnded fran time to tune.l2 US.G§2601 et seq.("RESPA"?.unl�ss�wther
<br /> - !sw ttwt apptks to prc Funds sets a ksser amount If sa.l.eader may.at any time,coticct and hold Fiu�ds in ao arnount not to
<br /> eaceed the lesser amoun� L�ender may atimate th+e amount of RiMs dae an th�bASis of cument dua and nxsonabte •
<br /> — esti�.�of eapenditutes of fuwrt Escmw items or otfiuvYise to accad�nce with applica6k taw.
<br /> 'i1�e Cw�ds shall be lreld in an iastitu6on vrfase deposits ace insured by a fMeral agerxy,instrumentatiry. a errtfty
<br /> (inciuding t�a�es.if i.ender is auch an instiwaon)or in any Federal Hame I.oan Bank. Lender slrall appty the Ftiuxtg w P�Y
<br /> the Escrow Items. I.rnder may not chuge liorrower for Aolding and applying the Funds,annuatlY�Y�B t6e esc�ow �
<br /> - accona�or vedfying tt�e Escnnw hemg.nnless Lender pays Boimwer interost on the Funds and applicable law pecmits -.
<br /> � l.ender w make such a charge. However.Lender may require Borrower to pay a one-time chatge for an indepeadent real �
<br /> � �--=
<br /> . estate t�t teporting srnrise ased by l�derureont�xtian with tlus loan,onless applicable law provides othecwisc. �Ttt�ess an �-:�_---
<br /> . � ag�eemeat is made or applicable taw rrqaic�s inte�est to be pazd,Lender shall not be requi�d to pay Barrower aiiy interest ar °`�'��:•-�
<br /> � � eamjngs an the Fvnds. �ocrower and Ixader may agree in wridng.however.that intetest sHalt be paid an the Funds. Lender '�i��"
<br /> � , shall give to Borrower,without charge,an armua!accounang of the Fvrnds.showing ecedits and debits to the Funds and tlne - ==-"_- -
<br /> `�•�'� ,,
<br /> , purpose for which each debit to the Funds was made. The Punds ace piedged as additional sermsty far all sums secured by : t�,;.f
<br /> � this'Securiry[nstrnmtn� ; �.�°�`�"-
<br /> • If the Funds held 6y Lender eaceed the amouau permiaed to be held by a�p`�.e:iaw, Letxler shall account to . _--_-;�__:-
<br />- ' Borrower•for the excess Funds in accardance with the requlrements of applicable��v_ sf a�re amount of tbe Fwids held by
<br /> yrt�
<br /> ... ,; . Lead�er at any wne is not suffiaent to pay the Fscrow Items when dae.Lender may so s��v�oirower in writing,and.in �.+,;e:._:�
<br /> - such case Barower shal}pay to Lende�the amount neces.cary to make up the deftcien�.y::�a�sower slull maice up the . `=5",�-.._•
<br /> . �i � . deficiency in no mon than twelve monthty payments.at Lender s sole discretion. . ` i. ::.:<.,.:
<br /> '� <:
<br /> Upon payment in.full of all sums secured by tfiis Security Instrumen�Lender shall prnr�y refund to Borcawer any" � --;::-f,��;�;_�r
<br /> '��� � Funds held by Lender. If,ander paragrapb 21.Lender shall acquire ar sell ihe Property.Lender,prior to the.acquisiaon or� . ':
<br /> ..:,,:� -�- � sale af the Property.shall apply any Fuu�ds he l d hy L en der a t t he time o f acq uisi t i o n o r sate as�credit a gainst the sums :.. ::-� ',
<br /> � '.. i. se�:u r e d by t h i s Securi ry I n s d v m e n� ,�_"'�� -
<br /> �.�;.;;�;�; � ' ' 3. Application ot P�ynknts. lin�:ss applicable !aw provides othenvise, all gaymern*s�ceived by Lender unde� �::�`�;._-
<br /> •�°�� paragraphs 1 and 2 shall he appliecl:fi.n�to any piepayment charges due ander the Nae;second.to amounts payabte undcr �� � �
<br /> paragraph 2;thrcd to interest due:faurth.to principal due:and last,to any late charges due under the Note. •L,t���_._
<br /> ` 4. �r�s; L i�. B o a o w e r s a a U p a y a l l t a x e s,a s s e s s�n t s,c h ar g e s, f n e s and im p o sidans ataibutabie to the r_;.z;,:_-
<br /> 1•'�+�.F".'_
<br /> ;�,;;,t,. pcoperty which may attain priority ocer�`�is Securiry Instrument,and leasehold payments or g'cnmd r�ents.if any. Borrower ;:,�.s�.,,_�<-
<br /> ; ', ` shall pay these obligations in the macnc�e�prW vided ln paragrapb 2.or nf not paid in that manne,l��nower shall pay ihem on �'�c="'�'�"=-
<br /> " �, '` 6me diraKly to thc persan awed pay�rr.���ower shall prompUy fumish tvLender all notices a�am ount s t o be p a i d u n d e r �-`�--
<br /> . this paragraPh. If Borr���:makes these pay'me,nts�irectly.Barrower shall promptly fumish rtr f.ender receipts�,widenciag. . :�` ,�
<br /> �. •.•,:.�,i�,=.
<br /> ' the PaYments• t�-
<br /> ': • ' Batrower shall promptly discharge any tien wfii:;E i�as prtoriry over this Securiry Ins[rument unless Borrawer.(a)agrees ��_,�.
<br /> •: `:;;t�,;'� � in wridng t��e payment of the obligatiap secured by the Hen m a manner acceptable to Lender,{',�)contests in good faith the `-,�:--
<br /> ���,� � lien hy.or defands against enfarcement of thc lien in,legal proceedings which in the Lender��;�ion operate to prevent the '�`
<br /> enforament of the lien:or(c)secuns fransthe hotder of the lien an ageement salisfactory to t.�eder subordlnating the tien " `�-�-::.
<br /> .'� � to this Securlry Insuumen� If Lender detertnines that any part of the Properry is subject to a lien which may attain prioriry � ' �',!�°�'::
<br /> & over this Securiry instrument,Lender may give Borrower a notice idendfying the lien._Boaower shatl satisfy the lien or take � `�:;-
<br /> . ! one or mot�e of the actlons set forth abave within l0 days oP the giving of notice. � • `
<br /> .• .y � S. Hsz��d or Property Iesaeanfle. Borrower shall keep the impcovemenu now existing or heteafter erccted on the � •�� •, ;
<br /> �r:;3'" "� � Property insured agalnst loss by fue..haza:ds incfuded within thc tertn°extended coverage"andany other hazards.including ;:'• .,. �:�• ;,I, ,s.:
<br /> floods or ftooding,for whicb Lc.mQes re$:•ises insurance. This insurance shall be maintained�n the amounts and for the �:�.�.: .,� ��:,�.;�
<br /> ,, �',; .
<br /> (',;: , ,
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