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<br /> , _. ., . ` � • CY)O�GIM�d��C���E�
<br /> ` coadare�tian ar d�her takiag of any p�rt of t6e Poopetty.�ac far cunvsyaoae in lieu of •
<br /> � = siwlt be p�id to L.eadeT. . - . � � ..
<br /> - ,-- --_ 1i�tha ev_eat of a total Wung�of the Pbpe�ty.the prooGCds shall be api►lied to thc sams sa.�und by this Stcuiity, :
<br /> - - . ,.,.ti�1 rakina.�►�itl��rty.in ---- .
<br /> � �w ��7p�=pl�t�it�$6�8F:C�=�tjiCMCiIl-II�-3�----v°- —
<br /> . �t�6 t6e fair mauhe[value of drc Rupetty�immediuet}t 6efa�tlie taicing is eRual co ar greater th�n it�anwuuyt bf tHe sums
<br /> secuRd by this Saariry Insuumer►t immodiatety befa�ehe taicing.�mtess Borrower aiid 1.tnder atheiwise agree irt�vritittg, �
<br /> . tGe sums secuiod tsY this Security Iasuva�etit shati be reduc�by thc aznount of ttie pracads muitiptied Fsy the folbwing
<br /> fraction; (a�the wta�amauu af dx�sup�sxuted imined'ateip 6efore the taking.divided by fbl thc'fair madcet vatuc of Me,:
<br /> p�op�Tiy immediatcly befarc the tal�ng. MY 6ai�e shatt 6c paid to Bormwer. In tt�eveat of a pa�tia{taiting of thc �
<br /> � p�ope�ty ut which t6c fair macicet vatue af the.Ropacy�modiat�lY bcfore the taking is kss tf�xrt the amaunt of tt�e sums -
<br /> secured inunediatety before the takmg,unfas Bonawer and Lender atiwe�wise agox in writiag or ueless.applicabte taw
<br /> otl�rwise pm�ides.the pmcads stial!Ix applied to the swns secured Isy this Seccfriry Ias�nc w6etheror not the sums an
<br /> then due. . ,
<br /> If the Praperty.is aWndoned by Bosower,or if.after n�sace by Lender to Borrower d�at tlse condemn4►rr offas to make
<br /> �n award or satle a claim for damages.Bomnwer fa�7s to�to Lender within 30 days after the date[be aotice is givrn.
<br /> = Lender is wd�orized to colkct and apply the�ocads,at itsqxion.either tn sestaatias ar repair of the Hopaty err to the
<br /> swns socund bY this Se�uirY Insttumen�whether or not thea�uc. licadon of to sl�all mt extend ar �
<br /> Ut�ess La�der and Sarnwex�rise agrce Irt writing.ac#S�aPP P� P��
<br /> _ �post�one tbe duc date af thdmonthly paymeats refared to in p�agraphs 1_and 2 or change the amaunt af sucl►F1Yments. . -
<br /> - IL Bo�eower Noe Relesscd; Forbearana BY Leader Not a Waiver. Eaceasion of�he�ime far paymsnc ar _
<br /> madificat'�on of amortizaaon of the sums secured by this Securiry Instrurt�tnt granted isy l.ender to a�soocessos m intecest •
<br /> =- of Bormwes shall not operate to release the liabiiit�r of t6e ariginal Borrmver or Bormv�recr's�succ�ssois in intaest[xnder
<br /> __ shall not be toquhod to commenct pmctedings agAUUt�riy s�coessar in intenest or�to extend.time for Qa�cient or
<br /> =- otherwise modify a�nortization of tde sums secured by Nns$eoaiity Ins�aa�ai by n�§an of any dem�d made by the aiginal
<br /> � Barower or:Bona�wer s successors in inte[�est Any for6ear�ce bY Le�x 1�exercising aay sight a remed3 sh�l�not be a -
<br /> waivuof orpcoclode the eaentise of any dghtoriemedy. '�l�e covenants a�d agRqements of this
<br /> -- � " L'� S�oee�sors aed As�n Boand;Joia�asd 5e�er�1 Liability;Co�si�ers.
<br />_ _ Sec�uity Instmme�shall bind and benefit tlte successo�s a�d assigns of Lender and Borrower.subjact to the prov�sans of
<br /> pai�grapl� 17.Bortower�s wvenants and agree�nents shai..4�e joint and several.Any Bomawer who co-signs this Securiry '
<br /> tnstr�anent buid.as noe eaecate the Note: (af is co-signing this Securiry in5uument�oaty to moRgage.�ant and ca►vey that .
<br /> • Barower's inter+est in the P�operty under the temu of this Security Instrument; (b)is not personally a3�li�ated to paY the�simhs
<br /> secu�d by this Security Iastiumen�and(c)ag�ees that I.ender and any other�orrower may agr+ee r�e*.;�nd.modify:forbear �
<br /> or make any accommodations with iegard to the tertns af this Security Instrument or the Note�,:�vut that Borrower's
<br /> • cansen� '
<br /> 13. Loae Cfwrges. tf t�e toari secared by�this Security Inswment is su6ject to a law w3�cEi`sets maximam laan
<br /> • ` chuges.and tha�b�v is finully interpreted uu�i?�t the interest or other laa�:�.�arges collected or to be��,l�:ted'ur cannection
<br /> with the toan ex:cx�+3 the permitted limits,d�r'�"�)any such loan charge d:n:!be reduced hy the a�m;:..��ecessazy to,reduce .
<br /> the eharge to tt�pecmitted limi�and tb1 ar�'�s,alceady collerted fro::�s:�arrower whieh exceedec��tted limitc,wil!be. .
<br /> refunded to Borrower. Lender may chaose tn�fce this refi�nd by mducing the principai owed under ttse Lofe or bg ir�:a'�, ':;
<br /> diceet payment to Borrower. if a refund reduces principal.�e redaction�ill be treated as a partial prepayment a;�swh"ai�y �
<br /> prepayment charge underthc Note. � '
<br /> - 14. Natice.v. My notice to Borrower�p:ovided for in this Securi�.- instrument shall bc give�s�y deltvering it or by __
<br /> � ' mailing it by first class mail untess applicah`��aw requires use oi another se::thad.The notice shall be directed to the Ptoperty _� _
<br /> Address or any other address Borrower deygnates by notice to l.ender. :3rry notice to l.ender shall be given by first class �,�J
<br /> mail to l.ender's address titated herein or any other address L.endcr designates by notice to Horrower. Any natice provided for
<br />" ' in this Security In.mument sh�i t�e deemed to have been given to Horrower or Lend�r when given as provided in this �`�.-
<br /> • ���_:
<br /> paragraph. ��
<br /> •" 15. Governing Law;5everabiiitc: �nis Securiry tnstrumem sha:l be govcmed by fedcral law and ihe law of the
<br /> �'� ` � jurisdiction in which the Property is focate�J._:n�he event that any pravision or clause af tbic Security instrument or the Note �"':"
<br /> conflicts with upplieabte law,such conflict~hall not aifect other provisions of this Security fnstrument or ihe Note which can ,
<br /> _� be given effect withaut the conflicting provision. Ta this end the provisionx of this 5erurity Instrument and the Nate are
<br /> ' �- declared to be severable. .
<br />°` .,,;; 16. Rorrower's Copy. Borrower shall be given c�r.:cc�°ormed capy af the Note and af thiti Security Insuumenl. • •._
<br /> 17. TrAnsfer of the Property or a Bene8clal Interesr�n BorcoRer. lf all or any pan nf the Praperty or any interest in �'.
<br /> � it is sold ar transferred tor if a beneficial"s-�:~:rest in Horrower ic sv!�:.�transferred and Bormwer is not a natural persanl _-
<br /> ' withaut l.ender's prior written consent.l.cnder may.at its option.reyu:re immediate payment in full af all sums secured by �- ,.,,_
<br /> this Security{nstrument. However.thiw option shall not be cxercised by l.endcr if cxcresse is prohi6ited by feder.�l law as of . . �...
<br /> � � the date ot'this Security Instrun:enU � �r
<br /> ,.,�::
<br /> i • Ii Lender exerri�es this o�tion.Lender rhall give ganower notice csS acreleratiu::•. �'he notice shalf provide a period af �'"
<br /> not less than 30 days fram�he�te the natice is dctivcred cn mailed w:a*:�:s�hirh Borrower.must pay�11 sum�secured by this
<br /> .� . :�;. Seeuriry Instrument. If 8orrower taits to�ay these tiums priot to tr7e c-'�cpiratian af�his periexi. l.ender may invoke any
<br /> -i'•�= • ' remedies permiued by this Security Instrument without further nutice c�:�:m:�nd on Borrower. ,
<br /> • ; ,�� 18. Borrowe�'q Rip,Nt to Reinstate. (f Bntro�eE�c?eets certain conditiunr. B�rrowcr �.h:�ll havc the ri��t to have
<br /> � `'"""' . enforcement af this Security ln�trumcnt discontinued�z a.^_� time Qtior t�ihc carlicr oi: (�)5 day�lar tiuch othe°p�iad as
<br /> , �- -
<br /> ,,.,. 5inglc F:unity..iaanie�fae/Vnddie!Itac f YIFOR�1 irSTlll;SlEti'f•�I tnifann Curenu�tv 9/90 �pnXe J uf b pa.ee.0 � '
<br /> :,:;:� '
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