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<br /> - . �law'ms fai�)befa�e,sak ot the Paapaty p�rwadt ta aoy pow�er af�alc�coaaiaea in
<br /> ���of a judsroeet pffc�dqs Se�itY�n�t 'Ibose oonditi�s ste ti�t Bals�rec {a) �
<br /> _------------.- -- .__ _r��_l.ender all s�•�vhich thrn vvauid bt due.aeder this Security�Tnstrumentand the Na1t as if bo aa*etaatios�had , _ -
<br /> � occwi�[b7��nY-�so3tvf-ioryr.ofiiecaa�remn�svf�si��'�uist( - . . _
<br /> . Ir�e�mcladiag.bat mt fiaut,ed w.•ras�oa�ble��fas:�nd d)takes'such actiae.0 La�da may�e�so�y� , ,
<br /> roquire to�sauee Wat the liean of this Sec�n'ity Iaqrumeat,Leada'�ri�ts�thc Pioperty and Bortorrer's obti�ia pry i�-_---- ,
<br /> . . ' � secured by ttis Sav�ity Ias�ua�ait st�D cootinue unchmged. Upon �ier�by Borr�weti t6is Seaaity -
<br /> Insutns�eet and�oMis�tions aecu�M hea6Y-si�ll am�iu fully effectiva as it�w acceleratiaa l�att'aecumed. Ho�rever,d�is. -- -
<br /> right to teu�ute s1W1 no4�ppfy ia d1e czse of acaleretion underp�rsgrapb 17. ' -
<br /> � !!s Sak d Nal�Cr�e d Lor Savicer The Nate a:parti�t intetrst in dk Nate tta�etba�vitD ihis Sec�iry `
<br /> Iasaament)any be sold aee or moae 6mes witha�t priar notice to Horrawes. A sak may�sult in a chtoge in�tbF a�ry . .
<br /> (kmwn as tbe"l.oan Setvice�'7 t�t colkcts mond�IY WYmen[s due uader the Nate wd this Security Insteoa�ax. 7beie a1�o
<br /> may be oaG a mo�s c�eges of t6e i.a�n Servicer uuc�etated to a sile of the No�e. If the�e is s eba�e d We I:o�n Savica,
<br /> = Bamwrer vh'll be giren wrima aotice of We c6�nge in'sio�e with p�sgi��ph 14 above aad applicabk ta�. °1Le mdce - •
<br /> w�71 spte dse uuqe aad a3d�.ss ottde aew Lo�n Serviee��d the addness to which pa�ymeots aboWd t+e mide. 1be naiae� -
<br /> . alsu cacu�in�any oiha infonna6an requued bY�PPI��law. � � ' `" _
<br /> , �: Haea�do�s Srb�lssces. Horrower shaU not cause a pemtit tbe pc�esence,ose:disPosal•stasg�•ar teleatt of a�►
<br /> - � Huanbas Sa6stances an or ia tho pluperty. Bas�nwer shatl nat do,nor ai6uw mryaae else to do.aoythieg affocmiE�e
<br /> ' . P�vpeity that is at violarian arf my Envitomt�ental t.aw. Tl�e p�aeding tvro se�o�c shall not apply to ihe p�c�esance�use,or - -
<br /> - sto�age at tbe Praperty of smalt quaa6tip�s af N�uardous Snbstancestt�at are gener�lty�w be app�apriate to m�mat. •
<br /> _ resideati�l ases u�d to maintenurce af the Pnnperty. �
<br /> - Batmwer sinll pomPtly Sive Lrnde[writtm aatice of any imestig�don.claim,demand,fawsnit�otber,u.'tio�bY�Y ,
<br /> -- goverm�ta!or�eSutuaY�8�1'a Pn�P�Y�voh�ing the Ptopecty and any Hazatdaos SuE�ce or Eavlmmne�al �
<br /> __ 4aw of which 8arowar has acpial knowkdge. If Barowet learns. ar is notifiod by aay governmmtal or cegutatacy
<br /> - . aud�ority,that aay nenwvai or other iernediaaon of any Ha�udous Svbstanc�e at�ecting Q�e Pm�erty is.necessary;$urmwe� `
<br /> . shall p�+nmptly take�II�sary n�n�ial actions in accotdance with Fs►vironmrntal Law. `
<br /> � As used in this p�ragnpl►20."Hua�daus Substances"are those substaaees deffne�as waic or ba¢ardous substanoes by
<br />:.'� Envuonnxntal Law and the following subst�nces: gasoline:�erosene.otl�er ftammable or wxic petroleum pioducts.toxic
<br /> pesticides an0 herbicides.vola6le solvents.materials containing asbescos or fom�aldehyde.and radioaetive mdterials. As
<br /> - . _ . used�n this puagraptt 2t3."Emirunmrnta!Law"means feQeral laws and taws o€the juFisdiction whene tt�e Properiy is bcated
<br /> �, '' that retate,to health,safety or environmen[al protoction.
<br /> 1•• �. NON-IINIFORM COVENANTS. Borrawer and Lender further covenant and ag�ee as follows:
<br /> .: ;; 21. Aaroekration:Remedies. l,eeder sI�U gire aotiae to Borrativse peior to accderation tdlowias Borco�rer'a
<br /> :;..�, brach.otstay rnvenaat or s�eement in tdis Security instrument(6ut aot prlor to ac�teratbn uader par�raPb 17
<br /> � ankss applk�abk Utw provides ot6erwtse)- The notice sball specifYs (a)ttl�e defaWt;(b1 tbe Action required to cora the
<br /> - def�Wt;(c)a date,sot kas tlwn 30 ds�ys from tbe.date tl�e adice is glvea to Borrower,by whkb tbe det�all mast be
<br /> ` - � � curM;and(d)Iluu faiare to cara the defaiakk as�ar before the Aate specNkd in the aotlee may resatt(n nccekratioe ot
<br /> � � the sumg securt�d Iry ti�s Secarity lastrument a�ad sale of tbe Property. 7'he notke siaR tarther in�orm Boreower ot
<br /> � the rlabt to refastate aRer a�eda�ation anA tde right to br�a court actfon to asgert i�'on-exlstence ot a defaWf ar —
<br /> any otUer defense of Borrower tu acceler�tba and sate. If it�f+e defaalt t�not cnred oa�ar be[ore the date specitkd in _
<br /> , J' � t6e notice,Lender at its option may require immediate payment ia full otall sums secured by tht�Security f astrument =-
<br /> `^ without turther dem�ad and may invoke the power ot sale and any ather remedies permitted by applicab�e law �s;�;:�_
<br /> l.ender shall be entitied to coltect all expenses incurced in pursuing the remedies provided In thts paragraph�Zl. rr;
<br /> % ` ' inclading,6pt not Itmited to,ressonabk attonuys•te�w and costs of titk evidenc� °`��
<br /> If the power at sale is in�c�ad,7b'ustee sh�ll record a notice ot detuult In each coqnty in Rhich any part ot the ���:
<br /> - Property is bcated�nd sbalt ma�eopi�otspch notke in the manner prescribed Dy applicabk law to Bon�ower and to ;�'-
<br /> � t h e o t h e r p e r s o n s p r e s c r i b e d b y a p p l i c a b l e l a w A t t e r t t�e t i m e r e q uired b y 9 p pticabk Is►w,'I�rastee shall g ive puWic �'��•-:�,
<br />� notke of sak to the persons and in the manees prescri6ed by applicabte law. Trustee,without demaad on Borrower, ' ; °
<br /> ' � - - sball sNl the Property at pubtic�uction ta theh�ghest bidder at t6e time and place and under the terms designated in _;;:;.-;
<br /> �• the rtotice oPsale ia one ar more parcets and in any ordee 7lrustee detecmines. 7busiee may postpone sale otall or any '�•
<br /> ;�� ' pareel ot the Property by public announcement at the time and place di`any previousld�c6eduled sate. Lendeo ur iRg
<br /> �v. designee may purchase t6e Property at any sak. ' � � ,,
<br /> ' = Upon receipt of ps►yment ot the prtce 61d. Trustee sh�ll deliver to the purch��'rustee's deed conveying Ihe ! �• �.�:,
<br /> . s p rope r ty. T 6e r�c i t a is in t he Tru s t e e'g d e e e l s h a��b e p e t m a t a c i e ev l d e n c e�t t h e tru t A ot the statements made therein. • �,�.�'°;
<br /> '- �'' 7irustee shAll a 1 Ihe roceeds ot fhe sale in the Toltowing arder: la)to aif casis and ex nces of exercL4in the wer � °�"-
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