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<br /> ` � per;ods drt Leoaer re�quirce. The i��ce cinier peovidir�a�e i�uan�shatl be cho�senaGSCC�brd e�ho eb��u ��.
<br /> MfiichsMii eot be um�oo�bi�r witfiheid. If Ban�¢wdi faiis w m�inta�o carera�e .
<br /> ` �.°9� --• - r.�_.........�..,.,.n�t.enerr�riabts in t[te Pto�atX in accocdamce witit pu�graph 7.
<br /> _..__ .. _ - -—�.....___.._.._.... -....R..=_��...___�
<br /> __ _ �.,:....,...�.._-. — -- -- -- - �s:.��.,.�„� } -- .-- — -
<br /> � A!I ins�n�uce pdicies atd cmnewals siWJ!6a acctpta��o ...,�..6.{,_�---�--____r .
<br /> �a 8onaw•er shall va tv Le�der a!�reoeipts
<br /> . shaft tave the rigM to haid the policies�nd reaewals. It I.endes requir�s- P�P�Y B�
<br /> ' of'P�P��ums a�d retmwal na�ses.�1n�he evsnt of Ioss.Burt�n�ver shill give prompt twtict to the insurancrcurier and
<br /> l�ender iaender msy malce pmof of loss if oot made pc«npt�Y bY 6amvre�.
<br /> � llnkss l.endet aad Bc�uvre�dha�risc�ag�s in wcitit�8•�r�P��shatt ba applied to cestotation o�'ceptir of. ---
<br /> . : the penpaty d�d,if thc testorstion or ceQair is ccanomica�lty feasibk� ���t§secutity is Rot itsset�.�f�
<br /> . ���a�,.is not ecanomicaUy fas�i6ie or Lendu's seCUrity wooid be la.gened.the insuru�ct ptncads`
<br /> applitd to the sums sa�ued�}c this Security Insaumen�'wlKther'or not!hm dt�e,with any excess p�id to Bocrower. If �
<br /> sa.
<br /> Ba�awer ab�pdans the Pmperty.or does nat answer within 30 days a naice from L.ender thu the in oranoe r�ta�e
<br /> � of�e�ed m seule a claim.iM�Lender may collect ttre insuraixe pmceeds. L.ender m��use tha p�oceeds n-'P�it .
<br /> tbe property or w pay sums secuTed 6Y tbis Security insuument,whether ot not t1Kn due. 'i1�e 3�day peri+ad will begin when `
<br /> the hotiee is given. �of proceeds w�xincipal shall noc extead or
<br /> � Unkss l.ender aad$orrower otberwise�gree in writirtg.any a{spi�
<br /> postpone the due dane of the moiuhty PaYments refeaed to in pu�grapl�s 1 and 2 ar change the an�n[of Ihe QaYments. U
<br />--- • . unde�paragraph 21 tbe Ptoperty is acquired bY Lender.:Ba�rowus rigAt to any msurance po6eZes and proeacf.g r�esutting
<br />- fmm dartnge to d�e PtupenY Pnor to t6e acquisition s6aU pas�to Lender tn tIie extent of thc swns secured d3 tws SecaritY
<br />- � • Insaument immediatei�prior w ehe acquisiti�,. • - ---
<br />_ • 6, p�e�p�Cy, Prsservatlw, Mai�te�ance aud �rotectjoa of tbe Property: Ba'ruwK's 1�ao �PP�Oq+
<br />--- — I.easel�otds. Banawer shall axupy.sstabtish.and use tiu PropertY as Banmwer�s princ�pai residence within siaty days aftec _ -
<br /> as BaRmwer's resi¢ence for at -
<br />=- dn exoeuaces of shis Socuricy lnsnumeM acid sha11 concim,e io nccupy thc Proper�y P�P� .
<br /> ' ieaa une geu;after tl�e date of occupancy. unless Leader atlxrvvi5e aF,nes m writing, whicb consent shall not be —_
<br />-= ' �,��y��eb,or unkss extenuating ctrcumstancxs exist which ane beyand Borrower's cartml. Hormwer sha11 na - -
<br />=- . desh+ny,da�mage or impair the Property.attow the PtQperty to deteriaate,or commit waste on the PYopercy. Horrower shall
<br /> -- be in defaWt�f any forfeitute ac4ian a PruceeAinB•whetl�et civil or criminal,is begun that in Lender's good faith judgment -- -
<br /> c�` could nesnit in forfeimre af dx PropercY.or Mherwise maceria�ly ttnpair the lien cceaud by this Security laswment or �a.
<br />,�'�i;.` �des's security inteiest 8orrower may cure such a default and reinstate.as provided in paragraph 18.by causing the actian �._
<br />;�:�i:.;� , or��°$to be�lismissed with a�atinS thaf.in l.ender's gaod faith dete�mina�tion.Pcrcludes forfeiture of the Borrower� �,,'�i.'���_
<br />�_., �t�est in the property or other matecial impairinent of the lien created by this Secunty Insdument or Lender's security i°"� �.
<br />' •� �st. Bomower shall also be in default if Bonower..during the�oa» appltcation process. gave materialfy false or x��
<br />�� '* to Lender ar failed�o mvide Lender with any material infom�ation)in coruiectian with _
<br /> inaccurate infortnauon or statements ( P '�'�' -
<br /> `� �he Jo�euid�c�ed by the Y�Iote,incIuding.6ut ooe limited to. representations comeming Bocrower's occupaney of the. ,_„ -
<br /> !i'� '
<br /> � P�up�ty as a principal cesideace. If this Security lnsm►ment is on a leasehold.Botrower shall com 1 with all the prov�s�ons �- ~
<br /> � PY =4.�=� .
<br /> - ; of the leasc Ifr 8orrower acqnues fce titie to the Propeity,the leasehold and the fee title shall not merge unless Lender agrees ��`�=-
<br />:�;;,�
<br />.�,�,'� to the merger in writing. `���`-
<br />,,'� : �� prnttctbn af l,endee's Rig6ts in the Properly. ff Bomower fails to ped'orm the covenanu and agreements ��_
<br /> ` �u-=_
<br /> contained'm this Security Insuument, ar there is a legal proceeding tdat may significanttg.affect Lendes's rights m the
<br /> ;' pmperty(such as a pcuceeding in bankruptcy,probate,for condemnation os fort'eit�me or ta eaforce laws or regulations).the�► `��_
<br /> �� [xnder may do and pay for whatever is necescary to protect th�va[ue of the Propercy and I.euder's rights in the PropertY• ` _=,�_'
<br />�'"' - 1.euder's actions may include paying any sums secured bY a lien which has priority aver this Securiry Instrument,appearing ='�`='���
<br /> � �� '• in caun. aying reasonabte attomeys'fees and cntering on the Pcaperty to make repairs.Ahhongh Lender may fake actian ;i't*-'�;'"''
<br /> ' '��� under this paragraph 7.l.ender dces not have to do so. ��`�= �``�"
<br /> � •�. Any amounts disbursed by l.ender under this paragraph 7 shall become additional debt of Borrower seru►md by this ; .�;;J
<br /> ��� Security Jnstrument. Untess Borrower and I.ender agrez to other terms af paymen�these amounts sha116ear inter�est from the _;�-.�.:.,
<br /> age. : �
<br /> �. � date of clisbursement at the Note rate and shaii be paya6te.with interest�upon notice from i.endcr to Bomawer requesting _ • ��;5�,,
<br /> .,`} paytn.°�w �.. : -.
<br /> �, . � ?),t`9rtgpge Insurance. if Lender required�nartgage insurance s�s a conditian af making the loan secured by tbis _ . , _
<br /> s
<br /> � ' � - Ser�:;g;Lnstrument,Borrower shali y thc premiuros sequired to maintain the martgage insurance in effecl. If,for any , �
<br /> Pa �- .
<br /> • reason,the mortSage ecbsurance coverage required by lxnder lapses or cea�es to be in effect. Borrower shall pay the
<br /> ae insurAnce previousl ln e�fect.at a cost
<br /> � premiums required t��+"_�.ain caverage substantially equtvalent to the mortga�, Y
<br /> �- • sabsu+nfiatiy equivaTe.c c�die cost to Barrower of the mortgage insurance p�«aosly in effect,from an a(temate mongage
<br /> . insurer a�eoved by I.ertder. lf substantially eyuivalent mortgage insurance caverage�s not pvailable.Borrower shall pa�ca :•.. •:.,
<br />:',:`� ;+r- Lender e�month a sum equat to one--�welith of the yearly mortgage insurance premium be3TU paid by Borrower w(ie�� �:�-..�._. '_
<br /> ;`. ,.,�
<br /> � insuranee rovet�ge lupseai or ceased tn be in effect. Lender will accept.use nnd retam these payments as a lasa reser�+e in tieu -
<br /> i � � of mortgage insuranca Loss reserve paymcnts may no longer be reyuimd, a11Ne optian at txnder,if mortgage insurance :�` ';"�
<br /> ';L coverage(in the amount and for thc period that Lender reyuires)pravided by an insurer approved 6y l.ender aga�n becomes ��•
<br /> � •t.� available and isobtained.Borrowcr shaU pay�he premiums required to maintain mortgage insumnce in cffeca.or to providc a ,
<br /> loss resetve.uniil the myuirement for mortgage�m�urancc encls�n accordance with any�vritten ngreement between Boaower ',_
<br /> � � ,�:•:.�� and l.ender or applicable law. •
<br /> ; ��r-•. : 9, laspe�Non. Lcndcr or its agcnt may make rcasanable cntrics upon and in�pcction�:of�he Property. l.ender shail i
<br /> .. give Bonower notice at the time of or prior to an inspeetion specifying reasosnabte cause fbr the inspectian. E
<br /> � �!�- � 10. Condemtwtion. 'I'he pr�cecds af any�wnrd ar claim for d:im�gtiw: �+drect ar canscyucmial,iw cannectean�vith any ,
<br /> � tiinglefatnity--kanaklNnelFredAk�facGtiliURS1I\tiTRl:1i��'f'�•UnifunnCuvenanto 9190 Ipa,qe3aj6pu„a�i �, '
<br /> Y, ��'� : •� cna�otes eu,mae roem+.tnc.• .
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