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<br /> � ccad�a ar aher tating nf any part of t6e Ptoperty,a.far caiveY+oae in lieuof oondeawtion.ue hereby�ssipKd Md,
<br /> , . � sl�ll 1�piud to Lender, " • ' • ` .
<br /> ta.t�eve�e of z tav[t�og of ine p,ruQerty..sbe puceeds stnu.be apptioa w the sums seauEa;ey this secb►i�y `
<br /> - . ._ _ '__�__ ... .�..._.. ,. —�. . .-- . _r���>_'�R__'"'.,...-�__..-
<br />— - �f which the Fair mutet watue of ti�Prapeny immcdiately befa+e the taking is equal to or gtracer than the amuurn o�tlie sunt�
<br /> secu�od 6y ttiis Satirity Tnctrument ilome�ely i�e�e=ti�e tai���1ess BanavPer-and f c�de�r otAer�visc�gm in writing. -
<br /> ti�e swns s4cucrd by this Socu�'ity.L�str�unent shall bc ndaced by the anmunt of the pr+ocxeds'muldplie3 by the fottowing
<br /> , f�c[ion: ta)thc caal�unount of tbe svms secured iaL+��Iy before the tai�ing.divided by�(6�)the fair madcet value of tAe ,
<br /> � pl�ap�ty..immedi�r.befon�tlae qlceng, Any balaace sdaIl be paid ta Bairower. 1n the eventof a{�artial taicing ot she �
<br /> Ptnpy�ty iit which the fair mazket vaWe of the Property immediatdy befae tbe taldng is tess than the amopnt of�sums , ,
<br /> saaurd im�edi�Gely hefare the tatcing,unkss Borrower and I.ende�otlierwise a�e in aaiting or unkss appiicabfe(aw .
<br /> ott�erwise prwides,the pia;eats shall be applied 4o the sums securcd by this Security Instrumrnt wl�ther or not ihe sums sur
<br /> ��,
<br /> , ��f.lb�t Property is abandor�ed by Bottnwer,oc if.aHer noace 6g Leader w Bomnwer that the condemnor offets to make .
<br /> � ' an arv�l�il�se�ts a claim for damages,Borm�vcr faits to respoad to l.ender within�O days after the�ue the naiae is givrn. . �
<br /> , ��s�t4 f��?�:�Y the p�nceed�.at its opaon.either to�to�ation a iepair af the Property or w the
<br /> sums secure�iig�is S��t,whetter at n�t t6en da� : .
<br /> ' Unless Lendec atid 8ck'�i�otTieturise agroe in writiag',ai�:apQlication of pracceds to principal sha�li not extend or
<br /> postpone We due date of the r�ontlilY PaYmeats nefer��ia��s�:and 2 or chaage the au�ount of such payrncnts.,
<br /> . il. Borrower Not Itele�e�; For6earaooe $g;:�iiec Not a=Wsiver. Extmsion of the dme�for payment or
<br /> modi�iration of amwtaa6al af the sums secured by tiiis Seccuitg�nsfitiment granted 6y Lender to any successor in inkrest ;
<br /> of Barnwer shati nd oge�ate to rele,ase the liabiE�ty oftbe�rigireat;Bocrower or 8o�rawer's successors irt intc�rest Lender
<br /> sh�it tint be nquire�t4�ammence P�SS���Y.�in interest or refuse to eatend time for PaY►rten4 or =
<br /> othe�wise modfiy,amac�zattim of tf�e sums secu�+ed by this Secan'ty.Iastrument by reasun of at►y dem�nd made by t6e original: �
<br /> • Bamwer ar Bor%sves?s-sticccssors ia mte�est. �1ny f��ry Lender in exercising any right ar remedy�shall not bc a _
<br /> � waivtr of ar p�ecl�te tbe exercise oF any,right ar sert�edg.: :: .'-� . -
<br /> l� S�a+�ors asd Assigns Bouad;]dnt sm!Sevesai LitbUity;Co.sianers. Tbe covenants and ag�eert�ents oi this
<br /> _ Seeudty inctrument�st�all bind and benefit the snecessors a�.�ssigns of Lrnder and Barmwe'r,subject to the ptovfsions of
<br /> _-= paragraph 17.Boaower§covenants and agreaments st�a1!tie 3o?nR and seve�al. My Borrower wha co-signs tMs Security
<br /> Insuument iwt daes,nat execute the Note: (a)is co-signing tics S�curiry lnsdvment oniy to mastgage.grant and convey tl�at
<br /> -- Barowers inter¢sriri�iie Propertp under�e terms of ttis Sec�Tast�umen� (b)Lc nat persanaity abligatect to pay the sums
<br /> - secured by this Seeucit�Instrumen�and(c)agrees that Lender aa��y other Barrawer may agree to extend.madify.forbear
<br /> ur matce any accaminodafians with regard ta the terms of.this 5ecusityF Instrument or the Atote widwut that Borrower�
<br /> : - consent.
<br />, 13. i.onn Ciwrges. If�hc laan secured�by�hi�Secuat}�-��tmen*is suhject tv a law which sets ma�cimum laan
<br /> - charges.and that law is finalty interpreted so that the intemst or o�.5e�•1oan�chasges collected oc to 6e coltected in cannection
<br />-- with ihe loan exe�ed the permitted limits,then: (a)any sucir 1maa�c�argeshai!be redaced by the amount necessary ta reduce
<br /> =�.�t;' tht charge ta the permitted limi�and(b)any surru alrady cn�e�ed fra�Bomower which exceeded pertnitted�imits wiU 6e
<br /> -- rcfundcd to Borrower. L.ender may choose to make this ref�nd�y iedcscingihc piincipal owed under the Note or by making a
<br /> � � dinct paymcnt to Barrower. If a refund reduces principa}:the red�tcaan�E fic treated as a pastial prepayment withaut any
<br /> _ , prcpayment charge under the Note._ " � �
<br /> 14. Notkes. Any notice to�orrower provided far in ifiis Securiiti Instmme�t shall be given by delivering it or by
<br /> ' mailing it by fint class mail uaYess applicable law requires use:af anathec�ethad.The notice�shall 6e direeted to the Ptoperty
<br /> . � Addresd ur any aher address Borrower designates by notice ta l.ender. Asiy notice"[o l.ender shall i�given by first class
<br /> ' �nail to Lcndcr ti address state�fiercin or any other address Lendes designatesby Rotice to Borrower. Arty notice provided for
<br /> in thir Sccurity Insttument shall be deemed to have been gi�•en to Eosrower or l.ender when given ac provided in this
<br /> ,_._. .
<br /> _ parug(Aph.
<br /> - � • IS. t;overning LAw;Severabillty. This 5ecurity Inmvment sfiall�6e govemed by federal law and the law af thc
<br />- _ . juriufiction in whicb the Property is located. In the event tha!any pravisian or clause of this Security Instrument ar the Note
<br /> 'cunllietw with upplicable faw,sucb conf]ict shall not affect other provisions of this Security Instrument or ttie Note which cun
<br /> f+c glven cffect withaut the conttictins pravision. '!b this end the pravisions of this Security Instramem and�he Noce are _
<br />' �;cwlnrcd tu t+e�everable.
<br />� 16. Norrower's Copy. Borrawer shaU be given one confc3rmed copy oF the Note and af ihis Security Instrtiment.
<br />'i ' !7. 7ransfer ot t6e Property or a Beneticlal Interest in Borroa�er If all or any pan of the Property ar any interest in
<br /> ., it ix M+td or trunsfetred(oc if a benefcziat interest in Barroa�er'ss soid or transferred an�Borrowee is not a natural person)
<br /> witfx�ut l.cndcr�prior written consent,i�tder may.at its optian,require immcdiate payment in fuU of all sums secured by
<br /> • ,,, thir Securlty Iny�n�ment. Hawever.this opa"ron shall not 6e ex:rcised by Lender i€exercise is prahibited by fedetal law as af
<br /> , • thc ciatc uP thi�Sccurity inctrumcnt. �
<br /> (f Lender cxcrci�s Ihis rrplian.l.endet s�raU give Horrower notice of acceteration. The notice shall pravide a period of
<br /> n�K Ie�v�h�n 30 day!�frum the date the na[i:e i�delhered or maifed within which Borrou�ermnst pay all rums secured by this
<br /> 5ccurity In�uumcnl. If Burrawcr fails to pa� shesc sams prioT to the expirati�n of ttn�periad,Lertder may invake any
<br /> ;; rertxdie�permiucd by this Sccurity Instrumcra a•rhout further natiee or demand on Borrawer. ..
<br /> : IS. ll��rrower•y RiRht W Reinstate. If Borrower meetw cettain conditions. Borrower tihall have the righl to havc
<br /> ' . ,;�; eaiutcen�cut uf tl�i�Security lnsuument discontiqued at ssny time prior ta the earlier of: (�1 g days(or 4uch ather periai as
<br /> �. , via�;ic 1'am�ty..iLnnk Nx;YrMdk M1fac Uti1YORN I�ti?RI;NEtiT•-l;n�funn Covcnant. 9l40 Iruge 4 nj6�ugr��
<br /> . 'r •
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