----��s.:i`-'_ ��s ` � . . , . .
<br /> ' 't " ` y _ ' ' ` 4.
<br /> . .— .. - __ V,.3S"' u�•_
<br /> - i"� . — _ '—— _� .. -_ __- _
<br /> .'-c e- � _ �.� . : � .. .� - � . _ . ` "_. . � - -�-- � �- �`. ,. f. . –
<br /> _..� _�i .i,- _ ._ . ._ _ .c.,. . t . � � p . 'v� . . �L .��L��� ��I�"�—_,.
<br /> �` ` �pQiic�ie,t��r��Y�fa�°mt)bef+b[�c sra at d�e�ftupenp P�e�e�a�nY Pa+�'ee at�rle coMii�ed in'tlii� ,
<br /> � � . _,° : La�umee�a(b)en�cY of+i►�eaio�an�t6d�S�c�titY t�r�.'11�o�e cundiUoip��IlaROwrer' (�)
<br /> ! ;�: , �ys�1 e�dai all syms�hicl�drm �ro�W be d�e�rder lpis Sa�witY�M�eW d� Na1��x if n�t acrekrMion I�d .
<br /> -- -- -- -- –- -- ��,, �l nsv�!��xri��cs i..n.�rrd in enfixri�thlt Sccu � —
<br /> ' iwo�te anomays•fces:�xt 14►t�ict� s+�c .�► xi�� ��i i�y-�i��
<br /> � . . _ t�ew.inciu�.but nbt litmted to. �ed�xr�N�eri�c�hiF so Iqy tlic .
<br /> � tequire to�we tb�t�the tien of this Security Insuwie�,l�s�s n6ht+►ia the Ptdpen� �-'�
<br /> ..wms sea�ed bY ttis Se�itY Insa�a� � caMinue u�hsn�ed• Upnn rcinst�emrm'by WKr�►wrt, thi� 9ecutity .
<br /> Imari�mmt aad die nbii�tio�secuned LenebY sha11 rc�n�in tWty eRectire�a�iE nn e��►�ekrbfan h�d c�eruntd. lic�r►zver.tht�
<br /> – ` - �=�tio�s6�ltaotapptY3at?�eraseot�oaeler�nuoderp�tt�1?._ . �
<br /> � 1!. S�le�N�le:Cr�e a�LoMi 5ark�er..7Tie Nde nr a qrtial interc��in ihe�Ic�te`tfc��lh�r w�1h ifn�5trwity
<br /> �lnwummt)may be tqld ooe ar nnote tirt�es Mit�out p�1or rwtice ta Ban�wtr. A sak m+ty rc�ult in a chan�e In-ilk s�Mity
<br /> � � (Imo�n u the"Lo�n Sern�`)tt�t caIIects�w�MNY P�Y�ts due mwkr tlie Ndr�td thl�Secwity Ins�ryment. -71�at� �
<br /> � �y p��a mo�e�dn�es Qf die Lo�n Srnricer unrel�ted to s s�te_of 11ir Nae. lt�here i+a�h�n�tc��t�he L�ran tiervicer.
<br /> � ` Borm�vec w�16e Eires waiMes ro�ice d d�e cl��e in�ocacda�e�'e with p�raaryih 14�bcwe wd Rpplicahk f�w. 7?�e�at�es
<br /> f - � � wnU sqte t6e n�ne�ad�ddress d the ne�v l.ar►Seiviser�od tAe�ddress to which paymeMy�w{d he m+�de. 'ihe ndlre will .
<br /> , �lso oo�in any oq�ec infa�ation required bY�PP���law.
<br /> I � � �, p�o�io�S�br�ces Borrower sh�0 eot cwse at pem�it the pnescnce.usa.Ji.pc►�t.�1nr�gaf.uttclry�+c�E any
<br /> � H�zudoas Substmoes an a in the Ptoperty. Boaowa shall na do.twr�Itow rny�mt rl�se ta dn.tcw�yhc pre�cncr1fat�e�or _
<br /> ptopaty dn�is in violatioa oE any Envi�auna�i Law.'Ptre prcceding two sentenccs slull��t�+fN�Y
<br /> � staage on the Rupe�ty of sm�U qu�ntities of Har�ido�s Sut�s�nces dWt are gener�liy r�co�nit.ed In hr�hKC tcr nc�l
<br /> residrntisl ases�d to maintenance of tbe Pt+a�perty
<br /> � ��,a�pmmpKy giYe Ixnd�wntten eotia of any investigation.cl�im.demand,lawwui��w�Mi�r acH�x�by�ny �
<br /> : govaiunei�ni or agutatacy�gencY ar Fm'#a WRY invdving the PtopenY aacl any Naz•rrd�ws Su1Klaacr�K F.nvimnnkntrl
<br /> Law of which Barcowa has acwal l�nowled�e. If Ho�rnwer le�n�s.as is no�ii'�td by �ny govemmct►t�l nt rc�utatary
<br /> = a�qhocity.f6at�ty mnova!a atAer rcmedi�►tian of any tlaz�rdous Su6star�cc affating the Property is�atti�ry,Nomzr►cr
<br /> - �P�P�Y�aU necessvY�e�isl actluns in accordar�ce with Fnviro�uncalaf taw-
<br /> _ f . As used ia tdis parag�pi►20."Hazudous Substar�es"are those substances de�necl a+Iuxic�h'u.udou��utnt�xe�by
<br /> 4 F�sviromnennl L,aw and the fdbwing wbst�nces: giwlinc.ket�ene.a�r flammaMe�x tnxi�petrokum pr�flwts.lu�ic
<br /> _ � � pesticides and herbicides.volatite so[vtnts.m�teriats con[aining asbestos or fam�aldehyde.and r.rdi�tite m�terialc. As
<br /> _ ; - used in this puagraph 20."Fa�vironmental l.aw"means federal laws and law+af the jurisdicti�x�whem thr Ptupeny i�laatcd
<br /> - � that retue w ikatth.saYety a envirannxmtatt protectio+f• . -
<br /> ! NON-tJ1VIFURAI COYENAN'CS. Bomnwer and Lender furtAer rnvcnant and ugme as foltows:
<br /> � � 21. Aamkntio�t Rea�edie� I.eMder srall�five Rotloe.io Borrawrer p�ioe to srcekntlos tdMn�l� &w�owcr'�
<br /> breac6 d asy covaiaoe oe a�reeeient(n tAis Se�vefty tnnru�t fbvt aot prior to�ccelentiaa uedrr/�raph 17
<br /> '� �spp�{e I�w,provides odunvtse). 77e aotice s6a1!specify: (a1 tre defsulls Ib►tMe actia�ntWYed to cwre the
<br /> defaWt;(c)a dstG�ut 1as 1Ls�3Y da�s[�oa�tMe d�te tMe�otice is l�iven to 8orrower.by wAkh the defaMH n�wst he
<br /> — cnnd:ud(d►Uait taibrr to carc the defa.N oa or be�uee�ie d�te spec�t�i o��tee�M Nnl�t turM N rroN�i�f
<br /> tbe saa�a secwred by this Se�writy Instnin�t and s�le d t�e Propert9•
<br /> ` tlK r�ht to nei�te aRer acceler�tio�asd tie eig6t to Dri�lC a eo�ut actio�b�ert t6e�a�existe�ce d a def�pll��
<br />;•- — any ather defa�se d Borrower to�ceelentia�ad s�le. tt tUe defarit i��ot c�red an ar betore the d�le�pecif Itd M
<br /> t6e e q t i c r.l.ender at ils option may require immediate p���meut in fWt d all sra�s secured by th�s tiecurity I�trua�t
<br />.�� R�ithoyt furtber demand and nwy invoke the powe►of sak aed awy MMe►re m e d k s pmn h t e d by �p p l k a b l e I�w.
<br /> �:.� l.ender slwll be entitled to edlect all expenses incurred in punwing the nmedies pravtded tn this paragrAph 21.
<br />.��:4 • includin�,ba1 nol(imited ta reasonabte attoraeys'tees and costs of titk evldence
<br /> �:�, �� It tbe power ot sale 1s in�•okM.'IYustee sh�ll record s�notke of defaup in each counry in whkh any pNrt�f the
<br /> property is located and shall mail copies of such noNce io the mAnner prescribed by applkabk taw to Bar�ower and to
<br /> the M�er persons presc�ibed by applkabk law Aiter the time rcqui�tA by yppflc�bk law,71r�stee SA�11 Rive publir
<br /> notice ot saik to the persons aed ia the mannrr prescri�eA by appllcable taw� Trustee,wllhoul demaed on liorcower.
<br /> � s6s11 sell the Piroperty at publk auction to the hlgh�st biddee at tbe time anA ptace�+nd uade�tbe ttrm9 drsiRnattd in
<br />''���;'�� the aoNce of sak in one or more parcels nnd in Any oMtr 7Yastee determi� 7frustee ennY V�P��k af»II or Ae,r
<br /> ��� parcel at the Propeny by publk annaurtcemenl at tAe Nme s+nd plxe ot any prevbusly`chedukd ssk. I.tndrr nr U�
<br />" .;'�:.:�- d�signee may pu�chase the Propeny at any sate.
<br /> � • Upon receipt of payment d the price btd,Tsustee sh�ll deli�ee to the purcAaser'IYu.rtee's deed c�fm�eying IAe
<br />',ry�;{;��; = property. The recrtats in thr 7lrustee's dced shall 6e prlma fvcle evldence oithe Irulh of the statemeet+made lhereis.
<br />• " °• 'jy��te�shaf�app�y the proceeds of the wlein ifie followieg order: la►to vtl cost!r un4 expenses ot exerckiag Ihe power
<br /> �:�""
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