_ _ .` :�tv . _ . .cY�.'s . f �.r6;-
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<br /> .,, � �.� t. — _ � .r-.� ._., __'_. E.94 �_ _..
<br /> ' .F .� `;� . :i. ( 1�' - . _.' .�_ ` .�.� .._-
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<br /> -`-(= . -- - ,� . _ , __ _ - : : , - ` ��_ .���.a�� : _ �
<br /> paiu�s thst l.eeaer ra�ana: '!�i�naacec�riet pavid'mg t6taaai�aax sl�ali be choaen hy Honnwer su6�ta Gaaaer's`. ,
<br /> . _ �ppmvat�ipcp sts�ll mt be tu�sooably cwithbeld. If Bonower fails to mairet�in c�ver�ge desrn'bed'abovG Leoder m�7►�u ,
<br /> ' � ._� Isnder�ootion.obqin cave� _co p[oia.'t isader�s ri�in the in accadiuxe with pa�agapir'7.
<br />- -------_. :_ .�--�_._.W. . . , .- -� — - ____ _ ,..- - -- -
<br /> - �:. - S _ .-�_— -. °- • � T__
<br /> ' _.sli�ll tutve.tlie righEcohoid tl�ee golicies and.rc�ewals._If L.eader ' Bortawer shall_ --- pttY Sive to Lender all raxipts .
<br /> _ .__ z .: .n4!v�es` - ---. _P� -
<br /> - ' of paid prerniums uM1 ieaetval naticss. In the eve�of ioss.BoRUwa si�aU grve prompe noaee to the msuiance_c�t�[ier an�- -< -=-_
<br /> i . . Lender. Lender asay m�ke pmf of toss if mt mad�p[omptly 6y Botmwsa.. < , . �
<br /> i � Unkss Leoder utid Bottawer othetvvisc agcee in writmg,iasu�snce prooads�sltall be applied to restoratiot�or repair of
<br /> � tbe Pivpe�ty dama�,if the restaation�or iepair is economicaity feasi6le a�d Lcndcr�s securiry is nat lessaned.•:If th�� . - ._ _
<br /> i . . te�or�tian a npa'sr is not econoeaieally fess�k or Lender's saauity woWd be te�sened.tha insuranc�pc�cwoeeds shalt be ,
<br /> ' applied to the swns secune�6y this Sec�uiry Insaumeat,vrhetT�er or nat tis�due.with.any exvess paid to B�mwer. 1f
<br /> ; . Bocmwa abandonc t6e Property.or does nat answer within 30 days a aotice frnm I.ender that the iasurancx canier has ,
<br /> - � o�e�ad ta sdtle a ct�un,then l.ender irtay colkct ttje ins�x pmeeeds. Lendar may use tLe proceeds to reQ.vr or rescoe+e
<br /> � tbe pt�ope�ty or w pay sams secaced by tuis Socvrity[nsavmer►t,whether or nat then due. 'E'he 3U-day periad wilt begin when
<br /> : the ratice is given. � � ' . � �.�`;;;;-,
<br /> Unkss l.ender wd Hortower otheewise aEtoe m aritin8,any application of-proGOeds to pripcipal shall neit:eiitead ar
<br /> Postpare the doe date of t6e mssnthiy p�ymorus refemed to in paeagraph.s��-aad 2�cfiati�e tlx amoinat of the paj?niectt�.::�f?;: ';:;:�. ..:.:
<br /> � w�der puagr�pfi 21 the Rvpesty is acquind by L.eader,Boimwer's iigi�t,-to airy.uc�e policiesand proceeds.resnitaog._-,:-,::;'�.:_�`::`
<br /> - j fiom d�ge to the AupedY Prior to d�e acquisirian shall Fass ta i.ende�usihe e�ni�ftbe sums seci�ced b�c:ihis.Sesiatity•;;i_��,':::�':_;~;:
<br /> f lnsuurnenc immediauly prior co the acquisidoa. � � � .- ..... '.-�• .
<br /> ` fi. Oaupaocy,'Pre�eroatloo. Mai�teaaaoe nuud Protrction ot t6e Ptapeitp; Bon'u+p►er's.Luaia A�&catie� , :
<br /> d
<br /> - �k...,. I.e�oWa. Boriowes shall occupy.establish.and use the Property as Borcowa's prii�cipal.fesidenc��ithin sucty.days after.,.,,. .;.' .'
<br /> _ '- .::,
<br /> the executian af tbis Socuriry Insuwnait�shall continue to accupy the Property as Barower§:�al n�sidence for ai
<br /> _ k�st oae year after the date of,occupan�?valess Lender otherwise agras in writing, a�iic�uonsent sball not be`, .
<br />_ �'��.' ..unrasanabl�,witl�ield.ar tmtess txtenuatinb�exist whicb aie beyoad Aa�tnwer�s'cflriam}. Somswer shal!t�at:::.'.-: :: '.-
<br /> __ �` s��Y,�Se ar impair the Ptoperry,at(o�thd�PrBperty.to deceriorate.ar commit waste on the.Psopem. Boii+nwer s6a11 � '
<br />-- -i ,° fie in defaWt if any forfeiturc�tion or pivcadiag,wheti�civil or criminal.is begun that iri Lender's gaod faith:3�8�� ,
<br /> •� could resuh In fafeiwre of ci�e Propeity ar othervvise rnaterially impair'the tien cleatzd bY 8ds:5ecurity tiisuim�ent or
<br />::,rr�� i': Lender�s seeuricy uite�est Borrower,may cu�e such a defaWt and reinstate.as provide�l ia paiagcaph;l�:by causing the action �
<br /> oc pt�edmg��c_�u.sse�.�!rith a ruling that,in Lendera gaod faith detennination,pcectades forfe�e of the Borrower's
<br /> ' �:� 6 `� interest in the m�paimnent of the lien c�eatotl b tliis Secarity tnsutanenr�r I.enders securi
<br /> Ftopeity.oY iuhei material' y tY
<br /> - - { interest. Horrower shal�"also be in default if Borrawe� during tAe loan appHcation proces.s,gave materially false or _
<br /> l inaceurate inforn�ariar or statemenu to Lendec(or failed to provide Lxnder with anymaterfai mfoc�ation)in camiect�on with
<br /> the loan evidenced by the Note, inctuding,bus not limited to, repnsentateons concerning Botmwer's accupancy of the . . �,...�
<br /> � > :; � Ptoperty as a psascipal rrsidence. If this Secuciry Instnunent is on a leasefiold.Borrower shall compty with all the provislotts :,. _
<br /> ��"'� of the Icase.if Borrowa acquir�cs fee title m the Propary,thc teas�hold and the fee ti1Je shall nm tnerge unless Lender agrees -.':..
<br /> �'��r� to the merger inwriting. � If Borrower faiis w ortn the cuvenants and,agrtemenu ----
<br /> 7. Ptntectiort d Lendte's Rig6ts ia the.Property Perf ------
<br /> cani�ned in this Security In.�ramen�ar theie is a tegaf proceeding that may significantly affect l.ender's rigt�ts in the ----
<br />- �. ;r Propeity(such,as a proceeding in banicruptcy<p�bate.forcondemnation or forfeituie or to enforoe laws or rtgu}ations},� -_ -_-
<br /> � ,,� =; Lender may do and pay for w5atever is nec..°ssary to pmtect ttre valne of the Praperty and l.ender's rights ln the Pcoperty. ---�-•-�-�
<br /> „ I.endei's actions may include paying any sums secured by a lien which has priority over this Security tnstrumea�appearing �,f-;-,
<br /> � , in coufl,paying reasonable attomeys'fees and entering on the Property to make rapaas.Althaugh Lender may take action i��'.•�-�:�.."_
<br /> � � widee this paragrapt�l.Lender dces not have to do so. �'�'�y
<br /> Y ��.0'..�r"�'=�•_-�
<br /> Any amounts disbursed by l.ender under this paragraph 7 shall become additional debt of Boaower secur�ed by this �':;�,�
<br />. Securiry tnstrumen� Unte�.s Barrower and Gender agree to other terms of paymen�these amounts shall bear interest from the � __
<br /> date of disbursement at the Note rate and shall be payable,with interest.upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting �_=t:�:::T_.
<br /> payment. __-;
<br /> �. Moetg,afe Insuranca If Lender rrquired mortgage insurance as a�condition af making the.toan secuned by this _
<br /> . ?r?� Securlty Instrumen�Borrower shaU pay the premiums r�uired ta maintain the mortgage insurance in effect:'�£for any �� �
<br /> r. ��_?;:�-:
<br /> ieason. the mortgage insuta�nre caverage required by 4:..�nder lapses or ceases to 6e in effect. Barrower si�Day the �
<br /> � • � ' �`, premiums reguired to abtain coverage substantially equivalent to the mortgage tnsurance previously in effeex,at a cos[ .,�.'._�:�'• .:•?��
<br /> ,'�� �;: substantialiy equivalem to the cust ta Honower of the mortgage iasurance previou.sly in effect.fraan an altemare mortgage _ �:
<br />- insurer approved by Lender. If substantiaUy ec{uivatent mortgage insurance coverage u nat available.Borrawer shali pay to '�t.::���-�
<br /> �,-.��---�::
<br />- • Lender each month a sum equat to one-twelfth of thc yesuly martgage insurance premium being paid by Borrawer when the ,�-3;�_�,
<br /> . insurnnce wverage lapsed ar ceased to be in cifect. Lender will acccpt.use And retain these paymen�s ac a loss reserve in Iteu 4,�•a�."=
<br />_ . ', of mortgase insurance. Lass reserve payments may r.a longer be required,at the option of l.ender.if martgage insurance ;�?;'�'�'>=_
<br /> :r,:,,:.....,�,_
<br /> coverage(in tho amount smd for the penad that(.er.��r 3equires)pmvided by An insurer appraved by Lender again becomes ., :
<br /> . availabfe and is obtalned.Boaower shall pay the pr.zro�ia.ms required to maintain martgage insurance in effec�or ta provlde a � �r.�
<br /> , ,:, loss reserve,until the requiremem for mnr�n�-�imaurartce endw in uccordance with any written�greement between Borrower �,, _,
<br /> ' �•� aad Lender or applicable law. ��':'�" �
<br /> ±� '� � 9 In�ptctlon. Lender or its agent may make re�sonable cntries upon and inspections af the Property. l.ender shall r,`::•..:•a.; ' .
<br /> • - ��'�3�`��' '.:' give Borrower notice at the time of or prior to an inspection specifying reusonable cau�e for the inspection.
<br /> - r =�� �`::� IQ C o n demnat ion. T he procee ds a i uny awar d ar c laim for damages.Jircct or c�nseyuen t ia l.in connec t ioa wi t h a ny - ' �
<br /> ��,; . .
<br /> ,,;, .:';;.
<br /> 5inglo Family•�Fanek:NaeltreAdie 11ac Uti1F'ORt111STtiUNENT•-Uniform Cbvc�iann 4/9A IpuRe 3 nJb page�! ,
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