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<br /> _: - �L� _.i.a �; .` - - s:� . : � � `� ._ . 92--j �Q��'�� _' �
<br /> �< < - , -
<br /> t� ." � � �v«n�te�oov�►wt�'rs. �Hoc,o�r,aaLmda�caaa.�easra�o�rs: � � ` ' �,nenauc � -
<br /> .< L P�e�t�t Fri»ti�!ri Lileees��q�e�t a�i L�e A�S- '8orrowet sh:l!pram�tly'pa�r , `
<br /> � tl�ep�iocipd af'aed i�pia�eatcn t6edei�t evi�[atoad 6Y tbt Noteared aaY Pre�ayment and latecharg�t due underthe Nnto., ,
<br /> : �_ - � � �cablet�wo[i9��_tt�wa�ver6�l.Endcr,Bdrio�i�ctshaalp�y_,_s_-`
<br /> _ __ ... .�--�.-•���islacT -- - Si!hlect-tufD� —.
<br /> � to Lau1a oaf thc day monEhIY PsY��dae undet tho Note.dntil e . ote�s pa� �n a snm • un �-—
<br /> ` � oat�twdRh aF h�Y�Y taaes�nd assessments�which may attain prenritY a�sr this Securit�t Instrumrnt;tb}.Year1Y}°
<br /> Ie�6old Wy�sreatf or gro�md cenu aa the Property. if a� fcl 3�1Y harard insusance prtmiums; and (d)Yar�Y
<br /> morty�e insurance pre�iums,,if any.These items are raltad"escrow items."Lender may estimate the Funds due on ti�e
<br /> — , bati.assE'�rtra�tdaiaandreasonabkest�m�tesatfutureescrowitems. = -
<br /> The Fnnds siwU 6e hdd in an institption the deposits or accounis of wiucfl are insurod or gw�rantced 6y si feQeral or
<br /> atste a�ency('�nclud'ing Laida i�Lender is such�n iastitQ►ion)•Le�d�r shaU appty the Funds co pay the escrow itans.
<br /> _ I,ender rtii�y nat charge fot holding and appljnng the Funds.anafYzing the accoum as verifying thc escrow itsms.ustess . .
<br />__ I„ender p�ys Borrower iater�u on the Funds and applicabk law�ermits Lendu to mafc4 such a charge.Borrower and
<br /> � I.ender maY agree in�riting ti�t intecat s�116s ptid on the Fundt.Unkss ue sgreemmt is made or applicable law ,
<br />� � requirrs iaterest to be pid�I.endershall not be required to paY Bortower any irttuat or easnings on tt�Funds�.I.ender .
<br /> s1�1!give to Borra�ver,Mithuut chsrEa���1 sccaunrin6 of the Fnnds shoRing credits and debiu�o the Fundsand the
<br /> - purpose far�rhich racb debit to tDe Fuads�made:The Fonds m pledged as additionai soeurity for the sums secund by
<br /> thisSecuritylnstcuaxn� � .
<br /> ' .if t6e amount of the Funds I�by I.rnda,together�vith the fature moash3Y paymenis af Funds payabte prior to
<br /> tLe due dates of tbe escrow items,st�all accad the amount raqairad to psy the escrow itans whm dne.the access shall b�.
<br /> . at Bormrrer's option.tither pramptly repaid to Borrower os cr�tod to Bormwtr on monthip paymrnts oiFunds.jf the
<br /> ` amouat of the Fnnds�e]d by I�is`not su�cirnt to pAy the escro�v.items when duG Borrower shall pay to I.ender�ny
<br /> aa�ounteec�uYtom�keuptb�e�SeiencYinonzormo�psymmtsasreqwredbl►Leade�. . .` `. . . .
<br /> �.� ' UP�P�Y�t in fi�ll of aA sums socumd 6y this SecaritY Instrument,L�ader shal!prv�ErtfF sdand to Hor���er:
<br /> :`, any Fwds held by Lender.If ander puaErapt�34 tbe Property is sold or acqaired by Lendes.brnder s�l apply,ao later .. —
<br /> t6an nnmediatety�ric�r to the sak of tlse Yropscty or its acquisiiion by Le�tdu,any Funds heid bg L�der at the eima oE _
<br /> ,� spplicstioaas�cireditaaainstthesumsseruadbythisSecuritYlnsErument. : , __
<br /> � A/�iiptio�o(P��ab. Ualess applicable taw provides otherwise.all�PaYmenu receivod by I�ender�der, �_T_.
<br /> - pitAgtaphs 1 and 2 shaU be applied:Srst,to tate ch�rges due under the Not�serond to prepaymeat charges due nndesthe • °71'"`-y�°-,=,�i
<br /> HSP�Y'.L.��_
<br /> - - Nat�dur�to�na�ctsRaYabteuaderpsraEraph2:fa�tth.tointer+estdue;andta4t,wprincipaLdue. ._ �`-�='--�
<br /> . 4, ��SS. garroWer S}�Il pAy ai1 ts�ces,asxssmeats,cbarges,fines aad impasitions attributable to the � ' `�';�J�r_
<br /> - Property which nc�5l:att�n Priority over thds Socurity Instrument,,.ama3 Tu�sehold payments or ground rents, if any. , ��I�:�,:_; __
<br /> ' Borrower shalt pay tbese obligations in ti�e manner providod in paragra�'��;ar if not paid'm thai maaner,Btl[tOWCf SIIS�� , _�.`-,-r_=:�_':-
<br /> ��'� ' pay them an time direqly to the pecson oae�payment.Bonower shaSt:�s��pdY f'vrrasbe to Lender all n�tices af amounts ;.-�,., �
<br /> � - � ,.. . _--r, i`�r..:: -7.
<br /> •�'- to be paid under this paragraph.if Bonower makes these payments���trf,::Borrowe�siaall.promptly fumish to I.cnder _,, ,�:
<br /> • �°i ,� receiptsevidencingthepayments. ' 'r'�T��_
<br /> -- 'r -` ':. ,�. . Bonower shall promptly discl�arge any Iien which has priority�s,r this Seeurity lnstrnment�:�ss Borrower:(a) ,� x.'_-
<br /> • �1.�. , }i
<br /> . pgrce.s in writing to the paymrntoEtptt ubligatian socural by tlse lim in a manner acceptabk to l.ender:y`fsj contests in Sood ,..,,�::r::-
<br /> _ i�,_ '.. �, �. . faitl'n tt�lien by.or defmds again.�enforcement of the lirn in,tegal proce�+c3ings which in the Lende�.s�inio�opetate to •.„••��,f:�;'-.
<br /> �.::,' ::�.,�,y.. ._a�'
<br /> ',�i"''-�� `�# '� '� prevrf the enforcement of the Iieri or forfdture oP any part of the Property;or(c)secures from tbe�a13er of the lien att . ;��:_, ,s,
<br /> „a�.�M,: i :, ". „
<br /> .:: , agroertient satisfactory to Lender subordinatin the tien to this Security Instrnmrnt.If Lender deterrna�es tbat any part oP . -�
<br /> �,'.:, .?. � the Property is subject to a lien which may attain priodty aver this Security Instrument,Lender�ay give Horrower a �.'�, .:. � --
<br /> •���'�>-f���; notice idenhfyu�g the lien.Horrower shall satisfy the lien or take one or more of the actions set forth abave within 10 days `:�- ' �.. . `ti
<br /> ofthegivingoPnotice. � ''�!'�'«:��:''� .
<br /> � :-: '" � • ' S. Haz�ri In�tiu�ee. Borrower shall kcep the improvements now existing ar hereatter erected on the Property •zt�"'����•� ` .=_
<br /> . r;:�.r�.:�� .
<br /> ' '�r ` �"3�� ,' • insnred ageinst loss by flre,hazards included within the term"eatended coverage"and any other hazards for which Lender `�":>>�`:;�� ..;�
<br /> z= -s.;•,.'
<br /> , . r' �:�1 • /'t'' _-
<br /> uires insurance.7'his insurance shall be maintained in the amaunts and for the periads that Lender requires.7'ht • �. •
<br /> - ' in�surance carrier praviding_the insurance shail be chosen by Botrower subject sa Lender s approval which shall not be � �•`��� : -
<br /> _y��.�.� �,✓'' . . . '
<br />' '�_�.,;::•:': :. ,• unrsasonablywitbhe2d.
<br />� :.���•=:-a-. . . All insurana policies and renewals shall t�e acceptable to Lender and ahall include a staa�s�mortgage clause. - ��.
<br /> ' : �,h.-�c--= � °'•-' Borrower shall Rrompt1y give to Lepder • � `�
<br /> : ; ;,���,� �_ ,,. ' � 1Rnder shal}have the right to ha`�the polirYes and renewats.If l.ender requires, �., � ,;-
<br /> � i:_ ;�-:�:. , al)roaipts of paid premiums as►,fi renewal ap1"r�s.In the event of'toss,Barrawer shall give prompt notice to ttte insuraace • , .��� ;�-
<br /> '„i.:, `...,,.:;s:
<br /> r ;�"1 ; r�•• �srrier and Lender.Lender may make proof��.�ss if not made promptiy by Bonower. � "'"" �=-
<br /> .-�t.�; :•,;�,:;`�� • Unless Lenderand Borrower otheraris�agrce in writing,insurance gs:�s shall be apptied ta nstoratian or rcpais � .. � . .' 4"
<br /> '"�"'r ' o f t h e P r o p e rt y d a m a g o d,i f t h e r e s t o r a t i o�z o r r e p a i r i s e c o n o m i c a U y feas�".e and LendePs secnrit y is not lessened.If the ', , i=•
<br /> ,. u.��.:,.�:.-�._:.: .
<br /> � � restorattaa ar rtpair is not economicail�r fe2�s�"ble or Lender's security aoa t d b e lessen e d,i he insurance p r o c e e d s s h a l l b e ��,:�,;;•.,'� .
<br /> � ' ;��;:��!�;.�� applied to the sums saurod by this Securiry insttument,w het her or not t hen due.Ris har►y excess p a i d to Borrower.lf �• � ,
<br /> ,;..;• ';
<br />� <.: ..�Y=�,:�_-_.�t Bocro�ver abandons the Property.or does nex answer within 30 days a notice from Le�eder that the insurance carrier has �
<br /> ''�' '"`'• ` ''� '� olfered to settte a claim,thrn l.ender may ca�act the insurance proceeds.Lender may use the proceeds to repair or restore � � .
<br /> •- . tht Property or to pay sums secured by this Security Instrument.whether ot not then due.'fhe 3Q-day period will.begin �: ,
<br /> . • .' • • when the notice is givto. �
<br /> � � Unless Lender and Bonowcr otherwise agree in writing.nny application of proceeds to principal shaU not extend or
<br /> '. • • - postpone ihe due date of Ihe monthly payments referred to in paragraphs t and 2 or change the amount of the payments,li � • . : .
<br /> ` ' under paragraph 19 the Properiy is acquited by Lender.Borrawer's right to any insurance policies and proceeds resulting j ,
<br /> � . � from damage to the Properiy prior to the acquisition shal)pass ta l.ender to the extent oPthe sum9 seeeired by this Security ( � .
<br /> . lnstrumene immediately priortotheacquisition. �
<br /> ' � 6. Pregerrftlo�ae0 Mainte�nce ot Proye�ty;l.easehaids. Barroaer shnl l not destroy,damage or substantially ;
<br /> ` . cbange the I'roperty,atlow ttrr Praperty to deterioratc or commit waste, lf this Serurity Instrument is on a leasehold. [
<br /> . . ; � Borrower shall comply with the pravisions of the lease.and if Borrowet ucquires fee Utle to the Property.the leasehotd and s •
<br /> - fa title shall not merge unless Lender�grees to thc mcrger in wri�ing, , '
<br /> � � ,j .� • , Z PcoteeNon at l.ender's Rig6ts ip t6e Property; �lortgage insurance. lf 8orrower faits to perform the �
<br /> � � • coveeants an8 agtemeets coniained in this Serurity lnstrumeM.o�thrre ic a 1ega1 proceeding that may signiftcumty affect ; , �
<br /> � . , -• - ••� l,emkr's tights in the Property(such�a ptoce�ding in banktuptcy.�+rabate.for condemnation or ta enforce laws or . ;
<br /> _.__. regulatinns).�hen Lender may do and pay for whatcver is necrssaty to protect the value of the Prnperty and l.ender's rights ±
<br />' � 9n the I'roperty. Lender's actions may include paying any sums scrured by a lien which has priofity bver this Security � '
<br /> ' • • lastwncnt.appearing in court,paying reasonable attorneys fees and entering on the Propeny to make repairs.Althnufib . •
<br /> ' � Lender may take action under this paYagraph 7'.Lendet does not have to do so. � • •
<br /> ' � , � Any amounts disbnrsed by L'endcr under Ihis paragraph�shall bccome additionnl debt of Honowcr scrured by this ' _ ,
<br /> .� Security Instrument.Untess Botrower and Leeder a�ree to dther terms uP�+nyment.these nmounts shall bcat interest from ' �
<br /> e
<br /> � - the date of disbursement at fhe Note rnte and shall br payablc.with intcrest. upan notice from Lender in$orrow•cr ;
<br /> �_ .'...,-__ = --u- • sc+qnsting�aytnmL . - _..��_.:.---
<br /> . t,.. . � .
<br />� , _ . . , _ _ . _. -_� _ : :
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<br /> � . . � s . .-_. _ ......_._
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