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<br /> � appurtmutcd,rente,royahid,miner�l.d1 and�rlahts and pra6ts.Mater righu aad stacic and all fUctura now at ±
<br />- 1�ereafter s�re of the PropertY.A1t repl�cements aed sdditions shtU aiso bo cove_red by this Security Instrumene.All of the i
<br />_ tonaoin�jis�erredtointhisSecuritylastrumentasthe"Praperty." ;
<br /> BoIIxOM►Ett COVENwnI'rs that Borrower�S la+rfiilly sened ol't1�e estate hereby conveyed aad hu the rlaht to grant i
<br /> and aonvry the Property and tLat tite Property i�+"+�,++bered,excepe far eecumbr�nces of mord.Bomsker�varrants .
<br /> and�vill defend Smdrally the titk to the Pnoperty spinst aU cl�ims and demands.aubject to aay encumbranas of recard
<br /> � 71lts 5ECUlqrtr 1NST1tUMEt�T canbinp uni[olm covemets for aatianal ux aad nan•uniform coven�nts with
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