__ ::. __
<br /> ; ` � � - � ` .- `` _
<br /> �� --
<br /> + -{ --. �' � - — _- __—_ — � , —
<br /> - .. - . - . — _
<br /> F ' . .. f .-i-- tts.�l, . . .S � � . � - . .– ' , .
<br /> –�C , _ � _ _t - = l . . _ • � a♦ . � , ... . . � . .. . �'Y.
<br /> i � - . � {` ♦ ' . .. � .
<br /> ` . . . . , . ` , . - _
<br /> . .__ _ 4.. . , _. .. . . � _ _. . . . .. . . .. . `_ __" . __' _
<br /> . . . , c _ . . . ♦a.� � . � _. ` µ{ .
<br /> . . . .9�-.. �d���� _ .
<br /> _ _ .. _ _ � - � � � �
<br /> - � . If t.eeaee roqaitea mai�imarrsoe�s s coodition oP m�lrias the lo.n 3ecu�as iry ttus socudtg I�t. .. �_ _
<br /> Bormker shall psy the p��emiums toquit�ad ta�intaia ehe insarance in e�act until sudt tim�as tbe t'tquir�ma►t for tLe" ,
<br /> insur.ncrtermiwtain�xcr+t�ace�ricb Borra�rer'saadIROder'swtritteas=raertkata'a�lptic�6k4�r. �
<br /> _ i: t�etio� i.cnde�ar its a�tat.mry saskt t�easaaabk entties�pa►�ad iaspe�iom at t�Propert7C-� -�- ------ .
<br /> ' s6dipveBc�tto+vesnoticeuthe:imeoforpsioirtoaairapaction�ec�Yu�r�l�c�a�efortbeieapectioo. .
<br /> � ' ! Ca�le�. The praceeds of any axard a cl�im for damaaes,direct or caosaq�teati�l.in 000aeedon wnh .
<br /> auy oo�dann�tia�or otba taicinE��Y Pa*����OP�Y�or foi oa►veyaace in 1"ia�aF 000demmtia+�,ue b�ereby
<br /> a�ipkdasdshaUbep�idtoLender. ' � .
<br /> , In tha event of i tatal taida6 of the Psoperty.tbe proc+eeds stiall be applied t�tlx,sana secuc�d bY t6k Secur►h► .
<br /> =Imtnm�n�xbetbe[or tlot tbea'tlue.�it6 any e�[oesi pid W Botrorver In tLe event of s patiat t�ldna aF tbe PmpertY,.
<br /> anles Horro�a aad I,rnder ahe�e a�ne in�silin6.tbc aams saund by tLis Sewricy Ttisttummt s1�a11 be raduoed by
<br /> , tlx ama�nt oEiHe procoods mt�ltiplied by tLe f�s friction:(�)tLe toW�moant of tLc anms secured iamodiatdy .
<br />-- befon the fakin�.dividod bY(b)the fair msricet vatue af tbc Psoperty immediatdy bdore the takin�MY bailanx shall be�.
<br />-- ' paidtoBorrowa.
<br />-= If tbe YraPpatY is a6�ndoned bY Barra�c.or i�after�otia ls!►La�der W BomoMer tt�at the conde�nor oRars to
<br /> ' m�ice an a�vard or sutle a clsim foc dam�es.Barower fails to tespa�d w Lender�ritlua 30 days afta the date the noti�e is -
<br /> aiven�i.eades is auilwrized to cellxt and spp1Y�Procmds.at its optioa.at6ato ratontion or npair dthe Property or
<br />�- totbesums secusedb7►tiasSecaritY Instrument,RLetLerarnat tba►due.
<br />,-- unlatt.ende=aoaaorro�verothei,►�ise,y�eeio.�n6.u►YMrucationocprocoeastoprincipalsta�ltnacaca,aor
<br /> _',i postpone the due date afthe monthlY P�Y�ts refernd W in pamarsphs 1 and 2 ar chaw�cthe amount of sucb�syme�.
<br />-- � 10 Hrrro�ler N�c AeleMe$:Focle�ee HT T�ier Not s Ntai�er. F.�ten��+of tLe pme for pa�yma�t or
<br /> � modiGcation oE sma�pf tbe sums sewred by tbis Security Instrama�t srsntcd 1ry Lender to anX succasor in .
<br />_ :�. inuratof Borro�ru shall not aperau to release the liability of the origimal Boaowrcr os Borrow�ds successors ia intenst. - -
<br /> - ° I.n�dcr shall not be nequired to wmmence procoed�ngs sgainst any,successor in interest or refuse to actend time for ��,
<br /> ' paymrnt or otheiwise modify amnrtiration uf ibe su�fs seenrod by this SoetnitY Instnunrnt by reason of any demand made_�...;,� � �..
<br />:`� " by the origiatl Boao�rer or Barrmvds successors in interes�My forbearance by I.ender ia exercising any right ar remcdy ��'�":
<br /> ?F:`. "�a� shallaotbeavaiverofocprecludetheeaetciseofanyrightorranaty. � � Cs���`_'
<br /> , _ !l. S�ceiroes a�d AsdO�8��+ddot a�d Seraal IIsD[IItY+��� The covenants and agroements of �;,
<br />.,.�;;'. - ' this Security Instrumrnt shall bind and bmeRt the successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower>subject ta tbeprovisions_ •
<br /> �P�S�Ph 17.Hoarnver s covenants and sgrameau shall be joint and several.My Boaava a�b co3igas tlds Security� ���.V�:
<br /> �`�' Instntmrnt but�das t�ot execute the Not�(g)is casgning this Secarity lnstrument onty toi�''.�age.grant and convry -
<br /> � tiiat Borrowa's Interesa inXha Froperty undec thc tem�s of this Security Instrumcnt;(b)ls no't�essonally ebligatod to pay �r,:-��,:,
<br /> ' ' the sams socured by this Secnrity Instrumcnt;nnd(o)agrees that Lendcr and any other Borrawer inay�to extend. ___- -
<br /> mLo�d•pifj—►,forb�ea1r^oMr mCalc♦c'a:iy accommudatians with rcgard to the terms of this Secarity Instrtiinatt or the Note wtthout : =
<br />- �. � ��li{DVI��C�I s WILIfN+M ' ' + 4".�1�...,. -_•
<br /> ;�;�. 12, Laa(7�gr�. If the loan secured by this Secarit}Y.strument is subject to a law which sets manimum laa� .. ' °
<br /> � cbarges.and that taw is finally intarpretod so that the inurest or other toan charges coUectal or to be collectod in:� ;�,�'�;t-� ".
<br /> �° conncction with the toan exceed thc permitted lim�then: (a)any such Joan charge shall be reduced by the aruount •.';�_-r�__=-,
<br /> � nocessary to reduce the charge to the permitted limit�and(b)any sums already collected from Bonower whicb excooded �� �
<br /> ;.:, �
<br /> � ..�"� pesmitted timits will be refunded to Borrower.Lender may ch�ose to make this refund by reducing the principal owe� �.�;,��:.�,,.. ;
<br /> ,;,,� '��� undcr the Note or by making a direct paymrnt to Borrow�r_If a sefund raluces principal,the reduction will be treatod as� :�,.,._
<br /> , ��� = ptstial prepayment a+ithaut any prepayment chargeu�der the 1\c+se." _-. �;�°:;�'. .�
<br /> 13. I,egislatio� AReeting Lendee's Aig6tg. Ii enacEmint or eapiratian o f app lica b l e l a a s has the effect oi �.,.;�;��•,.•=_'
<br /> ' ��'"' �- � rendering any pravfisian c�'�e Note or this Security Instrument unenforceabte according to its ter�ng,Lender.at its option, �z;' . " ' -; .
<br /> ,. � �j may roquise immediate gz�nent in full of all sums secared by this Security Instrument and may invoke any rcmedies . �;:'• �`` , .`'
<br /> . ' `�.� �`�5'�C�.; permitted by paragraph 19.1f Lender exerc�ses this option.Lender shaU take the steps specifiad c�;he second p�ragraph a�" '
<br /> ahll. � , 'I . �.� .
<br /> t` ��; � ��f4. Notiea. Any notice to Borrower provided for in this 9ecurity 1'nstrument shall be given by de'zverjngit or� : �?, �''
<br /> mailing it by first class mail unless applicable law requires use oi another metiiad.The notice shatl bc�::r�cted t�s t�e� ' p��' . -
<br /> - Property Addtess or anyother address 8orrower des;gnates by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lenders�:.ibe gw�s by •
<br /> `•' �r� flrst clas�mail to Lender s address stae�a3 herein os any other address Lender designat�by notice to Ban��•�.A��cr� ,
<br /> ;,,�,'' :-; �.-t , ',,..
<br /> . �. - prorided fas in thisSedurity lnstsum...��..�U be deemed to have been given ta Borrower or lxnder when gi�ea as pra�ic�CE' '•�,,:
<br /> �Y._,:_:�, in this paragr�ph. '� ;�,
<br /> ::`��;; _ . . . �
<br /> . ;,+¢ � 1S. Gaveraieg L�w;5ere�bi�it��. This Sa:urity lastrument shall be governcd by federal lAw ancti cT;.:law af"thc ;.:;''�.
<br /> ' . ' ' jurisdiction in which ef�e L'ropeny is located.ln thEevent that any pravision or clause of'this Security Ins�ra�ment or the �(:;��,,, :
<br /> . : • - Nate canflicts with agyl::able law,;,u.'�conflict shall not affect rnher provisions of this Security lnstrumcmt or the Note �,,,.� .'.���;;;:,
<br /> � : ` � -' which can be given effect withaut t?�r�:•r_.tticting ptovision.To this end the pravisi�ns c�f this 5ecurity Instrument and the � , , •�
<br /> F`° ���"��' " = Notearedeclaredtobeseverabtc. `� ,�?
<br /> ::..: ;� ;
<br /> �"�"��= 16. $orro�►er's Copy. Barro�:er�?��:be given one canformed copy of the Note and oP this Seeurity lnstrunsenr_,. . .
<br /> ' %"'" ' 17. Transfer of tUe Property or s�cial lntrrest in H�rrawer. lf all c�r any part of thc Pmperty ar any ` . :
<br /> � _ � interestit ln it is sotd or transferred(or iP a beneP.:i:2 interest in H��rmwcr is sold or trancfcrrcJ und&�rrnwer is not a natural . � .
<br /> - • . . person)without Lender's prior written consent,Lender m�y.ut its vption,require immcdiute paymem in full of all sums �
<br /> , -- " secured by this 5ecurity lnstrument. However,this option�ha11 not bc cxcrcised by l�ttdcr if cxercisc i�pmhibited by a
<br /> ' '. � � Cedcral law asof the date of this SecFarety,lnstrumcnt. �
<br /> - . , ii'Lendcr exerctises this option,Lender shall gi�•c linrraw�c�nc+tice af accclerati��n.7'hr m��ice vh�l!provide a peri�+d �
<br /> • � �••� '.� • oP not less than 30days f'rom the date the not#ce is delivered or maited withiu which i3orraNCr n�ust pay all tiums secured hy ;
<br /> , '� -• • : . •• ihis Security lnstrument.lf gorrnwet fnils to pay thesc sums prior t��thr expiration of'thi�j+erinci.l.cndcr nmy invuke any � , •
<br /> • � '-`�', - -° � remc�tficspennittedbythioSec:uritylnstrt�mentwithnutfurthcrnutirxordemand��nlinnoa�cr. .
<br /> ' 18.Borruwer•s Rtp,ht to Relestatc. iili�rrrower mects ccrt�iu rc+nditions.ll�rrot�•cr shaU havr thc�ighl t�•h3�e .
<br /> � ' enforcement of this 5eeurity tnstrument discantiuued af;�n}time pn��r te�Ihe eariier uf:l�)5 days(��r���ch other.periad�i� ,
<br /> � ' : • applicabte law m�y specify fnr reimt�tementl befare sale c.f the 1'rc+per�y punuant to�ny pn�ccr of w�tc rvn�aitted in thiy
<br /> . ' � '" � Security Instrument:or(b)entry��i a jadgmeut enfi�rcing this Security lnstrument.'t'ho�e conditiunti are that Horr��H�rr:
<br /> • ' � (a)p�ys Lender all sUms�which then would be due andcr this Security lnstrumrnt and�he tiote haJ nei accelera�ion
<br /> � oeeurred: (b)cures any deivult of any c+ther covenants vr agreements: (c)pays all txprnsrs iec�urrel in rnfi.rcin�; �h�� • :
<br /> . . Security Instrument.iuclutiing,but n�it limited tu.rrasonab2e attntneys fee9:attd(d)�akt,w�uch uc�ion as tendcr ma►
<br /> : , .
<br /> -- ',=- ` =�"`.�=- f�8i0ii8�}j iftji3iFC itl SS5tiFC t�1�Z�SC ItCtC C�t thi::�Secsuk�.�nsitnmeat. l.ender.'c,rp,ht�in the prugertti•:uuf 13E,rrowcr'ti _.__. --,- .--
<br /> . . - tt
<br /> • . � obligation to pay the sums securcd by this 5ecority lnstrumrnt shall rnntinur umhange:l. l�pon re�u.rtatemcnt b}
<br /> , ' Borr�wer.th'ss Secusity Instrument und the ublig:s�iuu!��ecured hcrebF sfiali rcmai»fully efTective a�if nn accelrrari��n hsd ,
<br /> . ' occnrred.Nowever,this dght to reinstate shall not:�pply in the casc ufarcrlerati�n une3cr paragr�pha 13 or 17.
<br /> . . .. . . .
<br /> _ . . _ .. . - - -- -. _ ._. . .... _ .. _ _ .. . _ - - - -
<br /> . _ �� .
<br /> „ „ � . , :�
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