. c 4'' C _ . : . � . ' '`. ' , t. .' �y`-
<br /> —_.-.-,.-�,��.__-��_- .__ ...c� -______- ___—_______-_ -__. __"_' . _- —__
<br /> � r . - t_ • " ' __�..��- - .
<br /> � _-_ ' 4 �� . `C� ' ' , . . . . . ' '` . �A.� .
<br /> ' ' `_ ' ' ' ' _. _ � .. . ����'��
<br /> F
<br /> . � �ia�u�it i�d��N�- 11�e in�ac��r txrn►id�s uK u�e st�l�be c��tiy 9o�eo�er aueXa w t�aiaa� -
<br /> � �' . ,.�pp�avbl�fii�c6 shtlt mt be�►�bi�►wiW�eld. It Bamwer fails to m�infaitt coreraae descdbed abore.t.eader m¢y.at
<br /> . . - •
<br /> ' Lp�d�t3 obt�n►coveraEe to pn�ect Leader's rigWs in tbt Ptnpert�ia�cootdanae wW�prag�ph�• ..
<br /> -- _-- - -�.�_ -.,.°-paOe'�,........,a:.: ..aa..,�.�..�t..h�n��rrr�abieto�rde�aedsl 1�it�4e_�st�ud�d�.�eclause.-Lender -- -
<br /> - ��.�.�...,..-...--�--�----- w�+es,__��PromPtTYSiveto �- �. _
<br /> � s6�11 ti�ve t(k riEht to ttn�thepo�c�es�d reoewsls. I�i..eader tal � notice to the�ea�rier mW r ` .
<br /> og paid paentimas ind m�eaal aotices. Lt the evtat af Ioss.Bamwa sUaU 8n! F�P�
<br /> L�der. I.endes may make prnof of loss if not nuide p�omptlY bY Barown-
<br /> � Ui�e.cs Lender aad Ba�owtr otf�erarise agx as writing.ii►wraace p�oceeds sts�li be applied to�estont�on or�air of .
<br /> . the Prq�tY da�.if tHe re�aatix�or iepa�r is rcoramicalfg fasible�td Leadrs's secvtity is twt ks.sened- If t6e ..
<br /> . iestoration ar cep�r.is�nt amomicallY feas�le a t.ende�s socurity-would be lessened,the insurance pmceods sh�ll be ,
<br /> � applied w the smms scc�u�d by d�is Socurieg I�ument,wlx�or aoc then due,witb any exc�s paid to Harnwer. if .
<br /> Barmwtr�otloRS tde Roperty.oc does not�nswer withiai 30 days a t�otica fiom L�ender that the insuranee caerier has
<br /> ' offe�ed tn settk a cii�.tUen l.eader ma�r collect We�e P�oce�. Lendek rnay use the pcocads to repair or restae
<br /> ' . .tde ptopetty at w pay,sams'secanod by thts Sa�rity lnsuummt.whethe�or not ttrea dne. 7ite 34day periad will 6egin w'I�ea=
<br /> �t6e n�ce is given. s[�aU not eatend or
<br /> Untesc i.ender ud Boauwec a�erarise agrx in writing,any application of pmceeds to P�'�P� .
<br />_ postpane tbt due datr of the m�th1Y P1Ymena refcmd w ia puaSraphs f u�d 2 or change the amoimt of t6e p�yme�.t �
<br /> - under p�grapl�2I tGe.Ptope�ty is�qaind AY��,Bormwer�rigbt to any inwrat�ce poticies aad pmceeds
<br />-_ �SVa�dun�g�e to d�e Piope?ty Pno'r t°the ac�Nisitiaa shalt pass to I.tader ta tbe extmt of the sams;4etmed h!►this SecuritY - -
<br /> - - Instrtoment inns�edi�tety_pnor to the acquisisiun-. • --
<br /> - f. OeaPa�c9� �`�� Maiotea�ce aod Protectioo ot the Prop�ty: Bor�et's 1�o APP�+
<br /> Lea�e�oi8..Barowet shall occupy,estabiish.and ase tbe Propaey as Borrower's principal resid�nce widtin sixty days after --
<br /> tbe exec�ioo�tGis Socurity Insaument�aet sba11 continue w occuPY��P�rt3►ac Harower's�aiacipal residence far ae =-_-
<br /> - �ast one��c�dfier the date of orcupancy:_tmless,Lender atherwise agroes in writing, wlucfi cansent shaU not be °-___
<br /> - �y��eld;ar oanless extenauing cacros�nas eaist which aue beyaod Bormwet'�caauol. Barowe[sbatt not _ _
<br /> - dauoy�d�:qt impa�ttie Ptoperty.allow 1he Ptnpetty to deteriaate.or canmit waste an the Ptnpetty. Bonower shall ==_
<br /> - bF in defaait i�aay_forfeiriae actIaa ar p�oceeding.wfrcther civ'il or criminal.is 6egun tl�t in Leader's godd faith judgment.. �___
<br />� � caufd resWt"in forfim�re of the PtupenY or aherwise materiaUy,.iro�air the lien cceated by tiiis SaiaitY Inst�ument oc , 1 -
<br /> � ' Lende��security interes� $omuwer may cure such a default and reinsEaCe.as provided in paragcaph IS.by causing the a�tion
<br /> - 'd to be dismissed with a ruling that,in I.ender's good faith detemunation,p�ecludes forfeitu�of the Bamwer�s- ���-
<br /> �in tt e Prapetty or other maurial impaiRnenc of the liea created by this Security Instrumeni or Lendec�s se�nitY �.,_�a.�.
<br /> ,,"1�-
<br /> ' intenesf. Bormwer shall also be in default if Bom�i��a. during the loan application proass. 8ave matecially fatse or t___.
<br /> �; inacc,�ucau infom�ation or statements to l.�t tor failed�provide Lender with aay materiat iaformation)in connection with �,3;:�-�=,^—
<br /> '"',,. the !oa»evidenced by the Note.inctuding,hut not Cuniud�to. iepresentations�.�ceming Bo►towcr's accupancy of ihe �-�;�.
<br /> prope�ty as a Principal r+esidence. If this Security Instrumeni is a�a teasehold.Bouawer shall�o�tply with al!tt�e provisioas i��:�;{}_
<br /> of the kase. If Borrower a�quires fee fitte to the Properiy.the leasehold and the fec,iisie`shal}noEmergc untess I.ender agnees ����-�,-�`
<br /> , �'��~�-
<br /> to the merger in writing. � �"'°--
<br />• ' ` 7. Protectioa ot Lender's RigNts in t6e Prapert�s If Bormwer fails to perfoim the covenants and agceements , , �f-
<br /> contaircd in tttis Se�urity lnstrument.ar there is a iegat proceed.ing that maY significantly affect i.ender's rigAts in the �._
<br />_ p�,operty�su�:s a proaeding m bankcuptcy.proUate.fo'r condemnatian or forfeitu�e os to enforce.1aws or regutations).thea �:_'_:
<br /> it, I.ender mF��'�and Pa►Y for what.wer is necessary to pratect the vatue of the Propecty and Lender�rigfits in the Y�pettg. . ���'�-..
<br /> Lender's actians may inctude payiag any sums secured by a lien which has priority over this Seciuity Instrument.appeanng ���';z:.
<br /> ' „!. in court,paying reasart�te attomeys'fees and entering an the Property to make repairs.Although[.ender may take act�an 't;;�:;':: ,;
<br /> �'� under this{�ardgraph 7.���er does nat have to do so. ,
<br /> • ,,; . My ar:�aunts dts6�d by l.ender under this_paragraph 7 shall become additional debt af Harrower secured by this _
<br /> �`�� Security tr�nent. Unfess Borrower ac��.ender agrec ta other terms of paymen�thesc amounts shaU bcar interest from the ; i__
<br /> . ,,:_
<br /> date of dis��ement nt the 1Vate rate a���itatl be payabte.with inter�t,upon nadce from I.ender ta Borrower requcsting ::,,:.�' ,
<br /> payment. . '��'•�� � -
<br /> g� Mortg�ge i�ce. lf l.ender required mortgAge insurance as a condidon of making the loan securcd by this �.:.,•,_;:'. _
<br /> � Security Instcumenti Borrower shall pay the premium�reqwred to maintain the mortgage insurance in effect. �f,foc any a;;,,,:=: - �'.�.
<br /> ' �f' �ason, th.e �nortgage insurance coverage requ�red by l.ender lap�es or ceases to be in effe.c�t. Borroa�es��-a11 pay the t;;:;;�i-',' •;• __
<br /> '°.- premiums rv�"^��red to obtain coveroge subttantially equivatent tm tt�e mortga�e insurance prea�uausly in e�;cct. at a cost . ; • .
<br />- " � �'' ': substa�stF�ll.y,�qaivalent to thc cost to Boaower af the mortgage i�ss�nce pnwiously in effecG�,sn an altez:ate mortgage �
<br />• _ insurer approved by I,ender. If substantiplly equivalent mortgage insurance coverage�s not avai'.:�w.Barmaer shall pay to : �
<br /> • - Lender each manth a xum equal to ane-twelfth of the yearly martgage insuranre�.r�nium beina paid by Boaa��:�'t when the �•'j� � -
<br /> � insurarice coverage lapsed or cea.sed to he in effect. l.ender will accepl.use and re�•°_�ese payments as a toss reserve in lieu v�,; '��Z`''•��
<br /> `:':'' � ����":•'--
<br /> � .� 4t;t:., of mo�tga�,e insurance. l.ass reserve payments may na longer be required.at tt�c�ion of L�der.if mortgage insurance .�,s+,m,y—
<br /> • i;,; coverage tin the amount and for the pesiod thal Lender requiresl provided by an in�::er ap�v;a��by Lendes again 6ecomes
<br /> • available and is oblained.�orrawer st�il pay the prcmiums required to maintain morr�aWe�n��em�`f between Barrower
<br /> . loss rescrve.until the rec�4:.ement for mortg�ge insurance endsti in accordance with�y ritten.a �, ` . '
<br /> • ' , �'�:�:�'' Y • . and Lenderor applicahte[w-:�. �'`�°:,�. .
<br /> ; ° g. l n y p e c t i o n. 1.�r�u;r o r i t s a g e n t m a y m a k e rcasanabte emries u n ur•.�-s ctians of ihe Pro Lcnder shall '�'"
<br /> . �,:.': ;, . P° � �y' 'j": ,
<br /> �� � give Borrowes notice at L;e time of ar prior to nn inspection specifying reasanabte cau�e for the inspection.
<br /> �_. 1 0 C o n d e m n a t i o n. T h e p r o c e e d s o f:�n y a w a r d o r c l a i m fnr dama ges,direct or canse yuential.in connection with�.��y ���
<br /> , Singlc F.unity••F'anak ifae/FYeddk�1nc l�tilitlRN Iti%TBUNEh"f•,Uniform Cnvenanw 9l90 /paga 3 njb pace... �. .
<br /> � � - . Grcnt fatto Ba�lu�Fa�.Irc.� ',`...-
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