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<br /> �. c�dem�[ion or atbertatie�of�nY P�i of the Ptopaty.arfor ca►veyancc in lieu of candesru�ation.aKl�erc6y assipted aed -
<br /> s1�116a p�iti w I�ader. � tbe shall St applial to the sunis secuted by tbis Senairy .
<br /> << ,,
<br /> , in the eveat of s tanl tating of d�e Ftoperry. .pa� .
<br /> .
<br /> _.. • -
<br /> -� _--__ _—__ --- — -
<br /> �,�'�-it�¢c�r-�sattlt������ag�xces��tc►-&+e�s►wer; ta�e�re�of a_p�t�al __�o c rty_u�� - _- _
<br /> wl�id�the fair maElcet value of the$teperc9 i�mmedi�t�lg 6tfa�e the tatcing is oqual to or gre�t--er t7ian t�Te amoun�F aT'�e�mns-� -
<br /> bocurod�by d�Is Sec�uity inswment immediately befatr tfie taking.unkss Barcower and Lerr�othcnvise�agree in writing„
<br /> the sutns securod by this Securiry tastrument sh�ll,be�duced D}r the amamt of tt�e pioceeds m'ultiplied bk�tie foltowing, .--
<br /> ` fi�ction:_(�1l1c Wtat a�ount of tht sums secwM immediafeh'befae the taking.divided.by/b}the fair msuktt walut of the
<br /> ' � pto�pe�ty immediuely 6efae the tatcing. Any batance shalt 6t pvd m.l3auowGr. in the svent of a pmti�t t�lcin8 of tye .
<br /> • Wopaty in wLich tIx fut markrt value:of the Plcopetcy immedi�tely before the tatcing is tess t[�n the a�+unt of tbe sums
<br /> � � setu[M��ia�ely 5efa+e tbr taicing.unkss Bacrower and l.eade�athetwisc ag�ee in writirtg ar nnless applicabie Iarv
<br /> a�wis�pim,ides,the proceeds�t�all6e applied to thasams secuned by tAis Security tnt�ument whether or noc the sums ace
<br /> than due. ` ` �
<br /> � If tAe PmpenY is abond"a�ed by Bormwe'or if.afttr natica by!.ender to Bamower that the ca�demnor otfeis to maice
<br /> aa aw9rd ar senk a claim for da�i�ages.Bari�wer fails to respond ta Lender within 30 days after thc date the noace is give�.
<br /> . Lender is'wthorived m colk���pP�Y�P��•at its op[ia�.either ta:estoration or repair of the Ptaperh+or to the'
<br /> snms.socunA by�his Security Inswmen4 whether ar not thm dne.
<br /> - � tlnkss I.ende�and Boaower otherwise agree in wYiting.any application of proceeds co principa!shall nut extend or
<br /> - postpone the due date of the moe�hlY P�S'�nts teferred to in patagraphs 1 and 2 archange the atnou�u af such gayments. __--
<br /> - � ll.-Barrowee Not.Reteaxd: Forbhura�oe By Le�der Not s Waiver. Extrnsion of the tiu�e for payment ot __�
<br />- madifx�tian of unonization of the swas secured by this Security Insmunent granted by Lender to any successor in inteRSt --
<br /> `_° � of Batawer st�all not operate to cekase the liabiiii}r of.the aciginal Borrower or Borrower's successots in interes�Lender � __
<br /> =- s1ta11 pot be nquiiad to commence proceedings against�Y successor in intercst or mfuse ta extend time for payment or.
<br /> = a(herwise modify ambitization of the sums secured by this Securiry fas�ment by ceason of any demand made 6y the onginal .. �
<br />= 6amwer a&2nawer's suceessors in interest. My�forbearance by Lender in e�cercising�nyr ri86t or remedy shall n�be a
<br /> _ waiver of or prulude the exe�ise of any right or remedy. ��venapts and a ts af this . . -
<br /> 1Z Snaea�ass�d A�s$a��d,.lai�t and Severnt 1Lbilit7:Co�ne�. 8�n --
<br /> Security Insdvmertt shal!b'md and benefit the succe;sors and assigns of l.ender and Bn�rower.subject to the pmvisia�s of -- - -
<br /> " paragraph 17. Borrower's covenants and agreemenu shall be joint and several.Anyi Bormwer who co-signs this Security ��:;•-
<br /> � lrtsdumen!but does nat execute the Note: (a)'is co-signing thisSeett�itl►Insuument only to martgage.gant and convey that �;_.��:_,:-
<br /> Bor�awtr's intems�in the Propeny under the terms of this Seturity Instrumen� (b)is not personally obligated to pay the sums �,.r:,er.•;�_
<br /> ' �t, secu�ed by this Security Tnmument;and te)agrecs that I.ender and any ot1►ec 8orrower may agmx to eatend.mod�ty.farbear " � -
<br /> �z_•�_
<br /> ' �;. or make any accommodations with regard to the tetms of this Security In.mument or the Nae without tdat Bot►uwec's• tl,.��w,-�_-
<br /> � • `• cansen� , fiF<.--
<br /> ` i� ��� 13. Loan C6ar�ss. If'the loan secnred by this Securiry iastnrmant is subject to a law which sets maximurt�loan
<br /> '' r4 �I¢,(.--
<br /> � ..{ chazges and that law is finally interpneted so that the interest os ather loan charges coUected or to be collected in connecaan
<br /> with the loan eacced tfie pemutted lim�ts.thea: (a)any such loan charge shall be reduced by the amount necessary to reduce
<br />- the charge to the pem�itted limit;and(b1 any sums already collected from Bortawer whicb exceeded permitted timiu will be �;:,�er�
<br /> - refunded to Bormwer. Lendcr may chaose to make thu icfund by reducins the principal owed under the Note ar by malcing a �==-
<br /> - dirut payment to Borrower. lf a refund reduces principab the reducdon will be treated ac a partial prepayment without any `�":r,�f-�
<br /> prcpayment charge under the Note. �'�":�-.:.: -
<br /> ' 14. Notkes. My notice to Barrower provided for in this Secaritt L�strument shall be given by delivcring it or by �-_
<br /> rnailing it by first class mail unless applicable law reyuires use of anothec method.The notice shap be directecl to the Propecty :-.�.�%;'?'-_ `
<br /> , q�'�s or any other address Borrower designates by notice to L.ender. Any notice to Lender shall be given by�rst class :.,w�,;°: __
<br /> ma�f to l.ender's address stated herein ar any other address Le�der designates by rtotice tn Borrower. Any natice pmvided for _a -....
<br /> in this Security tnstmment shall be deemed to have been given to Barrower or l.ender when given as provided in thic `�' ��•��•'''
<br /> �.:i.�y•__r�
<br /> p��• !:t. .3"'_:E':
<br /> , :,€��-�--
<br /> . . 15. Governing l.s►w;5everability. This Security Instrument shall be govemed by federal law and the law of the • : •; :t_:._
<br />� jurisdiction in which the Property i.�lacated. In the event tha�uny provision or cfau,e af this Security Instrument or the Note _ __ -_
<br /> ' conflic�s with applicable law.sacn eonflict shall not affect o:!-�r provisioac of this SecurE*_c Tnstrumeni or the Note which can -
<br /> . ��� be given effect without the canflicting provision. To this end the provisians of Ihi�Security lnstrument and the Note are . __
<br /> declared to be severabie. :''
<br /> � • 16. Barrower's Copy. Borrower sha[l[�:given one conformed rop���F"^.e Note and of this Serurity Instrument. ,. :�.,
<br /> - � � 17. 7�ansfer of the Propesty ar a Beneficial Interest in Borrower If a11 ar anu�part of the Property or any interest in •'����
<br /> ". , �.:.
<br /> '"�' � it�s sotd or transferred(or if;:l'�e�cial intetest in Boaawer is sold or transfetred��Borrawer is not a natural person)
<br /> , .'.�:.
<br /> � .,� a�yt l.ender's prior writtest cansent,Lendcr may.at its opNon,reyuire immediate��;;�tent in full of all sums�.red by � �.wy;
<br />: ':,' ,_::• tl�s S�carity las�ment However,this aptinn shall nat 6e exercised by Lender if exerci;e i.r prohibited by federaE�sx as of : -;.V;�.._.,
<br /> -.-.�, �. t?r_catc of this S.:�"sty Instrument. ' • -
<br /> Pnoi .1,'. ..
<br /> '�-� if Lender ex°:rcisew this aption,Lcndcr clu�ll give 8artn�ver notice 3f w.celeration. The notice�...�provide a pedod aF ,
<br /> �� • "'-`' s��;vss�han 30 days fram the�:�e thc notice n dclivered or mailcd withTM:«.5ich Bormti��er mutit Qay a:I s�ms seceaed by this , .,
<br /> • ;�. :_� �
<br /> • � ,�:�_.; • Ss:�:riry In�trument. If Bosn:ry�r failti ta pay thc�c sums priar ta the expiration af tFis periad. Lender may i:z•oke any ,
<br /> �=-�. • ��.i � % . c�rry:dies permitted by this Sec;r.sy Instrument withuut further nMice or demand on Borrrnver.
<br /> � ���- � `. 18. Borrower's Rig,ht to Iteinstate. If Borrawcr mects certain canditians, Burrawcr.hall h:�ve the righ[to have ,
<br /> - . •���ti�� ' ' enforrement of thiti 5ecurity tnsttument disconlinueJ at any�ime prior to�he earlier o1' I:u 5 dayc�or�uch other period a�+
<br /> �
<br /> :.:;,,. ". ' Sin,W F,�mitY•-Fannk Hae/ircddk 11ac��I}OR�11�ti7'Itl�S1F tiT•-1'nitomi Cuven:u». 9 90 /puee 4 nln�tes► . ,
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