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<br /> pay;;.enrv n;ay no tonger dx rcyuirzJ,nt thc n�tia:�af Lcndcr,if jnortgago insurnnc�coverage(in the nmoui�t and for xhc periad
<br /> �Ir°t R a�i�d;.r rct�nirts)�unvic(ccl by c+n insm�:r a�►provcsi Gy l.cndcr ngai��Uxomcs crvnilablc nrd is ohtaincd. Anrrnwcr�liull p�ty
<br /> �"�' �
<br /> the�ren�iumv requincd to►,iaintain�nor: a c,ir;ara�icc in cfi�tt,or tc����uvidc�lu:s resc�vc,autil tlie��.;qi+iecnic»t or niort�:�;?: � ,�,.,
<br /> insuranco end�in nccardance with any written agreemcnt bctween�larrnwcr aild i.enrler oe a�plicable law.
<br /> 9.Xnepectiun. Leixier or its ngent may make r�sonahle entrles upon and inspections of thc Property. Ler+dtr shall give
<br /> Eiorrower norice at the dme of or prior eo a�t inspectimi specifying ir.as�nnble cause for the inspection.
<br /> �p, Co�wl�nna�on, 'I'he procaods of any awerrS or claim for dr�nages. �irect or consequential. in connectio�i wirtt�any
<br /> cond�mn�Nnn or othcr taklnR of any part of tlic Property,crr fc�r�onveyn�ice in li�u uf cundemnatian, a�e hexeb,y assignal an6
<br /> shall be paid to Lendtr.
<br /> Iri the nvent of a tota!taking of the Propc:�iy,tl�s,jr�.m.rn�s s,�ll tu bp�ii�io Yhe oum�s:curcx!h�ihis S!�!'t�rity Inst►vtn�nt. __
<br /> whether or not then due. W�ith any excess l�id tu B��rr�aw�c. In the cvent af a pasYtul taking of the Property in whfch tho fair
<br /> IT1afICtL YSI'LYO af thc�Prc►ptity irnme�cliaxe4g infam tiia taking is equal[o or graater than the amount of the sums secured by this
<br /> 5ecerity Insr.rument inuix��ia�tely beford'th4:,iaking,unless Ii�ROwer Rnci I�:nder otherwisc agree in wtiting. the sums Securecl6y
<br /> ttus Secoriry Ins!.ns��sat s[;r.11 he reduct�l'by tha nnmunt of the proceeds multiplied by the follawing fracUon: ;u�the�t�O�tul
<br /> anxwnt oY thc sums fiecured immediately befoxo thc takiny, divided by(b) tho fair m:srket�alue of thc�'rop�rtY ' Y
<br /> bc[ore the;i�king. Any balance shall t+o�SYicl Ca Rorro�NCr. In dP.e tvent of a parti�l taking of ihe Property iu which the falr
<br /> mvrket:�itr�c�of the Property immadiatciy befun:tUe eaking is�;fis 2�Can the amount of thG sums secural immediatoly before the
<br /> ., tsiking,ur�Te:rs Borrower ancl l.ender otherwise agroo ln wr�tinB o�'�udless appticuble law ottsex�sise provides,the proceeds shall
<br /> ' •�be applied to th�sums sexure.�l by this Security Inst►ument whether or r.ec the sums.are then due.
<br /> ` • If Ihe Property ls ut�andonod by D3orcower,or.tif�,aRer notice by Lender,fb�F1��rowcr Ihat the cc►ndemr?nr ot'fcrs to make an
<br /> �;:,_,.. , . .
<br /> awaru ur �ttt�a cl�im :or da.ma��, �orrowr,r fHiZd to respond to I.ender�+villiin 30 days after the dat�•�yhe notice is given, :
<br /> Le�xkr i�authc�rizod to colla;t n+a'�S�n�'{�J the proa�ais,at its oPtian,either to ee.a'toration or repalr of the Prapc:rty or to thc.sums ;!�.,..;,..
<br /> �. sccured by this Socuriry,;�n5t�ur#x�ni:�ti�et6er or nc.►i i�en due. ., . '!� '
<br /> ' Unless Lender atntl :F3ntrowcr otherwis� ngr�e in w�iting. any applicatia� ai;�stice¢�s to principa! snall not er3ant� br �'
<br /> � .,, postpone the due date of thc monthiy paymcnts refcrt�ed to in paragraphs 1 and�•xir•ri�cnge fhc amount of such payments. —
<br /> 11, Horrower Not Releas�d;For6a�nnce BY 1.ender Hut p Wp�ver. Extcnsinn oP•t31�time fnr payrne�tt or mndificatirn�
<br /> of anbniz�tion of the sums secural by this Security Instrux,ent qranted by Lender to any xu�cessor in interest of Bon'ow4�shall
<br /> nat opaate to relwse tha IiAbility of the original$onnw ��os Iiorrower's successor.s in intt�l.r.ct. Lender shall nnt be rt,�uirod to
<br /> � Wrrunn�ct procaaAings xgal�ut any sus�sor in interest��i'rofuse to cxtend time for paymcnt or otherwise modify�marti•�atlon
<br /> .of tM; wms securod bY this Securiry Insirunxnt by rt.ason of any demand made by the origin�l 1Borrower or Borrawec's
<br /> , r��.,ocssars in intrnst. Any fotfiearanoo by Lcndar in exercising any rig6t ar remedy shalb not be a waiver of or proclucfe tf►e :
<br /> c3�+,•:iac.�.:.i rlg:::�=�. ;;- ' ��
<br /> '".1�:.��ocdeor�md A.�ign�lt3n►��dt Jalnt and Sever�l Llability► Co-slgnera. '��:rovennnta ancl �gramaas:vi�ims
<br /> � S+x:urtil�� Instn�rnes►t shxll bi� and b�nofrt tho sucassor� ar►d assigiu of Lendrr and &>'�.�o�ver, subject to the pmvisic�ns of
<br /> p�ngc�[� 17. Borrower'�s eovcsu►ts and �gncementa shall be joint and sr..�ers�t. Any Borrower who co-nigns this 5avriry
<br /> Inrtit�tnmmtt but daea not eaecuto tho Note:(n}ia co•signing this Sccuriry ina�`nunent only to mortgage, gru�t and convey ttut
<br /> Barr�u�er�s ir►ttrest in the Pro(xny under tho tenns of this Security InstYUmont; (b)is not personally obli8atod to p�y che aumc
<br /> ;�exiun:�..i�y thi�Securiry In�trument,and(c)agrees that l.endec and any other t�rmwer may agra to extend,modify.forbrar�r
<br /> makq.arr,y acconmx�d�t�.nns wi.th reg�rd to the urtna of this Sx+�riry Instnrment or the Note wltlxwt that Borrowu's coneent.
<br /> , .f�, X,���a,if�he loan secunvd bY this Sa7�rity Intuumrnt is su�joct to a law which sets maximtun Iwn chugce.
<br /> miP'ih�t law is fit►rlly intespn.KOd so that thn intenst or othcr loan ch�uges collocted or to ho collected in ootuic�ction with tGe
<br /> ��;u�expeed the pexmittod limits,tbext:(�)�ny such loan cbuge sh�ll be rtduad by the atnount nocesFaTy to roduce 1he charBa
<br /> =o the pemiilted li►nit;�ud(b)�,n��si�xns�hr:edy collectod from�o.rrower whfch excreda,3.�ermitte�d limit�will be refundod to
<br /> Hc+rrower. I.e+�drr may �cwu+tti��ke thfs rcfimd by reduc3r►p�ahe pdc�ci,�qt owod urec�er,�the Note or by mnking,,a di�ct
<br /> ' paYma�t to HorrwNSZ: 1 a rc�uiYd��nduas principai, the ro�iidtiuh �r�:���,mu`tteatod aii�u p�utitil PrcpsYmcnt wl�ou� �'
<br /> P+'�WY��Sc an�t;�r't�e Noto,,::., . . � '�•,..... ' .f ,,, .
<br /> • 14.Ndkta.Any•ractcc to�r,r6w�r providod for in 4t►i�5vcur�ly Tn5tritr.k'nc stuill�'•.'given by deliveriag it.v�',�►y�m�ilir�
<br /> � it by firxt cla�g mail unless applic�hft lew roquires use uf xro.�tlliGr,ii�d7ad. TM:�natic�sl�+J�1,:be directed to the�'�y�:,'1ddr�
<br /> w any othrr addccss Bc►rrowex designwt�by notia to Lendv�: Any notia to i.encttr'�bn1Y be gi�vrn by first ivi�mail ea
<br /> I,uxkr's add�se ssated heain or any cthcr addi�.s Lender cksignrtes by notix tu Horrower. Any i►ocice Pravided for:a this
<br /> � Secudty Ir�unxnt�Il be dern�cA ta fwve boa3 givrn to Born�wer or I.ender when glven as provided in�hia pangriph.
<br /> 15.C',overdu� l.iw; Severnt+l�kY- This 5ocurity lnstrumeni shall be goverciacl"%b`y� �faleral lav�+ and thc law of the
<br /> jurisdi��ion in which the Prq�ert;'a�+��ocYtai, ln thc event thst any provision ar clau�c�'F.isiiis!Sccurity Instnunent or tho Nuka
<br /> conflicta with applicable law,sudi c�inUict studl not atfoct other provisions ofthis Securrtj�•;l'ii4t1'umcnt oF t�e Not��nhh:h csu►bc
<br /> , �iven ef�kct withoui the wnflicting provision.To this end the prnvisians of tF�Ss Sxurity Instrumes�t u;�tl Chc Nqto are deciarod
<br /> t�o be seveable.
<br /> !F,,g�owK+y Cupy,Batm���r,r ehs�l bo given one canformod�opy af tAe Note and of this Securiry Tristrument.
<br /> , �.:
<br /> Fom,soxa s�so
<br /> Pp�AOee
<br /> :�:
<br /> • + �
<br />