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<br /> , ' 17.71 cm�5ler oP the Property or u Beref�ctai Intcrest in�3orrower.If alt ar any{�art oi the ProFrerty or any intcrest in it _
<br /> ic rol�l nr trnnsfcn•cd(c►r If n benc�cinl intcrest in Roti•rowcr is sold ur trimsfcrn:cl and Aotro�vcr is not n natu�al person)�vithnut _
<br /> � L.ender's prlor written coment, I.ender �nay, iit its aption, rcyuhe i�m��eciiute payui�lu in full �f�II sums sec�ured i�y t1ii�� __
<br /> Sect�rity inslntment.l-Towcvcr,this option shnll not bc cxr,rcisccl by[.�nder if exerciss is prohibitcd by fcdeml Imv as of tlie dat�
<br /> of this Sr.�arlty Inswment.
<br /> ; If��r.mlcr exercises this option,I..ender shall give Boxrower natice of acceleration.7 he notice shnll provide n period of not
<br /> less tl�an 30 days troni ihe date the notice fs dclivered or mailed within which Barrower must puy all sums sccurecl by this
<br /> 5�xurity Instrument. If Bc�rr�wcr fRils to pay these s�ms prior to tt�e enpiration of this p�erlad,l.cnder may invokc uny remedies
<br /> n�rmit�ed by this Secnriiv Tnstnnnent without tarther notice or demand an I�orrower.
<br /> 18. Barrower's Rl�ht to IYdr�state. If BarroK�er meets cenain cunditiuns. 6v,ru�vC� ai�uli ha.e .�ic ::bh: to 1rav� F
<br /> enforeement of this Security Instrument aiisconcinu«i at a�ry ti���e�:;:or to tho'Ur�ntr a�an�� �wer of sale cont ined in his
<br /> anplicable law n��,y flpr.cify for r�lnstatement) before sale of the prapc:rty p Y Pa
<br /> Secursty 6nstnnnent;or(b)cntry of a judgnxnt E:nfnrcing this Security Instrument.Tt�ose wnditIons arr,that Borruwer: (nj pays
<br /> I.ender all sums which dien would be du�under thls Securlty Instrument und tlie Note as if na Rccxleration had occuned; (b)
<br /> cures nny defnult of�ny other covenants or ngreements; (c) pays ull expf:nses incurrecl in enforcin�thia Secur[ty Insteument,
<br /> includinB, hut not IitniG�d to.reasoneble attorneys' fces; and(d)takes such action as I.encter may reasonably requ�re to Assure
<br /> that thn lien of thia Securiry Instn�ment, L.ender's rights in tt�e Property and Borrower's obligatiou to pay die surns sccurcrl by
<br /> this Security Insttument shnq continue unchan��d. Upon reinstatev�tnnt. by Borrower, Niis ��curlty Insttument und the
<br /> obligadons secz�xed liereby shRll remain fully eFfective as if no sccelerntion hud�xcurrecl. Howevei•, tt,is tigttt to reinstAte shall
<br /> not apply in the ea:�of ncceleiAUOn under paragraph 17. �
<br /> �9. S�ile of Nute; C�n�a af i�oAn Servicer. The ?Vote or a partaal intera�t ir� 9E�e Nute �YOgeY4�er.with ihas Securlty
<br /> Instrument)mny be sold one or mon:times without prior n:�Yice to Borrower.A sale tr+ay resUlt in u change ita ihe��ta2y(known
<br /> as thw'l��ian Servicer")that collects monitJy paymenis due under dis Note and this Se.cuaity Insdument. Thure ulso�nay be one _
<br /> �r tpa�a chang.;.,�f th�Loase Servicer unrel�tec� ro�salc nf lhe Nnte.If�,ere is a changu of the La31a Sc�vicor.Bp3'zp}ver will ba
<br /> g;v0�;written nartice of the chango in accordance with pa�ugruph 1•.ab•ve anci mpiicable law.The noiice�vilt Atete the nama aneb
<br /> add:ess of tha neK�Loan Servicer and the addcess to wI►ich paymtnts shauld be made. The natic� wil� nlso catt�in any other
<br /> inYar.rnfltion requi.od by applicabJa 1aw.
<br /> 20. �lswtrdous Substxhees. Aorrower shnli not cau�.ar permit the presence, use, disposal. stornge. or cclense of nny .
<br /> Y•�nz�.Ydous SubsG�nr.es on or ir� the Property. Borrower �:hal� r�ot do, nor ullow anyone elsc to do, unything affecting the
<br /> Prapeny that is in violation of any En�ironmentul t,�w. 'Che precedin�two sentences sh�dl nat apply to the presence, use, or
<br /> stotaige on the I'roperty of small qaantitie.s of Haztudous Substanccs thut are genemlly recognizcd to bc uppropriste ro natma�
<br /> residentiai uses and to maintenance of the Property.
<br /> I3orrower shall promptly give L.end�r wntten notic�:�f any investigation.c!aim, demanct,lawsutt or other action by any
<br /> goyernm�ntal ot ngutacory agency ur privrate�rarty involving the Property anct any Hazardous Substance or F.nvirnnmental Law
<br /> � of which�orrower has actual knowledge. If Yiorrower learns,or is not�fied by any govemmentel or regulatory authority, that
<br /> any renx�val or�other remocliadon of any Haa4rdous Substance affecting tha Property is necessary,Rorrower shall prompdy take
<br /> ali��aca.�ioJ.y w,;s:�Yi:;rw in�:srsl�..*'�'�+�ii.h�ny�n,�men�nl i.nw.
<br /> As uscd 3n lnes pamgraph 20, "Haz�rdaus Substnnces" are those s::bstances defined as to:�ic or ha�ndous substanca9 by
<br /> Environmentxl I.aw atxi tha follc�wing su6atnnces: gagoline, kerosene. other flammabla or toxi�c pecroleum pralucts, toxic
<br /> pcstir,ides atx{horbicides,volatile solvenYS,materi.ds contea�iing asbestos or formalda2�;c1e,nrxi redioactive materials.As used In
<br /> ihis F�aragreph Z0, "Envimnmental Law" means t'ederal laws and laws of the jurisd'ecieon where [he Prope:rty is locacod thut
<br /> rolato to hcalth,safety or�nviromY�ental proexttnn.
<br /> NON•UNiFAR[VI COVENANTS.Borrower and Lcnder further covenant and egrec ss follows:
<br /> 21.Acceler�th�n;Remodies.I.en�kr shall give iwtiee to Borrower pNor to aocderntlnn[ollnwdu,Burrower'9 brr.ycb
<br /> of any tovet�nt or a�ttianr.nt In this Secudty Letrumeat (but not prlor to aooekratlon under pu�s�nph 17 w�kss
<br /> �eppiic�blo law pruvldes otF�erwl9e).The notice shall aPeci�"S': (r)the dc!'wult;(b}the pdion requfr+ed to-curt the default; -
<br /> (e)� datt,►at!as than 30 day�from the d�te'!ie�lke Is given to&�rrower,by wrlch tde defAait muct be cund:aad
<br /> (d) t�t f�Nure to rure the dcl'A�ult on or be[orr.the date speci.ped[n th� ratiuc m�y►YSUIt in�ocdex+�tion o�the sudus
<br /> savned by thi.,s Security InstnunenR�nd sale of the Property.'Th�motloe shal! (urther Infar�.n�rrrowtr o[tl�e rlght ta
<br /> reinadite aRer'etoek�tbn an� ihe rigM to brtrq�o cAUrt acttuo tc� s��ser1 ihe non�e�cistc�uoe o[a defaNlt or�ny otlier
<br /> dd'cmc ot&rrrower to acrelerallon wnd�a1a V the default!s not r.n�+ed on Qr bNorc the date specitied In the notloe>
<br /> I.�n�der.r�t its�ption,m»y �.�t(uire immediate nsrma�t 4n [ull of�II sums secmMaxl by this Securi�y[neiruimnt wltTawt
<br /> �7ier d�rpand�nd mYy�nvoke tt��e poaer o[snie arr�.any othcr remedi�s perrnl�rtted by Appliabic I�w.[�ender s1u►11 be
<br /> '�ntYt7Ed tu cotl�ect dl�pe+�se�incurral in pnxsuiug the remediea provided[n this pac�raph 21,inciuding,but not iimitnd
<br /> �,, • •,• •.(o,:�b�i•:�tturneya'fee�And co�tx of title evidaxe.
<br /> �;�.If Yhc:�p}�'�`r oi s�le is lnvoked, Trusta shAll rea►rd �noticY ot default in each cwmty in whlc6 any part o[tht
<br /> ' ��?ri�;�j�y i�ieicrifM ar+d slwll mafl cop�CS og such not�ce in the manner presc�ibed by applkyble law io Burrower aad ta
<br /> ptl
<br /> �2hr.:��ther persoms ptYSCrlbed by appllatble Is�w.Atter the time requfrsd by apple�n�.�e IAw,Tnistee s6xlt qive publk�r�tke
<br /> of'��aile to tl� peraons wnd in thc mannar pnscrlbed b�'�pp�ia►ble law.TrusteGr�vltlwnt dcmand nn Sw��v,wser,
<br /> tbe Propecty xt puWk�uctiun to the highest hirkier�t the time�ued plpce 9nd ui�der the terms dcsigdated ie the nol{ce u�R,
<br /> as� in ax ur�m�Rorcel9 ond(n s�ny flrdcr'L'rustee determines.'�'d'ei�stee ms+Y�►c�stlwnc sale�►R all or any pw�.e!of�!►.r
<br /> �!ropeity by.piiblic announchnent at R�w lime und place of any pr+eb�u�.s�y sebedula!�Ie. �ender or Its desl�nse w�n� '
<br /> . 3�ur.cbase the Praperiy�t��t,y�s+le. . .
<br /> .
<br /> • ' � Farm 3028 9.y°iD
<br /> . . - � P�pt 6 010 • , . .
<br />