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<br /> 'a. fT:�r;�r�.ar �'rv►ixr�y lnsoia���a�ce, lbn•.�cv�r shnit kccp thc im��ravcmcnts no�v cxi�:tin�; ar i�cr��fter crcctcd on th:
<br /> i'rr�p;,ty i�tsu�•ar}n;�,.alnSt lu;:i!�y firc:, C?'?74'l�9ll:s:ludril��r[►��in thc tcnn "exttrdcd�:a�vcrnRO" �i�d nny �ther h��aeds. includittg
<br /> f1�j;��.t4�ir tlaracaiu�, fur�:iitel�Ir..i�_�.:A�'c'y�d��s I►�,w.�u�:o. 'i'ld�fi���ur,?nc2 sSzall Ir.:u�_�im��incd iii Ihcj nnnitinlr,rntcl fnr ttio t��riods
<br /> t1►at►.�t:rr,!�c ae�:ilu:�i. 'Tlic in5unut�.r.currlcr provldinj; the 3�isur.�nce shal! t�a ch�scn by �loerower subject ta t.�ndcr'H n�rnval
<br /> whieM uha1,1 nc*t tx: unrc:�snn:�bly wlthhelA. (f F3c�rrower fails to maintain coverngc dtscribed ahovo, C..en+fer may�, at L.c�xfer's
<br /> or►lfon,obtadn�covr.ca�r.no pmtcY�t L�n+1�sr'x �•ights in�ho Pmpc�ty in uccorclancc with paragr�ph 7.
<br /> AI!Insuintr,r. polictea ai�,l��ontw�ls Ritiell tye acccptable to l.eixier arrc!shall i�xlude a standa�d monbagc rlausc. [.cndcr
<br /> sluJl F�nvr.che.ri�hs ta hold tht pnliciev rxi nn�wals. If Lecxler requires,�Borrowcr shsll prmnptly give to Lender all rtceipts nf
<br /> t:Y:.;{i�►,�+��ai�.ti�„�wwE r.:��.wal r,hl�.,:.,. Qsa :I�;c.ccnt�f I��:�s,i3::,;r��u;;t chall give prnmpt notiez ta thr in�uranre e�rricr rnr�I.ender.
<br /> i�..ctklGx mvy m�rkf praof of foss it`twt nt�►dc promplly by I�urrower.
<br /> Unl�is I.t:�lai'nrv�}k�rmwcr othr�wise.ogree in w�it�.�a$,insurunce�rocaxis shaU bc applicd tn restoration ar r�palr of the
<br /> Pro�x:rty da�naQed, if tt►e restarntion or repa�ir 19 cconnmic;aiJ;r ieasible and I.�nder's securiry is not Icssened.If the�r.starntian��r
<br /> ca�.i�Es nc�3�o�xax�xic�l{Sr fe;�sible or 1L.enJer'e secarity wai�lrf bc:lessenecl.tho insurance procteds shall bc appsit�to thr.sums
<br /> sea;uxtxl by this Sec:uoity Instnnr►ent, whether or not thim duc, with any exrxss paid to Bon�ower. If Barrower, abarxions tho
<br /> �'to�;.;.y,p:da:.;na�nswcr withln 30 days a noticc fr�rn l,cndcc that l;ce insierancc carrlcr has o1'fcr�ri ta setde a cl��m, thcn
<br /> I.�:nc4tk ma.y cc+llt�:t thr. insumr_^c pracceds. I.cndcr mny uae the proceeds to rcpair or restore tl�c Property or to �sy sums
<br /> secure:d by this.Sec;urity/nstnnrn.nt,wt�eth�.r or not thcn ducs,The 30-day pedod will begin when ttm notice is given. •
<br /> LJnlnjs (.t:nd�ir a►v.t i&►rnawer othcnvi�s�n�ren in w��ing, any application of prvaals to Principal shull not extc�xt ar
<br /> �st,��ar..the c[�ua dai�af Rhe mcmthlp payrncnts rcferrtd ro i�paragrephs 1 aml 2 or change the nmount of tho payrnents. IS
<br /> un:irx�rs�roph 21 r.hr.I�roperty!s acquircd Dy L.endar,t3o�rcowe�'s right to eny insurance pc�licies and procads rcsulting from
<br /> dturv{,r.e�to thr.i'�upr.rty�rior to thr.acquisiti.on shull�x�cs t'�l.ander to the eztcnt of the swns socured by thls Socurity Instrument
<br /> eqtnn�iakeiy�rin.r to tht acquisition.
<br /> ' �" ,6..�c�:up�uncy,PreservAtinn,Mainte�s�wce �rx�PrM�r.Abn mf tlx Pro,pertY;Borrower's Loan Applicatba;Y.ea.se3alds.
<br /> �hubttowec rhaJl tkeiepy,csta►�lish,arxl use th.e Fnrperty ac��rrower's principal�residence within sixty days after the�xecuNan of
<br /> this Se�:uriryr xnsin►m:nt nnd shall coniinuo to��e,:upy ihn,i�'caperiy as Borrower's principal residence for at least one yr.�►r efter
<br /> t3bc dat,a of�x�:u�urrr..y, untrss I.e:r�,4ee otherwisc agrtes in�vxiting,W°hich consent shull not be iroreasonably withheld.or unlass
<br /> . . c.�ia"s;nuruir�a, �cic�vnntnncr.s exisr. which ar� beyond Ei��raower's conuol. B�rrower sball not dcstroy. damage or impuir the
<br /> „ t�rup�j, al�trw U�o P[uperty to dctcriorat�,or commic�wt�tc on the Property. D�:mwer shull be:in defiuit jf any forfeitun
<br /> , . aedc►n or pmccedi��, whctl�e.r.r.ivil or crimi�ul, is b�:IIun�t;;at in Lender's good faith judgment aiuid result ia fodeiture of the
<br /> '. Pt�up:.rty�r�thr��is�:m�teri�lay imp�ir Ihe lirn�rcatr.d(�J�4i�is Socuriry Instmment or►.��xier's sxarity interest. �orrower in�y
<br /> ct�m such m default nnr,l t�in�tato,av pmvidcxi in nnragtaph�i8,by causing the action or pro�eaiing to he dismissod with a►v1inR .
<br /> tt+�t,.in M:n�d+nPr goal faith det,e�nninatJnn. prer.ludr,s fat�i'rfture of the�trower's intetest in the Property ar other mates►;{1.:
<br /> ►�npntnnern oi r.et tien crcatat iuj this atcciti�y ia��tru.mnnG,ar i..eraer's sc+�urity inte�s[. �0lIOWC�Ns�u➢AI30 OC�Tti'..ttC�+a3:`;:'
<br /> klrrrow•�r,dudn�w,tho laan ap�+i�uf�tian proc�ss,guve m�tn�istify felse or inaccurate�nforrn�tion or stetements to L.tx+t�Er�(ac fiuldd
<br /> ur pm��ici�e ia�-n with any rruttri�l 9nfartn�,tion)in cnnnnr*�en with�he loan evide�x�cl by the Note,including,Mit nat limital
<br /> ta+re•f►rascnc�t+on9�ronr.crning Burrower's dccupnncy of�:hti Property as a.�i*�ncipal residena. If ihis St..-��rity inst�umcnt is on a
<br /> . l�ai�otscdd, &M�rowe.r shttl compiy with al! ihe provivfann•of the Irase:`if Barrower acquictis ft,e titic to the Properiy. the
<br />', ;��c;�sc�{d sux�the fer:titic shall r�t merge unleas U:ndr.r agt+�i�s to the mergcr in writing. .
<br /> '� �.�Pr�utnetftw t►[Li�dar'S RigMs in the Hmpert5..�f���rrower fails to perform the covenants and a�rocrnrnts contained in
<br /> � , t�tixs$ac,�urit}�Instn�meM��or thero is a lega� procooding�tbtjt may significantly affact Lender's righGS in th�:Property (such ns�
<br /> �'. ��''� p�t�oeeclir�in i�enkruptcy,pmbata, Cor ca►demnutian�c�f+�rfeltun or to enforce lawa or rcgulattons),tlkc�[,enckr may do+u�d
<br /> pa.y Cor wh�t�ever;ys axcessary to nrote�c;t th�o va(ue of thij.Property ar�d Lender's rights in tho Pro�eccJr.I.en�er's action�m�Y
<br /> ' in;luda pa.yen,g•arny yur.ng secc�rr:d by a li�n whfch titla�pt9ority over this Secuiiry [nsiru.ment, appe�ring ia.;�:rK►rt, piyina
<br /> rcimrmhta xaume.y:�'fa��and�+;ntering on tt�aP��uperty�tq�r!�alce m,pui�s.Altlwugh Lender mxy teke xction uode��t35±ti�ptc�gcapi►
<br /> 7.i.tttder�[x�t iu.ve to do sb, , , ';t;,'
<br /> . Aisy �►mourit� di�lwv,�xi by I.e�xier u�der thi�; �Kyxgraph 7 shall�ec�dtrn addltional debt of Borrower secund by thi�i,._
<br />• S�cuxit}•�mtatmeat. Unlass Aorrower�•:Gcndc:r�gr�o•ic�otixr ternu oiP payment. tl�ese amounts shali bar interest tro+r►thtr.
<br /> tltjita of diaburrr.mem at thc NutG ratc an�t'`3�ait ba �xl�ruhfe, with inu�est,upon r�iic�from l.�ndK to Borruwor toqaesting" ''
<br /> �in�.�nem. , .• ; .; .. �.
<br /> - �•• S.M�,��q�e Ia�wwnoe.Ip Lxnder rt�irir�e�innctgf►��?r urnurance xs a condition of`inqlcing the loui socuinJ by Uiis Security
<br /> • �mtn�nxr�c. &mntiv�x shall�ey tht premir,�ims xc�uiiq;ct'•t•4:`inaintain.tho�ngago insurance in pf'fect. Ii. for�ny rasoR. tbe
<br />. . ' ,.mo�t�pgo�murmx;�s aovcnRgc ra�uira! by I.Cr�er lapsr cr senes to k�c iri effa.'t.&�rrower shali�ay�the promiurnd roquirod to
<br /> ' u'�tnm-cnr•ri5,gr,subr�tev�tieily s.cj��ivalent to thc mongnBntietnurana:pr�viiicisly in et��ct at a wst su6stanti�lty cr�t�Ei�plent to the
<br /> ra�h¢tc�•&�bmwi�r r�f�ht max�'.gt�a insurcwc�prcviout�y�ih eIT�'ec+s, fm[it`ti3�altertwtt'�raUrtgagc insurcr approva�t,`„�� [.ender. If
<br /> �u4�sta�mti�lt��oqui►�sl.�tt mortguge insurancc oovi�ugn i�g�not availablo,�o�pw•er shx)1 pay to Lender eac:h rn�rKh'a sum oqual to
<br /> nnt�twalflh�of the.ycurly mqrtgAgc insurance pr�emin�t�-(x;ing paid by Borr,pwtr when thc insurano�."cnver�e la�sod or crusod ta
<br /> b�i�affi:ct.I.andrr will acccpt,usa and retain thc.e.�r�iynxnts ea a loss`us:scrve in lieu of morl�,c�:�e insurance. Loss nscn'o
<br />. •:� .
<br /> . '• ��on�tt�028 9r90
<br /> ,� r.o.:�o�e . .
<br />