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, ' ,� - .. .. �\.. � .. ' , .. <br /> — -.. <br /> '�� ._— _ • . _ ... __ —il',—_-. <br /> _ <br /> �. <br /> • - ,' ' _ <br /> ' ""' ` '�'...�a—'"—'—"_ "'__'___� ..t�___ � —__—__ —_'—_'_'_____"__ '_' ' —_ "_'___' _ <br /> -. . '" _'_"__'"''"___'__'_" '___" :, <br /> �•,�� ..�iY.Si7vli*:-._. <br /> - � �v.' N�'>(r`tilSll�� - . -.. .� � , � ,� . ..4. ......__ ,'_. _. . ..,.� .. '_ <br /> . 9i . , <br /> - - -•.• '1�'.^ .. �pl'J,�li�/Mia!f�p�C' !MIYM:.7L':.�4f.•� ... . ..�............ . .. . . .. . _ <br /> . -� 'llU.'si:�,�`L`..�._ �: . .. . . .:�'.... " ""' . �i�. .... ' ..... . . . .... . . '"�I�n�=_ <br /> ��� ���9/�� , .. <br /> � S�inpedbn. Lendcr or ite Rgont uuy muke roasorublo eAtdes upon wnd iaspecdons of tE�e Pinperey.I.eydar shAll <br /> � . give Bormwer rwNca�t the dme of oc prEor to au l��spectio�specifylag rs�son�bta caus�for the ins�eCsion. <br /> 10. CondemnAtlon. 'I'bo procae�e of nny owerd or clnlm for damages,dlrect or cot�saguenHpl. in conn�c:Uon wlth <br /> " �ny condemn�dan or othar� of Rny pnrt of tho Properiy. or for conveyance in Ueu of condemnttion, are honby <br /> . ' assignod�nd shdl bep�!d to�der. <br /> � Ia tho evont of w ioiAl ¢�i�g of'tlw Peop�fty,t�a ppacc��s�11 h�epplted to the sums securr:d by thia Security <br /> �� r�.e..�,w�r�.Wt�e�her or not t}nn due.wllh�nY oxcesa pdd to Borrower.ln the avent of a pArtfxl tnkin8 of tl�e Pro�pert`y�� <br /> -___---'-= which the fiir m�rket vxiuo of the rrapuriy i�dlatai�r�tar :tw t«:�ag i�e��.ai i:,ur o[t:.e�e N�...�.,,� ................._ : <br /> �;�;-,�y suma eec;�uod�iy thia Sa;urlty Iastrumant imraaliataly bafora the�� wile,9s Horrowar and L.endar otharwise egrea hi <br /> ''.,,,,�,.•,,,�w- vur1U�,�the�seeurod by Wis Securlty Instrumeat s6a11 be reduc by the amaint of the proceeds uxultiplied by the <br /> £oll fnctiaa (a)tha total amount of the sums secured immediataly ls9fore the taidng, divided by(b)tha fair m�rket �. <br /> vdne of tbe Property imaiedlately ixsfore tha��q Any bwlwnca shxll be pxid w Borrower.In th�aveat of s parrHal t�3cing � <br /> of ttsa Prapett�►in which the fair mnrket valua of tbe Property immadiRtely before tha t�kin8 ie less tl�un tLe nmount of the = <br /> sams eocured immedi�toly bofora tha taking. unless 6orrowor and I.en�lar othaneisa agres in wrltiag or unless RpplicaUle _ <br /> �� 1a��1 ot1:�r��Le pmvides, H�e praceeds shs�!l16e sppliad to the sumq securecl by this 5ocurlty Instrumant whetl�er or not tha � <br /> h <br /> ' sums Are thea due. <br /> If tLe Property ts nb�ndored by Borrawer. or if.after aotica by Lendar W Borrower that tha conclamnnr offiera to <br /> rnaks an pwud or settle s cl�im for dvm�gea,Horrowar fiils to respond to Lendor witUin 30 days after tha daco the nottce <br /> " � is g[ven� Lauder ie authoxizad to esAect aacl aPPly tha proceeds.qt its optton,eithar to mstor4tion or repair of t6o Pmpnrty <br /> ' . � or to the aua�s aecusod by thia Socurtty Inshum°at,whethor or aot then due. <br /> • Uttt�s I.n�or�t!�l Bormwar otherwiso agroo ia wriHno,any appllcadoa of pmceeds to prin:ipsl e�ll not exteod or ` <br /> ,� pwtpoae the due date of the monthly paymonts roferred w in pRr�n plu 1 and Z or cbaago the Rmou»t of uuc�i�ywsa�• �y <br /> '� 1D. �erovr�r Not Releuedi Fse�bannoe By l,ender Not � �d�er. Batenion of tla Wne for payu�e�t or -- <br /> � nwdiflc�tion�f�monlsatian of the�um��ocured fsy tWs Secud irWrument�csnted by l.entor to ay a�ccaar in inta+e�t - <br /> ,;,,.,,... of Borrotiver�ull not opor�ts to rolaue tla l�bllity nf t6e arl�rM! Borrower or Borrawer'o eucce�an fe intero�i. l.eadee !�-- <br /> . _ '_,� ebR10 aot b�qutred w commeace erocealin,��eQalnst�n�r a�ccs:wr in iatere�t or rofl�e W e�taad tlme for p� aa�at or _ <br /> odMrwi�s modify Rmorii�uuo u?��a cs��M cN,u:�by th.e S�`!:ilty IR��!!K9!±R My ra�wa of �ny damaad� by tl�e �_ <br /> ` � , orijin l e o r r a�+wr or ec�rrower'�wccawn In iaterat. Any forbMruice by Landar ia exerci�ln��ny d�ht or romedy�11 - <br /> not be�vv�lver of or preclude dw�eseroi�e of aay d�ht or ramedy.� <br /> �- :,,,�� . 1Z.�uCOas�xt u�d A�Baund3 Joint�nd 6eter�l L4tbllityt ��• The wveu�ah�ad�of <br /> thi� 3eawily Intrun�ent �lull !nd �ad beaeflt the wccea�n wd �i ne o L.evdor pad Borimver� eu ,�ect tq tbe <br /> nd <br /> �:...r .....•;�� providow ofpn�nph 17,Borrower'e coven�ute�ad e reemena ehwll be��i�wd eeveral.Aay Borcower vvlw cosi�ne <br /> th��Securlty Inshumnrat but doo�not eaxute tye Note:�a) i�co�i�nln� t e Security In�tnm�ent ody to mort$��e.irnat <br /> e <br /> �od coavey tltit Borcuwer'� irtoroat in the Pmpo�yr uader tha tenns of thie Security Inatiuiaent: (b) ie nut psrson�UY <br /> .:.�<,-�-.�•,:'�t; obllpled to pay the atm��ecur�by inie �ocuri'ry tia��w. µ,3 Zsj: .,.,o!�: :.s�:�!ss; �►w±*An.�nwer mav <br /> 1-� .:� .. �ee W extend,modify. focbe�r or mako any eccommod�eions wlth re to tt�e teima of tt�s Securiry ynsWment or tbe <br />-- � .r,'�',. Note datg crowar'e coasont. <br /> -,:.,_.; �C°�ea� Ig f�e lan securod by thia Secudty Inattument ie eubject ro a law which eeta maxlmum loan <br /> -^ =-�_����. � char�ee. �nd tLrt 1Rw !s flnally jnteipnted so th�t the inceraet or other law chuges collxtod or to be callectat in <br /> _�,"'�:," �mection wixh the loan oxceed the pecmitted lim[ta, then (a) any such lo�n ctt�rge s6all be reduced by the amouat <br /> -_�'.,`-:��,`L�A which eaceeded <br /> __�i.,��,.�' mceeary to �e tLe cWrgn to tLep�rmiued llmi4; and (b)+tnY sums alratdy collected froai Horrower <br /> __�,.�,-,;� Porntittod 11mite wlll t►e reftmded to Bomctivver. Y.ender msy chooae to auke tLis refimd by reducing Wo princlpal owed <br /> _.�...:r�t� w�dsr the Noto or by m�fdng a dlrxt p�yment to Borrower.If a rofuud redueea prlxipl, tlye reductioa will be h+eated as R <br /> �.t;-,..� putLlprep��yment without�ny preP�Yment cl�uge uslee tt�e Piote. <br />�.;-.,,.-�-..�T.� 14,l�ipfkes. Any notice w Borrower prowded for in thia Security Instcumeat ehall ba�Iven by doHvering it or by <br /> -=�-,,,�°; mdt;ag it by flrst cl�sa mdl unlessagpllcable l�w requtres use of�nother methixl. The nohce sh�ll be directed to the <br />�T�"' "�'�°` Pmpaty Addreea or my othar addresa Bosowor de�igiutea by nottce to Le�ler.Any notice to Le�er slull be given by <br />--x•'`i•'!' <br />----_�°:=��'• first olase mail to Leader'e�ddross st�ted herein or�ny olhcr�ddrosa Leader deeigntCee by notice to Horrower.Any notko <br /> �_,:���._r� pc�ovided ior in this Sec�xity Iaetmment shall be deemed to Ivvo boen givea to Horrovver ar Lender whea given�e provtcied <br /> �4;��� in tble pan <br /> —___^_ �a� ls. teroio�I.aM; Se�erab11it9. This Sccurity Iast�v°�°mt s�aU b°govarnai bg fedenl l�w�nd the lsw of tbe <br /> urlediction in which tLo Property ie loctted.In tl�eveut that �ny pro��E'•�n or cL�uee of this Securlty In�ument or tLe <br /> —__y-_: �ate confllCta with�ppllcxblo 1�►w.svch conflict shall aot�t�ect othor px�ovlsfons af this Secwiry Inetmme�or tlse Note <br /> —�'��- which can bo given et�ect without tlye conflicHag provIeion.To thie ond the provlsioa�of t h i s S e c u r ity I n a h u m e�t�n d t h e <br /> —=-�:.�� Note�to declated to be eoverable. <br /> ---= 16.Bam�ee'e Cop�. Borrowe:elull be�tven om oo n f o r n�o d copy o f W o N o t e w d o f t h ia S e a u r tty I n s h+�m e a t. <br /> --��= 17.'rt�netee ot tbe 1�raQat�or a B��k1a1 Interest In Bocmwtc. If sU or any put of the P m p e i t y or nny <br /> -�-�=*�^*�_ {deen:S fn it ie eo'd oz trmefecrod(or if a boueHcW i�enst in Borrower ia eold or tnnefer[ed wd Doaower ia not a <br /> - dtt�utl petson)witfia►t Lendar's prlor wrltten coneent.Levder may��t ite optioa.raNi��+Imm�alitto psymeat in ti�ll ot tU <br /> �� � -�.�� e�uns eecurod by thie SocnrEty InswmenG Havever. this opt[on slull not bo exercised by Le�kr if eaerciee ie pmhibited <br /> .---=��`R:�� by federtl!�w�+of the d�te of this Security Instiumo�. <br /> „ri:'��,;��; If Le�for exercisee this option,Leacier slull giva Borrowor noUce of�ccoleratinn.The not�ce nhall provide a petlod <br /> =-:^.�� of not loae th�a 30 d�ys from ti�e date the notice ie dellvered or mailat wlthin whicL Borrower muat pay�11 sums eecured <br /> —'" •'i$.'.'. <br /> �iSlr:�;:�:-u4�' FOIITI�(f1I(� <br /> _.-._�^�.��' . <br /> � t"�i� SAHRERt 6Y�TEMO,iNC.,8T.CLOUD.MN 6l70211•�00�797•4S111 FOflM MDi-HE 4B/Yt <br /> . �i. <br /> ... . ,�: <br /> . ... ". ,t�. <br /> . .:�L.��1. <br /> .. " F�ankn� <br /> _� _ _ <br />