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<br /> , i�ludlog flood�or flooding. for which L.�ndar requires[nsuraaco. Tlde iasueuncs ehall iw rnnintained in the amounts and
<br /> !- for the periods th�t I.O�der�tes. T6o imur�m�e�►�ier provtdiag the iasuxaaca s}ull ba cho�en by Borrower aubjaCt to -
<br /> ' �" Letdor's appsovd wbich slul iwt i�e unrasombly withheld. If Borrawor fril$ to rnxlnwW coverxga dcscrilxd dhovo.
<br /> . Laader mRy. at LeAder'e optton� o6tda cavor�ge to protzct Le�ar's righte in the Proparty in accor�lanca wlth paregmph
<br /> � 7.
<br /> All i�n.reanco pollcles and ramwale shall bo accaptable to Lender and shall inclu8a a �tAndrrd mortg�ge clauso.
<br /> '" Lender etull�va the el ht to hold tho pollcioa �txi tenew�ls. Hf Lender nquires��orrrower sUaU pt�or�sly givo to I�rz�!�r
<br /> -,_�:� .. . --�----°--,a���r��wil Iiw�W�I �INI(�wi Tn�hw event af lasa. Borrowar ehall�ivu prorapt uotica to the insurKnce �. ,.
<br /> ---_�="_: -=..�.r e��e�wwu��,.nat,ava,,,�....,.....�..�..� ._..---• -- - — .
<br /> �� curter ind Landar.Lender mRy me3ce praof of loss if not m�de prnmptiy by Borrowdr.
<br /> Udosa Lendar and Borrower otherwlso�egree in wridng,ias�r�nce proceeds shall be appliesl to restoration or n lr
<br /> ,.,,,.a,.+.+r+P. of the Property dam+►god�if the restor�tlon or re�xir is acoaomicxlly feasible and L,e�ler's socurity ia not lassetbd. I�the
<br /> ` msWnHon or repair is not xonomically feasiblo or l.endar's security would ba lassemd, tha insuranco prucaede eluu b°
<br /> .,.� �spgul to tLe sums securesl by this S�curiry Instrument. whathor or aot then due, wlth any excesspaid to Borrower. If .-
<br /> Borrower x�ndoa9 the Property,or daas not snswer wiWlu 30 c7ays a notico from Lsudar ttut the insiirance c,urrlor h�e �}_'
<br /> ��•`� u f f e r e d to sa u le a c l a i m,t h ea L e u l e r m a y w l l e c t t h e i a s�u t n c a p m c e e d s.L e�a r m a y u s e t h a p r o c e e d e t o r e p�i r or mstora R:
<br /> ;� the Pmparty or to pxy numy sacurad by C�Sis�ccuriry Ia:.trumsnt, �vhet�r or eot t h an d��e. T he 3 0-d�y p e r i o d w l l l b e g i n �-�
<br /> when the notice is$�ven. --_
<br /> •> � Unless I.o�er ond Borrower othorwise agrea in wridag,any applica�tion of proceesla to principal shall not eat�md or _.
<br /> . postpone the due dRto of tha moathly p�yments taferred to in paragrapha 1 and 2 ar chsqga tha amouut of the psywetde.If ---
<br /> .,.'� fmmrd�wo�8e t�o the PropertY Prla t the acqui iHon�eball�p+�ss to rLettle�r t tha oate��tho�suma seeu�+od by this Soeur� -
<br /> �w
<br /> Instiument tel pdor to the acquisiHon. -
<br /> � 6. Occupancg�.Preaerv�don,Mai�►ten�ivad Protectbn oi tk�e Pro�n�tyi B,nrrower'a Lcwn Appikati�a3 =_
<br /> cup a
<br /> I.e�eholds. Borrower shAll ocet�py. est�blLgh, usd use tha Property as Borrower s prlacip�l reaidenco within si�cty daye
<br /> ; after the exeF��Non of thia Security�trumont and slnll conHnue to occupy tha Pro�erty ae Borrower'e principd raide�ce --
<br /> �:, �, for u laut one yeu sRer the d�te of occup�acy� unlass Lanckr athervr4se agrees!a writlnt, whfeh coneont eh�ll not be
<br /> �� .�it�!,��Q•ra��•�e�te��LF��o�ircumetancea exiet which�re beyoad Borrower'e contrd.Aorrower�lull twt
<br /> �--.�c,:.,,.y .
<br />_ �il�; der�roy� dom�pe or imp�ir the Pcoperty. �aw tbe Property to dotedar�te. or commit w�ato on the rroperty. esorrower
<br /> r6a11 be in defiult ifany forfeiriue scdon or proceedin�,whotltier civil or atimin�l, i�be�un tl�t in Lendet'��ood fi�fdi
<br /> __ .;�,..� ' �udjmene couW nwit in forfeituns of tLe Proporty or othe�wi�e mnkrislly im�it We !b� cr�ted by t61� S�curlty -
<br /> �umens or Lendar'e recurlty iatereat. Borrower�y cure euch�defiult�ad reimt�te��pmvid�d ia p�njnpb IS,by
<br /> '"'� ��. uudaj the �cHon or procoedlc� to be dL�i�ued with �rulin� dut. in Lender'� Qood f�fth det�tasfn►tbn, pr�olwl�
<br /> �u:"'� �P� � fotfeiwro of tbe I3orrower'�idet+est ia da Property or other material it�irment of t!a lien antted b�y thi� 5�curity
<br /> -_;�;";�:' `; IoWeumes�t ar I.oador•�wcurity intarat. Sorrower�h�l�Rla be in deht�l�i�Ec► ���r�n oe�+nvide�Len�der ��wiluh�wQy pmn�ter�i�1
<br />_�ti,:A:;�• �p v�o asioiuiiiy ..I�o o�w�c..-� 1Lfc�tf�o::..._.'�'�s.. ��. ,-- ----
<br />—;.-�.�rt informadon)ia connoctbn wlth the laa evt�onced by t1�e 1Vate� includin�� b�t nc�t Iimloed to. repcaenqido�conoe
<br /> p:':`;':,j,�; - Borrower'e occupancy of tl�e Property�s a pr[aaip�l raeidexe.If thi�Secudty I�trumeat ie on�laue6uld�Borrower�
<br /> ..c`.,;�;t�._� co�1 y witb sll d�e ptovistoos of the lesto.If Borrower�cquiror fee title t�the P�toperty. We lw�ehold�nd tho feo Ntln
<br /> -_-! =<�, ehall oot merge unbae Le�lor�groee w tho mergar in wrtting.
<br /> =�_;�-,��� 7.Pt�otation of I.tuder'e RI{hts In tue Property. If Bocrower fiils to perform the covenwte aad
<br /> ..`r-� ' :•, conbiined in this Securtty In�tcuaueat, or thon ie a leg�l proceeding tlut may si ficantly affxt Len�ks'e d ia the
<br /> =.,,::_:;�;�:
<br /> _
<br />