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<br /> . .tr�Y.'i^I . . �e i.
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<br /> . :. .
<br /> �L��1___ ".._..�. ... ..�� .._._..�.... ..... . .�i_.�__ , ,....�.....��—_ . �_ -.. ____' __. .. ._.
<br /> ' � -'fi.. -w�_
<br /> _ ' " �.=Jrl�d_ ..�, .-'
<br /> ._. _..._.. .. .._._..... ...�.._.
<br /> � .. �Y1�91�1M'Yw`.� ,. .. . . . � •• ' . .nWr:�E/I(II���i _.. . .1�14Yr�- - .
<br /> - ��h.... r .. � � � ... RT•'-n . . ....__. .. ... . -. .. _ . .. ..._..... �
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<br /> �N,�n� . .. .� . . -. . . -- .�
<br /> �lSVS'�'M1M��a.:._n..��."""' '" �.
<br /> �a�.�va�r:- -- -
<br /> u� . _ ` ,::t;' -•.-
<br /> �a� �V�IV�V .
<br /> � by tl�ie Securlry Instrument. If�orrawer feils to pay these supas p�ior to the axp nd on Bo�ower������r�y�voka
<br /> any nemedies parmitted by this Securlty Instnwaent wlthout fusther notice or dama
<br /> 18. �rrowa''s Rl�ht to Reln9tate. If Bonowar meeta cartain candltloav, Bonower shall hava tha rlght to hava
<br /> anforcement of this Securlty Instrument dIecontinued st nny time rior to the earlier of:(a)5 dA ie�(f�c�o 8e�;�s
<br /> .. ursuant to any pcn . .
<br /> � ogPlic;bla lnv���y s(�cify for roin.gtxtemant) befo�sale of the IOP81'IY p
<br /> - �.,� Secudty Instrument:or(b)Qntty of a Jud$msen�enfo�ing�t�h�is es.��..�w T�mim�ent nnd the Note as if ao�eccaleratiau�had
<br /> '�`-_-_' �iwys LCE:laP A!1 &ufll5 w!lien inntt wuuiu w ..u�, �..�•• ••••� --_--_.. -- �----- -`_ = "
<br /> � oocurred; (b) curea sny defAUlt of any other covenant� or egreemants; (c) pays all expenses i�urrr�i in ea�arci�8 �"'
<br /> �'+' "�� Securlty Instrumant, itxlttding. but not limited to. masonabla attornays' faes; and (d)takes such acaon ws LeAdar may
<br /> �" reasontbly requino to asaure that tha liea of this Security Instrument, Lendar's rlghts in die Property uui Horrower's .
<br /> obllgatioa topay tbe sums securecl by this Securlty lastrumen4 sball continua unchanged.UPon reins�8�am°�by Horrowar. ,�'�
<br /> tMs Security Instruwent and the abligations secured hareby shall remaiu fu11y affecdve as;�ao accsleraaon�ad occurred. . _ .`,��:� •
<br /> Ha�vavar,tbia dght W reinst4ta eha11 mt Qpply in the c�se of accelaraUon under parab�rapli .� . ''.'•.:` �
<br /> x •�,••
<br /> 19. �ale of Note;Chttnge of I.oan 5ervica�. Tha Note or A pxrtial intarest in tha Nota(Wgethor with tlris Securiry , q,��;�;K_�
<br /> „.:...--�,:���,:::
<br /> Inawmant� mx�►b9 sold o�or mora times withwu prior aoticn ta Bor:ower. A sale may� S����'��i��,�e;e �
<br /> (Imoyvn�a the Loan Sarvicer")that collecta montl�y paymencs due undor tha Nota snd ;;:,,�y''�;
<br /> •� also m�y be or�or mora changes of the Loan Servicar unrelatad to a sala of tlie Nota. If tbere is A chaage of the Lan , ._�,�_.�__
<br /> �ervicer,Borrower will be given wdtten aotice of t6o cl�nga ia nccordai►ca with paragraph 14 above and�ppllc�ble l�w. ' •.�._„ ..
<br /> „ a.��..'�'�1�#�'
<br /> ,; Tho aotice wlll st�te the nAme wnd address of tl�e aew L.o�a 9ervlcer iwd the address to whlch p�yuwnta ehould bo m�do. . `... ..,a�•,L
<br /> 'E�±a no�tice wW aleo contdn any othar informRdoa reQuired by�pplicable law.
<br /> n
<br /> . 2 0. H�r t 1 o u s S u 6 u t R n c t e. B o r r o w e r e h a l l n o t ausd ur p eeLL�i4 ttsa pr�.cce.��.�!°poe�l� ntor�ge or rofe�ee of _'.'�.:f;`:--�;'.^_`==
<br /> :' tts
<br /> � wtry Huardour SuMd�ncca on or in the Property. Borrower sh�ll not do, nor a11ow anyom else to do, �ny t�inp s f f e c H t� 'L�1�:
<br /> �
<br /> the prc�perty thst ie in vtalatlon of�any Environmea�ul I.�w. Tho preceding tvuo sentences etnll��PPj�t be p m�ris0e• � ;'f L:�,.,-.�;,?:
<br /> we�orpetor�ge on tLe Property of sm�U qu�ndtta9 of Hsaxrdws Substaacos tbat are generslly ru;ogmzoa �►PP P . :. , .
<br /> .. � to aormRl raidendal usea and to m�intenance of the PropeKy.
<br /> :.,;�--...�
<br /> Horrower stu11 promptly givo Lo�r wr[tt:,n notfco of rasy fines!lgetlon. c!�!9m,demznd,l�wsuit or oWer ncdon by �;__
<br /> �"�. �y 8overnmenbd or resul�tAry agency or pdv�te pady invatving the Property aud anp Hau►rd o esrnmonptl or mgulatory �,��'`'"�``��' - -
<br /> . meaW Low of wW�h Botrower has�ctuwl Iwowledge.If Bormwer le�rns�or ia notltied by any g ?�-::-:
<br /> „ 18 nec�ry,Borrower
<br /> •uthodty. ttut any romoval or oWa;romedirtion of wny Hu4rdous Subat�nce pffeatla8 tbe Pr°P°1►Y�
<br /> :�l'` ---
<br /> �P��I�Y t�tko all aocessary remedial acttoav in accordAnca with Bnvironmenta!Law. - .._ _
<br /> . As used in this per��ta}h 2U� "Hazudous Substaac°9"uo th°sa substancea deflaed as toxlc or hatirdous substancas
<br /> by Enviroameatal Law wd tlye following substances: g�soline. kerosene. other tiamm�ble or Wxic patroleutn pmctucte. `�y_.-.°—
<br /> toxic peeticides and herbicicbs.volRtlla solvanta,m�cerials coata�rsixi$to5 or form�ldehyda,�nd ndia►ctive materWe. ,�
<br /> _: - As wed in thia�grnp�a ia, "finvi�v�;o;,�i L:.,r'�.,;.s�f�s�l ��„g�l4wa of the iurisdicdon when the PmPartY ie E.--=-
<br /> located thRt nlato to he�lth,safety or eavimnmentnl protectlon. �
<br /> . Nox•UxmoRtrt Covm�utrrs•Bomower rad Lender further covanant wd sgree as foUowa: ,
<br /> 21. AocelaAtloni Ranediee. I.ender ehall�ive notke to Bormwer prlor to acceleratbn[dlowin�Ba'rower e
<br /> ." .:.;.,,,,< • 6reacb ot w�y co��nt ar a�reement in t!�Security Instrunent(but not pr�lor W accekntbn under p�r�apb 17
<br /> bk law prodd�otha�wise).The notice s6aU specifYs(�)the dc�aulti(b)the octtoa requfred to cure fl�e
<br /> thaw
<br /> �� ;'- � ��c)�dste,aot leee than 30 days fibm the dnte the notice Is given to Borrower�by whtch tb�defauk murt be
<br />-,:,.,�,`,�.,�_�,;.�� . c�u'ak�(�t6Rt fiil�ue to ceae the defttuk on or befon the�kte specitlT6e notbe shall fu�rther info Barrowa
<br /> �:�„�.: .:;,„�fl . at the sua�ecc�ored br tl�b Securlty Imtr�anent and e�le ot the Propeety.
<br /> �.a�.�,•.,�:A: ' o[tbe rlaht to eeWfate nitar wccderndon wnd tLe d8ht to bdng a oourt rcxion to �eett tlee non�atietenoe o[n
<br /> deQ�uk or�ny otLa ds�a�se ot Borrower t4 aacderAtbn aud eale.IP the def�aW�f ill O[�s�ne�b thb
<br /> .. :� �., :,.. speci!{ed ln t6e notiae. Lender at Its optlon auy' reqn(re irrimediate paym -
<br /> .. ' � � Sticuri L�brument without furtMx demand and m tnvoks the power of�Afe And any ot6cr remedlea pe�mt�by -
<br /> Incurred in purs+�tt�e rauedies Pe'u�fded tn thid
<br /> =-�.'�=^='`;� �P��Inc�but n�ot imlt'd to�coltmsot�bb a�s'[ces end costs o[title eddwce. �
<br />- : �:-,_:�=�� P�
<br /> _.�,-���-�,,�� �the power ot sa�e b in�aked.Tnistee etuli reoord a notke of delault In e�c1�coant�tn Nhfch anT part o[the
<br /> ._.„���;�,�,� b{ocated uid ehaU m�ll ooplea ot such ootiae tn the n�anner pr�scribed by�p�Ndbk l�w to Bnee�ower ond
<br /> � �� d b� ap�llcable law. AOtcr the tlme �+e9Wred Ib �Ap1�bk law. 't'rustKe� �t�e
<br /> ..-�':,: ., to Mber pe�'eo°e
<br /> �T�;:�.'.. �„ �ootice ot eele o tbe psn�am and in the manner prescribed by nppllcab I�w. Trusta�v�ho� ad oe
<br /> ��:,. .:•:4 er ehdl eell the Prop�ty at public auctlon to the higlKSt btdda�at the ti�ne�ed PW�e w�d�mder tLe terme
<br /> ':-�'�";::� deslp�te�j!n tbe notkx ot'e�k dn ooe or morep�r�ds and In�ny order'Tru�tee ddtcrmines.Tnsstx ny1��
<br /> n of any pn�lowD7
<br /> � ��'4�;�,:.. eak a[all or any Parcd o[the Proputy by puWlc�nnounc��xt thc Waa Rnd plsce --
<br /> -;�'�:-.. �aEe.I.e�der or ite dea�nee msY P��ch�e�e��'r0,�h shall ddi�er to t6e purclwsec Tn�stee'e deed conv t6e
<br /> Upon etioefpt o[pa�nent ot the rice btd ruatee
<br /> -:=�-=;�;�.,�-� Pkap�rty. The Kctt�ls in Qhe Tnntee�s deed s�U be prima [wcle eddence of t�e truth o[the n�° ----
<br /> �-�" tlkrdn.Tcustee ehall ppply the proceeds ot the�k In tM:fdbwin�ordsr:(p)8o aII casts und ex[x�s of a�erclst�
<br />..-,e+i�"'�;xv�„�,��,
<br /> �.�w..;_ ,.
<br /> _-^:'�. - — -- -
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<br />- � �-� .
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<br /> � Original documer�
<br /> . AmerUs Bank ,
<br /> �:
<br />_t ..
<br />