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<br /> "Proceads")in connocUon with condem�a4ton or oiher takinp of tho Properry or part thereof,or lor conveyance In Ileu o}condemnation.
<br />---- `-'� Lender shail be entitterJ at ito option to commenca,nppaar in and prosocut�In Ito own namo any action or procoodinp�,and Ql�afl alao
<br /> b�an4ltlad to malca any campromiso or cot9tomont In conncctlon tdth cuch talclnn or damapo.In tho ovcnl any portlon of tho Prup��fy lo
<br /> � so takan or damaged,Lendr�r shnll havo tha option In Its soto and absolute dlscretlon,to apply aU euch proceeds, aiter deBucttnp
<br /> therefrom ail costs and expenses Incurred by it In connectbn wfth such Procaeda,upon eny indebtecineea escured hereby end In�uch
<br /> • '.��Z`� order as Lender may determine,or to apply sll sucfi Pror�eds,atter such deductions,to the rsstoratlon o1 the Property upon euch con�
<br /> �, , ditions ae Lender may determine.Any applicatlon of Proceeds to Indebtedness shall not extend or p�atpc�ne the due date ol eny pay
<br /> •� � � mente under the iVote,or cure any defauft theraunder or hereuixler.Any unapptied funds shall be paid to Truaror.
<br /> 8. Per�ormanae by L.onder.Upon the occurrenca ot an Event of Detauft heraunder, or IP any ect la cakun or lopal proceeding
<br /> ..�,,,�,�a commenced which materia►ly affeate Lenders Interest In the Property,Londer may In Ite awn dlacretlo�,buf without oblipatlon to do eo,
<br /> -__-y, � a+�r;wiii�vui+�uii�e iv or c�nrnanu��on i n!sior and�viii►oui rs'resssng i rustor irum eny��ig�t►on. ao�n�e�t r.:�:h �ruetor rtw.�;,r�o
<br />�-.�'�.� but failed to do an�l may also do any other act It ddema neceseary to prote+;t the security horeof. Trustor sh.►II, immediately upon
<br /> _�� demand iheretor by Lender,psy to Lender a�l cnste and expensea Incurred and euma expended by Lender In connectton with the exer-
<br /> � � cise by Lender af the toregoing righte,together wfth Interest thereon at the deteult rate prov�ded in the Nota,whlch shell be added to
<br /> the Indebtedness secured hereby.Lender shall nut incur any Ifabllity beca�se oi enylhing It r�ay do or omit to do horeunder.
<br /> ��� � 8.H��rcbue Mete►lels. Trustor shall keep the Property In aompl;ance with all appllcsbie laws, nrdinsncea and repulaUone
<br />`��,`_,�,� relating to fndustdal hyglonA or onvironmental protection(collectively re4erred to herein ea"Environmenta!Lawe'}.Truator ahall kaep
<br /> ` the Prop9rty free trom a!1 eubstartc�s d�emed!o bs ha:rsrdaus or to�tc urtdar any Environmantai Lawa(c.-,i!sctivaiy referr�i to iw�al�►
<br /> f �
<br />�.�'�� as'Hazardoua Materlals'�.Trustor hsreby warrants arfd repreuents to Lendor that there are no Hazardous Matedeis an or under the
<br /> �.ra� � Property.Trustor hereby agrees tp Indemnify and hold harmtess Lender,ite directors,oNicore,emplayaea and agonts,end any succe&
<br /> ���,� sore to Lender'e Interest,from and againaf any and all claims,damages,losaes and Ilablfitlea arising in conneation wltfi the Rresence,
<br /> _�=--n=: use,disposal or trensport af any Hezardous Matedals on,under,trom or about tho Property.THE FORECi01MQ WARRANYIES AND
<br />_°- 10.Aasignmsnts of Rents.Trustor hereby assigna to Lender,and grants Lender e security interest in,all present,future and
<br />_°s i''� after artsing rente,issues and proifts oi the Properiy;provldod that Trustor shall,untll the occurrerece oi en Event oi Defeult,hereundar,
<br /> ,�_'��`" _ have the dght to collact and retaln euch rents,issues and protits as thsy become due and payable.Upon the occurrence of an Event of
<br /> Geteult,Lender may, etther in psrson or by agent,with or w(thout brtnging any action or proceeding. or by a receiver appointed by a
<br />_��_�� couA and wlthout regard to the adequbcy oi Its securlry,enter upon and take pcaasession o}the Propertq,or any part thoreof,in Its own
<br /> ___ = name vr in the name ot the Trustee,and do any acte which it deemo neceasary or dealrable to preserve the value,marketability or
<br />_ — rentebility oi the Property,or nny pdrt thereof or Interest therein,or to tncrease the Income theretrom or protect the secudry hereuf and,
<br />-__ _ with or w(ihout teking posaession c►f tho Propertyr,sue for or otherwise collect tho rents,Issues and proiits thereot,InclUding those past
<br /> —= due snd unpald,by noUfying tenants to make paymenta to Lender.Lender may apply rente,issuea and proflte,less coets and expens-
<br /> ____ ea of operation and collectlon Including attomey's tees,to any indebtedness secured hereby,all in such order as Lender may deter-
<br />�-- mine.The entedng upon and taking possession of the Property,the collection of such rents,Issues and profits,and the applicatlon
<br /> -= 2tSSi�3t::«:Of.^..^,.:3L�.^>�ia!!rat assra ar as�sro ary�-inult or ni;ca�i��iaut�i�a�Qvr,�i 3i Zii�SaliL'a23 a�ij�dG2 t�u�m 3i�ia$N'vitoo ii'i oils.it
<br /> == default ar pursuant to auch notice of default end, notwithstanding the continuance in possession of lhe properly or the Collectlon,
<br /> �-�Y receipt and eppllcation of rents,iasues or profite,Trustee and Lender shali be ent(tled tu exerolse every tlght provlded tor(n eny ot the
<br /> Loan Instruments or by taw upon occurrence ot any Event oi Oefault,including without Ilm(tatlon the dght to exercise the power of eale.
<br /> Further,Lendere dghte and remedies under this paragraph ehail be cumulatfva with,and In no way a Ilmitatfon on,Lender's�ights and
<br /> remedles under ani assignmunt o}leases and rente recorded against the Qroperty.Lender,Trustee and the recefver shall be Ilable to
<br /> _ eCCOUnt oniy(or those renta actually received.
<br /> 11.Ewnb of DNault.The following shell consUtute an Event ot Defauit under thie Deed of Trush
<br /> (a)Falture to pay any Insta�iment of principal or Interest ot any other sum secured hereby when due;
<br /> (b)A breach of or default under any provision contelned In the Note,thls Des�d of Trust,any of the Loen Instruments,or sny
<br /> other llen or encumbrance upon the Proporty;
<br /> (c)A writ oi execution or attachment or any elmflar process shall be entered agalnst Trustor which shail become a Ilen on
<br /> the PropaRy or any portion thereof or Interest thereln;
<br /> _ (d)Tl�re shall be filed by or agalnst Trustor or Borrower an action under any present or tuture fecieral,stete or other ststute,
<br /> law or repulation retating to bankniptcy,insolvency or other relief for debtora;or thsre shall be appointed eny trustee,recetver or
<br /> Iiquldator ot Trustor or Borrower or of ell or any part of the Property,or the rent�,issues or profite thereof,or Trustor or Borrower
<br /> shall make any peneral assignment for the banefit of creditore;
<br /> (e)The sale,transter. lease,assignmont,conveyance or further encumbrance of e►1 or any pad of or eny IMerest in the
<br /> Property,eftAer voluntadly or fnvoluntadly,without tho express wrttten consent of Lender;provlded that T�ustor ohall be permlt•
<br /> ted to execute a laase of the Property that daes noi contafn an opUon to purchase and the term oi wh�h does not excaeat one
<br /> year,
<br /> (�Abandonment oi the Property;or
<br /> (g)I}Trustcr la not an Indlvidual,the issuance,sale,transfer,asslgnment, conveyance or encumbrance of more than(If a
<br /> - c�rpnretbn)a totel of percent of its issuod and outstandinA stocic,or(Ii a partnership)a total of _ per-
<br /> - cent of partnerehip Interests,or(H a Ilmftad Ilability campany)a total of percent ot the Iimttod IIabllity compa-
<br /> _� — ny Interoate or voUng dghte durtng tfie period th�s Oeed of Trust rematna a Iien on the property.
<br /> -�_i 12.R�rrNdhs;Aco�l�ntlon Up�n Dsfaul�In the event ot any Event oi Oetault Lender may,w(thout noNce except as requtred
<br /> __ by law,deClaro ell Indebtedness secured hereby to ba due and payable snd the same shail thereupon become due and payabte with-
<br /> ---_ out any preaentment,demand,protest or notice of any kind.Thereafter Lender may:
<br /> (o)[Mmand that Trus4ee exerciso the POWER OF SALE granted heroln,and Tru3tee ahail thereafter cause Trustor's Inter-
<br /> —_�; eat U the Property to be sold end the proceeds to be diatributed,all In the manner provided In the Ndbraska Trust Deeds Act;
<br /> -___ - -- (b) Exerclse sny and atl rtghts provided tor in any af the Loan Instrumente or by law upon xcurrence of any Event ot
<br /> -- -'— Detaufll nnd
<br />- _ -- (c)Gommence an ection to foreclose thls Deed of Trust es a mortgage,eppolnt a recefver, or spec(ficaliy eniorce any of the
<br /> --- covenante hereot.
<br />-�x:x,.�1`�.i No romody h�ral�conterred upon or reserved to Trustee or Lender la intended to be exclubive of any other remedy hereln,In the Loan
<br /> ;-
<br />